Froggy Bottom Cafe – Monday Moaning
Real live host on duty today!
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
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(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning, bootribbers! How was your weekend?
Awake at eight without an alarm. I’m back on central time. Woot! Of course, not being a morning person, I’m groggy as all get out. But I’m used to that. Diet cola, no tea. Alas. The weekend was good. I’m actually caught up on the novel now. If only I can stay that way for the next week or two, life will be good.
Congratulations on getting all caught up. Does that mean you’ll be spending more time at the frog pond?
I’m almost back to that place. I’ve got to stay caught up for about three weeks in order to really feel okay with spending writing time where I don’t have to. But, I’ll at least be able to tune in and read and pass out fours on something like a daily basis, instead of power-lurking.
Consider the time you spend here as mental health time and then it’s okay if you’re slacking off a little.
For me it’s actually easier to self-justify pond time as community building (and hence service) and/or political action (when I’m doing diaries etc) and information gathering. That’s one of the only down sides to absolutely loving my job–time away generally makes me feel worse not just on a “I’m not working” level, but also on the mental/emotional health front. As Laura puts it, if I’m not writing enough, I start to “leak weirdness” into my surrounding environment.
Of course, in general I don’t need to self-justify at all. This is a cool place. I love the people here. Social is an important life component. Everything’s good. It’s just when I get the added pressure of multiple deadlines that it becomes an issue.
P.S. I just made a second, more awake, pass through the kitchen and discovered a travel mug full of warm Darjeeling. Bliss!
I like the way you think 🙂
I also feel that this is a place to hook up with friends. Friends who care about the earth, politics … other people 🙂 Wow!
Or maybe not.
Yikes…major shrinkage. What kind of camp is next to your property? Is it like a summer camp for kids?
During the summer, it’s an away camp for kids, including some “special” sessions they do for kids with diabetes. The rest of time it’s used by school systems for nature education field trips, some of which include overnights. They also rent it out to groups.
I think we should have a midwest meetup there. 🙂
The only non-school, non-camp events they have rented the camp for that I know of have been day ones but now that you mention it, it would be kind of interesting to know if they do make it available for overnight use and if they do what services they provide and what it costs. ‘Cause you never know.
Yeah, you never know if/when someone might gather the initiative to organize something like that for all of the cool people who live in the general midwest area thingey.
BTW, you do know that someone is planning a meet-up in Memphis (though I think this might actually be a longer drive for you than going to update NY)?
Yeah I heard something about that but don’t know if it’s for sure. I just figured a midwest thing would be easy to attach to the beginning or end of a trip back home to visit Owen and the rest of my family.
Speaking of trips back to Ohio — if you were to give me some advance warning and it was convenient, it would be great to meet up with you somewhere along the route.
And once Indy gets to Ohio, I could even pick her up if she wanted to come along.
I’m counting on that although I usually fly. I just hate that drive through the WV mountains. I need a barf bag even when I’m the one that’s doing the driving.
Ah, I thought you would be driving because you’ve said you don’t like to fly.
I’m petrified to fly. But it’s over so quickly I basically hold my breath the whole time. Hmm, 10 hours in the car, or 90 minutes being scared to death…?
Looks like a great place – and restful. I’m tired of winter but peaceful places are never tiresome!
See this is where my minds veers off.
I see that lovely lake camp site and I think:
That reminds me of the Jason flicks.
kill kill kill ha ha ha ha
Not me. I think of my summers at camp, especially learning how to french kiss. Much more fun.
I think I taught that class. 🙂
Sweetie pie, when I working out those logistics (where to put the arms, how to turn the face, where to put the tongue) the sperm that hit the egg that would become you was still years away from its swimming lessons.
Well not that particular class, that particular year 🙂
An older girl had told me that her sister got pregnant because she Frenched Kissed. To me this was puzzling to say the least. So I asked people in the know – you know – 6th graders.
