[From the diaries by susanhu. Why is shockingly obvious! HELP RENEE!]
The phone just rang, and I heard my husband saying, “What?! That’s insane!” When he got off the phone, he informed me that the call was from the mother of one of our daughter’s classmates, telling us about a protest that is going on right now. I had no idea about the part of H.B. 3 that you see below in boldface, until we got this call and I went Googling for it:
Demonstration at the Ohio Statehouse at noon to raise our voices against House Bill 3, the bill that will require showing an ID to vote and preventing any challenge to the results of a federal election in Ohio.
Location:Ohio Statehouse, Broad and High Streets, west lawn.
I have no idea if there is anything that can be done at this point, but at very least I wanted to make some noise about this. If anyone has any ideas about how we can respond at this late hour, please share them.
at dkos. It’s mind boggling. I cannot imagine who this would be constitutional, “equal protections” and all. Then again, the SCOTUS has not been too helpful in federal elections recently …
Oh, you might be too hard on the supremes.
The supreme court found that equal protection is important in presidential elections.
But, oh yeah, the case in which they addressed that issue was Bush v. Gore and they specifically said it wouldn’t apply to any other election.
Renee, can you add a link to the quote?
Thanks for front-paging this, Susan. I have been scrambling to find more about this ever since we got that phone call. I’ve posted some links in the comments here. I knew before about the voter ID piece, but not the part about forbidding recounts. Demetrius found the actual bill, and it’s pretty damn long. I’m working on finding more links, and will post shortly.
Here’s one link with a lot about the bill, from Common Cause
Renee, do you need an attorney’s help?
Steven D is at a funeral today. I could call on some other attorneys who post here — if they’re able.
Let me know.
Just another day in the Kingdom! Sorry, don’t mean to be so flippant. How can I help? I am at your service. This WILL effect us all eventually. Guess they are counting on what they set up to win Ohio in’04 to continue to help them in ’08.
Not quite as flippant as some of the responses to the diary I did at Kos–the gist of them being to move out of Ohio, because it’s hopeless. But you make the important point that this is not just going to affect Ohioans. The last presidential election came down to this one state. This affects everybody.
Someone just gave me this link
Jennifer Brunner is running for Secretary of State. But the message on the petition says nothing about the recount issue.
My feeling, from what I have read this morning, is that the part disallowing recounts is hidden in pages and pages of legalese.
Somewhere in this mountain of words is, apparently, the meat of HB3.
Ohio GOP poised to gut election protection on way to permanent national domination
I found that link via this site, by the way
The amazing thing is, this was discussed repeatedly in many places – it wasn’t really secret!
This just underscores how, no matter how well-developed the blogosphere feels (and really, it is), we have so much work ahead of us to keep people informed of the egregious assaults on our freedoms coming from these people. Because even Renee, who I know is well-informed, missed something that was being talked about, and talked about a lot, prior to last year’s election.
Switzer, how can we help Renee?
God knows we owe her for all she did for Howard Dean.
P.S. I did forward your diary, Renee, and its link to major news sources… hope it helps. I’ll see if any of them link you.
No links yet 🙁
Update–I just found this post about the anti H.B. 3 rally at Democratic Underground
Seriously though, how is this constitutional at all?
Not only the equal protection under the law claims, but what about your constitutional right to petition for redress of the government? Not allowing voter-instigated challenges to an election would seem to fly in the face of that, no?
As usual, I’m sure the devil’s in the details. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not outlawed, but the fees are just too exorbitant.