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Froggy Bottom Cafe
Froggy Bottom Cafe
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
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Get all your
State of the Union
Protest Paraphernalia Here!
Earplugs to shield,
tomatoes to throw,
and the George W. Bush FBC Special
Try not to break the plasma-screen tv, unless you are planning to buy a few bumper stickers to replace it.
What good timing My bumper sticker came today along with my coffee mug.
My friend said
Pre-Oscar Tuneup Dept.
The Top 9 Scientific Laws of Movies (Part 1)
9. Uzis can shoot 600 bullets in a minute, yet will
miss any running humans.
and poorly trained number of evil henchmen.
and the Number 1 Scientific Law of Movies…
1. There is no gravity in China.
So my other friend said..
Re #7: Especially those trained in the martial arts, who are seemingly bound by the Rule of One. That is, only one may attack at a time. The others must stand around and wait their turn!
So I said
You guys left out the one main rule: The Evil genius always lays out his plan in details to the good guy before leaving him/her in the inept, incapable hands of lower minions who will botch up the slow, torturous kill (usually involving an easily escapable bondage device)
Also, in movies people’s eyes have superhuman abilities — wake any movie character up in the middle of the night by turning on a bright light and they just sit right up. Me- I’d be shielding my eyes saying “Turn the f****ng light off”
she is pregnant.
Anyone in a movie who coughs will die.
You, my dear, are apprently unaware of the list of The Top 100 Things I’d Do If I Were An Evil Overlord.
I love it!!!! Need to pass that on to my Trek/Batman/Vampire/Science Fiction friend 🙂
In every footchase in the woods, the female will twist her ankle and fall into a heap, either to be rescued by the male hero, or killed.
When entering a dark room in which you suspect there might be a bad guy, don’t ever check behind the door.
And finally, whenever a busty woman is thrown into a lake or caught in a summer rainstorm, she must be wearing a white blouse.
That’s why I loved Buffy — she turned it all on its head.
Also, in the movies when people come home to a house with a door broken open and all the electricity off, never never never call the police or go to your next door neighbors. Always walk right in saying “hello?”
LOL That’s not scientific laws though, that’s the skeery movie laws 🙂 which have at least 1,000 bylaws, most important being…
If you have sex, you will die!
If the hero and heroine dance around a tree, in the next scene she will either be pregnant or the baby will already be born.
I need to elevate my movie menu. These fertility rituals sound intriguing.
Movie Love Rule: the bitchier the heroine is to the guy, the more he loves her.
Oh wait. That’s real life.
You got that right. And the intelligent, trustworthy, kind woman who really loves him will have small breasts and librarian glasses.
But in a moment of movie magic, she will have a fairy godmother type character who will do a makeover on her in the five minutes before the party starts and miraculously she will discover that she never needed those glasses anyway.
The lady must spend a minimum of the first 3/4 of the movie pursuing the cad, and spurning the noble suitor, until the end of the movie, when she does a sudden about face.
If she’s really lucky the apparent cad (who wears a mask) that she’s pursued will turn out, in the end, to be the mild mannered Mr. Nice that she’s been spurning.
or at least the director..
If a kid with a stuffed animal is being carried by an adult who is running away, they will drop the stuffed animal.
either — leading the police (or the bad guy) who is after them to find them
causing the adult to turn around to get the toy and be killed.
SBF seeking male companionship. Ethnicity unimportant. I’m a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks pleasant drives, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand.
I’ll be at the front door when you come home wearing only what nature gave me.
I’ll be waiting…
Atlanta Humane Society
oh, what a sweetheart!
Hey there, beautiful! 😉
mean I sit in the corner or on the stairs??
also hangout by the chimnea on the back porch, if you’d like:
Wow, cool stove! Cast iron? Description please, Man E! (I’m guessing that’s your porch.)
but my parents’ have one just like it back home. They are usually made out of fired clay, although i have seen metal ones.