That’s how I learned you only get pregnant if you kiss IN BED.
that might be why I like.. Oh nevermind
Seriously — just for a brief moment — the older girls and younger counselors (16-18) at camp were one of the best things that happened to me (ages 11-13) in terms of my sexual education. We had these late night talk sessions where they told us their reality of sex, boys, dating, pressures, etc. I think this kind of talk is pretty unique to camps because the extended time together allows an emotional relationship to develop between the younger and older girls.
I went to camp with the school. I ended up having to be driven to the ER (like 50 miles away) because I was the only girl who played soccer and during a head butt my glass jammed in to my head. Was walking around wondering why all the sweat down my neck as the game had just started and some boy started pointing (and screaming in a high pitched scream) Blood.
But.. I did learn that my 5th grade teacher smooked like a chimney on the drive up to get stitches.
But I do know what you mean 🙂 There are a few strokes of time where teenagers can be “cool” to the little ones.
My older sisters were invaluable for that kind of information. From them I learned that you got pregnant from kissing while naked, as a seed from the man’s belly button rolled into the woman’s belly button. Later, of course, they told me the awful truth and then I found out that you don’t have to be naked you can just cut a hole in your pants. Somehow that comforted me for awhile.
ROFL Second!! 🙂
I’d love to know what the other sex went through. Their myths.
Still a little weak and queasy from this 4 day stomach flu but back at work…
Lots to do to catch up on missing two days at work…
In the meantime I would like to ask the FBC crew to visit this diary – information about Buy Blue Info Diary. I am an officer and director and would appreciate Bootribbers reading and sharing the information.
Hope you feel better soon. There is nothing like a go-around with the stomach flu to make you grateful for your health when you finally do recover.
I remember when I had a severe stomach flu or food poisoning when I had a one-year old baby and a newborn foster child. I couldn’t keep anything down for 3 days and had to feed and bathe and comfort the babies. On the fourth day I ate a tangerine and it was the most delicious thing I ever tasted. I felt like I was in the Garden of Eden.
Glad to hear that you’re at least starting to get beter. Flu is the pits.
Glad you are feeling better and thanks for the diary link.
Hope you feel better Sally!!! Sending you tons of ooey gooey love mooshies!
We spent from Friday night to Sunday morning without power and with excess humidity. But we were back engaged in the modern world in time to catch the Stupor Bowl.
We watched 5 teams (2 ball handling teams, two sideline management teams, and an onfield team of regulators) spend 4 hours conducting planning meetings and regulatory investigations and enforcement, as a ministry of propanda explained constantly how much fun we were having, how much fun we had just had, how much fun we had had in the past, and how much fun we were about to have in the coming seconds; all accompanied by bands and dancers to provide some merciful entertainment–laced with what seemed like about an hour of advertisements, and briefly interrupted by 12-13 minutes of some type of ball-handling sport.
Bureacracy–America’s Favorite Sport!
A few more shots of the Puget Sound windstorm experience are posted from yesterday’s cafe here.
That’s a neat picture, and a great summary of the Super Bowl hype. To me it was many many hours of jock worship which delayed the start of Grey’s Anatomy.
Did you love the very beginning of GA as much as I did? :)So cute! I’m sorry, though, to see them go the ER route of disaster, disaster, disaster. I’m crossing my fingers this was only a SuperBowl hype kind of thing, even though it does continue into next week.
The relationships are definitely the best part of that show and I too hope they don’t go the ER route. I’m afraid it’s going to turn out like so many of my favorite shows…that no one watches them and they get cancelled. Hopefully it brought in some extra viewers if anyone stayed through to the end of the post post post game show.
So….what is Code Black?
Apparently it’s the code for ‘evaculate the hospital because there’s live ammo imbedded in a patient and it’s gonna blow any second.’
And wasn’t that an incredible episode of GA? With the live ammo in the guy’s chest?
The only difference with Super Bowl is that there’s more non-there there.
