Sit Down and Eat Your Breakfast, Dear

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
Good Morning! I’ve never been served breakfast so quickly!!
Good morning to you.
After the lousy day we had yesterday, I thought a pleasant greeting would be nice.
What happened? I was so busy, I don’t think I even lurked after breakfast.
I was just talking about Alito and the SOTU.
Actually, I lost my phone for 7 1/2 hours yesterday so I wasn’t around much either.
No phone for 7-1/2 hours — and you on dial-up? {{shudder}}
I’m not going to think about those events from yesterday. We just have to deal with the effects of having a country that is more than 50% stupid.
And don’t, please anyone tell me that the election was stolen. Half (or more) voters don’t vote or even register — add them to the known Bush voters and we’ve got plenty of evidence of rampant stupidity.
Yeah I was like a drug addict who couldn’t get a fix. I didn’t even have a cell phone because the failure affected the only cell tower near me.
The one thing that is good about non-voters is that it means that if we would focus on local and state elections we’d have a really good chance of making big changes. Progressives have put so much attention on federal elections that we’ve let the right take over many city and county councils and state legislatures. We need to take these back.
I totally agree. Also, people who don’t vote are probably actually dangerously stupid and wouldn’t think and vote for themselves anyway.
who although many may lack as much formal education than their more affluent brothers, actually tend to be more politically sophisticated – and pragmatic:
Forgive my quoting myself, it is part of my Finger Use Efficiency Program for Aged Typists. 😉
Ductape, I know you’re right, I do. I did voter registration and get out the vote for 20 years in poor neighborhoods.
But, here in Kansas we’re stuck in a nearly hopeless loop. The elected Democrats have to dumb-down their positions to the point of insanity — our local Democratic Congressman voted for the Bankruptcy Bill — supposedly to keep his seat safe.
So, how can I go into the poorer neighborhoods and tell them to vote for Moore — that he’d do anything for them? He won’t. But, what Democrat is going to run against him when even a borderline case like Moore can barely hang onto his seat?
I took a cheap shot and I’m sort of sorry. But, I’m frustrated enough by the endlessness of the loop, that I’m not totally sorry.
has anything to offer the burgeoning horde of poor people. If you want to use your time urging people to vote for a particular politician, it would be more efficient to do it in affluent areas.
Sadly, that is the reality of the business of US politics.
And since the Bush policies are really slamming the middle class — losing retirement benefits, forced retirements, layoffs, rising costs of health insurance. Even traditional Republicans are getting very, very uneasy about our future under these guys.
There are a lot of people my age (early 50s who would like to take early retirement and do something on their own. But, they can’t without losing Health Insurance. And around here, most of those people are Republicans.
of those people are shuttled into the lower economic class, that will mean even fewer people to whom it makes sense to promote a particular politician. So candidates and their supporters had better hurry and get to those folks while they can, since for many of them, this will be the last election they participate in, or sign up to canvas the really wealthy neighborhoods.
I actually know how easy it is too slip out of the middle class. I spent most of the seventies in poverty. The lowest of entry-level jobs. Serving in cafeterias, cleaning offices, filing tax returns, testing gravel. I lived for a while in a room with a community bathroom on the floor below. And I showered at my sister’s house.
I had 2 years of college, but that didn’t seem to interest anyone. It wasn’t until I lucked into an entry-level (still very low paying) job in a university library that my life changed. I gradually moved up and through departments (getting another class or two or three along the way). I eventually got my degree at the age of 42.
I don’t know how much longer I could have lived like that without losing my optimism. The money problems were relentless.
with a similar educational background.
It was early 80’s which led me to programming the new office PC’s.
And I started methodically automating away that class of jobs, starting with student employee and work-study clerking work. Semi automating the office lending library was my first project. Throughout society, much of that stretch of the economic ladder has been taken down.
But I can’t get traction anywhere when I warn about the trends of information technology.
I know what you mean. Most of my former jobs don’t exist anymore.
