This is not the diary I set out to write. Somewhere about the middle, as I was invested in a detailed analysis of just how we could change the world, I realized that I am completely full of shit.
I’ve read over what everyone has been writing, in response to my ranting call for a third-party. In response to the myriad announcements of changed registration from Democrat to Independent. In response to the rallying cries from the loyal, to save the Democratic Party from iteslf.
As I was researching the platform for a new party, it was very clear to me, that BooMan’s analogy of the O.J. Simpson trial, at least at this time, is right. The evidence is in. And third-parties just don’t seem to work. No matter how much people like me whine that they should.
I make this statement with the same fervor that I made yesterday’s rant that the Dems were DOA. It just seems to be a fact of life to me, as I read more, spurred on by the comments from some of our most interesting minds here at the BooMan tribune.
I look at the mission statements that were linked for The Green Party, the Independent Progressive Politics Network and the Peace and Freedom Party Platform, and I see wonderful statements. Sentiments I share. And they have many things in common, these sentiments: They were all crafted by someone far more skilled than I, and none of them have been implemented as policy, and none of these parties has had any significant success on a large scale in American politics.
There is no sense in me trying to re-invent the wheel. If I want to be a Green, I can go get my card tomorrow. I agree with most of their principles. But I inherently understand that to do so would likely condemn my future actions to relative obscurity. Not unlike what my actions are now.
I don’t say this to discourage any of my better organized fellows. I may well be following you. But I just don’t see me leading a bus anywhere but over a cliff. I’m just as likely to start the official Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in downtown Lansing as I am to start a successful third party.
And so, I must tell myself to STFU. I deserve that much. No more diaries for a week. Self punishment.
At least for now, Freedom of Speech is still allowed in the United States. You are therefore required to continue spreading your ideas and dialogue.
I won’t think of it as so much of a ban, as a timeout.
Please revoke your self-diary-ban. If you are unwilling to do so, then I will be forced to give you writing assignments to complete and post. Here’s my preliminary syllabus for you:
Wed 2/1/06 : Write an essay about how much you hate cheese.
Thurs 2/2/06 : Write an essay about how, after further consideration, some cheese is, in fact, ok.
Fri 2/3/06 : Write an essay about how much some cheese f*cking ROCKS.
Sat 2/4/06 : Write an essay about how you’re going to make cheese EVEN BETTER.
etc, etc.
I’ll get right on that professor.
I’m not a professor, I just play one on frog-loving progressive blogs
Watching a lady shopping with her young daughters one day made me think of debates on the subject of differences between the Republican and Democrat parties and their various politicians.
The daughters were debtating which popular “designer” label jacket they should have. The mother was trying to persuade them to accept an article of superior fabric and sturdier construction, and at one point, even offered to sew the “designer” label that each girl desired on them. No one would be the wiser, she contended.
An immediate chorus of outrage from the daughters, impossible, the Ecko has this kind of stitching here, the Bongo doesn’t have a pocket there, and so on and so forth. These girls could, and did, describe exhaustively, literally dozens of differences between what appeared (to me) to be two very nearly identical jackets, save for the label.
The mother acknowledged that fine, no pocket over there, stitching over here. However, both are made of flimsy material that will not keep you warm, which is the purpose of a jacket, nor will it hold up to use and washing. You need good warm jackets, and that’s what you’re getting!
To the girls, the differences between their respective preferred trendy jackets were glaringly obvious, and to them, quite significant. The mother’s perspective on the matter was so far from theirs that those differences, whether they existed or not, were irrelevant.
The Liberty Coalition needs you, Joe, even if it ends up having a different name. And Harry Belafonte needs you, even if he does not yet know he is to lead it. He just might need you to impart to him that information.
Let me quote from my favorite movie de jour:
“I don’t understand a thing you just said.” Chicken farmer to Napoleon Dynamite, after Napoleon asks if the birds have large talons.
I’ll still participate. I honestly don’t know where I am. But where ever it is, it ain’t leadership. And I won’t buy designer clothes. Okay. Nor sing with Belafonte, unless it is absolutely crucial to some movement, at which time I’ll sing like a Mockingbird.
