Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Ahhh. . .elbow room.
Nothing like clean tables and a freshly stocked bar and kitchen!
Cocktails, or coffee — we’ve got it all!
So….what happened?
In the last cafe you said ‘did you ever have one of those days….’ and then you just left!
Well, it’s only fair — you started on the fantasy imagery of Indy and then left it for donuts. 🙁
S’okay. I’ve been left for worse than donuts. ;p
I’m trying to think of something I would not leave for donuts…..
You people have such low opinions of me.
Are you kidding? I, personally, have a very high opinion of doughnuts, so I know your priorities are in order. Of COURSE there is little you would not leave for doughnuts! (Are we talking cake or glazed?)
See, right there? I took the lowbrow way and spelled it donuts without all the fancy silent letters and then you showed me up.
And we’re talking chocolate frosted. Not cake doughnuts…ptoooey!
Chocolate frosted glazed! Yes!
Anyway you spell it.
The “ugh” are silent for a reason that I didn’t realize until I just now spelled them out.
As in “ugh, I shouldn’t have eaten those last 3 donuts”
Are you trying to drive me mad?
And now that I’ve GOT THE POWER are you sure that’s something you want to do?
It’s just that whole business of finding the Booman Tribune headquarters abandoned! It really shook me up.
My goodness, I am in awe. You have the power. Now the question is just how are you going to abuse it?
Katiebird: Is Susan still AWOL? Is she OK?? Just an anxious reader.
Gorgeous. I think we’re just going to get wet here, no snow. Sigh.
Wet, clinging snows are so nice — they make the forests look beautiful but don’t stick to the roads.
Oh, wow, that’s beautiful. I’d want to wallpaper it, except I’m already cold enough.
It’s exquisite. Like an eastern Ansel Adams.
I would wallpaper it but I just made Jim my wallpaper.
Wow, thanks for the over the top compliment.
Jim as your wallpaper — I think the vast number of quickies you are having is starting to affect your judgment.
It did remind me of Ansel Adams — because it looks absolutely real and yet is too good to be real The reflection in the water of the trees — which look like lace, and yet like trees. It’s perfect. It captures a fleeting moment of nature where everything has come together to be perfect.
You’re making me blush.
It is handy to live in a place where all you have to do to get shots like that is take the dogs for a walk.
Well, I’m not telling you to quit your day job or anything. Just appreciating this shot.
When Indy starts up her publishing house maybe she will do a book our your photography. Of course she would have to have queer commentary to fit in with her business model.
But I want to quit my day job (although my plan for that, like yours, is based on winning powerball tickets)!
I have great faith in Indy that there is almost nothing in existence that she can’t write dazzling queer or gender theory to suit.
Watch her, Andi. She may be complimenting you just to win you over. If she starts asking for live cams of Jim. . .
I’ve notice, in life, that when people start speculating about what other people MIGHT be up to, its because they themselves are doing it. I believe its called projecting?
Projecting? <bats eyelashes?> Isn’t that what life cams do?
You know how it is with these people with the Big Secret™ — they think just because they have a special relationship with one famous guy that quickies are just theirs for the taking.
Who said anything
about quickies?
Tee hee.
Must run.
Later, Boosters.
During Booman’s live blogging I considered asking him what Duncan was wearing but I suspected he wasn’t going to find that as amusing as you would.
Good (non) move!
Ansel Adams, exactly what I thought of. Bootiful.
Whew! My hands went numb just looking at this! Fantastic!
Really stunning picture. Ansel Adams did his work with an enormous 8 by 10 view camera. Most of his prints were contact prints, which is where the high resolution came from. What about your equipment, AndiF?
Thanks. I’m just using a Canon PowerShot sd500. It really is the woods that is doing all the work; I’m just lucky enough to be there to take the photo.
I’ve now finished all household chores that allow me to spend most of my time laying on the couch reading a book and talking to you guys. I’ve washed the dishes (in the dishwasher) and done two loads of laundry. I’m not looking forward to the coming dark ages when there is no energy and we have go back to beating clothes against rocks.
I’m moving to the desktop to do some other work — so my typing skills should improve.
I’m waiting to get one of those bathrooms they have on the streets in Japan that after you do your business it closes up watertight and jets of water and disinfectant shoot out to clean the entire room and then down a center drain. It’s me and 3 boys in this house. Well, one of them is a man, but he aims like a boy.
I can see why it appeals to you. It kind of appeals to me and I live by myself, but I hate cleaning the bathroom.
Is there a bathroom in your house that you can reserve for yourself. My cousin and I had this conversation once about how we could never marry anyone unless we were guaranteed a bathroom of our own. (We’re both still single.)
