The setting moon
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
A Self Service Cafe!
I’ve just got too much going on here (all that power, you know)
Um, isn’t this a kind of DEPRESSING name for a Saturday night cafe?
It sounded fun to me — I couldn’t make promises since I’ll be mostly gone.
I’ve composed three responses to that, but I’m not going with any of them.
But does Susan Hu have no power?! How is she gonna watch the Seahawks tomorrow?! This is important…
I was thinking that…Seahawks finally make it into the SuperBowl, and there’s a massive power outage in Washington state. That’s just brutal.
And I’m even having a small Superbowl gathering…Susan, come to Los Angeles!!!!
OMG! That is so unfair!
Hi, Lisa! HUGS! I’m baaaaaaaack.
We never lost our power — thank god. Or my trusty DISH TV connection (although my neighbors who have cable lost theirs).
But nobody’s cell phones worked and no DSL link-ups worked for about 13+ hours.
I had to call Earthlink to reboot my modem, but it just took a few minutes and — I love Earthlink — a real human being walked me through it. He was so sweet.
It’s very windy here now. Seattle and nearby islands got it the worst, I think. The I-520 bridge was closed … and part of I-5 was closed in both directions after a huge highway sign crashed down. And people on Vashon Island couldn’t get to the ferry terminal because electric poles fell across the highway, trapping people in both directions.
Tens of thousands of people have no power — mostly around Seattle and north of Seattle — and they’re putting out the word on the radio that everyone must find another way to watch the game tomorrow because they don’t think they’ll have power restored in time.
Tonight’s windiness worries me … just hope we don’t end up losing power. Mainly because I’ll be so cold! But I do have a battery-operated radio so I could listen to the game, but that’d be a drag.
And, Detroit’s getting hit with a big snowstorm tonight but they say they’ve got all the plows, etc. in place to handle it.
Just hoping the game is exciting for ALL!
I cleaned my kitchen. HOORAY! (It needed it so badly.) And I just watched “The Upside of Anger,” which is a wonderful movie — I laughed so hard! Joan Allen and Kevin Costner are just great, as are the other actors.
Oh, dear – my brother lives on Vashon Island. I didn’t even think about them getting trapped.
Tired of black and white?
Yup, that brown really livens things up.
ooooooooohh, we’re off to see the wizard … Isn’t that area to the right where they found the tin man?
I’m sure it says something about me but I love a soft reddish brown. And I liked the combination of it with the green and white.
What can I say — I’m boring — but then again that must be why four hours isn’t a problem for me.
It is pretty, I was just joshing you. I really can’t see the green on my monitor and without my glasses but I can imagine it now that I know it’s there.
BTW, most of my clothes are black and brown. Perhaps that says something about me that is a tad unflattering, but what the hell.
If you could see my closet and drawers, you would know why I never, ever criticize anyone else’s clothing choices. And besides black and brown are perfect — you hardly ever have to worry about what goes with them (navy blue’s almost as good).
They’re showing that new blue green color with both black and brown this year. Buy two new pieces, they go with everything and you’re fashionable!
Although I defer to Booman on all fashion evaluations.
Very nice — this one’s my favorite of the day!
That’s beautiful Andi..the delicate color reminds me of some photos from way back when(in the late 40’s) that my Mom had tinted herself. Same type of quality to the color.
Also like the idea that just around the bend there is a world of possibilities to discover…..
Thanks, CI. I love hand-tinted photo so that’s quite a compliment. (And don’t tell anyone but what’s around the bend is the swimming area at the camp — the covered shelter at it is just visible through the trees.)
I know you like to get image we post for your sister. Here’s links to two I posted in the last cafe.
Lake picture 1
Lake picture 2
or call it a sunset…I still favor film…kinda like my love of vinyl, ie: records.
I love the color in this. It’s ethereal.
Great photo with beautiful colors — is this in Colorado — it looks more like a shot from the Smokies.
Grand County on west side of the divide…west of Rocky Mtn Nat’l Park.
A quiet evening grading papers and watching the snow fall. How is everyone?
Not sure how many “everyones” there are around tonight but this everyone is just fine.
Are there are all sorts of big doings in Detroit tomorrow (besides the obvious one)?
There have been a lot of VIP parties and club events for the “beautiful” people. I went out to downtown Windsor with a couple of girlfriends last night. It was crowded with adults (no teenagers last night) and saw a reggae band on the waterfront. Rumors were swirling that Ben Affleck and John Travolta were in Windsor for the weekend. We were looking for George Clooney!