Now that you mention ‘clay’, I think I’ve seen them before, too. Looks like the perfect thing for a cool summer night up here. I’ll look into it further.
I’m tired after the last few days, I just posted a mammoth diary in which I took apart the Democratic Party and rebuilt it again, and I want to sit down, kick my shoes off and put some mindless entertainment on.
So since we know what Smirky McDipstick is going to be saying anyway, can we just turn the volume on the TV all the way down and put some rockabilly on the sound system? I’m thinking just about anything from Sun Records will do.
I just heard about a gadget that will let you turn off any TV anywhere. Like in bars or cafes.
I’m thinking of running out and getting one and using it tonight in the cafe if anyone turns on the SOTU.
I heard about it too, and had a “Damn, why didn’t I think of that?” moment. Apparently all this little gizmo does is fire off the “off button” code for 300 different brands of TV in rapid succession.
you might want to put those shoes back on
or is that the dog?
I don’t want to watch, and yet I’m afraid I won’t be able to turn away. Sort of like the first time I saw a penis up close.
water going down the wrong pipe …
NOt sure it’s rockabilly, but do you happen to like Reverend Horton Heat? I LOVE him.
Tell me more. I don’t know the Reverend but I’m always up to try something new, musically speaking.
Personally, Omir, I can’t think of a better soundtrack to a Bush visual but the music of the late, great rockabilly artist Hasil Adkins.
Via this website:
Frankly, I think he was the greatest — pre-figuring hardcore punk, Zappa, surf rock & B horror movies all at once, years ahead of time. Phenomenal — an imagination of incredible weirdness, but actually (by all accounts) a gentle human being.
Are his records available on CD? My friend Cap’n Wayne is putting together a “demented” Valentine’s day podcast, with stuff like Spike Jones’ “You Only Hurt The One You Love” and Weird Al’s “One More Minute” and this guy sounds like he’d fit right in.
Yes, indeed.
Sorry for delayed reply. Indeed, Cap’n Wayne should definitely turn on to this.
didja miss me — I’ve been without phone service for 7 1/2 hours. I think I suffered withdrawal symptoms too and hallucinated that a chimp boy with a pea brain was running the country — right into the ground. But damn when I got the phone line back and stopped hallucinating, it was still true.
Hey DJ, god should tell you to have a blueberry blintz with sour cream instead.
I missed you! The place was sort of quiet today without your sparkling wit.
and nobody to brown-nose you or mother hen you, either. Hmm, should that be a frown, a smile or both? :)(
Andi !
I did miss you and I was worried something happened to you.
That’s especially sweet since I’m one of those rotten boomers who left that icky mess for you 😉
Exactly. I thought you had gone to a boomer reunion rally in a formerly pristine field somewhere and were now lying passed out from too much drug, drink and sex in a pile of crap (literal and figurative). I’m so relieved you made it back.
Blueberrry Blintz!!?? 🙂
That, then, would be Jesus.
Because – wait for eeet.
…Jesus loves me! 🙂
It must be the Blue Dot because dots blue berries and because She loves you more!
Hey now… yum… those look like Swedish Pancakes!!!! 🙂
Andi I love you, too! I had another “blurt out the openess crapola” today. But.. oddly this time it didn’t leave me feeling awkward, odd or like I need to hideaway.
You guys are truly peacekeepers.
But I don’t want to be a peacekeeper — booooooring! I need to start some trouble — so DJ, how soon before you start thinking that the little girl with crush can’t possibly be good enough for your son??
ROFLMMarmotOff 🙂
I believe that happens at about the same time he decides the opposite 😉
Missed you indeed, Andi — figured you might be on an extended trek.
It must be a benchmark of abysmal presidential failure when brand new luxury cars in Carmel, CA have bumper stickers that say:
“One nation under George, divided.”
But, still, it cheers me up for some reason…. (just a little…)
I wonder where you can get one
Good Question! Don’t see anything on the internets.
with an emotion I haven’t yet known as a mother of my son.