I can’t tell people often enough how grateful I am to libraries for taking me in. It was really a fluke that I stumbled into it. I never would have had the confidence to apply directly. But, it turned out a perfect fit: Library Computing – all of my jobs involved that (and I’ve worked in almost every department)
Are those crepes? I’m starving!
at my house, they are blintzes.
at my house – they’re Swedish pancakes 🙂
and you can put ANYTHING (good) in em. Syrup, jams, fresh fruit, peanut butter, NUTELLA… ice cream!
The brunch that puts you on a sugar high. Bzzzzzzzzzzzt
“Swedish pancakes” Yum! That’s what they are here as well. Laura makes them with a gluten free flour mix that’s almost as good as the traditional version. It’s one of the few food items she’s more likely to cook than I am. Of course, that might be part of why I like them so much.
Goodmorning!! This week is flying by. It can’t be Wednesday already? Can it?
I finally broke down and asked for some help on this case I am working on from a cool older woman who’s been doing it for 10 years. I hate asking for help so this was a humbling experience. The social worker has been stonewalling me from day one and it had finally reached the point where I was wanting so badly to quit and just forget about attempting a meaningful life outside of my own house. Turns out this woman was very familiar with the social worker and has had great difficulty working with her in the past, so at least I know it wasn’t just me. So this morning both of us are going down to the SS building (something I have been trying to accomplish since November but social worker kept throwing up roadblocks) to review and copy all of the files, police reports, drug tests, psych tests, etc.
I have to work past this feeling of ineptitude and being out of my league. In the past I have just quit when things got difficult and I felt ill-equipped to handle it. I hate feeling stupid.
I hate that feeling to SN. I’m glad this woman is going along with you today. It almost seems like that kind of buddy system should be built into the program for new people.
YOu can ask for one right at the start, but, of course, it meant that I would have to work closely with another person and that felt uncomfortable to me. I should have done it though. But I always prefer doing things on my own.
And that isn’t a bad idea either, now you have some experience and questions based on that experience. So the answers might be more meaningful.
When Jim and I built our house, we found out the hard way a few times how much time, effort, and frustration could have been saved if we had just asked people who knew more than we did for advice. These guys loved sharing the knowledge they’d spent a lifetime acquiring. We owe the fact that our place got built, that it’s still standing and that Jim and I are still married to them.
Ever since then I’ve always been willing to ask for help from people — it really is a win-win situation. They get to share what they’ve learned and I get to learn what I need to know to do things on my own.
This philosophy has saved me an enormous amount of hassle in life. I tend to naturally gravitate toward friends who are a decade or two older than me, so the folks around me tend to have more experience than I do, and I don’t hesitate to ask them for advice so I can try to avoid their mistakes and pitfalls. I figure I should give myself every opportunity to screw up in novel and interesting ways. 🙂
And then you can give us old farts the benefit of your new wisdom so we continue to have uneventful and safe decline into decrepitude.
true independence. You have a task, you locate resources and tools that you need, and get it done!
Sometimes those resources are other people. 🙂
Good for you, SN. We’ve got to team-up in this life!
I’m going to drink 2 litres of water at work today.
What are you going to do today?
Katiebird, are you looking into checking your electorlytes when you drink that amount of water? Do y ou urinate it out properly? Just wondering, is all.
BrendaStewart — It sounds like a lot of water, but 1 liter is 1.05 quarts — about 4 cups. So, I’m drinking about 1 cup an hour (less counting the lunch hour). I figure it’s my 8 glasses a day. In the evening, I don’t usually drink that much (2 glasses usually is all) — would it be bad if I did?
How do you check electorlytes?
And I am taking a “quick break” every hour or so — everything seems fine to me.
Katiebird, I did not mean to imply you were doing something wrong. I just think when someone drinks that amount of fluid, especially water, it can wash out yoru potassium, chlorides etc. Things that you need to keep your heart and other organs functioning well. you are doing fine if you do not feel badly. I have been meaning to ask you what your blood sugar has been. I heard you discussing this with DTF. (I think it was you, anyhow)
Actually, I feel shitty and sluggish when I don’t do it.
You must be doing something right. I bet your diet is a good one too. I am new to your doing this diet and water thing. I am trying to catch up on your good things. It may be something I want to try. I do have to take a diuretic to help keep my b/p in check. I have to take potassium in food to help keep me from cramping in my muscles. I try hard to eat oranges and drink orange juice to replace the potassium. I love fruit so it is not a hard thing for me to do. Anyhow, I am not critizing you….no not one bit…I am just curious….I am an inquisitive person…:o) I have been told I analyze too much…:o) Anyhow, I am so glad you are doing something for yourself in your health.
