‘Twas the night of the SOTU, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except for the louse
On the tube at the moment, whose staggering speech
Seemed to fill up the TV with some sort of screech
From the depths of his being, a muted complaint
About Muslims and enemies…’twas not for the faint.
It was ugly and boring…just what I expected
And in under a minute, the changer inspected
Alternative options…the nights are too short
To waste watching fools and their fiction reports.
So I surfed through the channels, and what did I find?
A great movie…a favorite of mine, one that eventually opens the mind
To the truth of the matter…that we’ve been invaded
By creatures who owe more to good ol’ Darth Vader
Than to Lincoln or Kennedy, Franklin and them.
Ones in the business of creating mayhem
Wherever they land…they’re not human, you see
They are aliens come to colonize me
And to conquer you too…they’ll bore you to tears
And jerk you around with your very worst fears.
Terr’ists and such…they know just how to do it
They’ve got Rover clones and others who knew it
Before they were born…they were made to be hustlers.
(Genetically trained to be media musclers.)
So you’d better be nice, you’d better not cry
You’d better be good, I’m telling you why.
Nazi Germany is coming to town.
Wearing a clown suit, this time.
Bread and circuses.
And death, death, death.
Later…for ALL of this shit.
P.S.The movie I watched instead of “Bozo the President Jerks Off The Nation”?
“They Live”
A piece of B movie crap that has more truth in it that almost every word ever written on any liberal blog.
Rowdy Roddy Piper…the only even moderately intelligent and talented wrestling star ever to emerge from THAT particular pile of bullshit…cast as a rough hewn construction guy who accidentally finds some special sunglasses that allow him to see that most of the middle class and higher people in the world are in reality hideously ugly aliens in disguise who are using the people of the earth for their own nefarious purposes. Complete with a subliminal control machine mechanism embedded in all advertising, newspapers and TV broadcasts.
Of course…the good guys win, which MAY be the only truly fictional part of this movie.
We shall see about that…and soon too, I think.
The speech and ALL those that treat it as anything but a sick joke?
Bugs Bunny pinned it way back in the ’40s.
I’m outta here.
NEWSTRIKE!!!, y’all.
Can there be any OTHER valid reaction to such bullshit?
The pundits seriously chewing on this foolishness?
The blogs rehashing the hash yet again?
A time whose idea has come.
This one came out pretty good, if I DO say so myself.
Yes, Virginia, there IS a President.
And he is a fool.
As are we for even LOOKING at him.
The usual…recs + such, por favor.
Back to bed…this idea woke me out of a sound sleep. ( I wonder who…or what…wrote it???)
I didn’t leave it on during the commercials…that counts.
And truth be told…I didn’t watch much of that movie, either.
Got work to do…
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just saying Practice what you Preach!
What I preach is:
1-To completely disregard the supposed truth of the news as it is presented in the major American media. This includes taking ANYTHING that the Semi-President says as anything but spin and deliberate misrepresentation, and it also includes looking at the endless palaver on the blogs over which media outlet is the good guys this week with a thoroughly jaundiced eye. Thus my take on Newsweak that so upset you.
2-To drop as far out of the advertising-driven, debt-ridden consumer society as it is possible for you to go and still survive. THIS includes being absolutely sure that you are exposed to as little advertising as possible, because they are VERY good at what they do.
And believe me…much further out of this financial society and I personally would be paying rent on a manhole cover and driving a cast-off bicycle.
3-To choose your myths well. “They Live” is one of the GOOD myths…up to the point where the good guys inevitably and miraculously win, anyway. (And I am not so sure that a “good guys win” mythic ending is in ITSELF so false. We HAVE managed to evolve for several millions of years despite all apparent odds to the contrary…)
Practice what I preach?
I DO NOT watch the U.S. news, nor do I read mainstream U.S. newspapers or magazines, and I have moved as far out of this system as it is possible to move and still be able to eat and sleep in some sort of reliable shelter.
I am NEWSTRIKE!!!, hear me roar.
If a few million middle and upper-middle class Americans were to join me, I swear to God that we would bring this government down in a couple of months.
Because it would be DISASTROUS for business.
