Chips? Set. Salsa? Set. Sloppy Joes? Ready by 5:30.
It seems that everyone has had a great time in my hometown. I appreciate it. It know that it is still a long way from being a world class city, but come on back and help Detroit rise up from the ashes.
I have insomnia hangover. I didn’t get to sleep till after 6:30 this morning due to overactive brain energy. Work is going to be fun, fun, fun tomorrow.
the tossing and turning around midnight, then got up and did some stretches, back to the tossing and turning, then picked up Barack Obama’s memoires (bad idea, because it got my wheels spinning about race relations in this country), then back to living room for tv, some blogging, email archive reading and diary reading.
Sorry to hear that Man Eegee… guess you didn’t have any leftover turkey breast around the house to put you to sleep? Maybe you should have picked up Montaigne’s Essays and chosen a good, long one… that always knocks me right out! Or open to a random page of any Proust novel… those have me snoring in short time. π
By the way… what’s a Superbowl? We don’t have football (whatever that is) out here in the “hinterlands.” LOL
I can sympathize – I got about 2 hours of sleep last night. Went to bed about 2 a.m. when the snow (8″)died down a bit. My mother called at 4 a.m. to tell us her power was out. Haven’t been back to sleep since. Her power is back on but I’m too tired to sleep.
Sorry to hear about your insomnia. When that hits me, grading papers always seems to cure it. I’ll bet TeacherToni and I could come up with a care package for you that would be better than just about any prescription drug and not have any of the warnings that accompany them.
Just take a hit or two and you’ll be asleep in 20 minutes. AND you can wake up feeling okay and not like that “cement in your blood” feeling you get with pills. YOu can even get up in the middle of the night to go wee wee or check on the kids or if you hear a noise.
It’s a miracle cure for insomnia I swear.. but you’d risk prison for it though… so … nevermind.
I ran by the store today to get veggies for my beef stew, and the whole front of the store was full of displays of cheese and crackers, spicy chicken wings, soda, chips, etc. We’re excited around here, even the Broncos have to wait until next year.
I had a hell of a nightmare this early morning. I was in Oak Harbor, WA. And they had most of the downtown as a open street prison. We were being “Held”. Women were walking around without any clothes on with bloodstains from their rectums. Men were helping the ederly prisoners “out” by smashing in their skulls. All felt this was more human and many kept a watch out for patrols while this was being done.
Everyone was beaten, even the children. Some kids were even beating on a dog they had found. The trickle down of violence…
It wasn’t some terrorist camp… it was American, us, in a detention camp.
We’ve known that 350K people have been
“displaced” due to Katrina/Rita – we know of the bullshit that happened but still … nothing.
Wow Janet, that sounds awful. But I agree … when nightmares blend so seamlessly into reality, we have to know that something is seriously wrong and in dire need of a correction. When we can so easily conceptualize such things as “reality” it really makes one wonder just what our minds are trying to sort out at night when you have such dreams. Here’s hoping you’ll have a happier dream tonight!
I dream alot. But the ones that are so vivid… I could feel the dirty tear stains on my face and smell the “sewage”.. when they are so vivid it’s time for Scorpy senses to do something… but what? I don’t think we have enough people anymore to really make a big enough push. At least not a peaceful one.
My husband read the link, he’s been anticipating this since the rumors of FEMA’s camps.
He expects another “national emergency” to quiet all dissent or if we continue, any American can just do away with us protesters.
Hey DJ, I do think we have enough good people because what you need are enough people to wake up the sleeping ones and we’ve got enough for that. Think about the Vietnam war protests — that weren’t that many of us but we kept making noise until we got heard.
and this is just inside head thinking but want some honesty dialogue. No pats on the back. I’m getting ready to undergo some training for non-violent protesting, FAQ;s on if you get arrested… but now I’m wodnering – If i’m going to get arrested, detained and who knows what for holding up a fucking sign… maybe I should do more.
Maybe I’m not a peaceful, non-violent activist?
I have too much anger. This all hurts too much.
I’ve partially deaf right now. Long story short, at 19 I had my eardrum drilled through due to a nasty infection that caused a cyst in my inner canal. So when I travel up or have head colds, I lose alot of my hearing. Last Friday I stood in the wind and rain. You got it – I have two ear infections and I might as well have been living underwater for the past few days.
Amplified non-hearing. Is what I call it.
Got a ton of my hearing back today and last night. Stil coughing.. but for what? To hold a sign and see that my sisters got out okay.