(my blood sugar was 115 a half-hour ago which was 1 hour or so after breakfast)
I love you’re questions — it would be great if you had time to post them at Eat 4 Today!
But when she stayed with us and ate our diet it went down to a pretty consistent 95-100.
It actually is a bit high for me too. I ran out of “my” cereal and had a bowl of ancient emergency cereal that we bought for our son when he lived here. One of the honey-nut sort. It wasn’t as bad as bad could be, but I don’t want to do it every day.
Generally, my sugar would be 95 by that point also.
How is Florida Mom doing? I’ve been thinking about her.
You sound like you’re keeping your sugar under great control.
Mom’s getting herself back onto her diet after allowing herself some comfort straying as she decompressed from over a month in the Pac N Wet. She held up well here, considering being here through the shortest day of the year and a record run of rainy days. Not to mention the fact that our house living space is basically a very small apartment, up a flight and 1/3 of rickety, code-violatingly steep stairs, and stuffed full of craft shops.
Her FL condo is ground floor so she’s back to getting out several times a day to walk around, and going to a medically supervised exercise group weekly. So, so far, so good.
Good Mroning ya’ll. Seems like I am not the only one up early today. I am cold today. Turned my heat on this morning. NOt much happening around here. The same as usual. My routine never changes…:o) I will take my cup of coffee black and sit for just a few and chat. HOpe everyone got their belly full of feces last night with the SoTU nonsense. I talked to my friend in IL. last night and discussed it and we were somewhat stunned as to the dem. rebutal. I have yet to decide whether or not I am liking this Kaine gentleman. He came off to me like an actor, but I still reserve an all outright opinion.
We are to be getting some more rain soon. It is overcast and chilly so guess winter is still around here.
Hope you all have a great day and stay well and safe. Hugs….
I didn’t watch any of it. What was the stunning part of the rebuttal?
Well, as far as I am concerned there was not one bit of stunning revelation in it. He was very mild mannered and seems to be false in his presentation…but that was just me. The msm was just terrible last night with their interviews. They sicken me to the point of getting rid of all my teevees. What can I say. We have no voice! The ones we elected to speek for us are not there…they got hijacked someplace, somewhere. So depressing. HOwever, during the speach last night, the dems did demonstrate to them all about Sod. sec. That was the only time I saw them stand up for us. I muted some of the bru ha ha and did not pay too much attention to what was being said. I watch body language a lot
and asked if it was a parody. Then she said “either way, turn it off.”
his name not be used. Not only is he a very modest person, but as we all learned last night, very committed to public service.
I was surprised that I like Kaine. I think he has a style and a message that moderates and independents might like.
It is sunny and cold this morning; one of the coldest yet this winter, 28 degrees. The sun made it look deceptively warm but when I went out to wheel the trash to the curb in my bare feet I found out that maybe I should have slipped on my clogs.
He is against same-sex marriage and supports having an amendment to the Virginia constitution that would permanently deny homosexuals the right to marriage and even civil unions. He supports TRAP laws that serve no purpose other than to create difficulties for women trying to get abortions.
I have to say I do not know VA’s politics that much; however, given his history that he stated last night, I would assume that much! Anytime, one brags about their religion, that changes everything. Religion has no place in politics..none what so ever! Plain and simple.
Ick, I didn’t know that. So what exactly makes him a Democrat?
exactly my thought! Anyhow, I still reserve my opinion for a while to see what he is made out of in the future..they say he is an up and rising start inthe dem party…we will see. I think he is a part of the dlc if I got my signals right. If so , I do not like him one bit…I get that feeling anyhow.
Oh he’s got some liberal stances but they are the safe ones that one won’t particularly upset VA voters. He’s anti-death penalty, for example, which he explains as going along with his religious beliefs that also make him anti-abortion.
He’s a result of that big tent strategy that says it’s okay to elect people who would take away some people’s rights as long as those rights don’t matter to the people who take care of the important shit.
