Update [2006-2-2 10:28:19 by Cho]: Kfred has another thread investigating the connections among some “lesser known players” in the Enron data dump. These would include the Alexander Strategy group, which was founded by, as source watch tells us:

Ed Buckham, Thomas D. DeLay’s former Chief of Staff, “with a huge initial contract that DeLay secured from Enron. (The group also paid DeLay’s wife a salary for several years).

Kfed’s commentary asking for help with this line of searching is here: ENRON Database mining continues: Buckham


Anyone interested in trying to connect the dots among the cronies — Delay, Enron, GOPUSA (Jeff Gannon’s outfit) and that little thing called the California energy crisis?

Grab your shovels and your picks, the ePluribus Media researchers received some very interesting data and  can use help.  On a tip from the Moon of Alabama folks, they’ve got access to a treasure trove of emails among Enron and GOPUSA, “employer” of our old friend Jeff Gannon.   As just one tantalizing tidbit, all the key GOPUSA-ers had Enron email addresses, how convenient is that? Right now some of the ePMedia folk are combing through and collating what they find.

Kfred’s starting pulling together the data that links Abramoff, Reed and Delay here:

ENRON FILES: Abramoff? Reed? Delay?? Yes.  

WanderIndiana’s been tracking the interesting connections between Enron and GOPUSA — more than just the convenient email address “connection” at:

Help Us Dig Through Enron Email: GOPUSA

As kfred noted in her Cheers and Jeers post:

Anyway – Cheers to someone putting all of the Enron emails sucked up by the government onto the web in a searchable form.
Cheers to the fact it was legally obtained, by court order, approved by a judge, unlike some data sucking that has been done by a certain guy who has jaw twitches and stands behind a podium and goes “heh heh”

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