This is currently in hearings on C-Span with Rummy and some of the crew. Before I launch into an exhaustive diary of the subject, is this the same process that approves covert military domestic surveillance operations we talked about in earlier diaries?
Ok, 2 questions. If it is and there are better diaries already done, can one be bumped up to the top to restart that particular topic?
From November of 2005 in WaPO
Sunday, November 27, 2005; A06
The Defense Department has expanded its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within the United States, creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic security activities in the post-9/11 world.
The moves have taken place on several fronts. The White House is considering expanding the power of a little-known Pentagon agency called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, which was created three years ago. The proposal, made by a presidential commission, would transform CIFA from an office that coordinates Pentagon security efforts — including protecting military facilities from attack — to one that also has authority to investigate crimes within the United States such as treason, foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage.
The Pentagon has pushed legislation on Capitol Hill that would create an intelligence exception to the Privacy Act, allowing the FBI and others to share information gathered about U.S. citizens with the Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence agencies, as long as the data is deemed to be related to foreign intelligence. Backers say the measure is needed to strengthen investigations into terrorism or weapons of mass destruction.
The proposals, and other Pentagon steps aimed at improving its ability to analyze counterterrorism intelligence collected inside the United States, have drawn complaints from civil liberties advocates and a few members of Congress, who say the Defense Department’s push into domestic collection is proceeding with little scrutiny by the Congress or the public.
“We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America. This is a huge leap without even a [congressional] hearing,” Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a recent interview.
Modifications also were made in the provision allowing the FBI to share information with the Pentagon and CIA, requiring the approval of the director of national intelligence, John D. Negroponte, for that to occur, and requiring the Pentagon to make reports to Congress on the subject. Wyden said the legislation “now strikes a much fairer balance by protecting critical rights for our country’s citizens and advancing intelligence operations to meet our security needs.”
Kate Martin, director of the Center for National Security Studies, said the data-sharing amendment would still give the Pentagon much greater access to the FBI’s massive collection of data, including information on citizens not connected to terrorism or espionage.
Among the steps already taken by the Pentagon that enhanced its domestic capabilities was the establishment after 9/11 of Northern Command, or Northcom, in Colorado Springs, to provide military forces to help in reacting to terrorist threats in the continental United States. Today, Northcom’s intelligence centers in Colorado and Texas fuse reports from CIFA, the FBI and other U.S. agencies, and are staffed by 290 intelligence analysts. That is more than the roughly 200 analysts working for the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, and far more than those at the Department of Homeland Security.
In addition, each of the military services has begun its own post-9/11 collection of domestic intelligence, primarily aimed at gathering data on potential terrorist threats to bases and other military facilities at home and abroad. For example, Eagle Eyes is a program set up by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which “enlists the eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on terror,” according to the program’s Web site.
This is the authorization of those programs. If they go unchallenged and are included in the defense appropriations budget, then thay are considered ‘approved’. Evidently, there is little opposition to the broad collection of data from the private domestic sector.
heh, Operation Cut n’ Paste sounds like another covert domestic surveillance program. Chapter 7? It must have been an offshoot of Project Paperclip…I never did trust that smartass helper in Office.
search, cut and paste 🙂
This defense appropriations authorization is going to get a boost from the cartoon riots and everybody feeding into the propaganda.
These are the spy programs you all will soon be whining about so accept them now as you assure their approval.