Where are you getting the info that he supports TRAP laws? I am not trying to imply you are not telling the truth, it’s just that I have heard him argue against them.
My understanding was that Virginia has trap and other abortion restrictions laws on the books and Kaine supports leaving them in place. If VA doesn’t have trap laws now that I am mistaken on that but not on his supporting laws that make it more diffficult for women to get abortions. He supports a ban on the so-called partial birth abortion, he supports notification requirements, he supports “reasonable” restrictions on abortion which can, obviously, mean whatever he wants it to mean. He also says he will uphold federal law which I take to mean that if Roe v. Wade is overturned he can support whatever limitations on abortions he chooses.
I was worried you knew something I didn’t, like with that f*cking gay marriage amendment. I still need to write my letter about that. I keep meaning to but it just stings so much, that he’s doing exactly what he said he wouldn’t, that I don’t even want to think about it long enough to write about it.
On abortion. The “reasonable restrictions” thing is, as you point out, BS that could mean anything. I think mostly what he means by it is the partial-birth abortion ban and the parental notification. Obviously there is so much BS flying around here that it’s hard to be sure. The “I will uphold the law” thing was a part of his whole death penalty/abortion thing, in which he insisted he had a faith-based opposition to abortion AND the death penalty but would uphold the law because if he took an oath of office he would keep it and if anyone accused him of not keeping his oaths they could meet him out back afterwards. I didn’t think many people would buy this, and certainly a lot didn’t, but he got elected anyway.
TRAP laws I have heard him argue against. The argument was not in front of cameras or anything like that and was with a college-aged strong pro-lifer who was insisting that abortion clinics need to be regulated to ensure quality care for women, and he called bullshit on her, pointing out that regulations on stuff like the size of the parking lot have fuck-all to do with quality of care. (He didn’t say fuck-all, or bullshit for that matter, but it would have definitely been worth cool points if he had.)
I generally believe the best of people. To do otherwise is to live in an unacceptably negative world. In particular, I won’t usually believe people are lying, without evidence. I don’t see any advantage for Tim in arguing with a young pro-lifer, off-mic, about TRAP laws if that’s not really what he believed. Of course that doesn’t mean it’s the way he is going to do public policy either. I guess once Roe gets overturned, we will find out.
Well, at least I am still around today! This is a good thing since I was really expecting the TBI and the FBI and the CIA and local yocals would come to take me away from what I did yesterday!..:o) It still may come to pass…:o)
Since Cindy got taken away last night for wearing her t-shirt, I can just think what they would do to someone like me for opening my mouth.
Has anyone ever looked at the sitemeter world map? On the map for Eat4Today, there’s someone visiting from a little west of Japan. And it doesn’t look like they’re on land.
Weird. I’ve seen dots in Europe, but not Asia before. I don’t know if this link will work.
That’s cool. It says Korea.
WOW! Is that great or what!! It has got to be exciting to see this. I hope that that person decides to comment on your blog site. Would be wonderful to hear what she/he has to say! I think that is just wonderful.
Well, Ladies and Gentleman, I have to get ready for work. HOpe to see ya soon. Have a great day and stay well and safe. HUgs to each of you.
Just now getting my first cup of coffee. How has everyone been?
You’ve been quiet. Have you been spending time with the Adams family?
I’ve been trying, but I haven’t gotten far. I’ll read two or three pages and realized I don’t remember a single word. So I have to start over. I’ve been lurking, but there just been so much going on.
Heh. I WARNED you it wasn’t a weekend book. I think it took me about a month to get through it. And I’m somebody who generally plows through books in a day or two.
I have the new Doris Kearns Goodwin book sitting on my nightstand. I haven’t even considered starting it yet because I know it will be the same kind of book. Right now I’m in a phase of life where I need to feel a sense of accomplishment so I need to read books I can finish relatively quickly.
I’m the same way. It usually doesn’t take me long to get through a book. I think my problem is I’m trying to absorb the words instead of reading for pleasure.
And yes you did warn me;).
[Just had to fiddle around with my wireless network — hope this post goes through…]
Dad-in-law goes under the knife in about 3 hours or so…going to try to keep myself busy (and keep the cell phone handy) so I don’t worry too much.