I read more and more how protesters are to be arrested.
Maybe I should do something more? Anarchy?
A group has IMPEACH stickers to put on cars with “W” crapola. That’s an arrest probablity. Some cop could beat us for that, too. Hell, they’re shooting returning veterans for less.
So my question is this: What difference is it going to make if some “silly girls” get arrested for holidng up signs?
I think the debates about Sheehan’s t-shirt, wore me a bit maybe I dunno.
But… last night my son came and petted me – he knew my ears were hurting and he said that his new friend’s mom works in a store, he said that he told his mom works for Peace.
So… I’m sad, frustrated but I’ll continue on till we all decided to stop… or turn the corner. )
I don’t believe in violent protest. It just doesn’t work because to make a change you’ve got to get that big mass of people to follow you and they won’t do that if there’s violence — it makes them turn away. You have to have pound all right but what you have to pound is ideas and truth. You have to keep saying it over and over. Beause if they don’t keep hearing over and over, they forget. That’s the hard part — that there’s never a point when we can say we won but it also means there’s never a point when the other side can either.
And leaving the political shit aside — I am so sorry you don’t feel good. Ear infections are the biggest pissers in the world for pain; they can make a saint crazy (and I’m happy to say you are no saint).
I procratinated about getting a doctor. We have insurance and stuff… and it’s almost daunting ya know. I’ll do it Monday. I got an “earful” all this weekend about how I didn’t do it.
I think my “amplified non-hearing” think about the sounds you hear while laying under the water in a tub… that’s been the past few days. Or thats me in a train, crowd, high-altitude (no not that kind, andi) but first time Ive had an ear infection since the surgery at age 19. … anyways that’s maybe why I’m all moody…
No it isn’t – this fucking administration is what’s got me all moody. GUH!
Oh – got your email. I think π
on February 5, 2006 at 5:55 pm
First of all, thank you for protesting. The fact that your son can say his mom works for peace….isn’t that enough?
I personally wouldn’t overstep the legal-line: there are enough legal ways to protest…
Anyway…don’t really have anything to say, Janet, just wanting to cheer you up.
(Burn cedar, btw, to make the bad dreams go away…)
Ever hear of the Roches? (they’ve been my heroes for decades now)….
HEre’s a song I’ve been listening to a lot lately that I find pretty inspiring…. may it perk you up, even without listening to it
People are often unreasonable, illogical,
and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, People may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some
false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone
could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway
Thanks I can’t stay in the duldrums too long. Even on the major, heavy stuff. I’m just too open but at least it gets out and I can go on.
My son saying that to me was so very special because we all heard it. And we all tried not to laugh or cry. π My son sometimes can really lay it out there. We’re a bit worried because his social studies class is doing branch of governments and are working off of newspapers. They just did Alito… My son could repeat one of the many dreadful things I’ve said… ROFL. When my son says something that isn’t a movie/song quote/lyric… it’s usually pretty deep and is like a cannonball to the belly. He’s autistic you see, so it really stopped us all when he said that because it’s something he must’ve thought on a bit. Or even thought about what Mommy “does” π
Thanks for the song lyrics. I think we have some Roches here. π
on February 5, 2006 at 6:09 pm
Wish we could all bounce back that fast. Seriously, tho, just keep listening to your son, you’ll be fine. π
Good to hear your ear infection is abating! Those are real pissers … used to get them all the time when I was a wee lad (many moons ago)and every winter my eardrum would rupture. Talk about pain … well, you know what I mean there … enough to drive you nuts. Many thanks for the great pictures too, thanks for sharing!
Detention camps of some kind however do seem to be coming.
I doubt they’d put anything like this in Oak Harbor itself, given that there are two sizeable Navy bases nearby, one adjacent to the town, with plenty of space for building one on government property.
Yes just a nightmare. But the military has a huge hold on that area. I don’t think I’d want to be seen as a “combatant” there – spouses, children, lovers, former military… Yikes.
There are so many places they could put one. This was along the waterfront – stemming from the Skagit Comm. College/Navy PX center – there’s housing there on a jutoff, too. Or used to be decades ago.
My son was born on NAS Whidbey Isle, as was my brother.
For some reason I hadn’t seen any of the followup comments when I posted. Then it all showed up.
I lived in that area for a while and I didn’t display any war- or military-related bumper stickers. Partly this was out of respect for the families, in the sense that their troops are not free to get independent news sources, speak, and exercise some of their other rights.
