Ex-colleague’s links to lobbyist scrutinized
WASHINGTON (Chicago Tribune) Feb. 3 — In the latest challenge to Gonzales’ White House record, two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee asked Gonzales what he knows about ties between convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Timothy Flanigan, a former White House lawyer, who withdrew his nomination to be deputy attorney general last October.
Gonzales also faces scrutiny over his role in justifying a White House policy to conduct domestic surveillance without search warrants. In addition, critics say Paul McNulty, selected as the new choice to be deputy attorney general, has been slow to consider allegations of abuse of detainees held in the war on terror.
Paul McNulty, the nominee for deputy attorney general, faces a confirmation hearing at which he is expected to face questions about how vigorously he has pursued allegations of mistreatment of detainees by the CIA and Defense Department.
Timothy Flanigan pulled out of consideration for the Justice Department’s No. 2 position after questions arose about his business relationship with Abramoff and about his role, as Gonzales’ White House assistant, in crafting Bush administration policies that seemed to justify use of torture for terrorism suspects.
Fri Jul 29th, 2005 at 08:28:27 AM PST
- Deputy Attorney General James Comey — who appointed U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald to investigate the CIA leak case — is leaving the Justice Dept. for a private sector job.
- Pres. Bush has nominated Timothy Flanigan, senior vice president and general counsel of Tyco International, to replace Comey.
- “[T]he only control Fitzgerald’s Justice handler [Comey, then his successor] has is to fire him,” (WSJ July 29, 2005 Washington Wire, sub.)
[new links due to time lapse – Oui]
Abramoff recently pleaded guilty to fraud and conspiracy charges and is cooperating with federal investigators. Abramoff had ties to numerous prominent lawmakers and Sen. Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., said a request would soon be made for a special prosecutor to take over the investigation.
Justice Department spokeswoman Tasia Scolinos said both the detainee abuse inquiries and the Abramoff investigation are insulated from politics because they are being handled by career prosecutors and not by political appointees.
● Judiciary Committee For DOJ Probe of Improperly Accessed Computer Files
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Fri Jan 27th, 2006 at 06:25:19 AM PST
Democrats Want Shake-Up in Abramoff Probe
WASHINGTON (ABC/AP) Jan 27, 2006 — Two Senate Democrats asked the U.S. attorney general Thursday to appoint a special counsel to take over the investigation into congressional corruption involving lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
The letter came a day after the Justice Department announced the prosecutor heading the investigation would step down from the Abramoff investigation.
Noel Hillman, chief of the department’s public integrity section, was nominated by President Bush for a judgeship on the U.S. District Court in New Jersey. Hillman will step down as chief of the public integrity unit next week, but remain in the Justice Department’s criminal division until he is confirmed, a department official said.
In a letter to the attorney general, Sens. Chuck Schumer and Ken Salazar argued an independent prosecutor “would ensure that the investigation and prosecution will proceed without fear or favor and provide the public with full confidence that no one in this country is above the law.”
Cheney’s Indicted Former Aide Gets Think-tank Job
WASHINGTON (AFP) Jan. 6 — I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former top aide to VP Dick Cheney who was indicted in the CIA leak case, has a new job, focusing on Asia and anti-terrorism at a conservative think tank.
Libby, who has pleaded not guilty to obstruction of justice, perjury and making false statements, will serve as senior adviser to the Hudson Institute.
“Scooter Libby brings decades of experience to Hudson Institute that will strengthen our robust research efforts,” the think tank’s chairman, Walter Stern, said in a statement.
Libby, who stepped down as Cheney’s chief of staff after he was indicted, is a veteran of Washington policy circles, after working at the State Department, on Capitol Hill and in the Department of Defense, as well as the White House.
He signalled through his combative legal team at his first appearance in court in November that he would fight hard to clear his name, and he is next due in court on February 3.
Libby is the only official so far indicted in the probe by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald into claims that senior administration officials outed CIA operative Valerie Plame in revenge for criticisms of the White House push for war with Iraq by her husband, former diplomat Joseph Wilson.
