Every other day, every other day,
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes,
You can find me cryin’ all of the time
-The Mamas and the Papas
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes,
You can find me cryin’ all of the time
-The Mamas and the Papas
I guess we should expect airport shootings to increase shortly: WashPo
And the predictions for the consequences of this?
Bush’s compassionate conservatism means that Bush has to conserve his compassion because he has so little to spare.
I think that might be the theme of my news choices today (although unintentional).
“necessary to keep them in community living” is the positive way of saying the negative result “end up on the streets”. It will be just like the 80’s when that other great compassionate American president, Ronald Reagan, “let” all of the mentally disabled people “out”. They were out, all right. Once their routine was gone, they didn’t take their meds and ended up as “crazy street people”.
There may be work arounds to the current problem but people with these type of challenges are usually just not flexible enough to deal with a work around. It’s part of their illness that they need routine. They just give up — and do things like flushing what meds they DO have down the toilet.
After I read that, I thought of the times I kept the pharamacy open an extra half hour because my one of my schizophrenic patient’s parents had called, panicking because their son was out of medicine, and they needed to come get it before we closed. What are they and other caregivers like them going through now?
Do you think this would have happened in the absence of a major network anchor being blown up? NYT
My recent diary —
Col. Hoggs 2nd Brigade 4th Infantry ¶ From Hi-Tech Shock & Awe to IEDs
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The UK defies King George’s abortion gag rule: Guardian
That last quote says it all.
DIWANIYA (Azzaman.com) Feb. 3 — Many smugglers of antiquities in the country sell their stolen items to the U.S.-led occupation troops in the country, a senior official from the Antiquities Department said.
Mohammed Mehdi said smugglers seized recently admitted that they were specifically working for foreign troops in the country. Mehdi, who is in charge of antiquities in the Province of Najaf, said the smugglers were given badges that allowed them to enter foreign military camps in southern Iraq.
Medhi did not mention the nationality of the foreign troops but said the smuggled antiquities were mainly sold to the troops serving in Diwaniya.
The Treasures of Nimrud were on
display alongside other prized artefacts
in Baghdad's museum
● Iraq Museum in Baghdad
● Protecting Iraq’s Ancient Heritage
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The NSA hearings is on at 9:30 am. It’ll be carried by NPR radio and C-Span3.
We’ll see how many ‘law and order’ GOP critters give cover to Gonza and boy king for breaking the law.
This administration declared themselves above the law so congress can agree and make themselves irrelevant-since there’ll be no more need to write anymore laws and regulations OR they can recover from their abdication and move to articles of impeachment in the house for a trial in the senate.
btw, as a follow up, you’ve gotta read ReddHead over at firedoglake commenting on C-Span’s interview – Glenn Greenwald’s going at it with some Prof Turner who holds to “long live the king”
In support of warrantless spying, Prof Turner pulls this one:
“terrorists maybe imbbedding messages in viagra spam”
I guess that’s why AOL and Yahoo will now charge companies to deliver email.
link here “Kicking asses, taking names”
are we screwed? Pardon the pun. Yea, it’s early.
Progress on Dark Matter By studying the motions of dwarf galaxies circling our Milky Way, astronomers have come up with more precise measurements of the properties of invisible “dark matter,” supporting the idea it is composed of subatomic particles called WIMPs – weakly interacting massive particles. As a part of the research, they have also determined the Milky Way is the largest galaxy in our galactic neighborhood (previously the Andromeda Galaxy was thought to be larger).
Post-Katrina Images Now Available on Google Earth
When Hurricane Katrina made landfall in August 2005, it changed the look of the coastlines of three U.S. states. Now, using Google Earth’s software on-line, people can see the before and after affects, thanks to detailed images from NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
The No-Stick-But-Sick Generation The Baltimore Sun is reporting that researchers at Johns Hopkins U. hospital have found ninety-nine percent of 300 newborns tested were born with trace levels of a possible cancer-causing agent that is used to manufacture Teflon pans and dozens of other products. Potential effects on hormone levels and thyroid glands are under investigation.
Does Economics Qualify as a Science?
