Froggy Bottom Lounge – Happy Hour!
Foul language and crude behavior encouraged!
Newcomers welcome, your first drink is on us!
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(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Anyone ready for a drink? I’m thinking about going out for some Mexican….food that is.
I guess I lost my chance for a witty response.
To be honest I was thinking of you when I said it, but since you’re half my age I thought it wouldn’t be proper. π
Think outside the box!
I have a child his age. Isn’t that illegal? Plus there’s that marriage thing.
I assume he is older than the age for statutory rape, not illegal but highly embarassing for your child.
And it would pretty much ruin my plan of fixing him up with my daughter someday.
au contraire, mrs robinson
Hmm…I may have to rethink that. Of course that situation ended rather badly for Mrs. Robinson. It inspired lots of great songs however.
You DO own a leapard print bra don’t you? It’s a must for any wardrobe.
I’ve always believed that mrs robinson was really quite pleased — any mother would want her daughter to have a guy the mom is sure is a good lay — right?.
and she would have to know about it because …
watching the Kinsey movie last night….no comment. π
ok, no comment. Just enjoy the attention.
You say that so authoritatively, Mb. Think you could come in here and tell my cat to piss INSIDE the box? (He seems to have a chronic aiming problem!)
I’ve never had a cat but I understand from my cat loving friends that if you try to tell a cat to do anything, it immediately does the opposite.
In general, this is true. Any pet psychics out there wanna tell me: where did I go wrong?
I used to have a “clean cat”.
Now he keeps pissing outside the box and periodically shitting on blanket, couch, whatever. Even tho the box is CLEAN.
What is he trying to tell me?
We used to call him “kitty”. Now we’re just calling him Shitty.
(Updated comment)
Definitely sounds like it could be physical distress of some kind that isn’t yet obvious.
Otherwise, it could be some manner of stressful change in the environment that’s causing him to have to ‘reassert’ himself & mark more ‘obvious’ places.
Maybe you’re right. I should probably take him to the vet.
We did recently have huge upheaval here (new furniture, complete overhaul of downstairs), but the targeted crapping began long before that.
It’s been going on for quite a while, which is why I tend to think it’s not physical (he’s otherwise healthy, happy, fine).
Hmm .. sounds like it could actually be a litter problem or a bladder problem (if he’s aged).
So say my lifelong feline friends.
I’ve ‘changed my ways’ and begun keeping the litter box very clean.
No change.
I don’t think it’s physical (tho he is old) b/c it’s two things:
pissing outside the box (while actually in the box, i.e. “misfiring”)
“targeted” shitting (he recently pulled Mr. Stark’s sweater out of the laundry basket and shit on it, for example).
He craps on the blanket (on the couch), but only when I don’t fold it.
Gimme a break, cat! You are getting pretty persni-KITTY in your old age.
Same thing with my cat – pissing just near the box and pooing whereever. And then a week later he hid under the bed howling in pain. Turns out it was kidney stones. He was nine. He died a week later. I wish I had taken him in earlier.
Reason I haven’t taken him is that I don’t have a vet here.
So now I’m getting on the horn, my catsitter recently mentioned she’s got a good one here.
He’s a little shithead, but I sure as hell couldn’t live w/o him.
Thanks for kicking me in the ass on that.
Is he on dry food? I’d switch to wet if you can, until he makes it to the vet. Dry food is very irritating to their digestive & elimination systems; it causes all manner of problems. ‘Moist’ food is the same.
I’d actually heard dry food was better for the digestive tract, i.e. less risk of bladder/urinary infection. So he’s straight-up dry food (except that he also gets a piece of shrimp every night–which he did NOT get last night after crapping on the couch).
I will definitely take him to the vet at this point, but I still think it’s an attempt to communicate something to us: just don’t know what.
(Another point: often he waits until Jim gets up and goes downstairs, then he craps in a conspicuous spot while Jim is out running. See what I mean, it’s not like he can’t help himself and has an “accident” in the middle of the night–it’s deliberate.)
You might like to have a peek at this link. ‘Food for thought’, as they say — there seems to be a clue here as to why so many of our cats suffer similar ailments.
