Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Good Morning!! Coffee’s hot, milks’s cold!
Nice picture, kb, but it doesn’t exactly make me want to go for a drive. π
That was actually a really fun drive. It was pouring rain as I went up and down a mountain (Mt. Tam) down past beaches, up past redwood forests, down past dairy farms to my cousin’s house near Pt. Reyes.
With fog and rain and cliffs — It was my first visit back to Marin in 20 years and I was so happy. I love Marin County in the rain.
Did you see my email on the layout at the test site?
It’s snowing big wet snowflakes …
but the birds don’t care; they want their breakfast and they want it now.
Very pretty. It’s raining cats and dogs here and I had to take an early morning drive to the store to get half and half for my coffee. Cannot do without it. Now I am sitting here at the kitchen table with the windows open listening to the downpour. I love the sound.
For the first five years after we built the house, we had a metal roof and that made rainstorms even more delightful. (Acorns dropping off the trees in the middle of the night, not so good).
I think I’ll skip a drive in both of those kinds of pictured weather. Pretty though.
We lived in a house surrounded by oak trees a couple of years ago. One year there was a bumper crop of acorns and so many would fall that it would set off our car alarm in the middle of the night.
How weird, I didn’t send my reply — I wondered why I never heard back!
I switched back to trying to get 3 columns in the theme we’ve got. If you go over there you can see the 3 columns.
But the sidebars have fallen to the bottom, so you have to scroll along way before you see them.
I cannot figure out how to budge the content off the left margin. Maybe if I let it simmer in the back of my mind it’ll get clear.
How weird, I didn’t send my reply — I wondered why I never heard back!
Unfortunately, my mind-reading talents are limited to Jim.
On the positioning, is it the style.css file that controls that or sidebar.php?
yes, it’s the style.css (or it should be — but turning float:left to float:right doesn’t move it & taking float:left out and replacing it with margin-right:900– ah, px or no px? doesn’t help. neither does margin-left:750). I might be doing something wrong — but I’ve tried a lot of variations.
So there might be another stylesheet controlling the placement of the content.
But, I haven’t found it yet.
I’m going to go get it and see if anything jumps out at me in comparison to the triplets style.css.
That would be great — I’ve got to get ready for a meeting. I’ll be back in a little while.
I’ve been over at E4T, but now I’m back.
Has everybody seen Nanette’s very important diary called “Hop to it!”? Under the name Hoppining Thing, she is starting up a permanent events calendar and action board for the Tribune.
I was gone most of yesterday. What did I miss?
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands Feb 3, 2006 — If you can’t beat ’em … joint ’em? The City of Amsterdam has begun selling recently introduced “no toking” signs to prevent the official ones from being stolen as collector’s items, a spokesman said Friday.
Now everyone can have his own 'no toking' sign,
in Dutch: "Blowing prohibited - fine 50!
The signs were created as part of an experimental ban on smoking marijuana on the street in “De Baarsjes,” one of the city’s poorer neighborhoods. The measure, which went into effect Feb. 1, was intended to reduce loitering and petty crime.
The signs show two fingers holding a cone-shaped cigarette, with small white marijuana leaves on a black background all enclosed within a red circle.
The city is selling them for 90 each (around US$110), and plans to donate the proceeds to charity.
Stadsdeel De Baarsjes
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Morning all! It’s Cold here today. Never thought I’d be so happy to have winter-like weather. I went out to do a post office, walgreens, starbucks run and wished I’d worn a warmer coat. And its cloudy so it will be a good day to stick around the house and do some data organization projects I’ve been putting off.
kansas, did you notice the slur against our boy Atrios (known to you as Duncie) right there on the front page and by the Booman himself? Fun!
You’d better hope I don’t tell him that you slipped and left out the “k” in Dunkie. He might not like being called “Duncie!”
What’s this I hear about photos of you in the shower? Man, some people will do anything to get a certain blogger’s attention!
I’m thought of filing suit for the unauthorized release of those pictures.
But then I realized what web pictures did for Paris Hilton. So instead I’m going to by a few low cut gowns, lighten my hair even further and become an annoying celebrity who adds no benefit to society.
