Froggy Bottom Cafe
Hey you dirty birds,
I didn’t mean plumber’s crack
I didn’t mean plumber’s crack

Newbies, Lurkers, and Splashers
hop on in, but watch your step!
hop on in, but watch your step!
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door |
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
I know you’re out there!
What a great picture of the soft and subdued colors of the Grand Canyon! I love the way that you caught the light on the ridges in the middle of the shot. It draws the eye right into the picture.
I’m lurking!
I love that 5-frog pile-up so much.
Just had a scrumptious green chili soup with pork, white cheese, and chips.
that sounds good. I grabbed a container of smoked salmon rolls from the sushi section at Safeway. (say that three times fast)
It is those Republican Senators trying to hide from Karl Rove.
That’s very funny!
Happy lunch time… I’m thinking Burritos! First time in days that I’m realllly hungry – sooooo
Nice picture of the Grand Canyon….I’ll add spending a month there to my WAP list….wild assed plans….
can’t be a WAP — we made plans to do a hiking/rafting meet-up — am I now finding out that you were just leading me on? ::weeps::
hiking and camping for 30 days is a WAP….
For a week to 10 days….that’s just vacation!
I have a long list:
– Month of kayaking and hiking the San Juan Islands
– Whitewater rafting Chile or New Zealand or both
– 3 months touring New England
– 6 months travelling in Europe
– add yours here….
– – – waiting for financial resources for these and others….
Nothing like for me — Jim is only good for a maximum of 11 days away from home and then he turns into stinky cheese.
On day 9 – regardless of where we are – we make sure that we spend 3-6 hours apart. It can be reading books at opposite ends of the campground or shopping or hiking or whatever. We can’t stand each other at 10 days of togetherness….
So on day 9 we take a break from each other.
Ours isn’t a togetherness/apart problem. He’s just absolutely ready to go home by 11 days, no matter how great the trip has been.
It really isn’t togetherness that is the problem. I simply get cranky and need my bed, my dogs, my woods, my porch, my Brooks bicycle saddle, my routine. It really is me, not us.
(delurking at the mention of Jim)
Some of the best gourmet cheeses in the world are stinky.
Oh, when Jim turns into stinky cheese, he’s definitely a top notch one which, and you can depose me on this, means that it’s so awful to be in confined quarters with him even he doesn’t want to be around himself.
I’ll take you word for it. The beard blinds me to any of his flaws.
What a day. I have a few minutes to play and then at 3:30 I go into a series of (totally unplanned) meetings until about 6:00. No happy hour for me today.
So sad.
(did you have to remind me of the beard?) :::swoon:::
Sorry about the meetings.
Trouble concentrating too? Somedays its just hard work to work.
Just one of those slacker days…but I did work over the weekend, so I’m not feeling guilty.
Plus, I just got out of having to go to New York on Monday for a client meeting (they’re letting me dial in from home). I am so happy!
The joy of conferencing.
Everybody enjoy the rest of the work day.
Back to lurk status.
traveling around Great Britain — that will probably wait till after the spouse retires in 8 years.
And that’s more accessible than my other WAP — actually buying/furnishing a house, especially here in Silly Con Valley. Would love at least a 3 bedroom; the master bedroom suite, a second bedroom to turn into office/library, and the third as guest room, or “Motel Zero” as it’s known in our circle of friends…
Hi Many and everyone else..I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things and do more postings..hoping I’m over the slump and feeling better. That being said today is my DVD Tuesday where my sister comes over and gets me out to the video store-my big weekly outing so I’ll probably be gone again for awhile.
Haven’t even made it over to E4Today but I’m thinking about all you guys and have stuck fairly well to my ‘plan’…
It’s 70 degrees here today in Central CA. and even for here that is downright hot for this time of the year..what global warming right? If this keeps up I’ll be turning on my dam air conditioner soon instead of around the end of May.
By the way Many..I like your new site and had tried to post there but wouldn’t take my post..didn’t want to think I was ignoring you.
Where are you in Central CA exactly, chocolate ink? Greetings from Carmel, another b-e-a-utiful day. Golf, anyone? (Just kidding!)