This is the sort of world the billionaires set up among themselves. Not to mention their sport’s welfare-state economy where the teams that do best are required to share money and talent to provide a social safety net for the teams that do worst. So that ‘on any given day’ any team has a chance to win.
Oh, and the free sport training provided to the billionaires by the nation’s education system.
But you know–if liberals ran football, their red tape and regulations would totally screw up this efficiency.
That’s simply gorgeous and part of my mind can’t help thinking, a board, a head-to-toe quarter-inch wetsuit… It is such a good thing that I don’t live anywhere near surf. It seems to cancel both my work ethic and certain portions of my self-preservation instinct. Oy.
Would somebody please give me a kick in the butt to get me moving today?
HUGE LOL! I love that picture!
Thanks kb and DJ, I am catapulting out of my seat even as I type.
it’s easy to bounce back when you’re with froggy folk
Glad I didn’t have to bring out the chucks 🙂
An absolutely classic Puget Sound scene this morning. A ferry heads into the dock beneath the distant snow-covered Mount Baker.
Remind me never to leave a glass of water unattended with this new pootie around. She knocked it over onto my laptop and it was several minutes before I discovered it sitting in a puddle on the table. So now it’s dead. Hopefully it just needs a good drying out? :{
Oh No!!! My pootie just drinks out em.
Rule of the house is no drinkiepoos on the computer table…
Which I’m breaking right now. Iced Americano, baby!
Hope your laptop dries up for you. Why can’t they make computers waterproof? Kidproof and NSAproof?
and angelf food cake proof. 🙂
I had that happen once and it did come back after it dried out. If you’ve got some compressded air, blowing out the keyboard would be a good thing to do.
Store upside down–and use a vaccuum cleaner hose to suck out moisture. Shop vac is good, if it doesn’t pull the keys off.
But then you could do what I did in school years ago before the days of computers. As one of the only people in my dorm who could touch-type, I pulled all the labels off the keys and rearranged them alphabetically.
The keys were still in the same place of course, but nobody could borrow my machine and use it. Only a touch-typist could know where the keys really were.
Is it okay to put a laptop upside down? I’ve never had one before and it intimidates me. Lol about rearranging the keys. That’d be okay with me except for the numbers. I type about 120 wpm until there are numbers involved and then it’s hunt and peck for me.
The electrons aren’t bothered by gravity (refer to Physics 100 experiments).
What you don’t want to do is jiggle it badly or whirl it around while the hard disk is running, which is some degree of risk. But simply inverting it when it’s turned off shouldn’t hurt.
I regularly turn my desktop keyboard upside down and shake it, since there’s no disk involved. (But not before eating. Yuk!!) When I did office computer support we’d regularly find “defective” keyboards containing staples, maybe some metal-coated decorative sparkles, even paper clips.
At least it wasn’t Coke or something sticky. This cat is totally wild and has to be on my face or neck all day. She’s not satisfied with laps. She wants faces. She has nearly groomed my husband’s beard off of his face.
How’s the pond?
I took my car in to have it looked at this morning. I took it to some people who do the regular maintenance (oil/filter change, tires & so on), but don’t do mechanical work. I told them I bought it to them because I trust them and value their opinion. Someone else told me that it was an alternator, but they said no, they believed it was something else, which would be a lot cheaper to fix. So I asked them if they could do it and they said yes. I take it to them tomorrow when they get the part and hopefully it’s fixed.
I wouldn’t say I love cars, but I do hate them when something goes wrong. Living in a place where you have to do some traveling to get basic necessities, without a car you feel so helpless.
I have a love/hate relationship with cars as well. You have to either be mechanically inclined enough to fix them yourself, or wealthy enough to have someone do it for you. And then there is the issue of finding a mechanic that you know won’t take you to the cleaners. IMO they can smell someone who doesn’t have the slightest idea about cars and tell them their car needs everything but the kitchen sink.