Funny you should ask. In my old house, my daughter and I had what we called the chick bathroom. But here in this house I reserved a special bathroom for the man, and I share one with the two boys. There’s something about them being my own children that makes it less yucky to me. Can you tell why I’m one of those people who really should never be married?
On our first anniversary, I told Jim “one down, one to go”. By about year five, I was trying to decide if irreconcilable internal thermostats was adequate grounds.
This invention has enormous appeal to me even though everyone in my house manages to get all the pee inside the toilet.
How in the world do you lie on a couch reading books and talking to us?
That’s what I want to do, but I’ve never figured it out. Reading and BooTribbing — that would be great!
There’s no way I could do it with a novel. I lose myself in novels.
I’m still working my way through Lies and I’m finding that it lends itself to reading a few paragraphs and then doing something else. It’s not that its hard reading, there’s just a lot in there.
Helpful Household Hints: [with visual aids]
Your faithful friend,
The Dog
Clean Cat:
Later :{)
I wish I could give you a 10 for that!
Thanks for the instructions, but thanks even more for the picture of the dog. I now have a great mental image for ROTFLMAO.
Yup, I’m off on one now and I’ll tell ya’ all, it ain’t my fault. Did I mention that I took enough shots of the lake to wallpaper SN’s house?
In all seriousness, that’s stunningly beautiful. Are we ready to plan a midwest meetup on your property?
We can have any kind of Boo meet-up at my place we can put together just so long as
Do you think we are the only two who aren’t taking an afternoon nap?
Maybe. I don’t usually nap until about 4 on Saturdays.
It’s cold and gray here so I’ve been getting a lot of computer stuff done rather than running around. Plus I figure its really crowded in all the stores with people trying to get groceries, etc. for their superbowl parties tomorrow.
Apparently Super Bowl prep around here involves copious amounts of beer and Velveeta as well as cigarettes. I was the only one at the store this morning getting normal food. This is funny. Or not. Ruby Red grapefruit was 2/$3.00 or an enormous 18# bag (about 20 grapefruit) for $5.99. What kind of sense does that make? I bought the enormous bag and have eaten two of them already today.
They are trying to encourage people with enough sense to not like grapefruit to move to states where they have sensible pricing strategies.
Outdoor toilets, no showers, weenies on a stick over a campfire, bitchy hostess…what could be better?
I’m glad I’m going to the Memphis meetup — real bathrooms, hotels, and good barbeque. But no dogs. Snif. (yes, good dog).
My hands are still numb from looking at the last photo! I’m never going to get warm at this rate. (sigh)
You’re too good. It’s just too effective!
I like this one but I like the other one better. I think it’s the reflections of the tree trunks in the water — they are so randomly and yet geometrically reflected — and just the trunks.
the combination of the snow/frost on the trees and the reflection on the water would be a rare sight here, as normally that foreground would be frozen, and white.
Thanks for the compliments. The lake is often frozen this time of year but it has never froze over this year with the unusually warm winter we are having.
Gooserock here again disguised as Puget4.
Somehow I figured out how to turn on our bigger ups acquired surplus from Puget4’s office. So we can check in briefly here. The battery light shows little charge left which means the batteries need replacing. But hopefully we’ll get power later today or tonight. Only one small region of our area is black, and there are no obvious lines down or other damage.
Just as a near record high tide hit, the low pressure came toward the region, and we have very strong south winds driving water up into the bay near our house. I’m guessing the effective level at 14-14.5′ given that docks went awash.
The beach above looks like an ocean or Great Lakes beach, but it’s well inside the Sound with only a mile or few across to the far side. We never get seas like that here. Of course, there are maybe 50 miles of lengthwise fetch down toward Seattle and Olympia giving the waves time to build up.
The big talk is how to find people with generators, or places of business with power to watch the Super Bowl tomorrow if we don’t get our power back sooner.
Otherwise it’s an old timey day in the wilderness. We slept like babies with no power all night and the consequent darkness. It’s cold in the house, 50’s, so we’re all cuddling up with books, Toto doggies and of course plenty of naps.
This is what we’re watching for the next 4-5 hours. They’re directly upwind, but fortunately somewhat sheltered by trees & hills behind them.
Take care and check back in with us when you can.
BTW, you impression of Puget4 is really good.
Getting ready to head over to the in-laws; mom-in-law does think she’ll need me, at least for a few days, so I may not be around too much. (I’ll get on when I can through dad-in-law’s computer, but don’t want to hog it too much.) Taking my computer so I can play my games and do some writing in the evenings…and to make sure the spouse isn’t up till 2:30am on the damn thing. 🙁
Keep good thoughts for me and my patience levels…
or is anybody around to entertain me? I’ve finished all the stuff I wanted to get finished. Play? or nap?
