Let’s Sleep on the Beach
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
in a beer before I head off to bed?
I’m headed to bed right now, minus beer. Thank you for a beautiful image to end the day with!
See you soon.
Ya shure, you bet…I want to hear more about maryb’s shower
Do tell…
The NSA’s put a spycam in my shower! But how did YOU get the pictures?
I’d be happy to have a beer with all you folks, but no Oatmeal Stout here… only the ubiquitous brew of my old UW-Madison days, the inimitable Old Style (aka fondly as Old Stool, Dog Style, etc.) And now that I said that I wonder if they even sell the stuff on the West coast? Anyway, cheers all, and have a restful weekend!
Hi, I’m around for about 10 more minutes. I was just checking back in before bed.
Thanks for leaving me a beer on the bar! Although I don’t think the oatmeal stout will mix well with my earlier cosmos.
No, Mary, do NOT drink the oatmeal stout after Cosmos … unless you’ve been eating the flower version. If you’re worried about being fuzzy in the morning, try the old French hangover preventative: eat a piece of cheese and drink a large glass of water before bed. It works, besides, it’s a tasty snack and water always helps ward off the dehydration. Though I never touch vodka, I bet it would still work! And, btw, thanks for the warm welcome today… I’m loving settling in here in Booland officially (though I’ve been lurking for months), and it’s great to see that the people I’ve felt were warm and real truly are that way. Cheers. Good Luck, and Good Night (I MUST finally get out to see that soon!)
and boy are we in for trouble.
First Bush, then last night’s earthquake, and tomorrow a decade-sized windstorm. We’re told to expect sustained winds in the 40’s and gusts into hurricane strength for much of the day. Long power outages are expected, especially in areas as rural as ours, and maybe worse.
We’ve backed up computer data, got an upgraded UPS, and backups have gone to the bank in case anything should fall on the house.
The wind direction is from these trees towards our house at bottom:
What we have in our favor is that there is 300 more feet of semi steep, semi wooded hill rising up behind them, so our usual experience is that the high winds only hit the very tops and they’re much attenuated from their open-field or open water strength.
At least we’re lucky that the storm is set for mid day when we have time to get our morning cuppa, round up the Twa Totos and move to a less threatenend position if need be.
We know about big winds up here…Chinooks…every year and they’ve been pretty nasty this year.
Highest gust recorded in the 35 yrs I’ve lived here is 147mph…not fun.
Good Luck!
I’m a little concerned about you — after all with TWO totos, you might both end up in OZ.
Let us know how its going tomorrow.
Did you really mean to Mega-troll that?
I think on Booman I can survive the accidental hit!
Here’s wishing you and yours well during the impending storm, Gooserock! Hoping you, yours and the pups ride it out without incident! As an aside, from my end of the country, we had 59 degrees almost record high on Thursday and we barely broke 32 today with very strong winds … this winter has been very weird and unsettling … 2nd warmest January on record and only 1.3″ of snow, which is an aberration for our part of the world. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous photos of nature and the dogs….
As Elliott Erwitt said: “There are only two types of photographs: those with dogs and those without dogs.”
I fixed it — must have been the change in barometric pressure that hit me last night. Trust me, I don’t mega troll anybody in the cafe — although last night I may have subliminally been thinking about it in another context!

Definitely a ‘glitch’.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
all the windbags were in Congress…hope you, Puget4 and the Totos all stay safe…will be thinking of you tomorrow…
We’ve got our share of windbags in this house! The question is whether we can time the worst gusts blowing at the trees in the opposite direction!
Just got the new UPS up and running. Sweet. Thanks to flatpanel monitors, our two pc’s, inkjet, lan hub and DSL device are collectively showing as only 1 light out of a maximum of 5 on the load graph. That should give us connectivity provided the phone lines aren’t taken out with power (which is usually the case), and let us run for a few desperate news checks or business if the power is out for long.
DANG!!! We just had a momentary brownout. That’s not a good sign at all, 15 hours off!
Had a foul wind blow through Dallas today, on his way to his “ranch.”
I’m at work, but I’ll be leaving in a few minutes. I’ll have a toast to my Boo-friends before I call it a night! Have a good weekend, all!
a chance to ask Hillary a question tomorrow.