Unfortunately I’m one of those non-mechanical people. I hate having anything to do with the mechanical part or buying cars. I still believe I financed one guys summer vacation.
Don’t feel too bad, we all have. I bought my dentist a summer home.
LOL – I did too.
Got to get back to work around the house, now that I’m back home.
Take care in the pond.
One thing I learned that I do all the time now is I ask the garage to save the old parts for me. That way they have to think twice about screwing you over.
Just before I go again. I’ve been in that habit for a while, but they could replace the whole engine, and I wouldn’t know it I was being taken or not.
See ya later.
Giant ripoff industries.
My landlord has quotes for ripping through the foundation of the house full length in order to install a drainage trench under the basement.
I did this last week, and even with the storm piling on top of our months of record rains, this dried up the basement immediately:

A little trench a hand’s width wide and deep, along the wall that faces a large constantly-seeping hillside reaching above us. 10 minutes’ labor.
So I’m processing a book for our library that has a pointer to USDA nutrition page,
and there are 5 food groups (the 6th is oils, use sparingly) — milk is necessary, though protein is allowed to be “meat & beans”.
I don’t see anything about alternatives. There’s a search box. So I search “vegetarian” and “vegan” — zilch, nada
The Dairy & Meat cartels must have put in a fix, don’cha’know? gag
I’ve noticed a another big “got milk” push. Just this morning CNN had a “kids need more milk” segment.
What they mean is – they need more hormones shoved into their diet.
We can live without meat and milk. Problem is – Bush Buddies can’t live without the profit.
Yes. That was my thought exactly.
I’m trying to change my diet, skip the animal protein that’s not free range. So right now, finish what’s in the house, don’t buy more meat except seafood. I don’t know if I can wean myself off eggs (bread) and cheese (pizza).
So are we.
Fortunate to find a market that sells organic, local grown organic and non-modified meats I love the place!
New Seasons Market in the Portland area.
Speaking of milk – have you noticed that nowadays 10 years are running around with BOOBS? A freinds daughter has major hormonal issues. Hair growth and mentrual problems. I blame the modified milk.
would be better for them than cow’s milk, at least after a certain age well below what’s Puritanically Correct?
Organic yougurt and orange wedgies – calcium with the genetically modified milk.
Every time raw milk starts to hit the shevles – you got some ecoli “outbreak” that hits the news. It’s pathetic.
Untill the demand for organic and local grown hits the streets… the price will be too much for most to shop.
It’s one thing to not buy milk – it’s another to not buy it and let the store manager know why.
with – without
there’s many ways to get calcium into a kid’s diet. WITHOUT the need for poisoned milk.
All right?!? but for calves.
I don’t think we’ll get reliable information on food groups from the “authorities” until such time as our health care system is in total collapse, which may not be long in coming.
that’s the problem with the food groups and nutritional information. That was the assessment of my co-workers when I worked in some Ag Dept related programs once.
There’s always a big presence of red meat, dairy products , and starches that are profitable to farm as opposed to natural to the homo sapiens historic diet.
The health industry is more the problem with treatments, drugs and supplements.
The right main menu had Tips for Vegetarians.
But it dropped off the choices if you were on the milk page.
It’s not a lot of information. But, it is at least mentioned.
Huh. Not on the home page, but under “tips and resources”, and not accessible via “search” — I’m still snarking.
… I have to check your webpage …
Hey, all — afternoon greetings from the Catskills in mid-winter. We’ve actually seen a glimmer of sun today, along with snow showers — alas, the sun’s now vanished; my thermometer labors doggedly toward 30 F.
Meantime, the cats amuse themselves by impersonating the Senate Judiciary ..
As for me, it’s time to turn my attention to Spectre’s Follies & head out to the chores. Enjoy your day, folks — see you soon.
My money’s on the southpaw 🙂
‘Course, they’ve both now disappeared into their ‘chambers’ — probably to lick each other’s bottoms.
OK, the boots are on — out I go.