Baby, It’s Cold Outside

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Andi, you there? I thought for sure I’d beat you to the froggybottom button this morning, but you are already hoppin’.
Coffee’s ready! I’ll be right back.
Wow, you are up very early. And you sound awfully perky. Are you sure you’re you?
You know, maybe this isn’t me. Whoever it is seems to be as dependent on caffeine as I am, though. I’ll look for other clues.
If you are like me and grew up watching the 50’s and 60’s paranoia alien movies, you should know to check for funny looking pods or strange scars on the back of your neck or Lucy’s hackles going up.
Okay, this must not be me. I read “Lucy’s hackles going up,” and for a good ten minutes all I could think of was, “I Love Lucy had an episode about aliens?” It took me that long to remember my own dog’s name. Please don’t let her know, okay?
And here I was just glad to see that someone else remembers the name of that pampered little dachsund with the self-heating bed too…
Your photo is just exquisite, but I’ll admit that I’d rather see it in August. π
I dunno — I’m thinking that Marmotdude skiing would be a much better august picture.
Had to get my daughter to band. Been a hectic morning already since Mr. Damnit had to leave at 5 am to go back to calif which even though anticipated was still a “shock” to my son.
I’ll watch the post count – just have to step out at 8:15
for a few minutes.
I’ve got my Frog Chaps on. (I think) LOL
It’s so nice to have several froggies hopping around here. Thanks, DJ.
WoW! It’s great! Someone did an excellent job of designing that for you. Was it a little birdie? A little Katiebirdie? Wonderful site, Kansas. π
It was/is a little katiebirdie! π She’s awesome and getting even better all the time.
My compliments to both Kansas and Katiebird. That’s a very nice looking site! May it draw many visitors and help generate some royalty flow.
A little coffee to warm up your insides?
Thanks, Andi. Is that another picture from your walk the other day?
No, it’s the one I already posted. Diaries are good places for recycling.
erm…sorry, it’s early.
I’m having trouble coming up with a third news bit for the bucket this morning…I was tempted to do one with Britney Spears and Paris Hilton’s latest troubles…
I’ve never yet dumped a story in the bucket. Now I feel challenged.
That’s okay — I don’t expect you to memorize my photos π
I’ve added a story and so has Oui so you could always just skip the third one.
If you’d like a good source for news about or affecting women, Feministing is a good site to cruise.
CabinGirl, I love the newsbucket diaries. What a great idea. I’ll try to add one in a little while.
I love that shot. The reflections in the water are positively lovely.
Good Morning! Andi — Thanks for the coffee.
I felt relieved to see the maple leaf this morning, even if it was a sign saying your site was down. What’s your next step?
I sent a flurry of messages to the hosting service and Andi’s been researching restoring backups. But, I don’t think I want to try anything until I get home from work.
So, I’m having that great coffee and cereal that Andi specializes in.
Maybe oatmeal for a cold morning?
umm tasty!
I signed on this morning and Oh Nooooooooooo Mr Bill! I hope you can figure it out, Katiebird. I’m sorry… sounds like it’s going to be a headache.
Maybe I can just go to confession this afternoon. Although, if the Catholic Church has a data mining program, they may just excommunicate me and be done with it.
I’m glad the message helped. I didn’t want people seeing that raw error code anymore
Will the hosting service let you know before they restore the files or will they just restore them. And if they do will that blow away your message?
I think the message is safe. I don’t think there is a file with that name in the backup.
I’m thinking that we’re going to have to start with a clean copy of the files and database. I’m not expecting anything to come from the restoring of the files.
I’ll keep an eye on the site during the day to make sure the message is till in place.
Yeah, that was disturbing!
You deserve a break today.
mornin Kb. I hope everything looks better for you today.
Yes it does! It’s a beautiful day here.
Good Morning everyone. It’s even cold down here, in the 20’s.
I missed you sitting down here. My credit card receipts are so strange this morning. I obviously bought a round of drinks last night for about 55 people, but I don’t remember that many people being in the cafe. I only remember about 6 of us? I wonder where the other 49 drinks came from.
You probably didn’t see me because I’m just getting up off the floor now. It always that last 49th beer that puts me out.
watcha gonna do today?
Today is grocery day. I have to drive 70 miles round trip to get them, so I’ll be off line for a good while.
Hope your day at the office is a good one, and I hope everybody is the pond will have a good day..
I’ll see ya later.
I don’t know if it’s going to be a good day, but it seems that it will be interesting. I just came ” ” this close to breaking my ankle.
I got up from the comuter without realizing that my foot was asleep (or something) anyway. Instead of stepping on a flat foot, I stepped on a flopping foot — on my toes. It was all very quick, but there was a cracking sound and I hit the floor thinking that it was sprained for sure.