As I mentioned in last night’s Cafe, looks like I will be spending a few weeks with the in-laws to help with cooking, care and such, at least till the stitches come out (2-3 weeks). That means I’ve got a few days to get my assorted crap done. May head over to a largish shopping mall in East San Jose (Eastridge, for those in the know); they have a Penney’s which seems to be the only place that carries sheets which actually fit our new mattress. Bought one set over the weekend and they’re wonderful, but they only had one color I liked (the ecru) and I want a second set in green (to color coordinate with my bedspread — one of these days I’ll post a picture of the bed all made).
Tonight the spouse and I have our first dance class — that’ll be fun at least.
Okay, time to get moseying…
The snow-covered and cloud-veiled Olympic Mountains and foothills over a small glimpse of Puget Sound between roofs at the bottom center.
In this climate we have to keep our eyes peeled for scenery, and shoot fast when circumstances permit. This view only lasted about 20 minutes before clouds began closing in again. It may be a memory that has to hold us for several weeks.
This diary has a link to the American Family vote for president survey (below)
I voted for John Kerry
My name is Ms. Debbie Doesdallas
My email is debbie at Dallas dot come
Zip code = 76638 = Crawford Texas
We need to engage these Sam Brownback bastards who think B*sh is “too liberal”
Big write up in my Rolling Stones mag about the religious extremists agenda of hate and deaht. These people are nucking futs!
Some republican’s wife was asked to leave for wearing a t-shirt that said, “Support out Troops they fight for our freedom”.
She was asked to leave.
Cindy was arrested and could face a year in jail.
Uh. America is addicted to oil and I am addicted to the Net.
Could someone pls come in here and install a blog filter or something on this machine, with a note: Dear Dr. Dipshit, you are a responsible adult with lots of work to do. Now quit using that root canal as an excuse–get your ass out of the frogpond and back to work, dammit!
And with that, I’m outta here (I hope!)
If you find someone to do that, tell them they can make a fortune by turning into a commercial software product. I’d buy one. I’m not supposed to be here right now.
Me either.
Now dammit CabinGrl, that one just took me over the self-imposed deadline. tsk. tsk.
Great, ladies, thanks for all the help 😉
Now at least I know I’m not alone, but I’m pretending this machine will self-destruct if I do not logout before noon (60 sec countdown begins now).
I hope y’all are at least doing this on some corporate dime (I, unfortunately, am NOT).
Any time. Glad to help you.
sigh. I can’t get anything done today. I’ve been doing time and even that is screwed up. so … I’m going out for a walk and some lunch.
It’s 57 degrees and partly cloudy. I love global warming. (kidding).
I have to do my time for the entire month…I’m just hoping no one notices till Friday. That is my least favorite part of my job.
I don’t get what you mean by “do my time” (last time I did time, it was as a juvenile ;-).
You didn’t know about those cute ankle bracelets that Cabin Girl and I have to wear?
I know — its the worst. Accounting pulls January time tomorrow, so I have to finish it today. I thought I was finished but I inadvertently did two days twice — so now I have to go back and do the two days that I missed.
What time increments do you bill in? I live my life in 6 minute segments.
I usually bill by the word, and will NEVER admit how many words I can translate in an hour (when I put my mind to it, which I have yet to do today. Shit.).
Um, I track in 15-minute increments, but then I have to use the “intuitive method” to bring my hours up to the amount of time it takes most other writers to do the same amount of work…after all, why should I be penalized for being fast at what I do?
senseless chatter seems to be bout all I’m up for.
Doesn’t help that what I’m supposed to be doing is translating a speech by Adolf Hitler. Speeches, peaches, what the hell, eh?
The good old days….when even numbfuck dictators were at least expected to follow the rules of basic grammar….:(
I apologize for this abrupt intrusion into the Cafe, but I am posting this at the behest of a personal email from my state representative moments ago:
Thank you for your indulgence…
Done. Thanks for the reminder.
Just returned from an Atrios quickie:
last night I said
kansas, I may not speak “as succinctly” as Amy Sullivan — but I think I’m gaining ground on you.
Come to the FB Lounge.