Update [2006-2-2 10:28:19 by Cho]: Kfred has another thread investigating the connections among some “lesser known players” in the Enron data dump. These would include the Alexander Strategy group, which was founded by, as source watch tells us:
Ed Buckham, Thomas D. DeLay’s former Chief of Staff, “with a huge initial contract that DeLay secured from Enron. (The group also paid DeLay’s wife a salary for several years).
Kfed’s commentary asking for help with this line of searching is here: ENRON Database mining continues: Buckham
Anyone interested in trying to connect the dots among the cronies — Delay, Enron, GOPUSA (Jeff Gannon’s outfit) and that little thing called the California energy crisis?
Grab your shovels and your picks, the ePluribus Media researchers received some very interesting data and can use help. On a tip from the Moon of Alabama folks, they’ve got access to a treasure trove of emails among Enron and GOPUSA, “employer” of our old friend Jeff Gannon. As just one tantalizing tidbit, all the key GOPUSA-ers had Enron email addresses, how convenient is that? Right now some of the ePMedia folk are combing through and collating what they find.
Kfred’s starting pulling together the data that links Abramoff, Reed and Delay here:
ENRON FILES: Abramoff? Reed? Delay?? Yes.
WanderIndiana’s been tracking the interesting connections between Enron and GOPUSA — more than just the convenient email address “connection” at:
Help Us Dig Through Enron Email: GOPUSA
As kfred noted in her Cheers and Jeers post:
Anyway – Cheers to someone putting all of the Enron emails sucked up by the government onto the web in a searchable form.
Cheers to the fact it was legally obtained, by court order, approved by a judge, unlike some data sucking that has been done by a certain guy who has jaw twitches and stands behind a podium and goes “heh heh”If you want some brain exercises or just plain fun, check the preliminary results of our playing in this candy store, Join US!
We would ask that if you find anything, deposit either here or over at ePluribusMedia, we’ll track, collate, make diagrams as needed and yes: We’ll say Thankyou!
I can’t find the right adjectives to describe how important this is. ‘Incredible development’ is just a start. I’m pretty sure that GWB secured the services of Ken Lay’s lawyer early on in the Plame investigation. Enron ties right in with Cheney, the energy plan, foreign policy, California’s consumer fraud……
Thanks, time to dig.
reading the stuff that Wander, Kfred, Avahome and the others are digging up is like reading a who’s who of the most corrupt.
They are all there — Delay, Abramoff, Eberle, Gannon…
As Kfred says, no wonder they want to kill the so-called frivolous lawsuits and slow the FOIA to a crawl…
There has been so much to remember in all of these names and connections that indexed diagrams are really the way to go. heh, maybe this is why somebody tried to patent the flow chart system and the hyperlink technology.
One question, and just a wild theory, but what happens if this leads back to covert operations that are meant to stay hidden whether legal or illegal?
RE: covert operations
That’s good to hear. I’ve had the same opinion on the activities that are so anonymous they arouse suspicion in goevernment. If it’s supposed to be something covert, then an average digger like me shouldn’t be able to figure it out just by connecting public info.
I’ve usually stopped digging when I run into the global mafia connections. …gotta draw the line somewhere.
Neo-connect the dots. Yay!
By all means…any investigation you have been involved in..put the keyword in subject line and search. Look for key players names….. on left…ken lay, mark lay, etc.
It is like Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Double trouble, which diary is real and which is fictional?
Digging through the Enron Dirt
Memory …
Sat Mar 12, 2005 at 04:40:12 PM PDT
GOPWEBTX new diary
Action items — to do list:
(1) The Polls He Bought by Robert Bryce – Austin Chronicle
(2) Texas Public Policy Foundation [TPPF]
(3) Appreciation – Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc. [CNI]
(4) ENRON Relations Dr. Wendy Lee Gramm, Fairfax, Virginia
(5) Governor Rick Perry
(6) State Comptroller Carole Keeton Rylander – — Scott McClellan’s mom
FUN and ENJOY further reading …
● PropaG – GOPUSA in Texas & UA Richard Powell Investigated ◊ by creve coeur
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thanks Oui! — Guess we are working different shifts — Didn’t see that Wander posted (in the middle of the night!!– up late, Wander?)
Oui, thanks for posting your comment both places.
I have been registered for 50 weeks and one day, never got through vetting process …
Due to security reasons, we are limiting access to various aspects of ePluribusMedia Investigates research. We want to be certain that the integrity of that information is maintained.
I’m willing to support the investigation, but need to get farther than reading the frontpage.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
That must be one helluva background check they do. Be glad you didn’t apply to the Alabama site. It’s registered to someone in Germany. That must be a long commute to the local bars.
Oui — Seriously?
I will check it out.
…folk handling vetting said the email address for you might be wrong?
…sent several emails…
Maybe send your email address at membership@epluribusmedia.org
If you don’t get a “vetting email” from us, post here again and I will try to track down the glitch.
Received a new password 5 hours ago instantly from webmaster. Had communicated for two weeks when vetting process started to get it straightened out, then I gave up.
Easiest of email addresses : oui at xs4all.nl
Appreciate your effort, thanks Cho. I had chosen my nickname Oui especially for the PropaGannon investigation. A month later started at BooMan with same nickname. At dkos creve coeur and new creve coeur.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Glad to help!
Sorry for my shorthand style of writing, I meant to inform you the email address is known @ePluribusMedia, as was illustrated with a new password from the webmaster.
I can login as a guest? … but have no access to the forum, comments or to participate in any part of the investigation.
Therefore, I have just send an email to the address you mentioned, so I hope it will bring some result.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Be sure to let us know if problems continue.
And welcome – wondered what the heck happened to you!
Oui —
I just got off the phone. Look for an email.
On website of ePluribusMedia Investigates —
All access denied except frontpage and my account.
Under nickname oui in left column are listed just three items:
□ my account
□ view inbox (o)
□ log out
Please let me know you have received this message.
Kind regards,
Oui @BooMan
Send message failed with -404- Error :: Page not found.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hi Oui…
I don’t have an email address at ePluribusmedia, which is why that email bounced back to you. Send email membership@ePluribusMedia.org
We don’t have individual email addresses at ePluribusMedia… sorry!
Heh…you found me out!
Yep, I was trying to catch the late-nighters last night…but your posts touched the right nerves. Today, the early birds were most interested in digging for the worms… 😉 (mining for gold, digging for worms…take your pick!)
Thanks, Oui.
I give up. Which one is real and which one is fictional? Either way, I always thought Gannon was kept out of the limelight for more than one reason. Great work in the comment links.
I haven’t had time to dig yet. Do Wilkes or Foggo have emails?
Try ’em. Probably do.
I searched a while last night late, couldn’t get into the site earlier in day. I found some other things I’d seen printed in one of t hese threads already, nothing new and huge.
This is tiny, and just gossipy, and perhaps not all that unusual for workplaces, but scores if not hundreds of employees were subscribed to:
CBS SportsLine.com
THey’re forwarding the emails to each other, also. Whee!