LOL. You and Katiebird are like the little angels and devils over each shoulder.
The trick is making the right guess about which of us is playing what role.
With your talent now enhanced with absolute POWER, you can clearly do both simultaneously.
And just as I read this someone on TV said “There is nothing that can stop this”
Which pretty much sums up my power.
That reminds me, oh, Most High and Powerful One. A couple of hours I was sitting in a coffee shop writing (do you hear that, Andi, WRITING), and I was writing something required the word “orange.” (Don’t ask.) I was thinking, about this certain paragraph, “Should I use this, or not?” Just as I wrote the word orange, I heard a man at the counter say, “orange,” in a carrying voice. Naturally I took it as a sign and left it in.
Of course, you’re writing. I knew that the inspiring you with the a double whammy of fear — tech doc for aircraft engines and my skills with a graphics program — was a sure fire way to get those mystery-writing synapses firing.
I’ll jump in here for the traditional:
Just carrying over some email comments into the cafe.
I looked at the style.css and it is really different from the triplets one but I realized my pathetic knowledge of css means I don’t know whether the differences matter.
Better rest up — It’s Saturday night and you know how crazy the Froggy Bottom Lounge gets on Saturday Night!
I’m going to the symphony tonight and I’m willing to bet that by the time I get back at the late late hour of 10:30 everyone will be in bed and long gone.
Not me — you’re 10:30 is my 10:30 & I’m sure I’ll still be up. Just make sure you log in the second you get home!
What pieces are they doing?
BTW, did you go see The Red Ballon?
JOSQUIN DES PREZ Nymphes des bois
MOZART Requiem
I got tickets because I like the Requiem. I don’t think I know the other two pieces and I’m not sure how the program all fits together. I”m excited about tonight because its the first time I’m going to see our new conductor — David Robertston. The whole city has fallen in love with him. But all my tickets so far have had guest conductors.
The Red Balloon isn’t until the 16th.
Jeez, it’s the Old Bloggers Home.
They all eat at 4:30 and are in bed by 9:30.
But what matters is what they do between 4:30 and 9:30.
Because it takes them that long to do it.
NOt everyone is the quickie queen like you
At the Old Bloggers Home, I’d say that anything less than four hours could be considered a quickie.
Assuming they remember how to do it. The memory is fading fast even at my age…
Some things work just fine by instinct. The loss of memory is boon — no comparisons.
And this is bad because?
If you’re talking about a four hour backrub I’m game…but my attention tends to wander after about 7 minutes. Maybe I AM a guy…
Yvonne, une Miste d’Irlande, s’il vous plait
ahhhhh…. parfait ma petite choux!
Hi! Are you still in the air?
I’m still amazed that you get to have an internet connection on a plane. Do american airlines allow that yet? Are you flying an american airline or foreign?
And does anyone know if Amtrak has internet access?
which nation is claiming Greenland these days?
really confused. I voted twice against the Nice Agreement. and the govt turned the overwhelming no vote into a yes…..
feeling absolutely vile. customs. dragging baggage. want to land on some land that feels like land, and to be landed, not divested. there’s just too many human beings everywhere you go…. this travelling and transitioning is so stressful. i like quiet and solitariness in large doses. i like soundproof walls.
i wish i was in a Japanese airport where you can check yourself into a morgue-like drawer of a “hotel” that measures 4x4x7 feet.
the answer to your question is no, I’m not. laid over. fed up. need a break.
my computer croaked, 90 mile ride to guru next week, MS NDD has few days off so busy studying online classes on the duck that’s still kicking.
Therefore, comments will be very intermittent.
I hereby assign gooserock (should he wish to take the mission)to attempt to deal with any of those nefarious characters who might take advantage of my limited defense mechanisms during my absence.
I wondered where you had been.
Gooserock is under attack from the wind. So your honor is unguarded.
JimF, but then I was concerned he may get himself into “conflict of interest” and I didn’t want to instigate a domestic disturbance.
However if an “emergency” should develop I’d certainly welcome his assistance.
If you are suggesting that JimF wouldn’t come to your defense because of something I might be doing, your marriage is significantly different than mine where this would be considered a major enticement.
hhhmmm, we’d best leave the analysis of relative differences of marriage to a day when we can delve into it at greater depth… otherwise we’ll just tease the lurkers… into vicarious depravities.
Have you seen the new cafe? Wow!