Deep breath…………
This is just a sentence from the daily email I now recieve from his homeroom. It was buried in with all the daily details of assignments.
*He was a little concerned after eating today that a certain young lady was staring at him in the cafeteria during lunch, but the little girl simply has a crush on him. *
Can I float now or what? 🙂
Well of course she does. Sheesh.
outside and get down on my knees and hoot and holler with tears of joy and emotional exhaustion. Inconspiciously of course 🙂
How cool is that? 🙂
Way cool. And .. just like a happy moment in a movie!
what’s the happy move moment laws?? 🙂
does this mean I will be creamed by a runaway Hostess twinkie truck while trying to parrallel park ??
I meant a happy moment in a HAPPY movie. One of those dance around in the rain moments.
has been arrested by Capitol Police. Janet, I read somewhere that she was supposed to address Code Pink in DC today, do you have any info on that?
She was supposed to attend the State of the Union, I’m looking for more info.
Apparently she tried to put up an antiwar banner and they arrested her.
They arrested her or they removed her?
they said arrested.
Or maybe one of the “facilities” that are still “secret.”
Let me go see.
Arrested on what grounds?
Grounds? Speaking ill of the Führer and Chief isn’t grounds?
This is Bush’s America. We don’t need no stinking grounds, or warrants, or Constitution.
S’pose I should’ve asked for the stated justification rather than grounds ..
I knew she had a ticket to the gallery. Damn now I have fox on SOTU. I wasn’t going to watch.
Shit there’s nothing on Codepink at all…
I can’t stand this. Those asshats are applauding a shitforbrains warmonger. Fuck them all.
Guess they had to arrest Cindy because she wouldn’t applaud this criminal.
Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan, Congress Members John Conyers and Lynn Woolsey, Hurricane Katrina Survivor Malik Rahim, and Others to Speak at People’s State of the Union Event in DC
WHEN: Tuesday, January 31, 3 PM
WHERE: Stewart R. Mott House, 122 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC
WHAT: Prominent critics of President Bush’s response to the country’s most severe crises of 2005 – the ongoing Iraq war and the impact of Hurricane Katrina – will offer their perspectives on the real state of the union at a “People’s State of the Union” event on Tuesday, January 31st, 3 PM at the Stewart R. Mott House in Washington, DC. That evening, President Bush will make his official State of the Union address.
The People’s State of the Union event will feature:
Congressman John Conyers (D-MI), who recently introduced several resolutions that could lead to the censure of the president and vice president
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), author of legislation asking President Bush to develop and implement a plan to begin the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq
Gold star mother Cindy Sheehan, who is considering running for CA Senator Dianne Feinstein’s seat this November as a progressive anti-war candidate
Malik Rahim, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina who works with the Common Ground Collective in New Orleans
Ann Wright, a former high-ranking Foreign Service officer and Army Reserves colonel who resigned from the State Department in protest over the Iraq war.
John Cavanagh, director of the Institute for Policy Studies, which has released several reports on the cost of the Iraq war.
The People’s State of the Union events are being organized by the national women’s peace group CODEPINK (www.codepinkalert.org).
Later in the day, many of the speakers will gather at the restaurant Busboys and Poets for a public viewing of the President’s State of the Union address. That event will take place at 8 PM at Busboys and Poets at 2021 Fourteenth Street, N.W. (corner or 14th and V). The evening event will be simulcast by Pacifica Radio Washington Bureau Chief Verna Avery Brown.
The Associated Press
Tuesday, January 31, 2006; 9:10 PM
WASHINGTON — Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier in Iraq who reinvigorated the anti-war movement, was taken into custody by police in the House gallery Tuesday night just before President Bush’s State of the Union address.
Police escorted Sheehan from the visitors’ gallery above the House chamber after causing a disruption, said a Capitol Police official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the incident were sketchy.
Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., had invited Sheehan to the address as her guest.
