About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
WOW!! Thanks for making my day. Off and running. Company coming this morning and I still have to clean the litter box. Won’t be around this weekend. Hope you all have a good one. Keep up the good fight folks. We are ready to take our country back and it is a privelage to stand with all of you!
A few threads back you asked for site suggestions, Boo. I’m wondering it it’s time for a section called something like “Regular Features.” It could contain daily stuff like:
the Cafe
the new Action and Event Center (LINK:}
Daily News Bucket
That would take them off the Rec List, and free up that list as well as the regular diary list. Plus, we’d always know where to go to find them. There’s probably something technical that I’m not understanding about doing that, but then that’s why we have geniuses on board.
That sounds like a great idea for the very reasons you mentioned kansas.
Can you delete comments? There was a concern about the Hop To It! thingy getting overloaded with comments, with people adding their events and petitions and stuff.
If we can just clear the comments from time to time, that would work out. A line could just be added explaining that comments would be deleted once the information was added to the calendar.
I also second Kansas’s suggestion about the regular features area.
only an administrator can delete comments. But we might be able to work something out.
Well, that’s what I meant… didn’t know if you or Susan or Andy or whoever the administrators are could just come in and clear them out every so often. If so, that would work okay, I think.
Round Two
Via Woolcott, I just read that James Lind at Antiwar says everybody missed the significance of Bin Laden’s last message.
He says:
“The Koran requires Muslims to offer such a truce before they attack. The fact that bin Laden himself made the offer, after a long silence, suggests al-Qaeda attaches high importance to it.
“Why? My guess is because they plan a major new attack in the U.S. soon. “
He says it should have set off alarm bells in the government, but he sees no sign that it has.
LINK: Antiwar.
and got chills. I worry about my son and his family in SF. One more major attack and the Constitution will go down the drain.
“One more major attack and the Constitution will go down the drain.”
That may be exactly why they aren’t paying much attention to the warning – just like they didn’t pay attention in August of 2001.
I read that also and got chills..while Rummy and Company are mucking around trying to whip up fervor for invading Iran and once again ignoring bin laden seems like a recipe for another disaster…that could have been avoided..yeah bin laden who?
I also wish all a good weekend. Me? I intend to shut this machine down after this post, unplug the TV, hide the newspaper, and purposely enter a delusional state of my own making, l for the rest of this weekend. It will include the belief that I feel safe and secure under the steadfast leadership of my government, that there truly is such a thing as liberty and justice..for ALL, and that if I get real sick and can’t afford care, I can still get it.
If I fail to be seen here again, it will be because my delusion was just too wonderful to leave behind, and I’ve decided to permanently relocate there. In which case, I’ve really enjoyed my time with you all. 🙂
Thanks BooMan, Have you been to Eat4Today lately?
Great article.
But this quote annoys me.
While technically true, it is misleading because it leads the reader to conclude that Libby didn’t illegally leak classified information. The fact that Fitzgerald didn’t have much of a case doesn’t mean Libby didn’t do it, it just means he didn’t have the evidence to prove it. Possibly because of the coverup? Ya think?