I need to either switch to the desktop or get up off the couch. This is playing havoc with my typing. And running spellcheck takes too much effort.
just make sure you rake in the dough doing it.
Boo is multi-tasking.
I’m impressed. The speaker must be boring.
When I’m famous for doing nothing you’ll be famous too because everyone will know the pictures were FIRST published here. Your hits will go up as more and more people look for more pictures here.
But don’t worry, I’ll let Susan do a click through so people can buy my videos through the site.
I’m back! I’m completely confused about my day. Maybe I should check out Eat4Today, just today.
Take a breath.
Today is SATURDAY.
And you’re in the cafe.
Maybe you need more coffee.
I know, but I got stood up for my meeting & now I don’t know what to do with myself.
(I’m kidding! I can think of at least 3 things I should be doing right this second!)
Poor dear — being stood up is awful.
I know, I feel horrible about it. (looking shifty)
Hmmm — looking shifty. Maybe you weren’t stood up. Maybe it was a blind date and the other party was to show up holding a copy of one of kansas’ books as the signal that you should approach. But when you got a look at the person you decided it just wasn’t worth it and you went home claiming to be stood up.
Maybe it was Mark Lindsay.
I liked Mark Lindsey & I liked Paul Revere and the Raiders! I’d never look shifty over him!
Answering a post from last night:
please tell me why you have a song on your playlist by the lead singer of Paul Revere and the Raiders. (I’m not freaked, I’m just wildly curious.)
I had no idea that Mark Lindsay used to sing with Paul Revere & The Raiders but through the power of Google and the magic time-bending quality of the internet, we are now able to have the same conversation. A while back I bought this ridiculously cheap 70s pop hits 3-CD set for other songs that were on it, but I just kinda liked Lindsay’s song Arizona as well so I uploaded it. I didn’t even remember it from the 70s. So, no big backstory, sorry to disappoint. π
It seems like forever since you’ve felt well enough to hang with us. Hope you’re on the upswing.
Aw, thanks. It’s a permanent downswing, though — when I was 29 I became disabled with a degenerative autoimmune disease, so it’s really just a matter of days I can do more and days I can do less, depending on whatever else is going on healthwise & lifewise. I always miss all y’all too, though; I do greatly enjoy the Cafe and all the pond denizens. π
Hey you. I’m listening to the mix you made me right now and cleaning the house. I can’t tell you how much I love the songs by The Church and Joe Satriani.
YAY! Hey I read your comment in last night’s happy hour cafe about the shrink and the meds working better for you than in the past, and I was so stoked to read that. I’ve been thinking about you — all good things! — even though I’ve not been very communicative lately due to the low energy/illness thinger.
Ditto. I’ve been leaving you alone so you don’t have to answer my wandering emails. But I’ve been sending good thoughts, and looking for cotton thermals.
You’re so sweet. Thermal Search 2006 has been a complete bust so far. Between my extreme pickiness on the matter and the global warming, it’s not looking like it will end successfully.
FYI: those socks you sent me are the best things ever. In 35 years they are the only socks I’ve ever been able to sleep in comfortably.
How do they look when you’re otherwise naked?
lol, I have not yet modeled them while otherwise nude but I will let you know.
I think S.I.N. needs to consider what a little infidelity would do for her self-image.
Are you advocating it, or warning me against it?
I’m in my mother hen role so I’m definitely advocating not resisting the irresistible.
That could pertain to chocolate donuts as well as George Clooney. Gee, I wonder which will present itself first?
BTW…that’s how I found my husband. A little healthy infidelity. I’m not proud, but it had to be done.
I met Mark Lindsay eons ago and had one of my life’s most excruciating moments, and it probably wasn’t any too pleasant for him, either.
I was so nervous about talking to him–and he was major cute–that I blurted, “This new album is a lot better than your last one.” Immediately I wanted to swallow myself whole. He was so tactful that once his look of, “what an ass you are,” disappeared from his face, he just smiled and said thank you. Arrrgh!!
