I don’t think this will actually surprise any of you, but a new survey shows that Americans’ fear of Iran has risen dramatically in the last few months.
Today, 27% of Americans cite Iran as the country that represents the greatest danger to the United States. In October, just 9% pointed to Iran as the biggest danger to the U.S., while there was far more concern over Iraq, China and North Korea. Nearly two-thirds (65%) believe that Iran’s nuclear program is a major threat to the U.S.
Overwhelming numbers believe that if Iran were to develop nuclear weapons it would likely launch attacks on Israel (72%), and the U.S. or Europe (66%).
Now doesn’t that sound familiar? The increase in rhetoric from the administration and its allied media outlets has caused a major increase in the number of Americans who feel Iran is the greatest danger to the United States.
Even if Iran wasn’t just one letter different from Iraq, and the country next door, it would be hard to miss the parallels between how people feel now about Iran and how they felt about Iraq in late 2002 and early 2003 in the run up to the War of Occupation.
This is a classic case of orchestrated propaganda. An objective analysis would show that Al-Qaeda, which has killed at least 3000 Americans and caused billions of dollars of damage, and North Korea, which possesses actual nuclear weapons AND missiles to deliver them AND has threatened to use them AND is still technically at war with the United States, would be two much more credible threats. Iran on the other hand, has never attacked Americans abroad or on their own soil. Even the 1979 revolution ended in a handover of the hostages, frightened and exhausted but unhurt.
As I’ve written about before, government propaganda is actually a relatively new “science” and developed about 90 years ago. In a time when mass media was in its infancy, Woodrow Wilson (now known for his telegraph wiretapping) hired a journalist, Walter Lippman, and a psychologist, Edward Bernays, to coordinate a massive propaganda campaign. Woodrow Wilson, campaigning earlier on non-involvement in World War 1, got Congress to declare war (what a quaint notion, eh?) yet the majority of the public remained unconvinced of the necessity of sending American boys overseas to their deaths. Bernays and Lippman organized thousands of people to deliver targeted, focused 4-minute speeches in cities across America.
Not only did it work in changing public opinion 180 degrees, its spectacular success got the attention of Adolf Hitler, who later hired Paul Joseph Goebbels to further refine and use the techniques. The Nazi regime was evil and despicable but their use of propaganda was truly genius.
Goebbels took control of the news media, making sure it only presented the Nazi government’s policies in a favorable light. Goebbels also made the issue of Nazi ideology (including the hatred of Jews) a question of German patriotism, so that if you criticized the Nazis you were being unpatriotic. Goebbels also set up government boards to make sure that all private broadcasts met the Nazi’s standards, in effect censoring them. Most Germans were also cut off from media coming from outside Germany, isolating them from the rest of the world.
Perhaps Goebbels’ most famous technique is known as the Big Lie, which actually was developed by Hitler before his rise to power. The concept is to tell a lie “so big that no one could believe it” enough times that people will actually believe it. Here’s what the OSS, the American precursor to the CIA, said about it:
His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.
All very familiar to us now. Think for a second about the Big Lie told about Iraq in 2002 and 2003. It wasn’t that Iraq had WMD, because it was plausible that they had hidden away some banned missiles (of course the inspectors never got a chance to finish the job). No, the big lie was that Iraq had a nuclear weapon and the proof would come in a “mushroom cloud” in the United States. That those aluminum tubes that Powell spoke about to the UN were part of this program. That Iraq had unmanned remote controlled airplanes which would somehow cross thousands of miles to buzz over American cities and dispense death and destruction. All Big Lies, completely ridiculous without a shred of proof, and yet believed because they were repeated often enough.
The Bush administration carefully controls who is allowed into their briefings, often refusing to call on reporters like Helen Thomas, who ask questions unfavorable to White House policy aims. The administration decides who gets to travel on Air Force 1 and they have locked out journalists they don’t like. They plant fake journalists like Gannon/Guckert to ask pro-administration questions. Look at the White House website and see how many times officials have been interviewed on conservative media outlets like Hannity & Colmes or Rush Limbaugh.
