Froggy Bottom Cafe & Lounge
Where every hour is

Newbies, Lurkers, and Splashers
hop on in!
hop on in!
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
maryb is buying!
Sure, that’s what credit cards are for, right? And big tips for the bartender.
Well, if you’re buying, I’ll take my usual Bailey’s on ice. Woohoo a party on a Tuesday.
Ok. A Bailey’s over here for the best teacher in the Great Lakes region.
We missed you last night at happy hour. Still recovering from the superbowl?
Naw, I thought that I would try to be productive and grade a few papers away from the computer. It kind of worked.
Detroit looked very lovely on television. All clean and shiny.
It was cool to see the city all sparkly and vibrant. It’s funny for me to think about all those suburbanites coming into the city for the first time in years. My parents always took us into the city.
It is strange how people stick with their little area of imagined safety. Did Andrew have fun wearing his football sweater? Did you take a picture?
No picture. He’s been moving so quickly since he’s started walking that I hardly have a chance to grab the camera.
Or, I’m just a bad mom. 🙂
He’s a speed demon? Comes from driving that little car you tried to give Andi.
tee hee
The moving quickly is good. Once he starts talking and gets old enough to rationalize with you, that’s when it get tough.
I teach high school. I deal with teenage “rationality” all day.
I wish I had your experience when mine were teenagers. They would tell me “You told me last week I could do this”, and I can’t remember 3 days ago much less last week.
Write it down and have them sign it. It will drive them nuts and it will help you remember.
It’s not always a practical solution, but I’m sure that you could use it sometimes, especially with really important stuff.
Thanks but mine are grown now and out on their own. I wish I had talked to you some years ago.
Musta stumbled into Hooters on the way to the cafe….
Your sister? Or your wife?
Just a passing fancy.
Hey I went over and checked out your site — nice! And good piece on the border wars. I’ll stop by more often.
But I thought you were going to be there wearing your special hat?
I had a change of wardrobe today in honor of Dick “Dick” Cheney being on my tv (he’s being interviewed by Jim Lehrer, and I refuse to watch Rita Cosby or the Growing Pains reunion on CNN)
You can save THAT costume for when kansas visits.
Know the Feeling Manny.
I knew you were going to be a high maintenance friend. But that’s OK.
How was your day?
It’s been very wierd down here. The new churches that got burned are about 20-25 miles from me.
And whadda ya mean high maintenance. Do you have to pay for credit cards?
Nah, you just throw it away once they start refusing it.
I haven’t seen the news in a while — what churches? (I feel very ill informed.)
4 more churches in AL. got burned last night. I think the total is now nine in less than a week. Needless to say people are very tense around here.
Ya know I did that with my cards, but they just kept finding me.
That’s very disturbing. I don’t want to turn the cafe into the front page — because right now I’m trying to avoid the front page — but it seems to me to be a worrying trend that there is an upsweep in prejudice in this country against religion and its symbols. I feel very sorry for the people who belonged to those churches.
And their neighbors.
I agree it’s disturbing. I also agree about the front page.
So I’ll just sit back and enjoy my 35th beer now. I don’t know how long your card can last.
Wow. You just lined them up and chugged them. I’m impressed. But you know you can’t go home until I know you’re sober. I don’t want any liability for contributing to the delinquency of FamilyMan.
I become very sober when the need arises, but then again the floor looks like a nice place to sleep.
So, did you give up on John Adams? Or not?
Nope. He’s in Paris now. Slowly but surely I’ll get it all.
I grew to be very fond of him although I suspect that in real life I would have been ready to kill him quite often. Has Jefferson made it to Paris yet?
No not yet. He still loves Franklin, but is beginning to see him in a truer light.
Well, keep me informed on your progress.
I’m still plowing through the BooBooks book. I’m finding it slow going.
I will. I asked the library to get that one, but I don’t think they will. I forgot the title and told them it was
Things My Teacher Told Me. I’ve got to go back and get it straight with them.
I’m new here (and everywhere). I’ve posted a few comments, replying to comments, nothing much.
Once I was invited to post any question I might have in a cafe, so…
I just tried to post on another thread. It was the first time I ever tried to post an original comment.
I got a message, “post failed, more than 50 words.”
that is… really?
It’s the subject line — for some reason you can’t have more than 50 characters in the Subject line.
I think you should complain to management about it. Everyone else does.
Would you care to join the rest of us for a virtual drink?
If you use double quote marks in a subject, the software may decide it’s too long even when it’s not. Single quotes don’t arouse this bug.
Really? I didn’t know that.
I meant to tell you in a thread the other day that I love your sig line. 🙂
looks like maryb touched on the subject line, I hope you’ll re-post your comment in that thread!
Welcome. Have a seat. Take a load off. The bar is fully stocked and the kitchen is always open.
