Hated the Super Bowl in general? Blame the Right Wing, I’m serious.
My dislike of the Super Bowl has a lot to do with the quality of the commercials and the halftime show. Yes, I know that the central point of the Super Bowl is the actual sixty minutes of punishment called the gridiron, but through the years, it has been the commercials and the halftime show which have taken center stage. Everyone knows that the thirty-second spots go into the six figures [right?]. And everyone knows about Janet’s tit flopping out in 2004 [right?]. Well, those commercials used to be good and the halftime shows used to be at least halfway decent… until some fuckers got around to rewatching the quarter-second exposure of a tit on their VCRs/DVRs.
There was no fucking outrage until several days later. There were no form letters emailed [they didn’t even bother to cite their own anger? They had to all use form letters?] en masse to the networks and their advertisers. There were no mass call-ins to talk shows and radio shows until days later. Manufactured outrage by those bullshit “American Family” groups. It wasn’t genuine. These fuckwads were told that it was an outrage, they had missed the actual live tit; but it was replayed [blurred out] almost 24/7 in the next week.
Since then, things have become more and more sanitized. Paul fucking McCartney played the halftime show last year. And this year, the Rolling Stones? I’m not saying that these two acts weren’t culturally relevant thirty years ago and didn’t have an impact on my life that I don’t even know I was aware of. I’m saying who the fuck cares about them now aside from people who are over forty. In this hip-hop generation we live in, there’s no chance in hell that Kanye West, Eminem, 50 Cent, Jay-Z or some other multi-multi-multi platinum selling artist would be seen on that halftime show platform. And oddly, the ABC NFL censors thought that the Stones were too raunchy for the viewers. Chroist.
If we can’t have some geriatric geezers talking about how they can’t get no satisfaction, who the fuck are we supposed to watch FOR ENTERTAINMENT. Is next year’s show going to have a Catholic boys and girls choir chant hymns? Fly in a gregorian chant group from Eastern Europe? Why not just black out the video feed for the forty-five minute halftime? Just leave it blank. Because god forbid you’d show a girl in a fucking bikini in a beer ad. It’s not like they’re not doing it for every single other football game for the entire season. Why not during the Super Bowl? I’m not saying that beer ads should all have girls in bikinis, but that girls in bikinis are what seem to dominate beer ads, and why censor them during the commercial orgasmothon that is the Super Bowl?
I didn’t watch a second of the halftime show. I hate all Budweiser beers. I miss the Bud Bowl. And it didn’t help that this game was one of the sloppiest that I can recall.
The Blinq commentary on the ads. And he liked the geriatric performance.
Just had to vent.
I hear ya, albert, I was underwhelmed by the whole thing.
the whole specatacle is so blech nowadays.
NHL sucks pretty much nowadays too – not just due to the nhl/nhlpa greed suck strike out last season. But because now they are changing the rules to recruit new fans. So they’ve destroyed a great sport for a bunch of newbie dumbasses while pissing on the old time fans.
It’s all about money nowadays. No heart. No loyalty to fans. Nothing. Just can cry in our $7.50 watered down beer.
and… for the record – my tit didn’t fall out. 🙂 Damnit.
Check out “faith nights” at football games, baseball games. It’s a new fad.
I wonder if they have a bobblehead Jesus giveway on those faith nights? ACK
Did you all get the Kurt Warner Christian Jesus loves you commercials or was that just a local thing for us because he lives here?
ha! i know of his strong faith [and plenty of other athletes’ strong faiths] but didn’t see that one here in Philly. i watched almost all of the commercials aside from halftime which i didn’t not watch at all.
I suspect it was just local although there was a website listed at the bottom of the screen that I wish now I could remember. Something about atheletes for Jesus. It ran at least once each hour but it might have been more.
We get a lot of Christian Commercials with Kurt here because he and his family still live here. We also get a lot of Christian commericals during televised sporting events that feature the pastor of his church (The Family Church) partly because Kurt gives them a lot of money.
(In the interest of full and fair disclosure, he and his wife do a tremendous amount of local charity work. Not just raising funds for christian charities but actual physical charities like organizing coat-donation drives at the beginning of winter. And its hard to bring myself to dislike him.)
Well, I guess Kurt’s working overtime since his contract with the devil expired in 2002.
I love that he’s doing all this charity work. I love that religious groups do great charity works. I hate it when religious groups [and non-religious groups] force their rhetoric down the throats of those they are helping. Charity is no longer charity when you have to listen to all that rhetoric.
Mary, well I’m a hockey fan. But I USED TO like watching the superbowl because of the commercials.
Last night I had the game on and then put it on mute. So we could keep track of the score. The opening commercials got me upset because of the money involved and how badly our schools are hurting. So I couldn’t really get into $83k a second crap ass commercials when our schools and economy are sucking hind titty.
Why send some millionairre to DisneyWorld??? What a waste.
I did see that afterwards that MVP dude said “mission accomplished” What a waste.
I’m one of those people that are so sick of hearing athletes and singers thank G-d for their ability to kick a ball, make a dunk or write a rap song about raping their mothers. Yeah… “mission accomplished” shit fer brains.
I’m just a little hostile this mornirg LOL sorry!
faith night!?!? what happened to a good ol’ monster truck rally? why has god forsaken truckzilla?
the super bowl was pretty lame. i thought the officiating was horrible … a blocking penalty on a guy trying to make a tackle?
… oh wait you’re not talking about the game.
i didn’t bother to watch the half-time show. i never do. i don’t have any desire to watch crappy pop music. seriously, if you expect anything other than bland pop music out of the super bowl halftime show you need to have your head checked.
but before the game, the stadium PA announcer impressed me. i watch alot of sports and almost expect to hear some troops troops troops crap out of the PA, but instead i heard him ask for a moment of silence for rosa parks, coretta scott king, and new orleans. that was nice. then the play-by-play guy spoiled it.
Wasn’t anyone shocked to see the Rolling Stones performing halftime?? I was. Am I so naive in thinking they were above pandering to this hyped up, homophobic, alcohol & steroid driven chunk of American culture? They’re English for god’s sake! What sellouts.
Ask & I opted for an evening of 60 Minutes and their choice of “Superstars” – Bono, Sting, Sheryl Crowe among others (note: no Mick Jagger)and a DVD of “Supersize Me” a real eye opener – all part of the “other” America we like to think we live in.
Just once, JUST ONCE, I’d like to hear the “costume malfunction” defined by Justin Timberlake’s behavior instead of Janet Jackson’s body.
Did the two of them plan that he would rip her bodice to expose her underwear, and it went wrong ? I don’t know.
Did the two of them plan that he would rip her bodice to expose her breast ? I don’t know that, either.
What I do know is that HIS BEHAVIOR, not her body should be the issue.
And, incidentally, did I have any desire to read the rest of your post after “Janet’s tit flopping out” ? Hell, no.