But after about 3 minutes of agony, the pain has pretty much faded. And no swelling. It feels funny around the ankle, but that’s all.
That weird floppy foot thing has never happened to me. I don’t know what it means.
Collect the $200 if you must, but I’m beginning to think you should go directly back to bed and stay there until this week passes.
sigh, she always says everything better than me. (That’s why I simply wait for her to post in certain instances that will remain nameless but I’m going over to give her a 4 on it right now.)
I do not!!! You’re much pithier and funnier than I am! So there. Take that.
oooh, I’ve had that happen and…oooh. Poor baby.
Putting on my see-into-the-future hat … what it means is …
It is yet another sign that this is NOT a good day to be online. Everyone is crabby (to be nice about it ) or bordering on insane (to be mean about it). So it is a good day to skip even the lurking and just work. (And any day that its better to work than lurk is a bad day.)
Hope your foot feels better. When you get to work ask for LOTS of sympathy, you might as well, because how often do you get it when you deserve it.
Morning everyone. Dream of warmer days.
Oh, Second Nature, thank you. Georgous photo! When I saw your picture, inside I just said Ahhhhhhhh. I guess when I talk to myself, I’, not too glib. π
You’re welcome. I remember standing on the sand taking this picture…the air temp was about 60 but the water was nearly 80 degrees and I stood on the sand and let it come and warm up my feet. I love the beach in the early morning.
It’s a great picture. All of yours always are. You should post more of them.
Ahh, that makes me feel like home. I can hear the gentle surf and smell the salty breeze…
Just 4 Today — a diary for the desperate.
Going to have a meeting with my boss today to confront his attitude. I called the meeting.
It has been so bad that I sent out a resume to another place and now have an interview scheduled. So, since I like where I work, I need his support to handle my recalcitrant staff….or I do more interviews and quit….
I’ve never confronted a boss before – so send me good energies for this meeting.
Deep breaths and limiting the caffeine so I’ll pass on the coffee today!
Sorry to hear that Sally. Good luck.. or break their leg π
You know the bullshit Wayne had to go through with Bitchzilla who was sleeping with the boss at his last job . What a nightmare that is for all. When a boss is fucking his “secretary” – ALL GET SCREWED.
Anyways, take care and stay focused! xoxox
It went very well with the boss. We talked about an hour and a half….lots of miscommunications and perceptions on both sides. It’s not something I want to do more than once or twice in my life but was very productive.
The big issues were supported to get results that we both want and the staff are resisting. Change is tough for some people…and stressful for everyone.
I’m still going to the interview just because – but will be very cautious in any commitments. Basically the boss and I are going to work this out. I really believe he is a man of his word…just vague sometimes.
Early day today — I’m about to pull on the workout outfit and head over to the fitness room for about 20 minutes. Later today I’ve got to go out and do some errands, then come back and fix dinner — we’re going to try and make our dance class tonight if the spouse doesn’t have tummy troubles again. π
Back in a while…
Katiebird, I noticed you talking about site problems, do you have a control panel page for your hosting site, if so you can check your “sql database” and that has (at least on mine) a place to restore.
Hi everyone, it’s warm here strangely enough, even this early in the morning, another one of our weird weather days we have been having.
No, mine doesn’t have that option. Who is your host? That sounds pretty powerful.
my host is Opensource, I can’t give a link here,(I am at daughters house) but I do have a control panel for it that has a lot of features, most of which I do not know what to do with, but that one they told me to do when I had some problems of the site down. There is also a place to backup sys files for the site.
Thanks, I’ll look them up!
Hey, all — good to see you. Brrr is right — I’m starting to feel I’ve got ice instead of bone marrow. ‘Nuff said.
Absolutely beautiful images above — including the coffee mugs & oatmeal. Thank you all!
I’m terrifically pleased today, as we have food at home to last a number of days, thanks to a terrific neighbor. He visited two different supermarkets in order to fulfill my requests. Blessed be the caring folks in times of need!
How good to hear that you have such a helpful neighbor, even though it weakens my dogsled/dogcart campaign.
BTW, I’m inordinately fond of that coffee cup. It’s from a bike ride Jim and I have done over the years which always has some sort of cow theme for its t-shirts and coffee cups and this particular year was so clever in the way in which the bicyclist is part of the cow’s face.
Yep, the cup’s pretty cool π
As for the dogs, there still may come a time — say, when gas prices top $8/gal & I have my own land for big pups to run on. (You should’ve heard my landlord go on about my wee felines! You’d think they ran a crack-house from his toolshed & amused themselves with uzis.)
Crack-house — not a chance. Uzis — completely believable.
No need, dear — they’ve got their natural lethal weapons (and they’re retractable, too!).