Is Manee cooking? Cuz I still haven’t eaten yet and I could go for some southwestern cuisine.
you can handle habanero chili
mouth. on. fire .
(slurps margarita)
I wonder if there would be a market for habanero ice cream?
uh, no?
be so sure of yourself. 🙂
LOL. Thanks Manee.
A recipe is not a market 🙂
Details Details
Well who ever thought there would be a market for sweet and sour. You have to think big here. I bet Blue Bell would snap this up in a second.
Can I be a fly on the wall when you pitch this idea to them?
Who said I was going to pitch it. I need a good lawyer for that. Know of any?
No, you need a good marketing person to make the pitch. Then once they offer you the deal I will negotiate your contract for you.
I might suggest a flat fee type arrangement on this rather than a percentage of sales?
Way above my head. I’ll just stick to my regular Blue Bell.
Might be… seems kind of self-cancelling to me, but lots of things people eat make no sense to me (What genius came up with fugu, anyway? And how many folks have to die before you say “ah, fuggit, this fish just ain’t edible”?) so perhaps there would be a market.
I don’t know, but I’m sure the fridge is full with yummy stuff.
Welcome to the Cafe. You’ll find many friends and people stumbling around. Just grab a beer and stumble with the rest of us.
thanks, everyone !
It was the subject line.
It took me few tries before I decided to actually count the characters, and the “Re:” put it over the top.
Post successful.
I’m at work, so it will have to be a lunch type beer.
Thanks for the appreciation of my sig line. It’l be topical for another week.
Glad it worked.
People in the cafe are always happy to help — although if we don’t know the answer we find it hard to admit our ignorance and so sometimes just make things up.
Maryb you shouldn’t have told him that. We know everything here.
uh, that part about making things up? I was just makin that up.
“You realize I’m making this up as I go along.”
This is really disarming at work. When I’m on the right path but guessing at the specifics.
We try to be disarming around here because we are against the increasing proliferation of arms. The Venus de Milo is the epitome of beauty in our minds.
I picture her with beautiful solid hands.
That’s more serious than the general tone here in my mind’s eye ( I haven’t actually gone back to check the tone).
Still in literal work mode. I get my computer at home working.
Yes, tonight’s tone in the cafe has been decidedly frivolous – although there aren’t that many people around tonight. But you can talk about anything in the cafe. So if you’d prefer to cry into your beer about your bad day at work — well we can relate (some more than others, right Manee?).
BTW — where are you from?
now i’m on the phone w/ my son
(at work, and blogging – i’m gonna catch it!)
i’m from newhall, north of l.a.
i looked at the map of all the members once
Hey, another welcome to the pond! Watch out for the third lily-pad on the left, though — it’s booby-trapped.
Off to sleep. 5:15 arrives pretty early.
Have a good night.
Good night Toni.
It’s past my bedtime too. Have a good night all.
Reading this diary will either cause the end of western civilization or make you go blind. (I forget which.)
It’s a good diary Boran2. I just can’t seem to bring myself to comment on either the front page or any of the diaries tonight. Too depressing.
Aw, now I feel like a real slacker. 🙁
I’ve actually started to comment now three times. But it just seems like I can’t get the words out.
Since you can still see, I’ll assume that western civilization is collapsing around us. 😉
STILL see? I never told you I could see did I?
And your diary broke through my block.
I hope the fundies don’t get word of this.
You, Boran2, are not thinking about this correctly. I on the other hand, do hope they learn about it. I hope they all drop dead of shock when they learn that god can heal a liberal con artist as well as he heals a conservative con artist.
Eat 4 Today will be down at least until tomorrow night. Due entirely to katiebird idiocy. Hopefully the situation is recoverable.
I’ve got a note posted there now and will add updates as I know more about the situation.
I feel terrible about this.
What happened Katiebird?
I don’t know (my mind blanked out the fatal moment). I trashed a file. In trying to recover from it, I trashed a folder and it cascaded from there.
I don’t think anything is actually gone. But, I can’t get the pieces to work together.
I was very upset — but one way or another it will work out. I’m much calmer now.
I wish I could help but I’m hopeless with computer stuff. I can only offer you the practical advice, to step back from it and start over in the morning.
I’m sorry it happened, I can imagine the absolute moment of panic.
And amazingly I have something that I WOULD have posted on the site. But I will let you know about it here. The NYTimes has a new article up that addresses the affects of low fat eating by women. (The study didn’t address men.)
But moderation in everything is important.
So, since there is no magic diet that will solve all problems, it seems even more important to have eat4today to encourage well balanced eating. Your advice katiebird seems to have been proved true: you can have anything as long as its part of a well planned meal.
Yet another example of that most middle-of-the-road of all adages:
Moderation in all things, including moderation.
Recover yet from your virtual pub crawl virtual hangover?
Thanks for asking. Yes, I’m virtually over it.
</runs for the door>