Didn’t mean to be an alarmist, sorry.
No dear, it’s a good thing. I’ve been putting it off for too long.
I would never forgive myself if something like that happened. Never.
Thanks for sharing this, DJ!
It’s so painful to lose our animal friends that sometimes, the only good to come out of it is being able to share what we’ve learned.
Sometimes an ailment like arthritis will prevent a kitty from being able to squat properly (or even make it into the box).
Then the other behavior might result from what he senses about your reaction to the litter box problems, or to the other elimination problems. He might be picking up on very subtle disapproval (or ‘threat’ ) cues that you’re not completely conscious of — ie, if you look at him a certain way & use a certain tone of voice. To his mind, threat = ‘I must assert myself in this household & mark my presence well!’ (ergo targeted crapping.) If your reactions remain the same, then his will too.
Also: when changes take place in their environment it can sometimes take months for them to completely readjust. Don’t forget that they sometimes can sense an oncoming change before it actually happens. That’s just the way they are; again, their perceptions are very subtle.
He’s definitely calling for real attention, for sure — it’s up to you to figure out why so that you’ll both feel better.
I’ve always had the sense that it’s a “territorial” thing. One theory is that he is being harrassed late at night by the feral cats outside (and the possum: the squirrels just harrass him by day ).
Windows in living room are at ground level and the neighborhood animals do seem to like coming around to tease him.
still, hearing Janet’s tale, I AM going to take him to vet, just to rule out any physical cause.
Excellent idea. I’m sure you don’t want to lose him — & there’s nothing worse, in my experience, than thinking something could’ve been done, to ease their suffering, that wasn’t.
While a vet checkup is probably a good idea, it seems that he’s mad at you.
If he were a dog, boredom would be one of the most likely issues, for example frustration at being left alone for too long too often with not enough stimulation like a big window on neighborhood activity to supervise. With dogs a great solution is a 2nd dog, to the point that Puget4 and I have begun to feel than any reasonably intelligent dog should probably be part of a pair unless people are home most of the time most days.
I’m not sure what else a cat might want, but more outdoor time could be one thing, possibly free or at least frequent access to a yard that’s large enough to be interesting.
After rearing our two totos on comparatively huge midwest suburban fenced lots, and then a stint on a big rural Sound property, we’ve lately ended up in a postage stamp sized rental, so small that the yard doesn’t interest them. Even with 3 walks a day we’d be in behavior trouble area if they weren’t so old (13) that they’re sleeping most of the time.
Good luck!
He’s a completely indoor cat. I know, it’s cruel, but after my last one got hit by a car, and since I live in a totally urban environment, decided to try the “indoor only” route (never again, rest assured). I’m convinced a lot of his neuroses stem from this decision to make him be an inside cat–but he’s 10 yrs old now.
Last summer, I did start letting him out in the fenced in yard–which he seems to enjoy, but he must be supervised 100%–not only for fear he’d run away, b/ b/c of neighborhood animals (including roving bands of feral cats, big rottweiler in neighbor’s yard etc.), so he doesn’t get out much (not at all, actually) in winter. But he was just fine with that for the first 7-8 years.
These bathroom behaviors suddenly appeared, quite a while ago now, maybe a year. Perhaps even longer.
It’s not cruel to have a completely indoor cat, especially if you live in a suburban or urban area where there’s traffic. Indoor cats live longer and aren’t susceptible to diseases from other cats as well as sick mice, birds, bats, etc. In fact, my sister is the animal warden in the suburb we grew up in and they always recommend to the people adopting cats and kittens that they not let them outside.
that was my logic, too. But I don’t think cats are happy being indoors.
This is my third cat. First indoor one. He’s absolutely psychotic, and I think it’s because he doesn’t go outside.
I’d rather take the risk of letting him lead a (potentially) short, but happy life.
Jeezus, aren’t you all happy I restrict these experiments in bad parenting to cats!
My understanding is that it’s not that hard to train them to walk outside with you on a leash.
Once saw a lady walking four of them down Sixth Avenue in NYC. They seemed perfectly happy.
