“Today, Senators who voted for cloture are going to vote against the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. And when Lincoln Chafee, Maria Cantwell, Herbert Kohl, Blanche Lincoln, and Jay Rockefeller, as well as all the others run for re-election, they can say, “Look, I said ‘No.'” But that “no” matters so little as the very issues they say caused them to vote that way – the power of the presidency, abortion rights, the right to privacy, the favoring of corporations – are turned against them time and again. Yeah, they voted against Alito, but there’s a starving, beaten prisoner in Gitmo, a pregnant teenage girl in Nebraska, a coal mining family in West Virginia who are all gonna be the ones fucked because of such cowardly courage. And when they say they voted against Alito, someone’s gonna be smart enough to say, “Hey, Maria, if it’s such a big fuckin’ deal, why didn’t you join the filibuster?””-from The Rude Pundit.

Howie Opinion: Going to Drinking Liberally last night, it became clear to me that Maria is more like a friend who has let you down from time to time, not a person to bitterly oppose and struggle against. That would be her Republican opponent. That does not mean we hide our differences, particularly as we communicate with her. But I don’t want to give “the enemy” any more ammunition to use against her this fall. I know this is not an opinion that all of us share, but I wanted to clarify my point of view, particularly in the wake of the Alito filibuster vote and QUOTE OF THE DAY (above).

Cross-posted at www.seattlefordean.com and www.howieinsettle.com.

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