But you’re right about Halliburton. I checked the link and yes these stories have been in the news for a while.
I wonder when the mainstream Dems are going to put two and two together and recognize that the only people successfully predicting the Republicans for the last 30 years have been the wingnut left and right?
When I first read George Orwell’s novel “1984” in high school, I was struck by the ability of the Ministry’s of Truth to cause the public to forget a truth simply by stating its opposite.
The Ministry’s three slogans – “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength” – revealed its talent for reversing the meaning of words.
In high school, I assumed that this type of manipulation would never work in the real world, but now and again I wonder – especially when I hear President Bush attempt to reshape our perception of actual events by telling us that the truth is the opposite of what we’re seeing.
During the State of the Union address this week, he said, “We seek the end of tyranny in our world.” Yet, his administration has engaged in extremely tyrannical behavior: invading a sovereign nation, incarcerating people without trials, committing torture, spying on its own citizens and shrouding itself in secrecy.
Regarding the war in Iraq, he said, “If we were to leave these vicious attackers alone, they would not leave us alone. They would simply move the battlefield to our own shores.” Though it has long been proved that the Sept. 11 terrorists weren’t from Iraq, had no connection to Iraq, and are not now in Iraq, President Bush continues to insist that the war is related to Sept. 11.
He said, “There is no peace in retreat. And there is no honor in retreat.” Of course, there can be peace and honor in retreat, but since he practices a doctrine of never considering alternatives and never admitting mistakes, denigrating the merits of retreat is like a scorched-Earth policy that forces combatants forward even if it’s suicidal to continue.
He said, “We are on the offensive in Iraq, with a clear plan for victory.” Because of the challenges related to fighting a shadow army of insurgents, the coalition has been on the defensive for most of the war. The only thing that has been clear from the start is that the Bush administration never has had a well-developed plan.
About the war, President Bush said, “We are winning.” More than 2,200 U.S. troops have been killed, more than 16,500 have been injured, and combat operations have cost hundreds of billions of dollars with no end in sight. The statement “We are winning” is pure puffery.
“Our coalition has learned from experience in Iraq,” he said. President Bush loves to suggest that he has learned things, but he never reveals what he has learned and, when pressed, he always insists that he wouldn’t change any of his previous choices.
True to form, he followed up his comment about learning with, “Hindsight alone is not wisdom. Second-guessing is not a strategy.” This is clever speechwriting, but it’s simply not true. If a drunk driver received a DWI citation or, worse, caused an accident, the courts would use hindsight and second-guessing to punish him and to instill greater wisdom in his future choices.
President Bush said, “However we feel about the decisions and debates of the past, our nation has only one option.” Again, he suggests that he has learned something, but then insists that the only possible choice is to continue doing what he’s been doing from the start.
Whether it’s deliberate or accidental, President Bush is channeling the Ministry of Truth in making these statements that are intended to manipulate the American people into believing the words coming out of his mouth more than the evidence they can see with their own eyes.
His poll numbers continue to drop, so it seems that Americans, unlike the citizens in Orwell’s book, are able to see through his lies.
Former Bronco Reggie Rivers ( is the host of “Global Agenda” Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m. on KBDI-Channel 12. His column appears every Friday.
Thanks for the post, Jim. Though I’m sure most of us have made the connection long before the MSM caught up with it, it is somewhat encouraging to see such thinking appear in a mainstream paper. You have to wonder sometimes if the Dauphin Chimp’s regime is using Orwell as part of their grand political playbook … as scary as that thought might be, I put nothing past this cabal.
I read a while back on a blog (it might well have been here) where someone was trying to launch a project to send 535 copies of 1984 to each Rep and Senator with encouragement to read it. If I can dig up my ancient copy I’d love to send it to Grassley, with a polite request that he write a 5 page book report explaining what he learned from it, and no, a staffer cannot do the writing! Biggest voting mistake I ever made was letting someone convince me in 2004 to vote for the creep because he is “a moderate who gets good things done for Iowa.” Never again, ever, given he was Bush’s point man on Social Security. Fool me once… I’m smart enough to not make the same mistake again.
all that hoopla about freedom and the anthem…makes me sick.
they should show RubDMC’s diary instead. – Anyways
Community College, I’m going over next Tuesday to get information. I did not know you can get financial help for community college.