It’s not about a third party, it’s about a second one.
And you wouldn’t have to sing. You might, at some point, be asked to suggest to Harry that he warble a bit.
I’m fortunate in that I don’t seek to understand the parable. It clarifies the message that way.
The groups that need representation I mentioned earlier could be incorporated into a unifying force and thereby creating a mutually beneficial partnership.
Their needs seem insignificant to those in power because the needs don’t apply in the decision making criteria. Create the force that matches (and joins for future battles) disparate voices to political leaders and everyone benfits in cooperative support.
has one party, made to look like two for psychological/public relations/cosmetic purposes.
That party works for and represents corporations.
Maybe the idea of a “third” party is not realistic.
However, the idea of a second party, one that would represent the interests of the people, especially the poor, has as much chance as chasing one’s tail and writing checks to millionaires of the current uniparty.
And if there is success, it could save lives.
“Success” chasing the uniparty will result at best in more stirring speeches and fine suits and hair, and exhortations to be patient issued to the grandchildren of those who were told to be patient.
I said essentially the same thing in a few comments recently. The main reason the two parties are so similar is because their is no viable alternative to compare them to. The lack of an honest check in place allows them to trade voting positions, issue false positions without recourse and so on.
Even an organized association, of as many groups as possible, would have an honest voice speaking out in contrast to the unified voice of the two parties.
I’ll try to write a fable for it.
There once was a young man that was desperately in love with twin sisters. He knew in his heart that one of them could be the dedicated partner to share his life and goals. They were both ordinarily attractive, intelligent, pleasant women and a fine choice. From there, the interests diverged but each had a mixed reputation of good points and bad.
One was known to be a frugal homemaker with excellent cooking skills. The other had the label of excessive spending in dining out but gladly shared her income to offer this as part of a happy life. He knew he could adjust to compromise except when it came to his personal time for sports. They each promised to accept this and even work to make it possible.
At last he decided and married one. Life was good but the promises grew empty in life’s routine. Eventually, even his sports time was not allowed through one excuse or the other. Unhappy with the betrayal of promise, they divorced.
The man was still hopeful to have a chance with the other, after years of regret in his original decision. The search for her finally resulted in marriage and life was full of promise for the future…until, she too denied him the needs as promised pre-nuptially.
As it became clearer to the wife that her husband was considering a divorce to attempt reconciliation with the first twin, she decided to admit to him…she was an only child.
That’s all the state of the “union” anybody needs!
You named yourself well.
The first draft had one twin killing the other to take her place by deception in the second marriage but, it was too vulnerable to accusations of conspiracy theory.
Sorry! Don’t mean to step all over your self abasement, (but that’s never stopped me before, so…)
I think your diary yesterday was just perfect. You took the anger, frustration and “gotta do something”ness that many were feeling and put it into words. I went back and read it, and the passion and hope and brainstorming and exchanges of information and knowledge (for and against) were excellent. The idea was taken out, looked at, researched (some great sites were found too), and ideas and hopes built upon. This is a good thing.
Me, I mentioned that I don’t have much of a belief in third parties (even less so after Boo’s diary this morning, lol), but the passion and determination that goes into building them (or even wanting to) has its place, and I think can be channeled into an effective building of progressivism.
Or something like that. I have been working on a site/project for a while which fits right in with that – only it’s not US focused only, as I think it’s imperative that we learn from others around the world, as well as impart our own knowledge.
Anyway, there is no need to shut up, no need to punish yourself (or us!) by keeping silent, and there is absolutely no shame at all in exploring different avenues, even if you ultimately decide not to take a stroll down that particular one.
Thanks for the props on the diary. I’m still open to participation in all ideas. I just need a couple of minutes to catch my collective wits.
Hmm. Sure doesn’t come across that way. And will you stop punishing yourself already?
No punishment. Just need a diary break. Truly. Come on. I’m sick of myself. Sorry. I’ll work on the fervor when making confessions of doubt.
Know what’s the difference between us and the facsist regime? When we blow off steam, no one or nothing gets shot. That includes stop signs, baby birds, bud cans and little kids of gay marriages.
