When I started my site, peacepositive.net and created the Peace Dove car magnet, I wanted to donate as much of the proceeds as possible to peace charities. During the holidays, I chose to raise the donation amount to 100% of tne net proceeds. I then decided to keep the extra giving going through the month of January.

Unfortunately, to stay afloat, I have to go back to sharing less than 100%. But you still have two days to have every penny after taxes and shipping go to these great charities.

It’s a win-win. You get a powerful message of peace for your vehicle, and get to support great work for peace, disabled veterans and families who have lost loved ones in Iraq. (we believe charities that help those affected by war are as important as those trying to end it).

In 2005, we were able to donate over $500 to these charities. It’s not a lot, but we feel pretty good about it since peacepositive has yet to break even.

Thanks for your support and all the kind words we’ve received in this project that only has one goal: Bring our troops home as soon and as safely as possible.

(Cross-posted to DailyKos and My Left Wing)