I’ve been paid back in spades though by people who say things like that to me when they like one book way better than another.
kansas, I think that each of your books is better than the others.
lol! The karma spell is broken!
So when do we get to read your memoirs? I love the stories you tell about yourself.
I think you ARE reading them. π
And here I was hoping for some story about seeing some old tv show (Shindig!) and falling in love with him and maintaining a lust for him all these years that transcended time and actually provided the basis for all your queer theory on gender fluidity. Darn. Proof once again that life is no fun.
Life is so much fun, even despite all the bullshit. Here’s one of my current boy-crushes:
As usual I have no idea who this is.
Jason Bateman
I have a crush on Jim but Andi won’t send me a picture of him. I’ve hinted to him that he should send me a picture himself but it’s become clear to me that he doesn’t pick up on hints. Of course — he’s a man.
So from now on no more hinting with the men in my life.
Oh yeah, men are great at picking up on subtle clues.
I have a crush on Jim too…ever since he started posting those awesome random 10s from his ice skating music. π
I hope he’s reading these posts at the library. What do we think his reaction would be? Blushing and covering up the computer screen or shouting to the whole library — hey come see how popular I am!
I’ve seen pictures of Jim. He’s very cute. π
Jim does well with hints if they are the size and heft of a 8 foot 2×4.
Sorry, his mother gets all his school pictures. But I don’t want you to feel deprived.
Jim and me
Jim, Mr. Debonair
Jim wants to know if there is a definition of swoon other than those with which he is familiar.
She can’t answer because she’s passed out on the floor.
I’m recovering now…oh, the beard…
Thanks !!!
You won’t mind if I crop you out of the picture? (aren’t you impressed that I knew one of those technical photographer terms like “crop”?)
What’s the pink marker Mr. Debonair is standing on?
Feel free to crop me out. I hate having my picture taken.
The marker is the boundary between Alberta and British Columbia in Banff National Park.
Men with beards. I swoon too. Love them.
Nice obelisk!
I love him too. And, in a weird way, his sister also. I’ve always thought she’s beautiful.
I think his sister is also adorable. Which was confusing for me when she was on Family Ties because she played such a dumb girl character and I really cannot stand vacuous & superficial as personality traits, so the fact that I also found her kind-of attractive used to bother me. I do think he’s the hotter one, though.
This is not the first time in my life I’ve had a simultaneous attraction to differently sexed siblings. I got myself into an awful lot of trouble like that once.
Sounds like a story worth telling when you’re feeling better!
Telling it would MAKE her feel better.
Remember — honesty starts with friends.
There’s really not that much to it, it was just kinda dramatic at the time.
I had this boyfriend whose slightly older sister was smokin’ hot. When he started stepping out on me, I seduced his sister. It was the ultimate in revenge points, really, and I should’ve felt proud of it (he was a total ass and she didn’t have any emotional attachment to me so it’s not like I was playing with her heart or anything) but I still felt guilty about it for a long time afterwards. Now I just think it’s hilarious.
Do you think they compare notes over Thanksgiving dinner?
Well, it’s been almost 20 years since this happened, but I am reasonably certain that in their family my name is in the same category as Voldemort’s.
Your whole life is like the basis for a Woody Allen plotline.
The only Woody Allen movie I’ve ever seen was Mighty Aphrodite, so I’m not very precise on what this cultural reference means. But my life is indeed very weird.
Hey, all — good morning from the cloudy, warmish Catskills. Lovely to see you, as always.
No driving for me today, due to aforementioned fuel leak problems in the ol’ rustbucket (I mean the car).
Speaking of: Andi, do you recall our brief chat the other night about my purchase of an old pickup truck? Checked out the truck online later that night & found it to be one of those subject to gas tank explosions on side collision impact, due to poor placement of the tanks outside the main frame. The entire scandal was successfully suppressed by GM & their DC enablers until the ’90s. So much for the truck!
(I include this bit of info for the benefit of those who may be driving these trucks currently, know someone doing so, or who may find themselves in the position to purchase one for nothing.)
Gooserock: thinking of you & hoping all’s well.