Winds of climate change are about to make their impact felt in many a boardroom – Top British science adviser sounds death knell for theory that insists growth is good…
Editorial du Jour:
A Bright Idea: On the BBC science webpage today, Dr. Matt Prescott, of banthebulb.org, notes in a commentary that if the incandescent light bulb were invented today it might well not be allowed to be sold, it is so energy inefficient. He proposes taxing light bulbs by their energy use (wattage) if a ban is not feasible, as a way of encouraging use of more efficient bulbs. He notes that given the huge subsidies to nuclear and coal power, we can afford this and it would save a significant amount of energy:
And LED light bulb technology now in development will offer even higher energy savings and longer light bulb life.
I’m sorry. ::shakes head vigorously:: WHAT? Do you have any freakin’ idea how hard it is to manage custody issues, and all the other concomitant paperwork you have to go through with children, without a marriage?! Because yeah, the insurance companies are just thrilled to have a bunch of legally unrelated people on family policies. That’s never a problem for anyone. And those states that are outlawing all kinds of contracts between gay people that might kinda resemble a sliver of marriage if you look sideways and squint, those won’t be a problem for gay families at all. There must be some really good reason for this kind of disconnect between adoption policy and marriage policy.
Oh, so it’s just that you don’t think anyone should be legally married? Because while I strongly disagree that religions should be allowed to bully civil policy, at least that would be a consistent opinion, and holding it would let you off the hook from necessarily being either a bigot and/or a hypocrite.
Except that Jim Davis is married to Peggy Bessent Davis.
Does anyone think for a second that his marriage is not of the legal variety? Hypocrite.
So, it’s rights for thee but not for me, huh, Congressman Davis? Walk the talk and divorce your wife or STFU about whether marriage should be legal for other people. You are not a very good liar, sir, and while you appear to have a firm foothold on hypocrisy, frankly you are not doing very well with the bigot routine either. It has become abundantly clear that politicians who are successful in the fascist corporatocracy wear their bigotry right on their [Armani] shirtsleeves. You are going to have to improve your skills greatly if you intend to hold office in a place like Florida. Although I commend you on your pandering talent, since you apparently knew enough to talk about the pro-equality stuff directly to the queers and the anti-equality stuff directly to the media — that’s class, baby.
I live next door to two women who are in the military and I don’t ask and they don’t tell. My husband said that if they ever tell me that I can never tell him just so he can never be sworn in and have to testify to anything other than he knows nothing. They have a daughter the same age as our daughter. The week before last my daughter was suspended from school for three days for writing “Fuck Mr. Soandso” in permanent marker on some bleachers. She was one of the guy’s class “pets” but she said that he was being mean to other students and that ticked her off. My neighbors on the other did not have a child suspended from school last week or the any other week so far.
ANGOULEME, France (AFP) 1 hour ago — An amateur potholer in western France has discovered prehistoric cave art dating from 25,000 years BC, several thousand years before the world-famous site at Lascaux, the French culture ministry said.
Interior of a cave housing a spectacular collection of engravings carved up to 35,000 years ago, discovered in the Dordogne valley in southwestern France in 2001. An amateur potholer in western France has discovered prehistoric cave art dating from 25,000 years BC, several thousand years before the world-famous site at Lascaux, the French culture ministry said. AFP/French Ministry of Culture/HO/File
“In a small chamber I found the bones of two hyenas — complete skeletons, which is rare. And I saw human bones amid the debris — tibias, vertebrae and shoulder-blades,” Jourdy told AFP.
“Then in the bigger chamber there was this hand — very beautiful, very delicate. There was just the one in cobalt blue. When you come into the chamber it is like it is greeting you. It’s incredible,” he said.
Jourdy made his discovery in November at the village of Vilhonneur, 20 kilometres (12 miles) east of Angoulême, after descending a hole used by local farmers to dispose of dead livestock.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Wow, what a find. maryb is going to love this.
Thanks, oui!
when the headbashing started amongst our ancestors, that’s so very troubling in today’s news.
I used a special link to the caves of Lascaux, with interesting data on global warming charts and ice ages!
Perhaps 35,000 years ago, human kind was more concerned with survival than they were in waging war with other tribes, living far apart when planet Earth was still a lonely place! I wonder how the BooMan would be tribal leader and survive the absence of sound and solve primitive communication concerns.
Cave = Boo + Man
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I JUST saw this and I DO love it. Thanks Oui!
And on Mondays I’m SURE I should have been an archaeologist.
Jesse James’ hideout Meramec caverns, the Ozarks and …
cotterperson nearby.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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