O.J. Simpson killed his wife and Ron Goldman. How do I know?

1. The 9-1-1 call and the history of Simpson’s violence directed at Nicole Brown.

2. Hair evidence: (1) hairs consistent with that of Simpson found on cap at Bundy residence, (2) hairs consistent with that of Simpson found on Ron Goldman’s shirt.

3. Fiber evidence: (1) cotton fibers consistent with the carpet in the Bronco found on glove at Rockingham, (2) fibers consistent with the carpet from the Bronco found on cap at Bundy residence.

4. Blood evidence: (1) killer dropped blood near shoe prints at Bundy, (2) blood dropped at Bundy was of same type as Simpson’s (about 0.5% of population would match), (3) Simpson had fresh cuts on left hand on day after murder, (4) blood found in Bronco, (5) blood found in foyer and master bedroom of Simpson home, (5) blood found on Simpson’s driveway.

5. Glove evidence: (1) left glove found at Bundy and right glove found at Simpson residence are Aris Light gloves, size XL, (2) Nicole Brown bought pair of Aris Light XL gloves in 1990 at Bloomingdale’s, (3) Simpson wore Aris Light gloves from 1990 to June, 1994.

6. Shoe evidence: (1) shoe prints found at Bundy were from a size 12 Bruno Magli shoe, (2) bloody shoe impression on Bronco carpet is consistent with a Magli shoe, (3) Simpson wore a size 12 shoe.

7. Other evidence: (1) flight in Bronco, (2) strange reaction to phone call informing him of Nicole Brown’s death, etc.

That is only a sampling of the evidence that O.J. Simpson is a murderer. It doesn’t matter that one of the cops that investigated the crime was a racist. And it doesn’t matter that the LAPD has been known to plant evidence. What matters is the totality of the evidence. From the totality of the evidence I conclude that the Democratic Party is the only vehicle available to stop the march of the modern day Republicans.
New parties do not spring up very often. The Whig Party came into being in the early 1830’s. It ran its first presidential candidate in 1836. In fact, the Whigs ran four candidates that year. All combined, even though all four of them won some electoral votes, they failed to get 50% of the vote or prevent the election of Martin Van Buren.

The Whigs managed to elect William Harrison in 1840 and Zachary Taylor in 1848. But after 1852, when their candidate Winfield Scott only managed to carry Vermont, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Tennessee, the Whigs dropped out of existence. By 1856 the country had coalesced into a North-South dichotomy. The Republican, John Fremont, won Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, New York, and all of New England. Millard Fillmore, the American Party candidate, won Maryland. James Buchanan, the worst President until George W. Bush, won every other state.

After 1856, no third party candidate won a single electoral vote until 1892, when James Weaver of the Populist Party carried Nebraska, Colorado, Nevada, North Dakota and Idaho.

It was not until 1912 that a third party had any kind of effect on a post civil war election. Teddy Roosevelt created the Progressive Party and won 27.4% of the vote. William Taft, the Republican, won 23.2% of the vote and a mere 8 electoral votes. Woodrow Wilson carried only 41.8% of the vote, and became President. 1912 is the prototype for successful third party runs. Taft and Roosevelt combined carried over 50% of the country, but all they accomplished was to put their common foe in office.

In 1924, Robert LaFollette became the next third party candidate to win some electoral votes. He carried his home state of Wisconsin. Calvin Coolidge won every other northern state and sailed to a crushing victory over John Davis, and carried 72% of the Electoral College.

In 1948, with the desegregation of the Army and the beginnings of the Civil Rights movement, Strom Thurmond ran on the State’s Rights ticket. He carried South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. He almost cost Harry Truman the election, but his spoiling effort failed.

In 1968, George Wallace successfully denied Hubert Humphrey the Presidency when he took Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

No third party candidate has carried a single state since 1968. It is possible that H. Ross Perot’s Reform Party cost George H.W. Bush re-election in 1992, and it is possible that Ralph Nader cost Al Gore the 2000 election.

From this history, I see absolutely no point in joining a third party. A third party hasn’t grown and displaced one of the big two since 1856. No third party has ever succeeded in doing anything but helping to elect their most ideologically opposed candidates. Strom Thurmond and George Wallace could not stop the march of civil rights. Ross Perot didn’t eradicate the Bush Crime Family from our long national nightmare.

The only way we can get our country back is by taking the Democratic Party by the throat and throttling it into something useful and appealing to the electorate. And we need paper trail ballots.