I’m off to the chores shortly — which may include a 4 mile hike in the rain to our local general store.
but just so I know HOW impressed to be — is it 4 miles each way to the general store or 4 miles round trip. (I’m not sure it matters, I’m still impressed. Especially since I assume you will be carrying your shopping on the way back.)
Don’t be too impressed, maryb — it’s 4 miles round trip. Thankfully, too, there’s not a hell of a lot I need there — just a few essentials.
I made the hike at least twice weekly before I purchsed the rustbucket — a very serene & pretty walk along the river, on a sparsely traveled road. Hopefully, too, I’ll make it back before the temperatures drop at dusk & rain changes to snow.
Ha! Two miles is damn impressive seeing as I get peeved if I have to park in the outlying lot at the mall. McDonalds and malls…no wonder Americans are so damn…fluffy.
SN, if we ever meet you’ll see I’m quite far from fluffy. Scruffy, yes — but not fluffy. At least part of it is my rather sweaty lifestyle — but I’ve never been too shapely in any case.
I’m just back from about a five mile hike in the snow and I’ve got say I wouldn’t want to do the same while carrying groceries.
WW, time for that dog sled!
No doubt! ‘Course, if winters continue as odd as this year’s I’d have to equip the sled with ATV tires.
I just got a call from my congressman’s staff (Russ Carnahan, a dem) asking me what I thought about the president’s state of the union proposal on healthcare. I told them I didn’t watch the state of the union but I would be happy to talk about it. Then they asked me a series of four questions. I wish I had written them down they were so stupid.
One of them asked which of the following had the greatest negative impact on MY budget: healthcare costs, college tuition, gas prices, and something else. I was at a loss because truthfully none of them have much of an effect on MY budget. But that’s because I have paid healthcare through work and no kids to put through college. So I wanted to answer healthcare because I think that affects the most people but the truth is that the only only one of those categories that has any impact on MY budget is gas. I am now included in the whiney category of Americans complaining about their gas prices.
Frankly, maryb, I commend your truthfulness. Poll answers should reflect us as individuals — I don’t believe we’re meant to frame our answers more widely.
That said, if the fact is that people are impacted severely by our ‘addiction to oil’, let it be reflected in our general civic narrative, let attention be paid.
Here in my ‘purple’ community the only thing — I mean theonly thing — causing my hardcore, working class Republican neighbors to opine against Bush, despite their misgivings on other aspects of their ‘leadership’, is the price of gas.
(Of course, these are folks whose idea of civic engagement is watching Court TV. In other words, their general awareness is limited.)
I hear you on that, Andi. Snow loads dropping from the high trees surrounding are pretty dramatic, too
Those are beautiful images above. It’s nothing like that here at all — as of right now, we’ve only got patches of snow in the shade & on the north slopes. In February, no less — not May. More snow is due by tomorrow, apparently, & into Monday — & temperatures should head back into the teens & 20s where they should be.
Gooserock here checking in on Puget4’s account. We’ve been out of power for 9 hours now. Our big new UPS will run just fine but we discovered that, once shut off, it won’t restart without power. That, or its batteries are totally shot, which the indicator lights did not suggest. So we’re running very briefly on our small tired old UPS.
Winds sustained 40 knots and so on our neighborhood beach. Hurricane force gusts are reported in the sound and especially on the coast.
So far the big trees over our house are looking well sheltered.
Bye for now!
Stay safe!
And tell Gooserock I didn’t mean to accidentally mega troll rate him. I fixed it.
Batten down the hatches and get in some extra snuggling time.
Thanks for checking in with us! Stay safe.
Have you ever had a day where everything you planned to do didn’t happen.
And things you never dreamt of did?
Sounds like lots of days in my life, Katiebird. ;p What’s up with you?
How dare you leave it at that! What happened?
I’ve had entire years like that, katiebird. Just finished one, in fact π
If that’s cliffhanger commercial to get us to tune in to Eat 4 Today, I’m gonna kill you. What happened?
People are going to string your sweet self up by your thumbs if you don’t follow up with some juicy details.
Yikes — The tables here are filthy!