The administration often will only speak “off the record” to journalists who will promptly report what they want said. They use reporters like Judith Miller not only to print White House policy verbatim but to use her articles as some kind of “substantiation” of their own policy. Bush has almost never attended any event, in America or overseas, where the questions were not scripted ahead of time and pre-approved by the White House. The administration not only directly pays people like Armstrong Williams to support their policies, but they produce fake “news clips” for distribution on commercial television with no mention of who actually created them.
The administration also makes sure that cronies are in the jobs which censor the media, determining what and what is not acceptable. The FCC not only does that but they also get to make up the rules on which media groups get to own what, allowing for massive consolidation of radio and TV stations in a few hands. And many of those hands, like Clear Channel Communications, are controlled by the big businesses which help put the current administration in the White House. When the Dixie Chicks had the “audacity” to criticize the President overseas, their music was withdrawn from airplay. When citizens volunteered to hold anti-war demonstrations, media groups like Clear Channel bought and paid for pro-war counter demonstrations.
There is no law actually forbidding international television stations from broadcasting in the United States but the fact remains that Americans are some of the most culturally isolated people on Earth. 99% of the newspapers, television and radio stations are broadcasting material created and made in America. And look at the administration’s reaction when Venezuela, Brazil and Uruguay created Telesur to have an independent voice in current affairs. Or the administration’s reaction to Al-Jazeera, which is about to launch an English-language station. Americans get a lot of news from Al-Jazeera, perhaps indirectly, from tapes by Osama bin Laden or Zawahri (heavily critical of the administration) to photos and video of dead and injured Iraqis. It’s no wonder Bush wanted to bomb them out of existance.
When Bush was in Russia in 2005, he made a crack about how the Russian press was not free, especially in contrast with the situation in America. The Russian journalists took him to task, and many writers (including myself) showed countless cases of American governmental interference, censorship and the use of allies (whether partisan talk shows or the Vice President’s chief of staff) to discredit and defame anyone who criticizes the White House’s policies. The White House has a well-oiled propaganda machine, headed up by the infamous Karl Rove.
It’s worth mentioning here that Goebbels was not a minor cabinet member. He was third in line after Hitler and by the end of the war was actually named President in Hitler’s will. Hitler knew damn well that propaganda was the key to his regime and that’s why Bush continues to protect and reward Karl Rove and other propaganda ministers like Karen Hughes.
Just this week, Undersecretary of State Joseph for Arms Control and International Security, Robert Joseph, said Iran has “all the necessary components” for a nuclear bomb and the means to deliver it. Yesterday, the State Department spokesperson, Sean McCormack, confirmed this, adding that the if they knew how to produce a nuclear weapon, they would. This is all a Big Lie. It may be true next year or in 20 years, but it isn’t true now.
What is actually true is that the IAEA has found no evidence whatsoever that Iran either has a nuclear weapon or is actively seeking to make one. The IAEA, with inspectors on the ground and video cameras and experts, has actually stated and discovered that Russia is building a nuclear energy plant for Iran and that Iran is conducting experiments to enrich their own uranium to fuel that and future plants. That’s the truth. Furthermore, Iran does have some missiles but they are incapable of reaching the United States (some 4000 miles away) or Europe.
Refining uranium to use in energy plants is an order of magnitude easier and less complex than refining uranium to weapons grade, suitable for use in a nuclear weapon. Imagine winnowing a needle (U235, the useful isotope) out of a haystack (U92, ordinary uranium). That’s what you need to be able to be able to do to enrich uranium.
To get enough for a nuclear bomb, you need to operate at least 60,000 needle-finder machines (centrifuges) 24 hours a day for years on end. And the Iranians are not even at the stage where they can refine uranium for energy use, and that’s the easy part.
Is the Iranian regime an abuser of human rights, a country where people do not live in freedom? Of course. Does Iran do despicable things, including financing terrorists and calling for the destruction of Israel? Yes of course. And Saddam Hussein was a bastard too, gassing Kurds and torturing tens of thousands in his dungeon at Abu Ghraib. But just because they’re awful people doesn’t mean that they can contravene the laws of reality.
