Here’s a teaser for my Time Machine article:
Toufanian’s assessment of Rumsfeld is contained in an Aug. 1 memo:
“Toufanian asked what kind of man was the present Secretary of Defense and then answered his own question by saying that it was his impression that he was political, forceful, shallow, immature, inexperienced in the defense matters of his job.”
excellent reading!
From Arthur, a long and brilliant read on strength, weakness, Bushco propaganda, and how all the sorry shit going on works on the psyche the way it does.
Link here.
The New Orleans Times-Picayune has a scathing editorial today regarding Bush’s speechifying.
And those are his good qualities . . .
Glenn Greenwald with the lowdown on why Cindy didn’t break any law by wearing a t-shirt.
at an alternative medicine clinic/hospital.
She was suffering from advanced ovarian cancer, and was there to seeking alternative treatment that American doctors probably could not provide. Her sister was there and one of her daughters, and I am thinking that this was Yolanda (Yoli), the actress.
The body is going to be transported back to Atlanta for burial. There had been some initial confusion exactly where Coretta had died.
Murtha on “Hardball” rips into Bush. Very good!!!
may be repeated later. I’d highly recommend listening in if you still do TV.
I’m continually amazed at how alert he seems to be and how forceful/precise he is with his statements. This seemed new to me;
Carter: “… there are some in this administration who have no intention of ever leaving Iraq.”
I don’t recall anyone of any stature on the D side putting it quite that bluntly before.