President Carter:

“It’s a ridiculous argument, not only bad, it’s ridiculous. Obviously, the attorney general who said it’s all right to torture prisoners and so forth is going to support the person who put him in office. But he’s a very partisan attorney general and there’s no doubt that he would say that,” Carter said. “I hope that eventually the case will go to the Supreme Court. I have no doubt that when it’s over, the Supreme Court will rule that Bush has violated the law.”

firedoglake on Rove’s intimidation of the Judiciary Committee:

So, let’s see: the Republican Party stands for (a) the Constitution, the nation and its principles or (b) whatever Karl Rove tells them to stand for, because they are big wimpy babies who aren’t allowed to think for themselves and who pee in their pants every time Karl says jump? You choose.

Russ Feingold:

The Attorney General’s lack of candor adds to the already mounting credibility problem that this Administration faces. One of the things I tried to do in my second round of questions yesterday was to point out how incomplete and misleading the President’s comments on the NSA program in the State of the Union address were.

This administration reacts to anyone who questions this illegal program by saying that those of us who demand the truth and stand up for our rights and freedoms somehow has a pre-9/11 world view. In fact, the President has a pre-1776 world view. Our government has three branches, not one. And no one, not even the President, is above the law.