For my sins in Taft-one of the reddest parts of the Carmel. My best friend works in Carmel at Wolfe’s Camera Shop.
glad to hear the slump is become a distant memory, we need you here!
Thanks for visiting my humble blog. Not sure about the commenting problem, I haven’t changed that part of the site. Let me know if you keep having trouble so I can send a howling email to Haloscan.
Well not to distant..just came back from the video store and am really wore out…which really pisses me off to no end so will have to adjourn again to the dam couch and rest for awhile..dammit..maybe I’ll get back here later.
I’ll go try posting again later and let you know…always like to read what you have to say.
Is this like a beach diary and people are going to post GCNP shots? Well whether they do or not, I can’t resist — here’s one taken during a snow squall.
an awesome picture. It almost makes me want to hike it again. π
Pls, don’t resist, dear, always love your pics.
hope the Blue Dot is ready for its close-up
and in fact, even closer than that (where is kansas lurking?).
Oh my! Is that photoshopped or are you really standing there?
It’s all real.
Don’t jump, Blue Dot, don’t jump!
This was our successful scare-the-Moms picture ever and it was entirely accidental — Jim didn’t realize when he took it that the perspective made it look like the Blue Dot was standing on the edge. None of our planned shots have ever been so good — but you probably already knew that planned scares never work quite as well as the ones that just happen.
Don’t tell the Blue Dot, but it appears she has spread out a bit.
(Purty picture!)
So you think She needs to go over to E4T?
Well, geez….been trying all day to get some damn work done…to no avail.
Just back from Walgreens, tho, and couldn’t help but notice the Valentine’s day frogs (anyone else seen em?) If not, be on the lookout folks, definitely a must for anyone into froggy kitsch!
Just time for a burger and a beer
and then back to it
Here’s a site a “friend” sent me…don’t quite know if it’s bad satire or I’m in a fowl mood.
The Blogger’s Dictionary
No Big Boys here or a Whataburger.
uh…are the beers that big????
I’ll have a couple…(hic)….LOL
peace bro
Can’t handle it, or what?
Yo Bro… Brother Suskind is back in the pond! Time for some late night fun,,,eh?
Peace Bro
geesh, wish I could…the ISP for the Hotel I’m staying at went to the crapper last night….
would’nt you know it, I get a chance to play a little, and the connection dies…
I’ll catch you guys another time, and we’ll play some…
peace all.
a pleasure to see you here, iPig. Pick your poison:
My job sucks and is totally depressing (pays well) but yesterday I went over to Point Lobos at lunch (five minute drive) and paid $8 to drive in and take a hike along the incredibly beautiful coastline. PL has to be among the top-ten most gorgeous spots on the planet and the surf was really showing off! So the moral of the story is… (help me out here….)
that to not be at work is the moral of the story.
I completely sympathize — especially since I have no coastline. Big muddy river just doesn’t do it for me.
Hmmmm…..I wonder if I can squeeze a weekend in Carmel into March….??? You’re only about 3+ hours southward for me…
Moral of the story: Pack a sandwich and spend more time at Point Lobos. I totally sympathize – my job / staff are horrid but the pay and benefits are exceptional…
I just officially called it quits for the day. I’d written five paragraphs right before lunch. When I got back I reread them and thought, “gosh something seems funny about this section.” So then sat and stared it for about fifteen minutes, and just couldn’t figure it out. Finally, it hits me. The book is in first person. This section is in third. Since I’m twenty percent of the way through and this is a sequel, I shouldn’t be making this sort of mistake. So, clearly, my brain is much and I should stop before I do any harm.
Clearly you are a danger to yourself and your characters and should not be ALLOWED to work anymore today.
Yeah, if I’m not careful I’ll kill off a vital character for book three.
That’s funny. One time I wrote an entire review article with the name of the drug it was about mis-spelled throughout (at least I was consistent). Luckily I noticed it before I sent it to the client…
Hi everyone from smoky and ashy socal, where the fire is still raging not far from me (10 to 15 mi.)….just was outside and it’s falling like snow right now, just a light but steady snow…winds are blowing which is not good and it’s 82 here…
Other than that things are great, and now I have to grab a bite to eat.
