Time reports that unnamed Senators are considering a constitutional amendment to limit presidential powers:

Bush’s claims of wartime license are so great–the White House and Justice Department have argued that the Commander in Chief’s pursuit of national security cannot be constrained by any laws passed by Congress, even when he is acting against U.S. citizens–that some Senators are considering a constitutional amendment to limit his powers.
A source familiar with the nascent constitutional amendment says one version would make clear that any actions by the President as Commander in Chief that affect domestic policies or U.S. citizens are subject to the exclusive control of Congress.

The vagueness of this report makes it clear that, if there’s anything to this at all, it’s in the very early stages, and I think there must be a long way to go before 2/3 of each house of congress and 3/4 of the states would agree.  Even so, based on my understanding of the Constitution, I find it hard to believe that something like this amendment would even be necessary, but these are strange times.  However, as long as we still have some semblance of a constitutional government, an amendment is effectively Congress’ ultimate weapon against the other branches, as long as the states are with them.