If 10 million Americans sold their stocks and other supposed “investments”, paid off their debts, tore up their unnecessary credit cards (I keep one for travel purposes and NEVER run up debt on it), bought real estate with their cash and lived mortgage free, sold their new cars and bought used ones (again with cash), and publicly renounced their dependence on the PermaGov’s media for their information, there would be a panic in the boardrooms that would make the fear felt during the youth movement of the ’60s + ’70s look like a garden party.
I can see it now…
“The sky is falling!!!”
“What if it’s CATCHING!!???“
But not unless people break their media addiction.
There is a difference between between having an occasional glass of wine and being a full-blown alcoholic, alohaleezy.
Anyone who thinks that there is the SLIGHTEST bit of truth or honor in mainstream American news is a flat-out news junkie.
Tune in, wake the fuck up, and drop out.
(Doesn’t mean we have to throw our TVs out the window…unless that’s the only way that we can stop believing them. I haven’t been a believer since the Warren Commission. Not a BIT of it. Clean and media-sober, nearly 40 years. And proud of it.)
As a “clean and sober” alcoholic that means total abstinence.
But I was NOT an alcoholic.
OR a media-holic.
Never GOT strung out.
A a non-alcoholic., I can have…and enjoy…a drink now and then.
Ditto the media.
I choose my wines well.
Can the same be said of those who take the NY Times or Newsweak seriously?
On face value?
I think not.
It must be so wonderful being so perfect. How DO you do it? For me, being an alcoholic and getting sober was the best thing that happened to me. I for one know an addiction when I see it and I don’t happen to be addicted to the NYT or any other MSM. I do attempt to check in to see what they are saying and keep track so we can call them on their bullshit. I just wrote a letter today to NBC and some of their sponsors. What did you DO today to fight the Propagandists and Cabal of Fascists that occupy the White House The Senate and The House of Representatives and the Judiciary? Besides play some jazz or maybe that is your new secret weapon to fight them with?
This is useless.
Now I have insulted you because you used to be an alcoholic.
Once again…I am sorry to have done so. It was not my intention.
I am outta here.
Do what you want, and the best of luck to you.
I agee…pointless. I AM going to leave you with one more thing though Arthur. Others and I have asked you what you are doing to change things and you continue to skirt the issue. I wonder why?
You haven’t offended me. I just laugh this off.
If you consider what YOU are doing “changing things”, then you may laugh me off all you wish.
The only “change” that I have seen over the past 40 years has been a fairly steady deterioration of the culture, the economy, our educational and manufacturing system and an equally steady and presently rapidly accelerating move towards a new kind of fascism here. One with no really effective opposition party in place.
What you are “doing” has been totally unsuccessful.
You made a disparaging remark earlier here about how “jazz solos” seem to be my only weapon.
I live my work, alohaleezy.
I find people like you…people who grind their way through the lockstep “Democratic” system as it stands today, cop an attitude when someone suggests something different and actually swallow the party line as handed out by propaganda rags like Newsweek…to be less than useless in this fight. You spend all of your time fussing and fuming over the depredations of the right and “working against” said powers, sneer at people who disagree with the main thrust of your patently unsuccessful efforts, yet passively sit there while all of your well-intentioned work is funneled towards some ineffectual asshole (if not total turncoat and/or mole) like Kerry, and then when he is roundly defeated and actually gives up before the final rounds of the fight, you go right back into the system that produced that result in the first place. The same system that has lost about 80% of the Presidential elections since JFK was shot.
Good work, girl.
Good work.
This is beyond my comprehension.
Except to consider it as the actions of a thoroughly hypnotized subject of the master hypnotists who really run this country.
So sneer away, my dear.
And I will stay here on the outside, playing my little “jazz solos”, writing my little “jazz compositions”, teaching and playing music at the highest level I can manage and reaching one human being at a time with this simple message.
Politically OR musically.
Wake the fuck up.
Tune in to the reality of the system, turn it off off O-F-F, and wake the fuck up.
That’s the best that I can do in good conscience.
Jazz as a “secret weapon”?
Not such a bad idea, if the audience wasn’t totally asleep before the concert even got booked.
Best of luck, because you are going to need it.
Have you ever really LISTENED to “jazz”?
REALLY listened?
Can you tell the difference between Charlie Parker, John Coltrane and some fencepost with a saxophone stuck in its knothole?
I doubt it.
Best of luck.
Over and out…