Cherrio everyone…….hi manee
be careful with the smoky air, we don’t need you to have breathing problems. Sounds like we’re having similar weather aside from the ash, it’s very windy today.
This is the newborn son of my daughter’s two best friends from high school. He’s about to be redeployed to Kuwait after a year in Iraq. They’re both just 21.
The baby’s not going to Kuwait, sheesh. At least not yet.
Heart breaking.
I know it’s a cute baby and the daddy’s no longer in Iraq and out of harms way… but still heartbreaking for me.
I keep hearing Bush say “Is it worth it? Yeah, it’s worth it!”
I met up with my hockey chat’s friends wife. Their son is also autistic. So we talked and talked and of course talked about autism for alot of it.
I feel “raw”. Spent. But it was nice to talk to someone. I really like her.
Is this person distant or will you have the opportunity to physically meet up with her?
Hey there π
She’s nearby. Just down the road.
The autism talk wore us both out I think. I dunno…
Good, I was hoping that was the case. I think it will be very good to have someone who really understands nearby. Maybe you two just overdid it today out of sheer relief of having another person to talk to.
Hopefully that’s just the case π Her son is 5 and they’re just beginning their journey.
Me lovems yous guys! Gawd, I wish it was as easy to hook up with you peeps!
That is:
(a) the title of my favoritest Depeche Mode song
(b) what I’ve been doing today.
Been so good to be home I haven’t been able to get out to do any erranding; I’ll drag the spouse out when he gets home. I did, however, make it over to the fitness room for a 20 minute workout (10 minute treadmill, 10 minute stationary bike), so I feel a mild sense of accomplishment. Now I’ve got to shower and get re-dressed, and have some water — I’m waaaay behind on my required 8 cups/day…
So, I just got home from work. I’m nauseous due to the fact that I somehow hit the perfect keystroke combination on my work computer that inverted the screen 90 degrees. I spent the last 90 minutes of my day trying to fix it, and got lightheaded in the process from creening my neck sideways.
Any tips on how to undo my karmic idiocy?
(and yes, you can laugh, I admit that it is hilarious)
Hi, I just got home too. Nauseous? Are you sure you aren’t pregnant? A medical miracle?
that would explain the bloated belly I’ve developed. π
Aha, I can help with that! My son whne he was very little discovered the below trick.
To undo any unintentional (or intentional) screen screw ups, simply rub a magnet over the computer screen and voila! No more screen slant problem.
Cause it’ll be all rainbowy and you can’t see the screen afterwards. No screen. No problemo.
I’ll try that right when I get to the office in the morning. At least I’ll be able to blame the lack of coffee at that point. π
I touched those button thingies on the front of the computer screen … once! I totally fubared my screen. I understand the getting sick and dizzy..
I’m glad this Sony screen thingy has those evil, rotten buttons on the underside of screen so they don’t get accydenty touched.
Good luck my friend may the powers of the doohickey and button thingies look kindly on you. π
fails, I’ll light a candle to ask for the intercession of Saint DuctapeFatwa.
Probably the real cause was your disrupted sleep patterns.
Unfortunately…no women were involved…Damn the GOPhuckers!
Rehashing a thread start I made in a hockey chat – No biggie just thought you might like a few giggles for all the pretyy petals you provide me π
Hockey the Bruce Lee Way
(psst I’m Azul) okay okay there are some chatnames involved and some inside humor going on but… I done did crack myself up.
Hey there Dada! That’s the place that was graced with a snatched picture of Bu. One of the posters there has a big black pooch, too. The place is “different” it’s hockey but “More”. I start the new threads after ten pages and well… after many years… I end up with Shark Fu Hustle.
I don’t need drugs… that hockey chatroom provies enough for me π
So you like hockey?
I got the Av’s…nuff said?
Came to the game late…but, Yeah, I like hockey…just don’t know much about it.
Bartender? Oh Baaaaaartender?
call for the bartender?
Why that would be me.
Wait what happened to everybody? Who turned out the lights?
and russ is on fire!
please go recommend the diary – it needs to stay up forever and ever, amen.
Don’t forget to unrecommend this thread before you head on over to the All Night Fiesta