You wrote a passionate diary, a diary that actually helped people during a time of loss, distress and frustration.
The other difference is this I truly truly value this with all my heart: What sets us apart or at least sets ME apart is that I don’t have any beliefs … just ideas.
Ideas are to be shared, changed, improved on and sometimes disregarded.
Ever try to change a belief or disregard it?? Those people will shoot you in the head over their beliefs.
But ideas.. they’re beautiful, man. They don’t require bloodshed.
You wrote a wonderful idea. You asked for sharing, improving… and you changed your mind.
That’s okay. That’s what this is all about.
Now shut the fuck up about shutting the fuck up and get back in here and help us think about more ideas.
You must be a good mom. But I’m still banning myself from diaries. Just for a rest. I’ll just write long comments when I feel the need. Gotta go to Fargo in a couple of days anyway.
You can take a rest from diarizing, babydoll! Don’t go flogging yourself over it.
Glad you’ll be around. I’ll be needing some ideas on how to present a protest idea in Portland to CodePink and possibly other local groups and I’d like you alongside for some help, humor and some, if needed, STFUs
I was more polite than STFU, wasn’t I?
You are always more polite than that, good sir.
I had no idea you could provide a spark to form a new party, get people riled up and agreeing with you and tell yourself to shut the fuck up all in such a short timeframe.
Oh well, back to the teevee and throwing things at it I suppose.
When I do that, ‘they’ call it rapid-cycling and whisper in closed circles.
Back to the teevee, yup.
When I do it, they just call it par for the course.
Yeah. I didn’t watch the SOTU. Or I would have been hurling shit. I’m sure. Sorry to be so schizophrenic. Honestly confused and upset about the bulk of all of it.
Ya know, it doesn’t make sense for Bushie to make severe cuts in programs that help mental health. I would think that pissing off and denying medication to crazy people who already dislike him is….it’s,….well, it’s just crazy.
I think alot of the discussion about what to after the Alito confirmation rests on the wrong question.
I consider myself a Democrat, but maybe I’m not a good one. I don’t really care that much about the party. Over the next few months, I care about electing Amy Klobuchar to replace Mark Dayton in the Senate. I care about working to get Becky Lourey elected as the next Governor of Minnesota. And I care about re-electing Betty McCollum as my Representative. And in a couple of years, maybe I’ll care about electing Al Franken to replace Norm Coleman in the Senate (although I’d rather continue to hear his snark on the radio) and working to get Russ Feingold elected as our next President.
Yes, they are all Democrats. But they are Democrats that I can believe in and work for. We can debate party all we want, but in the end, it comes down to individuals running for office. I’ve never known more political pain than when the Dem’s and the media took Howard Dean down. I wanted to give up on it all then. But I will FOREVER be proud of my work on that campaign. And I REFUSE to believe that it was a wasted effort.
So I say, find someone who moves your heart, and GET TO WORK.
I don’t think I can do it. Just don’t believe in the party. Not that yours is not good advice. When Kerry and Levin wrote me today, to explain things, I wrote them back and told them where I stood. Asked to be removed from lists. That the failure of the party is not offset by their personal good deeds in my book. That is where I am.
Request denied – STFU Diary, With A Twist – keep talking, keep ranting, keep sending ideas out here.
If we STFU we lose.
Because we stop analyzing and working to change the party, we stop caring, and corporate dollars win.
I needed a place to rest my thoughts…and this seemed like a good one.
All day I have drifted from one thing to another, occasionally getting on to read what others might have to say.
The judiciary committee’s questioning of Alito showed such a lack of preparation and coordination by the Dems, I couldn’t quite believe what I heard and read.
The discussion and debate and vote on Monday and Tuesday showed me a charade, meaningless theater.
Questions drift through my mind: Has government always been this way? When did it become like this?
But I don’t even want answers to those. They are just distractions.
I can’t even begin asking, “Now what?” The enormity of the nothingness I witnessed has me in a state of shock. I need to explore this void for a time.
I wish you well on your book tour. I heard downtown Fargo is interesting. You might need a hat, I understand there is always a wind.