Let me put it simply: neither Iraq nor Iran has nuclear weapons or is anywhere close to having them. And if by some amazing, time and space-bending feat they managed to acquire them, they’re still no threat to the United States.
Yeah you heard me right. Neither Iran nor Iraq has ever attacked the United States, not once. Not only did they never issue a military strike on American soil, they’ve never even attacked an American citizen overseas. Not once in history. The opposite is true of course, including Operation Ajax, which overthrew the democratically elected president of Iran, but that’s another story.
The American people are afraid of Iran because of deliberately crafted administration propaganda which is a lie. You’d think that journalists, who were bamboozled by the administration’s overwhelming confidence that Iraq had WMD, would question the current administration’s remarkably similar assuredness that Iran is half a step away from building and firing a nuclear-tipped missile. But no, they aren’t. They’ve been cowed for too long, the rebels and questioners and truly curious thinned out of the traditional media herd.
What we’re left with is the American people, bloggers and freeway sign hangers and indy newspaper publishers and street marchers. And an 85 year old lady with a heck of a lot of courage and moxie. And that puts the responsibility upon all of us to speak the truth.
This is cross-posted from Flogging the Simian
To a large degree, a majority of the American people have subconsciously allowed themselves to be blatantly lied to by Bush and his enablers simply because these people don’t want to have to admit to themselves that they willingly voted for such an ignorant, willfully mendacious person. I’ve been saying this for years now, and with each passing day it becomes more evident.
But even when confronted with evidence that the Bush Administration has repeatedly deceived them (and even after accepting that Bush has done so), they cling ever more tightly to the fiction that the Dear Leader knows what he’s doing and would never lie to the American people (or the world) about vital matters of national security. To disabuse themselves of this notion would call into question their own ability to form an accurate judgment, and this is something that most people (many already insecure about their intellect) are thus unwilling to do. It would be an admission that they made a horrible mistake, and comparatively few Americans have the courage to acknowledge this.
The Bush people seem to understand the psychology of slavery better than we do.
They are certainly better at utilizing it.
From the Pew poll:
The 86% got it right – if Iran get nukes, they’ll give them to terrorists, which would, in turn, be a viable threat. What’s not to get?
I hate to defend Iran, which is run by a despicable group of fundamentalist despots.
But I have to ask, why on Earth would Iran give a nuclear weapon to a terrorist? Seriously. Why would Iran spend years and untold millions of dollars to potentially build a nuclear bomb, which they can never be sure actually works unless they test it, and then give it to a terrorist?
The radioactive elements of ALL nuclear devices and facilities, including power plants, have a unique signature. There’s a very certain procedure to trace enriched uranium and plutonium back to the facility in which it was produced. That’s how the IAEA confirmed that there were AQ Khan-supplied particles in one of Iran’s facilities.
If a terrorist set off a bomb that Iran built, then there’s no way it could be kept secret that Iran built it. Why on earth would Iran want to invoke the armageddon that would follow?
They may be despicable and hateful but I don’t think they’re actually insane.
Like they got it right about WMD?
In my latest diary.
People tend not to see connections between those “breaking events” and the internal situation in one country. However, there is such.
In the beginning we have a problem: the people are loosing their jobs, working more for less wage and go to debt more frequently than before. The situation is not going better.
Why the situation is like that? Making profit by paying minimal wage, demanding double the amount of work and doggy loyalty omes to the mind. No medicare, no unions. Of course, Wal-Mart won’t be keen pn increasing wages or paying social security and will create a wall of lawyers to everybody that tries to force them. But changes happen all the time and the public is starting to look the corporation more and more negatively despite the very low prices it offers. And that bothers them. If they could only find something else to distract the public with…
Let me pick on Wal-Mart again. The Wal-Mart executives know that you are interested in the growing rate of unemployment and you fear for you job. They know you repay mortgage, car, and probably supporting a child in college. They know you probably own around 30,000 $ but they want you to continue buying.