And yes.. I’ll probably have to use the dreaded “d” word if I have to take a math course (I think I’m all caught up on that actually – awaiting transcripts) They actually have modified stuff for students with dyslexia.
As well as “returning students” some type of program for us old chicks who are going back. π
That’s excellent on going back to school. I know you will be fine. As a former academic advisor, my advice is to start off slow and with a course that particularly interests you and is demanding enough to make you feel challenged but not so much that you feel unable to keep up.
Here’s a few shots we cobbled together during the big regional storm of the last two days. Some of these are click-to-enlarge, none is bigger than 400 pixels wide.
This shot of the house shows why such a sub-Katrina windstorm would concern us. Those big trees are both uphill and up-wind. Fortunately they’re on the down slope , so as we hoped, the hardest winds never hit anything but the tops. We have a lovely collection of decorative Christmas boughs today.
Here’s a bay off the Sound in a typical scene from yesterday.
Below is the nearby park beach. An extreme high tide coincided with the peak morning winds. The swingset give a feel for the scale of the waves. This isn’t the ocean–it’s inside a narrow stretch of the Sound, although the waves have 50 miles of length to build up height.
The water is virtually always several feet lower than this, with the shoreline well to the left of the rocks, and rarely throws spray over the wall.
Wires are still down everywhere.
Many people will wait days for restoration of service.
Puget4’s forlorn computer by candle light. We had to use the hand crank to log in, just like the pioneers.
Beaches everywhere are piled up with big trees and logs, like this boat ramp.
Dinner without power. We had our gas grill for salmon outside, so Puget4 wrapped up some veggies and wild rice for grilling in aluminum foil and we ate like kings. Cold, heavily-dressed kings in a dark wooden cottage, but hey!
In the end we didn’t get the 70 to 90 knots predicted for some parts of the Sound–and recorded in spots–and the direction was kind to us too. So, no big deal, just some good nature-watching and a little healthy boredom.
Which reminds me, it’s probably time for another round of Katrina donating.
Gooserock, glad to see and hear you weathered the storm without too much incident! And thanks for the great pictures you posted … your area is somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit, but never made it there, so views of it are greatly appreciated by this landlocked soul.
The “forlorn computer” pic gave me a chuckle for some perverse reason … perhaps it was sighing in relief for being unused for a bit, so its rest might have been appreciated. π It’s probably good that we have to go back to our sturdy pioneer stock once in a while to convince us that what we usually take for granted can vanish so quickly … always better when it’s just a temporary disruption though. And yes, let’s not forget the displaced from Katrina! Their struggle is ongoing, and we should not lose sight of that fact.
Chips? Set. Salsa? Set. Sloppy Joes? Ready by 5:30.
It seems that everyone has had a great time in my hometown. I appreciate it. It know that it is still a long way from being a world class city, but come on back and help Detroit rise up from the ashes.
Go Detroit!
mmmm sloppy joes. I hope they’re having those at the SB party I’m going to. But I’d settle for chili.
First you are going to have to do something about I-94, the only interstate that comes with speed bumps π
I hate I-94. But, because it goes to Chicago (and Metro Airport), it gets heavy truck traffic.
Does Andrew have a special superbowl outfit for the day?
He is wearing a sweater with a football embroidered on the front.
with the pretend food around here? fbc is makin’ me hungry all the time.
: p
I have insomnia hangover. I didn’t get to sleep till after 6:30 this morning due to overactive brain energy. Work is going to be fun, fun, fun tomorrow.
Hi everyone!
Just couldn’t put that book down could you?
When I can’t sleep I listen to the BBC on the radio — the droning British tones calm me and before they get through the the cricket scores I’m out.
the tossing and turning around midnight, then got up and did some stretches, back to the tossing and turning, then picked up Barack Obama’s memoires (bad idea, because it got my wheels spinning about race relations in this country), then back to living room for tv, some blogging, email archive reading and diary reading.
I almost caved to the box of benadryl.
If past history holds true — you should have plenty of time to nap during the superbowl.
Especially during the second half.
and most definitely during the half-time show.
Unless the Stone Agers, er, I mean the Stones play “Sweet Neocon.”
and miss the shots of the cheerleaders… are you kidding!!!