Former Chief of Staff to US VP Dick Cheney, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who was indicted in the CIA leak case, has a new job focusing on Asia and anti-terrorism at a conservative think tank. AFP/File
● Scooter Libby Roundup ◊ by BooMan
Fri Feb 3rd, 2006 at 10:03:41 AM PST
≈ Cross-posted from Patriot Daily’s diary —
Right-wing think tank reports as FBI domestic “intelligence” ≈
New information about Bush’s spying on Americans has been discovered by the ACLU due to a Freedom of Information Act: The FBI is essentially using right-wing think tank reports as “intelligence” against environmental groups.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oui – I wanted to take a moment and thank you for all the information you post.
In my internal thoughts and dialogue I often end up with questions that I think, “Oui would find that in a moment.”
In moments of frustration and despair this week I have thought to set all this blogging and political stuff aside – then I think of you as gardener at the White House – which brings a smile and the thought that I would really like to see that happen.
You have helped in so many ways intended or not. Thank you.
Tampopo, I absolutely agree with you! Oui, has to know how he has kept us glued together. Oui, you are the most important person here in my book. You have the articles we need to digest and get answers and then we can make intel. decisions on. I want to again say a big heartfelt thank you. Hugs and so glad that you are here with us.
This administration has got to be one of the most evil and vile full of horrible ppl ever! I have never seen such in all of my 60 years. We really do have to fight and fight hard to rid ourselves of them and I mean eradicate them from our society as a whole.
WASHINGTON (MSNBC) Feb. 2, 2006 — A letter from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to the I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby defense team reveals that some White House e-mails from 2003 weren’t archived as they should have been.
On October 28, 2005, a grand jury indicted Libby on five counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements to the FBI. Made public as part of a recent court filing, Fitzgerald’s letter was sent in response to requests by Libby’s legal team that the prosecutor turn over a large number of documents pertaining to the defendant. At the end of the letter, in which Fitzgerald refused the request, he wrote:
We are aware of no evidence pertinent to the charges against defendant Libby which has been destroyed. In an abundance of caution, we advise you that we have learned that not all e-mail of the Office of Vice President and the Executive Office of the President for certain time periods in 2003 was preserved through the normal archiving process on the White House computer system.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
On September 23, the Attorney General says he and CIA Director Tenet sent a memo to the FBI requesting an investigation.
On September 26, the Department of Justice officially launches its investigation.
Interestingly, it took 4 days after that “official” launch for the Justice Department to call White House Counsel Gonzales and notify him of the official investigation. Gonzalez then asked for an extra day before the Justice Department gave the White House the official notice, which means all documents and records must be preserved.
A recent letter was sent to the President from Senators Daschle, Schumer, Levin, and Biden which also expresses concern about this break from regular procedure.
They wrote:
Every former prosecutor with whom we have spoken has said that the first step in such an investigation would be to ensure all potentially relevant evidence is preserved, yet the Justice Department waited four days before making a formal request for documents.
Interestingly, the letter goes on:
When the Justice Department finally asked the White House to order employees to preserve documents, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales asked for permission to delay transmitting the order to preserve evidence until morning. The request for a delay was granted. Again, every former prosecutor with whom we have spoken has said that such a delay is a significant departure from standard practice.
That is what has been happening–departure from standard practice.
I am also troubled that the White House Counsel’s Office is serving as “gatekeeper'” for all the documents the Justice Department has requested from the White House. Mr. Gonzales’ office said he would not rule out seeking to withhold documents under a claim of executive privilege or national security.
● White House Counsel Alberto Gonzalez’s Oct. 3, 2003 Memo to all
White House Employees About Deadline to Provide Documents to Counsel
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Can it be?
I don’t know, let’s ask Oui
I do believe
The truth will set us free.
(((Oui))) I must add my thanks too – I’d be lost without you.
Oui has these issues covered so well that it makes the rest of us diggers relatively useless.
Great job bringing this out into the light.
for tomorrow’s hearings
Oui, I just checked something before going to bed and was unsure if you saw this?
Now I am really going to bed! ‘Nite!