Why on earth would she try to put up a banner BEFORE the SOTU even started. She wasn’t at a baseball game, nothing is allowed on the railing at the gallery even on ordinary days, it was clear she would get, at a minimum, ejected. So don’t you think she would of waited until the MIDDLE of the speech.
Glad you said that, not me (I just said the same thing in another thread, tho).
The way I put it was, “does it take a genius to figure that out?”
So, congrats, maryb, either you and I are genius’s or it’s not that hard to figure out.
Whew. 😉
Whata friggin let down, tho, when I heard Sheehan was going to be in the audience, I decided, well, heck, maybe she’ll pull some stunt worth seeing…and was all fired up to watch Sheehan give Bush hell.
Then she goes out and gets arrested before it even starts? huh? wtf?
So, it’s back to plan A for me: not watch.
maybe she got used to all the freedoms and liberties she had while in South America versus North America and forgot she couldn’t express herself as freely??
HOnestly I think we don’t know enough. Something must have happened. CodePink unfurls, stands up, shouts DURING… they’ll wait and wait..
I don’t get this at all either.
I agree. Wait to get the story straight from the horse’s mouth.
It’s too wierd.
A banner is easily enough smuggled in, and I sure do hope Sheehan had something planned (and if she had to lie about it, ohfuckingwell, let me lie about my shoe size here while you lie about whether you’ve ever had sex with my wife! ;-), but it does not make sense that if she’d planned something, she would do it BEFORE the speech. Just doesn’t make sense.
More likely: one of the suits noticed that she had it and informed the “authorities,” then she was patted or searched, they found it, and the word is “she unfurled a banner”….
that’s one plausible scenario.
Anyone got an update?
Good Lord, he’s still talking!
(click)’ .. sources of terrr ..’ (click)
UGH — please.
I think he just explained how eliminating the poor and infirm will help eliminate other people for less money.
(click) APPLAUSE (click)
Well, of course we are geniuses and the rest of the world is just stupid. You had to ask?
You would think so. CodePink usually stands up or unfurls DURING a speech like Friday night – not before.
But I don’t trust the media and I won’t know what happened till I hear it come from her lips.
Or.. she knew she’d be sick if she had to hear that applause Bush got…
The whole thing sounds weird to me. First,she made a statement earlier that she was a guest of Congress and she wasn’t going to do anything. Which doesn’t mean anything, people lie all the time. But it kind of ruins her credibility. So why do it? Second, she would have had to go through security to get in — wouldn’t the banner have been noticed by security — you know, the CAPITOL POLICE? And simply confiscated? Third, the timing is stupid. And, as you say, not in line with what CodePink or any other group usually does. The whole thing sounds strange to me.
Like I said, I’m not buying it till I hear word from her, Woolsey or CP.
Hearing from the news is like waiting word about your child’s molestation case from the Pope.
Cindy is may not be a genius but she has the balls to go out and walk her talk.
Agreed, all in all this doesn’t sound right.
Cripes, I hope she doesn’t get hurt!!!!! They have been after her for a long time.
This is really ODD!
Portland pink are out at Peoples state of the union get togethers tonight… so no email back yet. I absolutely didnot want to watch it at all – party or no party.
Do the people OUTSIDE on the ground in DC know that Sheehan has been arrested?
If not, someone needs to alert them NOW.
With cell phones and mini TV’s it seems likely that they know by now.
Also it may not have been a banner.
Maybe security did find a “pink slip” or sign on her)?(
One reason you can go in all dressed up… and just yank your clothes off and have a slip or t-shirt on that has a message of protest on it.
They don’t feel for clothing and they YET to make you undress.
Soon though we might have to write on our bodies and totally strip.
Take with a grain of salt or two (I got it from a republican site (national review) which claims they got it from a news type person) but…
Screw the speech, come hang out by the fire.
According to informed sources with normal vision, there are ltttle yellow things or globs just inside each ear. Either they are his earpieces or the Presidential Hygiene Coordinator forgot to twist up a bit of constitution and do his duty before the bleat.