Sorry to hear that Man Eegee… guess you didn’t have any leftover turkey breast around the house to put you to sleep? Maybe you should have picked up Montaigne’s Essays and chosen a good, long one… that always knocks me right out! Or open to a random page of any Proust novel… those have me snoring in short time. π
By the way… what’s a Superbowl? We don’t have football (whatever that is) out here in the “hinterlands.” LOL
I can sympathize – I got about 2 hours of sleep last night. Went to bed about 2 a.m. when the snow (8″)died down a bit. My mother called at 4 a.m. to tell us her power was out. Haven’t been back to sleep since. Her power is back on but I’m too tired to sleep.
Sorry to hear about your insomnia. When that hits me, grading papers always seems to cure it. I’ll bet TeacherToni and I could come up with a care package for you that would be better than just about any prescription drug and not have any of the warnings that accompany them.
Poor Manny!
Just take a hit or two and you’ll be asleep in 20 minutes. AND you can wake up feeling okay and not like that “cement in your blood” feeling you get with pills. YOu can even get up in the middle of the night to go wee wee or check on the kids or if you hear a noise.
It’s a miracle cure for insomnia I swear.. but you’d risk prison for it though… so … nevermind.
Signed, recovering insomniac
I ran by the store today to get veggies for my beef stew, and the whole front of the store was full of displays of cheese and crackers, spicy chicken wings, soda, chips, etc. We’re excited around here, even the Broncos have to wait until next year.
I went so far as to get some soy crisps. π
do they go well with the Bud-lite?
I’m guessing yes. You can’t taste either one after the first Bud Light, so you’re all set. π
I had a hell of a nightmare this early morning. I was in Oak Harbor, WA. And they had most of the downtown as a open street prison. We were being “Held”. Women were walking around without any clothes on with bloodstains from their rectums. Men were helping the ederly prisoners “out” by smashing in their skulls. All felt this was more human and many kept a watch out for patrols while this was being done.
Everyone was beaten, even the children. Some kids were even beating on a dog they had found. The trickle down of violence…
It wasn’t some terrorist camp… it was American, us, in a detention camp.
We’ve known that 350K people have been
“displaced” due to Katrina/Rita – we know of the bullshit that happened but still … nothing.
Now what?
Halliburton gets money for “DENTENTION CAMPS” for political subversives
No reason to be awake now. We’re in a nightmare already.
Wow Janet, that sounds awful. But I agree … when nightmares blend so seamlessly into reality, we have to know that something is seriously wrong and in dire need of a correction. When we can so easily conceptualize such things as “reality” it really makes one wonder just what our minds are trying to sort out at night when you have such dreams. Here’s hoping you’ll have a happier dream tonight!
Thanks Iowa Victory Gardener
I dream alot. But the ones that are so vivid… I could feel the dirty tear stains on my face and smell the “sewage”.. when they are so vivid it’s time for Scorpy senses to do something… but what? I don’t think we have enough people anymore to really make a big enough push. At least not a peaceful one.
My husband read the link, he’s been anticipating this since the rumors of FEMA’s camps.
He expects another “national emergency” to quiet all dissent or if we continue, any American can just do away with us protesters.
We discussed protesting safety again.
Hey DJ, I do think we have enough good people because what you need are enough people to wake up the sleeping ones and we’ve got enough for that. Think about the Vietnam war protests — that weren’t that many of us but we kept making noise until we got heard.
I’ve been asking myself…
and this is just inside head thinking but want some honesty dialogue. No pats on the back. I’m getting ready to undergo some training for non-violent protesting, FAQ;s on if you get arrested… but now I’m wodnering – If i’m going to get arrested, detained and who knows what for holding up a fucking sign… maybe I should do more.
Maybe I’m not a peaceful, non-violent activist?
I have too much anger. This all hurts too much.
I’ve partially deaf right now. Long story short, at 19 I had my eardrum drilled through due to a nasty infection that caused a cyst in my inner canal. So when I travel up or have head colds, I lose alot of my hearing. Last Friday I stood in the wind and rain. You got it – I have two ear infections and I might as well have been living underwater for the past few days.
Amplified non-hearing. Is what I call it.
Got a ton of my hearing back today and last night. Stil coughing.. but for what? To hold a sign and see that my sisters got out okay.
I read more and more how protesters are to be arrested.
Maybe I should do something more? Anarchy?
A group has IMPEACH stickers to put on cars with “W” crapola. That’s an arrest probablity. Some cop could beat us for that, too. Hell, they’re shooting returning veterans for less.
So my question is this: What difference is it going to make if some “silly girls” get arrested for holidng up signs?
I think the debates about Sheehan’s t-shirt, wore me a bit maybe I dunno.
