Just in! A complete video of the SOTU.
You can save this on your computer to play back through the year if you ever need inspiration. Or a reason to fight.
“One by one … the terrorists are learning … ” I can’t spoil the lines for you. Thanks to my daughter for alerting me to this video. It’ll help us analyze the president’s message.
Update [2006-2-1 11:59:25 by susanhu]: Do click on it. It’s very short — about 3 minutes tops. And it’s not the speech you thought the nation heard! That’s the last damn hint I’m giving! And, P.S., that’s my very own screen-grab from the video — I tried to catch Bush at his best!
Not saving it–don’t want my computer to crash! LOL
No kidding! I’m not wasting one byte on that, never mind how much tracking code is probably embedded in it! π
OMG…. I’ll have to try less subtle humor next time
Just giving a sample of my sense of humor.
more than enough. π
Really! Wish more voters, er, I mean Diebold felt that way! π
Nonce was one more than enough for me.
Same here–just reading about it was agonizing. Sympathies to those who watched it–you are braver than I am!
Same here. I was reading about it, but had Sex and the City and then Seinfeld on in the background. I just can’t stomach that stuff anymore… I prefer to read about it and others’ analysis of it instead, that I can devour.
Excuse me but why does he look like he just took a bunker buster up the ass?
The suppositories should clear it up in a few weeks, as usual. They may be a bit uncomfortable but at no time has the President been in danger.
The Democratic Daily Blog has John Kerry’s response and some fact checks.
A snippet:
I failed to give the hat tip to DEM Bloggers for the info. (sorry Cedwyn!)
Heh. That flip comment I made about the flip-flops in the other thread, Manny, may actually have some punch.
Check this out:
Remember the “athletes” (as opposed to anti-war mom) who “raised eyebrows” this summer (as opposed to getting arrested) for a fashion faux pas as opposed to a protest.
Here’s a pretty good summary for the differences between the “flip-flops” and the “t-shirt”:
Athletes raise eyebrows after wearing flip-flops to White House
Might be a good talking point to get out there–I’d diary or blog about it, but am just too “rusty” and just not into it at the moment.
Probably a good idea to remind folks of the flip-flop incident tho, if they aren’t making that comparison already.
Last report I saw, they’d downgraded the misdemeanor to “unlawful conduct”–still, my question is why flip-flops are a violation of fashion and t-shirts a violation of the law.
Was it a designer T-shirt? π
Just checked my e-mail and I have a letter from John Kerry. Very nice letter. About the filibuster. With a big CONTRIBUTE at the bottom to click.
Washington Post here
NYTimes here
LA Times here
Chicago Tribune here
I feel like I’m at Sardi’s after the opening of a show. Thanks!
The spin is more important than the speech. Just trying to monitor the spread of the propaganda.
AP here
From the bits I saw, the costumes were boring, the speech didn’t rhyme, and I couldn’t even tell Mr. Danger was singing at all. Maybe if they just had Mr. D. work his jaw and dub Michael Crawford’s voice in…
Washington Post:
Clearly written before the speech, they just needed to see the actual event to add color. And to give them their first few paragraphs.
But the key to the whole piece is near the end:
The article doesn’t paint a particularly pretty picture for Bush.
oooh it gets better:
and more
Looks like they are going with the spin of a humbler Bush — they list all the failures of the last year. (That’s good).
After going through all his failures, including Katrina they get back to the speech:
Oh and they end on a good note (for us)
Did I skip anything?
I’m obviously a glutton for punishment and clicked the link. I should’ve known, Susan, I should’ve known π
Do all of you really — come on — really think I’d put up the video to his real speech?
(I thought it was pretty hilarious.)
Much more substantive reporting on the actual speech itself.
Bush had to acknowledge that his social security plans had failed, and they portray him as caving to the Democrats:
Points out the obvious (well, for us):
They then spend four paragraphs summarizing the education / training proposals he made.
But Bush didn’t adopt that proposal completely:
yeah right — 30,000 math and science professionals can become highschool teachers tomorrow. Wonder what the cut in pay on that would be?
Then it summarizes the basics of his health proposals.
Ends with a vague but important statement:
That last bit is scary! Thanks maryb…yet another thing to look out for re: Medicare D/Medicare as a whole….
How did it play in sunny (rainy?) california:
LA Times:
Oh, we’re going with the humble theme again:
He still was firmly a war president but
It then compares how he was, with how he is now and concludes:
But … can it last? Let’s talk to a senior GOP strategist who will remain anonymous because he doesn’t want to be named:
So the spin is ..the president understands what’s on people’s minds.
Then they go through an analysis as to which of the proposals will garner bipartisan support (oh, there are only two): guest worker programs and competitiveness concerns (whatever that means, I think they just needed to come up with more than one)
But many more will lead to more divisions with Democrats :
warrantles wire tapping, Iraq, Patriot Act, making the tax cuts permanent, health care proposals. Yep.
And energy — the LA Times clearly has no idea how that will play out.
And finally, from the land of Patrick Fitzgerald, the Chicago Tribune:
Under the headline: Alito’s Seating on Court Bigger than Speech. Hmmmm I’m guessing they weren’t impressed.
And oh boy the Trib gets it — right up at the top of the article. Bush doesn’t need to set any big agenda items, he achieved that when he got Alito on the court.
