“Changing History is NOT a Spectator Sport”

Donald Rumsfeld spoke before the National Press Club on Thursday — where he most famously said, “You’ve got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money. He’s a person who was elected legally just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally.” More about that in my next story, because there’s another story about Rummy’s speech that’s been underreported:

World Can’t Wait’s Heather Hurwitz, a respectfully attired teenager, stood up and shouted to Rumsfeld:

“You have committed crimes against humanity and BushCommission.org and thousands are coming this weekend to drive you out of office, You and you whole administration. Step down Mr. Rumsfeld, Bush administration step down and take these programs with you. You are torturing people signing off on torture. It’s happening. This world needs to wake up, stop this war, this criminal war.”

As Heather Hurwitz was taken out forcibly by security guards, people yelled at her: “SHUT UP!” And they snickered as loudly as they could — you can hear them on DN!’s audio/video — while Rumsfeld looked on amused, and … don’t miss this …

Rummy smirked and said, “Well, I guess we’ll have to count her among the undecided.”

(By the way, Amy Goodman didn’t report Rummy’s retort, but you can hear him on the video she plays.)

What’s this World Can’t Wait — and its protest — that Heather Hurwitz speaking up for? Some of you (Super SOLING!) know already! MORE BELOW:

From Democracy Now’s headlines:

Hurwitz is a member of the group World Can’t Wait. The group is convening a protest in Washington Saturday calling on the Bush administration to step down. Thousands of people are expected to attend.

11AM: Rally at 17th & Constitution

2PM: March around the White House

Speakers include: Kathleen Chalfant, Doris “Granny D” Haddock, Michael Ratner (Center for Constitutional Rights, Boots Riley (the Coup), Representative from 1199 SEIU United Health Care Workers East, Rebecca Schaefer (Georgetown Law School Student), Rev. Al Sharpton, David Swanson (After Downing Street), Sunsara Taylor, Ann Wright (Veterans for Peace), more TBA pending schedule confirmations.

Actor Mark Ruffalo urges you to get on the bus this Saturday! [click here to listen]
“There are millions of us out there who are frustrated and angry. Not only in small pockets, but all around the United States crossing into many different kinds of people, spanning oceans and continents. We are the growing majority. Ultimately, we are not alone. If you come out, you will see that others will greet and support you and enfold you into something that is greater than your fear of what we are being led to believe America is about. It’s time to get on the bus this Saturday, February 4th. It’s time to demand that Bush step down.” [MORE]

“Changing History is NOT a Spectator Sport”