Haven’t tried it myself, though, I admit. My cats have either been all indoors or indoor/outdoor. To keep my cats inside in this lovely woodland I’d have to pass in & out through the walls.
Even if they don’t get outside, though, exercise is ultra-important & also very good for their digestion & general physicality — so it’s good to give ’em a bit of serious playtime. (This is why they get nutty indoors sometimes & just run all over the place like loons. They literally have to!)
My new kitten just HAS to be up on my neck and shoulders, she’s not content to be on my lap. I keep puting her back in my lap and I pet her but she climbs back up…like 100 times a day. She’s driving me crazy.
Give her something high to perch on, with a soft place on top. Make sure she can get up onto it by herself! Then show it to her nicely.
Some breeds really like high spots .. for the view. They feel safe there, too. (Notice where an outdoor kitty goes when a dog comes after it!)
Good points.
But if the pooping is only in areas where the cat rests/sleeps usually – that might be a sign that only when he relaxes can the BM occur.
Jack was major mad at us when the baby came. He would piss on our pillows, not where he snoozed and later on the baby toys themselves.
But the failing to pee so near the catbox and BMs on sleeping areas… I dunno. I’d have it checked
Well he actually is inside the box when he pees outside of it (the space is sort of cramped, which has been my explanation for that)–he basically hangs his little ass out over the edge and pees, makes me think he doesn’t even realize he’s “missing the mark”.
But definitely….it is vet time. just sent an email to the catsitter asking for good vet contact. for inappropriate eliminating disorders/causes a list of stuff
Very cool. Thanks DJ.
Been there done that on 90% of what they suggest, but this…now this is a trick I hadn’t thought of…. TIN FOIL.
Of course, wherever there’s a conspiracy, there’s gotta be tinfoil.
“Cover the area(s) with aluminum foil and secure it to the carpet or furniture with masking tape. Aluminum foil is a surface on which most cats will not walk.”
I’m trying that one out tonight.
My big, fat cat does this also. She is snugly inside the box, but her butt is outside the box. At this point I am ready to buy one of those under-bed storage boxes for a litter box and build an addition to the house to put it in.
I hear you on the addition thing!
It’s Monday, so we need some humor:
When Dan found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father
died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So one evening he went
to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever
seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away.
“I may look like just an ordinary man,” he said as he walked up to her
“but in just a week or two, my father will die, and I’ll inherit 20
million dollars.”
Impressed, the woman went home with him that evening and, three days
later, she became his stepmother.
Women are so much smarter than men…
I like that one almost as much as Ductape Fatwa’s 12-inch pianist joke.
Well, mb, I have to tell the rare joke where the guy is smarter. This is the one about the wealthy 70-year-old widower, who shows up at his country club with a stunning 25-year-old. His friends ask him about his new girlfriend —
— Girlfriend? She’s my wife!
— How did you convince her to marry you?
— I lied about my age!
— What did you tell her? That you’re 50?
— No – 90!
I like the look of that nice new froggy pond with a conical shape that has a big round, mossy green rock with a red center at the bottom of it!!!
Splash, splash, glug, glug! π
Glad you like it…just wait til we fire up the jets.
I am taking the gringo boys out for Mexican food. Be back in a while. Please remember to pick a designated driver and the rest of you drink to your hearts’ content.
taken from the edge of the Grand Canyon a couple of years ago (Hopi lodge)
Click the thumbnail for a bigger version
I’ve still got 2 more work hours here on the left coast, but stopping in from afternoon dogwalk break, I had to share this panorama I made up over lunch time.

Click to enlarge to 800 x 343.
Imagine stepping into this scene after well over 40 days of rain and mizzle! A body can take a little hookey time to soak it in, can’t they?
Really beautiful — especially the sky. You should take more panormas.
Hey, guys. Can somebody tell me again how to post the kind of link that allows me to insert whatever words I want to, so people can click on those words? (I’ve been using the other kind, which just leaves the word LINK boldfaced.)
Thank you, kind sirs or madams.
