This just went out as a Press Release in my district.
A Local Democratic Response to The President’s State of the Union Address
Barry Welsh
Indiana 6th District Democratic Congressional Candidate
I have never been more disappointed and aggravated in a speech from a President.
It was one of the most hypocritical pieces of bad theater that I have ever sat through.
Hypocritical in that there was talk of education after cutting education in the budget reduction pushed by Congressman Pence.
Hypocritical in that tax breaks are given to Exxon as they make the largest net profit in history, and President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and Congressman Pence are all oil men. To tell us we are dependant on oil, or addicted, to use the word of the President, and to cut funding for all alternative fuel sources in the budget reduction pushed by Congressman Pence, is hypocritical.
To try to claim reform while being the architects of the culture of corruption, with members of This White House and Neo Conservative Republicans in Congress, under suspicion, investigation, indictment, and in some cases, convicted felons, is hypocritical.
To try to claim we are secure, when we know the facts of Hurricane Katrina, we knew it was coming for days, we knew there were problems for days after, and we watched The President play the blame game. The people of the gulf coast know the hypocrisy in this speech.
To claim a true fight on the war on terror, and have Osama Bin Laden, and his top men making tapes more often than a garage rock band, to have more police officers in New York City, than troops in Afghanistan capturing Al Queda leaders is not only hypocritical, but it also shows the distraction, and the lies that lead us into Iraq, with still no clear cut exit strategy. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and Iraq was not responsible for 9/11. You can have your own opinions, but you cannot make up your own facts.
To speak of China and India making gains on the USA in the global economy, when NAFTA and CAFTA sent the good paying jobs to China, India, and elsewhere is hypocritical.
To tell us we have a strong, robust economy, when we can look around and know better, is just not telling the truth.
We in Indiana are not dumb, and we have had enough of what is being peddled by the President and those in lockstep with him like Our Congressman. It is time for a change.
:O) :O) :O)
You captured my feelings precisely. I wish you were running in MY district!
Thank You! No matter what district a congressperson runs in, their actions impact everyone in the country, and we need to remember that.
Barry Welsh IN 6th Congressional District Democratic Candidate