Corporations consists of various businesses. Some own medias and most fund electoral campaigns. More or less every company will suffer if the public perceive it negatively so they try to avoid that. One of the way is to find something else who will grab the attention of the audience. That might be a rogue state, that might be the internal enemy, or anyone anywhere that could be pointed with finger and labeled.So, they elegantly support medias in their search for the breaking news (as if the empoverishment is not something that should be discussed).
Terrorists and WMDs are fashion. They increase circulation, sell newspaper and attract advertisers. More importantly, they draw away the attention from those internal problems to distant concerns.
Now people in the United States (and in many other countries) know Iran and Iraq better than their own town.
I really wonder what would be the answer of the asked if the poll asked also “Do you know that 24,500 people applied for 325 jobs in Wal-Mart in Chicago?”
I got chills when I was reading this diary. They are going to do this or have Isreal do it. These Big Lie fuckers will do it before the election and then run on it. They need to whip up a major crisis by election time and they are well on their way.
If there is military action against Iran of any kind then we need to have a million people in the streets. A sea of people in Washington in all the major cities. Some shit they can’t ignore anymore.
I recall a few days ago Rummy admitting that propaganda intended for foreign consumption is also filtering to Americans. His attitude was to shrug his shoulders and say ‘so what?’ in so many words. When I heard that 60% of Americans back military action against Iran, I near swallowed my tongue in disbelief. This is a frightening time to be alive. Oh, to see it coming and be so powerless.
I feel like Little Nell tied to the railroad tracks by the mustashioed Bush and his evil helpers. I don’t expect the non-existent Democratic hero to show up anytime soon.
Dudley Doright has been sent to a foreign country through extraordinary rendition….hang in there Little Nell.
When I heard that 60% of Americans back military action against Iran,
If this is in a poll, the next question should be ‘Do we reinstate the draft today or next week?’ No question of if, but when.
All media licensing will be automatically revoked at 12:01 A.M. on March 15, 2006. All Federal government elected positions will be automatically vacated at that time.
A People’s Committee, appointed by state legislatures from a pool of candidates representing every county in a state, will assume control of the Federal government in order to restore credibility and integrity.
The Committee will determine how much of the cable network, satellite network, broadcast frequencies and other media of communication may be relicensed to commercial operators, and how much shall be retained by the People of the United States for exclusive rights, title and interest.
All government departments, operations, programs, forces and services will be subject to review by the Committee, whose decisions will remain in force until a new Federal elected representative government can return to power under conditions that will protect the people’s rights from the control and effective elimination by the financial and military interests.
When I see stuff like this poll, I realize how impotent the reality based community is in the face of television news, which all too often merely replays speeches and commentary by those pushing for war without any analysis or opposing voice of reason to say, “Hey, it’s not that big a problem, America. They’re lying when they claim Iran is an imminent threat and that we need to go to war.”
So long as TV News is nothing more than a microphone for the admistration and the GOP in general, it will be difficult to convince people that their fear of Iran is based on propaganda.
The only thing that will save us is utter defeat in Iraq. It’s what eventually saved the Germans, sad to say.
The current pissing around might achieve all three. If a strike on facilities in Iran occurs wouldn’t it likely result in direct counterstrikes from several directions against US/Coalition troops in iraq? It seems like this is what Rumsfeld/Cheney and the neocons want but I doubt the current troop level could handle something like that there.
What if all of this rhetoric results in a catastrophic event for the troops in Iraq? Would any in the media who have current doubts regret promoting the propaganda?
We are a nation of such idiots that it is humiliating.
Australia and Brazil better watch the hell out.
Great graph! The scary part is that China’s share there is actually not the official figure (30 bill) but the Pentagon’s own guesstimate of the actual figire (50-70 bill). So even the presumed spending pales in comparison to the US!
Also the graph leaves out extra appropriations for the wars we’re waging….
The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran is now in the final planning stages.
The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran is now in the final planning stages.
