I’m supposed to be working, not blogging. Damnit. But I had to say this.
I just saw it being reported that Alito wins confirmation 58-42. I found a list of anticipated votes on C-Span. I count 40 Democratic votes against, with Jeffords the Independent being 41, and Chaffee being 42. That means, assuming Jeffords would have been on board for the effort to stop the Court from lurching right, the Democrats voting against Alito had it in their own damn hands to stop this travesty. Or to at least force the god damned Republicans to “go nuclear” to push this extremist person onto the court.
That is a total capitualtion. A spit in the face. A salt rubbed into the wound. I’ll write more later. I sincerely think we at this site may be on to something.
Disappointing, but to me not surprising.
The Rude Pundit and I are in agreement this morning.
This is terribly wrong.
Once again proving the answer to your sig is a resounding “NO!”
I still think it was a case of fear or intimidation. I can’t say for sure what the cause for this was but no reasonable justification works to explain it. This empowers Bush for the SOTU tonight and cover for any future legal battles of his own. The Democrats could have at least held up the confirmation until after the SOTU to make a point while accepting defeat.
Very obvious capitulation. They want to appear to be fighting it without actually risking anything by really fighting. Disgusting.
Ain’t it the “truthiness”?
“They want to appear to be fighting it without actually risking anything by really fighting”
That means it wasn’t “capitulation”, it was calculated strategy.
What pisses me off is that they’ve got so many of us wasting so much time and energy (again and again) on campaigns like this: we spend hours and hours on the phone, on the fax, on the blogs. Then we sit, waiting on bated breath to see if “it worked” and we all come out deflated, feeling like WE somehow fell just short of the mark, when in fact they were just leading us on all along, trying to keep our attention, offering us “hope”–a hope that they never had any intention of fulfilling in the first place.
Yup ,don’t we all feel like suckers now?
to me also.
I’ve spent 3-4 decades trying to make sense out of political happenings. I am constantly discussing political issues with many life long activists. None of them have been able to come up with a good explanation for the recent peculiarities.
The iceberg is melting, but we still only see the tip of it…