I asked people around Philly tonight what a good question would be. But the suggestions were all ummentionable, so I’ll ask you non-barbarians.
Hillary Clinton Speech at Princeton on 19 January -- "I believe that we lost critical time in dealing with Iran because the White House chose to downplay the threats and to outsource the negotiations".
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Maybe you could ask her if she cares more passionately about the trajectory of this country than the trajectory of her own political ambitions? Then ask her if she knows how to spell “disingenuous.” snark
Whatever you might get to ask, please let us know how it all turns out.
When I saw Howard Dean a couple of weeks ago, I asked him about how committed he really thought Democrats in the Capitol were towards bringing us universal healthcare.
But, Hillary is in a special position there and I wouldn’t ask her that.
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands Feb 3, 2006 — If you can’t beat ’em … joint ’em? The City of Amsterdam has begun selling recently introduced “no toking” signs to prevent the official ones from being stolen as collector’s items, a spokesman said Friday.
Now everyone can have his own 'no toking' sign,
in Dutch blowing prohibited - fine 50!
The signs were created as part of an experimental ban on smoking marijuana on the street in “De Baarsjes,” one of the city’s poorer neighborhoods. The measure, which went into effect Feb. 1, was intended to reduce loitering and petty crime.
The signs show two fingers holding a cone-shaped cigarette, with small white marijuana leaves on a black background all enclosed within a red circle.
The city is selling them for 90 each (around US$110), and plans to donate the proceeds to charity.
Stadsdeel De Baarsjes
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Great idea, oui … leave it to the Dutch to turn vandalism into a profit for charity. Oh, that we could do that here as well. When I was in college there was a street sign (High Street) that was regularly stolen by some of us (ahem) hooligans, and if they had taken the same tactic, they wouldn’t have needed to replace it so regularly … they could have probably paved a street with the profits from the sale of the signs. This sounds like creative financing that solves a problem to me … thanks for tipping me off on this. Bonne chance, et bonne nuit!
Good Morning.
Good morning. I’m guessing we won’t see katiebird’s cafe for a good bit so I think we should go ahead and have our coffee without her.
I think I’ll join you…I have another hour before I have to scoot over to yoga.
We got snow overnight. I’m not sure if it is heading your way.
I think your cold wether is supposed to hit us next. Not good news for my daffodils. (Can you tell I’m a little bent out of shape about having them come up too early 2 years in a row?)
This is a really wet snow and our temperature is going to to be mid 30’s during the day. So maybe you can just cover the flowers at night and they will come through okay.
I’ll just throw some more leaves on top of them and hope for the best. I think some of them are actually about 2 inches out of the ground already, though.
I’ll join both of you, but only two cups today.
Try getting some good decaf French Roast and mix it with your caf coffee. Same amount of caffeine but more coffee to drink. It tastes great. Really.
I’ll give it a try, but I’m really trying to quit the whole thing.
We had a terrible thunder storm last night. Haven’t been out to see if there’s any damage. I see where Gooserock is having bad weather, hope they come through OK.
Why give up coffee if you like it? It’s only the caffeine that does bad stuff (although they keep finding good stuff it does, as well).
From my understanding, even decaf has some caffeine in it. I get horrible migraines and coffee is a no-no. I shouldn’t have started back drinking it, but I have, now I have to quit again.
That’s too bad. Maybe you can find a herbal tea you like.
It’s possible, but one goal at a time.
Maybe I should try that…someday.
So are you folks having spring weather too? My daffodils are confused, and coming up already. It’s like April here.
FM, what part of the country are you in?
I’m in Alabama. It has been spring down here almost the entire winter. Our weatherman said last night with the cold front coming we might see a little snow. He keeps getting my hopes up and then nothing. Just a little dusing is all I want. People down here just don’t know how to drive in it.
It does seem like winter’s hardly started. And we had that weird thunder/lightning/sleet/snowstorm combination here a couple of weeks ago. I’d only seen that happen once before, and that was way up in the Sierras, not in PA.
Global warming…no such thing. 🙂
Global warming – Some people who will go un-named (way up at the top) can’t or won’t see their hand in front of their face.
Just finished my second cup and while I’ve got a little caffeine in me I’m going to start the day.
Have a good one in the pond.
Fresh, Clean Cafe — Now Open!