Is Clooney a football fan or were just doing wishful thinking?
Just wishful thinking. Though, I think that lots of these celebrities come to events like this just to be seen.
whatcha’ll doing?
Retail therapy? What did you get?
I feel like such a badass now…
Very cute. I love boots and all shoes that look like boots.
Thanks, I’ve wanted these for a while. I love shoes that you can slide off easily.
And I was eyeballing a pair of Keens for the summer too, since they can stand up to being dragged through puddles and creeks and rainstorms. Didn’t want to get carried away, though. π
How’s your paper?
Tee-hee…the shoes are my reward for finishing it tonight. I just have to go through it tomorrow and figure out the how to categorize the references according to the Strength Of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT) guidelines. Hopefully it won’t be too hard, because I have an exam Monday night that I still need to finish studying for.
How’s the grading going? Any new pictures of Mr. Andrew for us?
Goo job on the paper. I’m moving slowly on the grading. I’m feeling kind of sluggish after staying up late last night trying to find George Clooney.
No new photos of Master Andrew. He has had a perma-frown for the last few days. He has four teeth coming in at the same time, so he has been pretty crabby. π
Are they back teeth? Those were the worst, IIRC (it’s been a while.)
Not molars, but moving towards the back. He’s had his front eight teeth (four up, four down) for a couple of month now. He’s chomping on everything, tables, toys, us. The best part about it is that he’s drinking more water, just to cool down his gums.
I remember there used to be a sort of chew toy that you could buy for teething that had that gel in it that could be warmed up or frozen depending on the need. Our last monkey chewed the hell out of that thing when she was teething. It definetily helped to cool her gums.
He didn’t like that teething ring first, but we’re going to try to give that to him again.
You are a bad ass.
Kinda like the boots went shopping for you ;o)
Blogger is down and I can’t access my site. GRRRRRRR
Guess you’re stuck here for a while.
Damn that sucks ;o)
It looks like the place might just fill up a bit.
can’t be beat π
I don’t even know what’s going on today. I slept in for the first time in awhile, then spent the day out and about. We’re having 80-degree weather her so decided to live it up
(Day 109 without rain though…)
How goes it super?
Me, I’m still obsessed with the Alito vote and disappointed I couldn’t make the World Can’t Wait protest today in DC. It’s starting to look like I might need my own private protest lear jet, fully fueled ;o)
Does this mean the vehicular situation hasn’t improved?
Nice try. I’ll never tell ;o)
Actually the truck is still wrecked and it looks like the backup van needs a new engine. I’m having trouble getting motivated for that task since i’ll be the one doing it. Back in the day it was fun to work on the cars and do paintjobs on them and stuff like that but lately there are a few more things going on in the world that seem to have my attention a little more.
obsessive about the vote too… I’m attending a candidate forum this coming week for the seat that will be vacated by Jim Kolbe. I hope to be able to ask a few questions to feel out the Dems running.
So is it raining in the whole damn country or what.
It’s like serious werewolf weather out here.
I have the thick mist thing going on here-I could hardly see to walk into the house when I got home.
I love the sound of rain washing over the house, especially if it’s a weekend and I can get totally unmotivated and enjoy it, but after 8 or 10 hours of it I’m afraid to look outside. I might be floating out in the bay or something.
At my house, I start to worry that I’ll be able to go kayaking in my basement. π
At least you’re smiling about it :o)
When I lived in the Catoctin Mnts. in Maryland it wasn’t unusual to find a foot of water in my basement every time we had a good downpour because the surface of the mountain was like an underground river and it all ran down hill (duh) into my f’n base ment. What was cool about it though was after a few days of wet weather you could hear the water running right under your feet even though you couldn’t see it.
You know, the weird thing is that I live on top of one of the highest hills in the county…why does the water like my basement? It has plenty of other places it could go.
The last time I heard water rushing under my feet, I was in the middle of a category 2 hurricane on a teeny little island…which was not cool.
been raining forever here in washington state…!
It’s getting real old.
Nice and quiet…think I’ll take a nap!
Well, pardners, it’s time to close this old place up and mosey on over to the all-night cafe. Unless you’re somewhere in the world where dawn is breaking, of course. If that’s the case, you can have your eggs and your earth sunny-side up.