The Koufax Awards nominees for 2005’s Most Humorous Post are up at Wampum.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
For my part, I hope Susie Madrak of Suburban Guerilla wins in this category. She’s a member of Philly’s chapter of Drinking Liberally. And she is super nice and funny.
Do I dare ask which post?
Either one will do, but I feel a little uncomfortable about the Frailty one…for obvious reasons.
There are too many good ones to single out just 1….
4 presidents attending including chimpyBush.
Did you catch President Carter’s eulogy… erm skewering or Rev Lowery’s standing ovation?
Carter: (paraphrased from NPR top-of-news). Both ‘Martin and Coretta were subject to warrantless spying.’
Rev. Lowery nailed it:“We know now there were no weapons of mass destructions over there. But Coretta knew and we know there are weapons of misdirection right down here..Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor”
(VIDEO via thinkprogress)
I am deeply disappointed that Dude’s “Wizrd of Oil” did not make the list. Just the hours of work putting it together is worthy of an award alone.
I missed it at first too, but was happy to see that he had made the list.
Yep, I saw it right away. I went looking for it specifically because I nominated it early on and feel that it should win, if only because shows a depth and breadth of demented virtuosity. And because of that picture of Condi Rice as the Wicked Witch. That alone is about the third or fourth most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen on the Internet. Propriety demands that I not tell you what’s ahead of it on the list, although at least one is mentioned in the Wampum list and Bood is responsible for another.
Oh great and thanks for letting me know. I too was looking for it specifically!
I really liked Bob Johnsons “I worshiped a squirl” The first time I read it I like to have split into from laughing so hard.
I need to read that – thanks for recommending!
I thought Fafblog’s Do-It-Yourself Emergency Management Guide was the most innocently-yet-viciously-funny post reacting to the DHS/Katrina debacle.
When commenting, the “subject too long (max 50 characters)” thing comes up a lot, even when there’s nowhere near 50 characters in it.
Anyway to adjust a setting or something to prevent this, or should one just automartically enter one’s own subject?
I usually get that in a couple of circumstances. Either I’ve included double quotes in a title, or I’m spell-checking and a word in the title is flagged. In both cases I’m sure it’s because Scoop (the program that powers BT) is expanding out a character into what’s called a “named entity.” For instance when you quote something like
Re: “This title approaches being too long for the title bar”
the quotes are changed internally to ", which is what Scoop sees and why it thinks you’re over the limit since it adds five characters to the count each time. It does something similar when I’m spell checking, but I don’t remember exactly what the culprit is.
I think it’s probably one of those things that would take so long for Andy to fix that it’s easier for us users to deal with it. As for me, most of the time I enter my own title, so I don’t see it much.
Thank you Omir. This seems to happen even when I’m replying to someone else’s comment, ( I think?), and where the subject works for that comment, it doesn’t work for mine. (I could be wrong about this and will pay closer attention to see if this is so or not.
Thanks again.
when you respond to a comment, it automatically adds a (re:) to the title. If the title was 48 letters long the 3 extra characters will put you over.
Got it! Thanks!
Steal this painting. Link
Progressive Politics, Indian Issues, and Autism Advocacy
I’m new the whole Wampum thingy – I noticed it said Autism Advocacy -… where? I looked all over the site. Any pointers?
And yay!! For Booman and Dood!!!
I hope RubDMC gets some applaudes for his series.
Anyone see this?
He should look in his own backyard!