Goes on to summarize Bush’s weakness right now. And they get Mike Huckabee to go on record. He’s obviously tired of baseball analogies so he heads toward basketball:
Trib gets spin from WH that all these repetitive speeches are “comforting” but Trib admits that to those who aren’t a Bush supporter it can be grating.
And perhaps because they are in the land of Patrick Fitzgerald THEY end with a baseball analogie:
Now, I’m starting to wonder….where the fuck is Patrick Fitzgerald?
Because when he said about making us safe so that we can be free. But maybe it was when he said about Laura. She gives me boners too becuase she helps others who have less fortune. She is very pretty with her face that uses medicine to make her feel smile feel happy.
President Bush wants to help other people and that’s good. Sadaam wanted to spy on his own people and spray them with stuff and that’s bad.
President Bush is good. Sadaam is bad.
America is a safe place because the terrorists don’t have networks like ABC and CON to spread messages.
President Bush is the leader of the Free World where the free people live outside of Iron Curtains.
President Bush is good.
You must have been playing that drinking game SP… π
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Bush Paints Democrats As Defeatist on Iraq
Published: February 1, 2006
This misrepresentation should be corrected. According to Cindy Sheehan’s own description, as she sat down, she unzipped her jacket revealing a T-shirt with the number of Iraq war dead on it. She was then roughly arrested and taken away. The T-shirt was a passive demonstration, the distruption was caused by the Capitol police.
This happened 30 minutes before GWB’s SOTU lies and platitudes began not “just before.”
SOTU and the punditry afterwards, like Gergen on CNN talking about Bush sweeping the Democrats off their feet etc.
From Gore Vidal’s SOTU:
“We the people of the United States,” and all sovereignty rests in us, not in the board rooms of the Republicans.
I just can’t bear to look at that picture of Bush anymore because the guilt is killing me after yesterday’s attempt at a discussion of the best way forward, third parties or retaking the democratic party, got hijacked once again by people who continue to scapegoat me and others who voted Green in 2000. Not only that but to have my intelligence and motives insulted by suggesting I might as well have written in Mickey Mouse on the ballot. I thought the discussion was about the future. Not another opportunity for ignorant rants by people who still have their eyes firmly shut after five years as to the real reasons that Bush occupies the White House.
I am seriously questioning my ability to remain a member of this community after yesterday. I’ve held my tongue in the past about this but yesterday was so ridiculous that I can’t do it anymore.
If it makes you feel any better, I checked out the link to the Green Party yesterday thanks to your comments. While I am still making up my mind about what I want to do in the future, I, for one, am listening to the Greens on this board and considering making a switch in Party affiliation. Thank you SS.
I hope you don’t leave.
supersoling that’s ditto for me too.
You better not leave, dammit. And yeah, I’m sick and fucking tired of being vilified for voting LaDuke/Nader, too, and having people insist that it’s our fault that Gore “lost” when he didn’t even LOSE despite the illegal activities involved in that election.
I think some folks still just don’t want to face up to the fact that a) GWB was “installed” by his brother and his buddies on the SCOTUS (and the whole country just sat back and let that happen); and b) that, since the passage of “HAVA BushCo”, “votes” and “voters” are irrelevant in this country (and most of the country remains comfortably ensconced in denial over that). Smoke and mirrors.
In that sense, yes, after “HAVA BushCo” (2002?), it really doesn’t matter who you “vote” for–may as well write in Mickey Mouse, but that’s not why B*sh was installed: the will of the people was de facto overturned/overrun in 2000 and the s.o.b. was INSTALLED by SCOTUS.
Also voted Green in 2000. And, what people are overlooking is the appointment of gwb as president by the SCOTUS, instead, those who voted 3rd party are being blamed, which is not appreciated!!!
And here’s another one for everyone who buys into that “blame-the-Greens” nonsense: I think those who are most at fault for the mess that this country is in are the so-called dem supporters who voted for ray-gun!
If they had voted dem instead of being suckered by his crap, the country would be in different shape today!
So, yeah, if anyone fits the above description and is blaming the Green supporters: LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!
On that note, I feel that 3rd parties are definitely an alternative! IMO, the current dems are too complacent, and a change is needed. I’m a history nut (as you can tell by my sig), so it seems to me that the best way to get things changed is to support a 3rd party which is advocates actual change of the more of the present bullshit. And, if the current crop of dems get hurt because they do not listen and represent their constituents, too damn bad!
Obviously, supersoling, I don’t want you to leave either!
I don’t know who attacked you, Super Soling. But it’d never be me….
now I posted my contempt for how Nader screwed things up in 2000, but that was not a personal slam on YOU!
I can SEE why people felt compelled to make that vote then and in 2004.
I just wish, especially in 2000, it hadn’t been so. But that’s ONLY my opinion — and I fully realize that the PROBLEMS with the 2000 election outcome are infinitely more complex than blaming Nader.
We love you here. You may catch some heat sometimes. But I’ll especially always defend you because you’re going to root for the Seahawks on Sunday and — hell — I’m already besotted with your handsome visage — this only helps! (Trying to be humorous here, dammit!)
I watch last night, but upon watching THIS video I must admit … that’s the most coherent Bush has ever sounded. π
I tried it once and it was awful.