But… last night my son came and petted me – he knew my ears were hurting and he said that his new friend’s mom works in a store, he said that he told his mom works for Peace.
So… I’m sad, frustrated but I’ll continue on till we all decided to stop… or turn the corner. )
I don’t believe in violent protest. It just doesn’t work because to make a change you’ve got to get that big mass of people to follow you and they won’t do that if there’s violence — it makes them turn away. You have to have pound all right but what you have to pound is ideas and truth. You have to keep saying it over and over. Beause if they don’t keep hearing over and over, they forget. That’s the hard part — that there’s never a point when we can say we won but it also means there’s never a point when the other side can either.
And leaving the political shit aside — I am so sorry you don’t feel good. Ear infections are the biggest pissers in the world for pain; they can make a saint crazy (and I’m happy to say you are no saint).
LOL no saints here π
I procratinated about getting a doctor. We have insurance and stuff… and it’s almost daunting ya know. I’ll do it Monday. I got an “earful” all this weekend about how I didn’t do it.
I think my “amplified non-hearing” think about the sounds you hear while laying under the water in a tub… that’s been the past few days. Or thats me in a train, crowd, high-altitude (no not that kind, andi) but first time Ive had an ear infection since the surgery at age 19. … anyways that’s maybe why I’m all moody…
No it isn’t – this fucking administration is what’s got me all moody. GUH!
Oh – got your email. I think π
First of all, thank you for protesting. The fact that your son can say his mom works for peace….isn’t that enough?
I personally wouldn’t overstep the legal-line: there are enough legal ways to protest…
Anyway…don’t really have anything to say, Janet, just wanting to cheer you up.
(Burn cedar, btw, to make the bad dreams go away…)
Ever hear of the Roches? (they’ve been my heroes for decades now)….
HEre’s a song I’ve been listening to a lot lately that I find pretty inspiring…. may it perk you up, even without listening to it
Thanks I can’t stay in the duldrums too long. Even on the major, heavy stuff. I’m just too open but at least it gets out and I can go on.
My son saying that to me was so very special because we all heard it. And we all tried not to laugh or cry. π My son sometimes can really lay it out there. We’re a bit worried because his social studies class is doing branch of governments and are working off of newspapers. They just did Alito… My son could repeat one of the many dreadful things I’ve said… ROFL. When my son says something that isn’t a movie/song quote/lyric… it’s usually pretty deep and is like a cannonball to the belly. He’s autistic you see, so it really stopped us all when he said that because it’s something he must’ve thought on a bit. Or even thought about what Mommy “does” π
Thanks for the song lyrics. I think we have some Roches here. π
Wish we could all bounce back that fast. Seriously, tho, just keep listening to your son, you’ll be fine. π
Ha! Maybe I bounce back so easily because I’m always on the edge?? π
Hard to be upset when my daughter is in her room listening to The Ramones π HEY HO!
I got my head back together… I’ll keep the peace in my heart and home and march with the anger in my voice.
Re-reading the Protest Diaries help alot. Supersolings, StevenD’s, Tracy’s, AlohoaLeezy’s and mine, even.
And photos are good grounders, too
Damnit Ryan took this photo. Jackson used Steven’D’s flag for a time.
And going for a little not-serious — you missed Marmotdude’s Groundhog Day celebration on Thursday. But we took pictures.
Ha!!!! Call Bill Murray and get a script written!!!
I missed Marmot Dude Day!!! Thur and Fris are my husband’s day off (compressed work week) so it was extra lovely I was “out”
Missed sex, too. :O
Good to hear your ear infection is abating! Those are real pissers … used to get them all the time when I was a wee lad (many moons ago)and every winter my eardrum would rupture. Talk about pain … well, you know what I mean there … enough to drive you nuts. Many thanks for the great pictures too, thanks for sharing!
I take it this was a dream you were having?
Detention camps of some kind however do seem to be coming.
I doubt they’d put anything like this in Oak Harbor itself, given that there are two sizeable Navy bases nearby, one adjacent to the town, with plenty of space for building one on government property.
Yes just a nightmare. But the military has a huge hold on that area. I don’t think I’d want to be seen as a “combatant” there – spouses, children, lovers, former military… Yikes.
There are so many places they could put one. This was along the waterfront – stemming from the Skagit Comm. College/Navy PX center – there’s housing there on a jutoff, too. Or used to be decades ago.
My son was born on NAS Whidbey Isle, as was my brother.
but if you read the link… it talks of Halliburton and Detention Camps.