Coalition partners, which include the US, Israel and Turkey are in “an advanced stage of readiness”.
Various military exercises have been conducted, starting in early 2005. In turn, the Iranian Armed Forces have also conducted large scale military maneuvers in the Persian Gulf in December in anticipation of a US sponsored attack.
Since early 2005, there has been intense shuttle diplomacy between Washington, Tel Aviv, Ankara and NATO headquarters in Brussels.
In recent developments, CIA Director Porter Goss on a mission to Ankara, requested Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan “to provide political and logistic support for air strikes against Iranian nuclear and military targets.” Goss reportedly asked ” for special cooperation from Turkish intelligence to help prepare and monitor the operation.” (DDP, 30 December 2005).
In turn, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has given the green light to the Israeli Armed Forces to launch the attacks by the end of March:
All top Israeli officials have pronounced the end of March, 2006, as the deadline for launching a military assault on Iran…. The end of March date also coincides with the IAEA report to the UN on Iran’s nuclear energy program. Israeli policymakers believe that their threats may influence the report, or at least force the kind of ambiguities, which can be exploited by its overseas supporters to promote Security Council sanctions or justify Israeli military action.
(James Petras, Israel’s War Deadline: Iran in the Crosshairs, Global Research, December 2005)
The US sponsored military plan has been endorsed by NATO, although it is unclear, at this stage, as to the nature of NATO’s involvement in the planned aerial attacks.
“Shock and Awe”
The various components of the military operation are firmly under US Command, coordinated by the Pentagon and US Strategic Command Headquarters (USSTRATCOM) at the Offutt Air Force base in Nebraska.
The actions announced by Israel would be carried out in close coordination with the Pentagon. The command structure of the operation is centralized and ultimately Washington will decide when to launch the military operation.
US military sources have confirmed that an aerial attack on Iran would involve a large scale deployment comparable to the US “shock and awe” bombing raids on Iraq in March 2003:
It’s too late to change the course, isn’t it?
I think there is a will for some people to write letters to politicians, and some people will hold protest marches, but among the larger population, and by pointing out that there is a larger population, I do not mean that those who march are due any less honor, or that their efforts are any less admirable or valuable, but in terms of actually stopping these events, there would need to be such a huge groundswell of um, Resistance as to qualify for the title of a revolution.
And I just do not see that widespread kind of discontent with the policy.
One of the Democrat politicians just the other day, one that I believe has some ambitions, was pointing out very astutely that the way for the Democrats to “win” is to be tougher on terror.
And of course Iran is considered to fall under the rubric of “terror.” Iran has disobeyed America and expressed the intent to continue disobeying America.
Thus anyone who opposes an attack on Iran is in favor of terror. And the number of Americans willing to stand up and publicly define themselves as being in favor of terror is quite small.
Until the misconceptions and false assumptions are addressed there will be no intelligent discussion of any subject related to the global war on terror. It’s a broken hub at the center of the wheel’s spokes that affect everything.
has reduced the profits of Halliburto and ilk by a whopping $00.00.
I say productive instead of intelligent because I think that it is possible to have a discussion that is quite intelligent on the subject of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Iran was behind the 1983 Beirut bombing that killed 200 US Marines and may have had a hand in the Khobar Towers attack of 1996.
I’ve looked to find verifiable information on that tragedy but can’t find any. Would you post some links that go deeper into this event? What’s your opinion of the evidence turned over to or refused by the FBI?
I haven’t seen specifics, but it’s been common knowledge since the ’80s that Iran was behind Hezbollah in the early days. Since it predates the Web, I doubt there’d be a collection of hard facts on it. Here’s a clip from the judge’s ruling linked from the CNN article:
If you meant the Khobar incident, I haven’t heard much about that.
The trouble I’m running into is that everything based on ‘common knowledge’ has little verifiable credible evidence that it was ever based on. Even going to the origins of many claims, they come from paid or immunity protected informants or double crossing operatives.
The court testimony and evidence often contradicts the long held beliefs. The interference of one agency against another or admin blocks just add to all of the doubts.