While they are busy Monday cat blogging I will try.
put it all between brackets [ ]
in the brackets put whatever words you want followed by the http: address
You know, MB, I thought that was supposed to work, too, but when I came back to blogging after a long break, that wasn’t working anymore–at least not on this board.
You sure that works?
let’s see, this is the msn site
seems to
And a happy dance for you, too! Thanks. I feel so Duh. I thought I had to put the word LINK and only the word LINK there.
OOO, That’s a VERY nice website!
Oh boy, always hard to outsmart the HTML when doing this.
(remove the periods from this, but make sure you keep space b/w a and href)
(and by now I’m sure someone’s already posted an answer anyway).
And take out the = before the >
oops. I guess this is Stark’s “I can’t do anything right today” day!
so here’s a question — why would you do it this way when the bracket way is so easy?
As for me, it’s tattooed on the inside of my eyelids after years at The Orange Spot.
If you just type (remove the space after the open bracket and before the close bracket, and the one inside “http,” and keep the space between the words “My Diary” and the start of “http”)
[ My Diary h ttp:// ]
it will produce this:
My Diary. Do I get shot for diary pimping now, or do I just have to buy everybody a drink?
That was such slick diary pimping…I am impressed.
rounds on you!
I can’t decide whether I’m ashamed of myself or not. What are you drinking?
I started with the martini at the top, I might as well end happy hour with another.
let me check this out…
OH NO. The evil cat people are invading the htmls. Try and marginalize Me will ya?
Wellllll…..take that
Aha! It does work.
Anyway, y’all are just too fast for me….I can’t keep up here….(was just trying to find the comment from Wilderness Wench to say THANKS for the link….I’ll have to think about the food thing)
Thanks also for the tip that the brackets do indeed work. Don’t know what happened there, but that sure makes life easier.
And with that: it’s Olbermann time. I’m going to give out a round here then check out.
Have a great rest of the night (I am going to try to stay out of here tonight. Yeah right).
For now anyway….I’m outta here.
Thanks again people. You’re lifesavers.
On Nilla wafers or something.
I dunno.
peace out
That was super easy!!!! Thanks!!!! Growthrate! Blended Mango Mojo Margaritas on me!!!
Ooo, one I can actually remember. Thanks gr. And thanks to the rest of you vaudeville-ians, too. π
You must
know a very clever and savvy person. And a very nice one, too.
And sweet. Don’t forget sweet. She loves to be called sweet.
Hey! That sounds like someone I know!
Some days I think my wife married me for the technical support. (Not every day, I’m glad to say).
have killed the margins. Eeeevil cat people. The good dog people would never have done this.
Wait a minute! what did we do? Yikes.
I’m just a bumbling starkravinglunaticradical, I didn’t mean to kill anything.
MY margins are fine. You dog people are so whiney.
I’m a cat person, and my margins are fine too. Can somebody clue me in? What are the HTML tags you need to use to blow the margins for dog people only?
Not at all. Never! π
Evil Cat People in denial.
Maybe the margin needed killing.
But who killed the margins? The Evil Cat People in the lounge with the cocktail shaker?
I was against marginalization before I was for it; I’m sorry so many margins had to die before I changed my mind.
you are all wrong. I have my bet on the racoon people.
Hey, who was that masked manimal?
Masked ManE, you mean.
Must I keep correcting you?
Oh man! And that was such an easy one too.
it was the possum.
Blame it on the Marmotnova
The ‘gins go wide
Evil cat in her evil little house.
If you bought a bra to match that cute little house you’d be all set, Mrs. Robinson.
I would have to buy something to put inside of it too.
You don’t believe in false advertising?
On NPR there was a story about a Japanese lingerie shop on 5th Avenue that catered to small busted women and gave them cleavage. I can’t remember the name.
Personally I don’t have this problem, but I’m always available to help those less fortunate.
I believe that would be falsie advertising.
I see I have entered the cafe just when the culture began to decline. A coincidence?
You mean this?
Nice kitties.
Is that your signature?
Talk about luxury! Mine just use a faux-sheepskin vest. They like it ’cause it’s got two doorways.
Can Bu come over and me play? Please.
She’d love to…esp. w/ your woods and the lake…Heaven!
to the new lounge.