For some reason I hadn’t seen any of the followup comments when I posted. Then it all showed up.
I lived in that area for a while and I didn’t display any war- or military-related bumper stickers. Partly this was out of respect for the families, in the sense that their troops are not free to get independent news sources, speak, and exercise some of their other rights.
But you’re right about Halliburton. I checked the link and yes these stories have been in the news for a while.
I wonder when the mainstream Dems are going to put two and two together and recognize that the only people successfully predicting the Republicans for the last 30 years have been the wingnut left and right?
I take heart that views like this are being expressed in the mainstream press.
Thanks for the post, Jim. Though I’m sure most of us have made the connection long before the MSM caught up with it, it is somewhat encouraging to see such thinking appear in a mainstream paper. You have to wonder sometimes if the Dauphin Chimp’s regime is using Orwell as part of their grand political playbook … as scary as that thought might be, I put nothing past this cabal.
I read a while back on a blog (it might well have been here) where someone was trying to launch a project to send 535 copies of 1984 to each Rep and Senator with encouragement to read it. If I can dig up my ancient copy I’d love to send it to Grassley, with a polite request that he write a 5 page book report explaining what he learned from it, and no, a staffer cannot do the writing! Biggest voting mistake I ever made was letting someone convince me in 2004 to vote for the creep because he is “a moderate who gets good things done for Iowa.” Never again, ever, given he was Bush’s point man on Social Security. Fool me once… I’m smart enough to not make the same mistake again.
Again, thanks for sharing, Jim.
all that hoopla about freedom and the anthem…makes me sick.
they should show RubDMC’s diary instead. – Anyways
Community College, I’m going over next Tuesday to get information. I did not know you can get financial help for community college.
And yes.. I’ll probably have to use the dreaded “d” word if I have to take a math course (I think I’m all caught up on that actually – awaiting transcripts) They actually have modified stuff for students with dyslexia.
As well as “returning students” some type of program for us old chicks who are going back. π
That’s excellent on going back to school. I know you will be fine. As a former academic advisor, my advice is to start off slow and with a course that particularly interests you and is demanding enough to make you feel challenged but not so much that you feel unable to keep up.
Here’s a few shots we cobbled together during the big regional storm of the last two days. Some of these are click-to-enlarge, none is bigger than 400 pixels wide.
This shot of the house shows why such a sub-Katrina windstorm would concern us. Those big trees are both uphill and up-wind. Fortunately they’re on the down slope , so as we hoped, the hardest winds never hit anything but the tops. We have a lovely collection of decorative Christmas boughs today.
Here’s a bay off the Sound in a typical scene from yesterday.
Below is the nearby park beach. An extreme high tide coincided with the peak morning winds. The swingset give a feel for the scale of the waves. This isn’t the ocean–it’s inside a narrow stretch of the Sound, although the waves have 50 miles of length to build up height.
The water is virtually always several feet lower than this, with the shoreline well to the left of the rocks, and rarely throws spray over the wall.
Wires are still down everywhere.

Many people will wait days for restoration of service.
Puget4’s forlorn computer by candle light. We had to use the hand crank to log in, just like the pioneers.
Beaches everywhere are piled up with big trees and logs, like this boat ramp.

Dinner without power. We had our gas grill for salmon outside, so Puget4 wrapped up some veggies and wild rice for grilling in aluminum foil and we ate like kings. Cold, heavily-dressed kings in a dark wooden cottage, but hey!

In the end we didn’t get the 70 to 90 knots predicted for some parts of the Sound–and recorded in spots–and the direction was kind to us too. So, no big deal, just some good nature-watching and a little healthy boredom.
Which reminds me, it’s probably time for another round of Katrina donating.
Fascinating pictures and info. Thanks for putting this together and posting it.
Gooserock, glad to see and hear you weathered the storm without too much incident! And thanks for the great pictures you posted … your area is somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit, but never made it there, so views of it are greatly appreciated by this landlocked soul.
The “forlorn computer” pic gave me a chuckle for some perverse reason … perhaps it was sighing in relief for being unused for a bit, so its rest might have been appreciated. π It’s probably good that we have to go back to our sturdy pioneer stock once in a while to convince us that what we usually take for granted can vanish so quickly … always better when it’s just a temporary disruption though. And yes, let’s not forget the displaced from Katrina! Their struggle is ongoing, and we should not lose sight of that fact.