Thank Bastet that my neighbor also brought cat food π
Speaking of, time for the chores .. see you later!
Hi, I don’t want to make anyone sad, but I just came from the local farmers market and found this huge, delicious strawberries, grown locally, and are they ever good…size of plums. Just had to take a pic. to show you.
Also got some fresh baklava, kalamata olives, and other yummy things…got to go and sample some now.
Strawberries in February??? ACK!
I love strawberries, but I think this is the 7th sign
7th sign of what, did I miss something…hi Janet, how are you doing, and really we had them in Jan, lol. this is when the season starts here…one benefit I think of socal…
Really in January?? Daaaaaaaaaaang!
7th Sign – a movie (pay no attention to the blonde woman she types to herself) The last sign before the end of times or armageddan or whatever.
Yesterday I had to use a windshiled scraper thingy. EW. I hate the noise it makes.. Actually I hate the noise my son makes when I use it.
Everyone in my home passes gas. I think everyone on this planet does.
I tend to pass gass – fart – cut the cheese – in private. Meaning I don’t let one loose at the dinner table. Unlikes everyone in my house seems to be able to do and with a complete sense of fartomatic immunity. If I say something it’s always, “oh maahhhhm” Like how dare I make mention of the fact it sounded like they shat their pants and doing so while sitting right next to me.
So the other night I acckydennty let one rip while in the living room during one of our family’s movie time. Yes, it was loud. Yes it was heard by all. All eyes were on me and they looked at me like I had just said “You know, George Bush ain’t so bad”…
What?? Like you don’t? All you eveeel bastards living in this house, including the four-legged furry freaks, feel free to cut loose no less than 8 times an hour and I get the gaping look of fear and loathing?? Come on? I just let a little whiffer??
Danni… oh sweet lovely Danni says… “Whiffer? It sounded like you were shuffling a deck of cards in your pants”
ACK! Another day in the life of my insanity. π
Mommm w
I have the nose of a bloodhound. I can smell when someone is thinking of farting. If I get a divorce it will be because of my husband’s habit of farting with fartomatic immunity in public places, leaving people to wonder which of the two of us it was. I just don’t understand his willingness to do it so freely in public.
Go forth my friend and freely spread the term “Fartomatic Immunity” to all of those who are oppressed! π
Remember when BiPM and PastorDan got into it about whether God farted? ie: tornados, thunderstorms, etc.
Yeah – we all fart – dogs are the worst, guys and cats are a tie…and girls…we just toot!
My best friend when I was little was not allowed to use the word fart in her house. They said “sparkle” LOL!
I’ve thought long and hard about whether to reveal this very private fact, but what the hell. We called them “bump a daisies”
I don’t know why.
Very cute! We weren’t allowed to say “fart” either so we were under the impression they were “burps”…which led to alot of confusion later in life.
I think the most humiliating time was when my son wasn’t very verbal and he was sitting on the floor with his back against the couch, I was sitting just above/behind him on the couch.
I “tooted” and the poor kid… turned around looked at me and then … and then… carefully and fearfully touched his head and hair LIKE he may have gotten’ some on him or something.
LOL Janet! I needed a good hearty laugh today, and thanks for just providing it! Hey, you could do what we do in our house when either of us belches or farts loudly… we blame one of the dogs (usually mine, Pepa, because she is a bit of a fartomaniac). After all, that’s one of their dogly duties. Sounds to me (hehe) like your family’s reaction was more motivated by their perception of the purity of the mom figure… she just doesn’t DO that kind of thing! so perhaps their reaction was a compliment of sorts … you may have lost a smidgen of “madonna status,” and loudly proclaimed your humanity. And with a bad pun like that I better end this. π
funny that you mention it: our poor dog, she gets up and heads to her kennel whenever anyone says “who farted?” .. I have to say we have had much fun at her expense checking and rechecking this out as a fact π
Oh my they know I’m not pure.
They tried to make me pay swear fines into a freaking empty jar one hockey season. I revolted! And became even more revolting in my “hockey outbursts” :0)
wow. Janet.
Just when I thought there was absolutely nothing on BT today that I had any interest in commenting on today, you go and post this. And you’re absolutely right. This is an issue that needs more discussion. Too long has the issue of farting been avoided — in fact the whole thing just smells. Janet I applaud your courage.
The thread is at 80 and in about ten minutes I will have to go down and get my son and get him “settled” on his homework and stuff – barring nonething unforeseen aka reality. π
But… I am here I might just be a few posts late or whatnot.
I’m just about to open a cafe. All nice and clean. Stop by if you get a chance.
oh. I’m really confused. But it’s a regular occurrence in my days LOL
well don’t expect anybody around here to un-confuse you. It ain’t our style.
New cafe here.