Ventage Allowed!
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Green Tea and fortune cookies under the window.
Make sure to take off your shoes before entering the matts.
Make sure to take off your shoes before entering the matts.
Incense in the meditation chambers
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from
earlier or we’ll kick your ass!) |
That 4 looks good on you
I can wear either of those two, above expressions sue to the political climate. Sometimes even both at the same time.
yeah, my left side is angry and my right side is becoming worried about my left side
Nice pants. Check out the skinny ankles on that dude. Good night everyone. Hopefully tomorrow will be more peaceful.
They sure are sexier than my CANKLES π
Goodnight Sweetheart!
I always found the Judo Dojo very peaceful. I know it doesn’t jive – sweaty smell, matts, flipping, slapping, falling…
But the gi pants are really comfy π
A few years ago I did myself a favor. Some will buy themselves shoes or really really cute purses… Not me. I’m weird.
I got all happy because I ordered myself “Enter the Dragon” special edition with came with an extra disc of “A Warriors Journey/The Bruce Lee Story
AND replaced the copy of a book I had lost almost 13 year earlier on a downtown bus in Seatle.
The Tao of Jeet Kune Do.
I sorta of a thing for Bruce Lee π Something about watching martial arts film and being on the matts… mellows my punk ass out.
I dunno… I’m weird.
Wah! ::big tears::
Your first diary and I wasn’t there to pop the top of a champagne bottle.
Big belated toast anyway.
if AndiF is coming at the day from the morning side.
Way past your bedtime. Or else time to get up and milk the cows.
Are you two still up?
Real life is going to interfere with blogging for a couple of weeks. Busy days and busier evenings…so I may be lurking during the days.
Look for the occasional diaries on politics and very soon in the early morning hours well by left coast time!
Blessed be to all…may the Goddess walk with you in peace and plenty.
Good evening…
Had a couple of meetings in San Francisco this afternoon, so afterwards I was able to take a quick run up the stairs from the foot of Telegraph Hill to the base of Coit Tower. Watched the sun set over Russian Hill. Sorry no pix — if I’d carried a camera, I wouldn’t have made it up the hill.
</nostalgia for when I lived on Russian Hill>
then went out to have dinner with my sister. Good evening all around. How about you, everyone?
“quick run up the stairs from the foot of Telegraph Hill”!
Wow…now I’m tired! I knew there was a cure for my insomnia tonight and just thinking about that hill makes me exhausted! I agree though – the views are spectacular there. One of my favorite views is from Coit Tower.
Coit Tower for the non-SF people!
I’m just north across the bridge in Marin – sometimes the view from the headlands is spectacular looking back across at the bridges, city, and bay.
We moved south; I’m closer to Cali than to you, Sally. But it was on a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge, and looking back at San Francisco, that I really fell in love with the city.
from the great plains of ND,
Really brrrr. Perfect picture to make someone want to go get under the covers.
I’ll bring your breakfast to you. How’s your ankle?
Thanks Andi– it’s very rested, thanks (I’m not going to unwrap the professional’s work to look)
The best thing is that I got enough sleep that I’m not beyond exhausted anymore.
MH: And just because you are at work doesn’t mean that you can’t elevate that ankle.
I know, I’ve got a box under my desk that I used, it’s almost perfect with my coat folded on top for a pillow. I wish I could stay home. But, no — I’ve gotta go.
I’m sure that there is a MH at work that you can get to play gopher for you so you don’t have to get up and hobble around.
Are you on crutches?
MH = mother hen?
Yes. I am a self-identified asocial, stubborn, anal-retentive obsessive with mother-hen tendencies. And the bad/news good news is that there are more out there very much like me so I know there is someone at that library that can and will be compelled to take care of kb.
No crutches — just shuffling clumsily. I’m supposed to go to a meeting at a library with no elevators — but I’m going to cancel. The very thought makes me want to cry.
Yuck. How many weeks till it gets better?
The doc gave me a pass to park close to the building for 2 weeks. But she said it would be 4-6 weeks before it’s completely healed. And it could keep swelling for a while even after that.
I’m very lucky. In terms of pain, it isn’t a bad sprain.
I fell in late August and xrays revealed a hairline fracture in my ankle. Piece of cake for that to heal. But 8 weeks later and still swollen to the size of a grapefruit and unable to put my weight on it an MRI revealed an almost complete tear of the ligament. Almost 6 months later the swelling is finally almost gone but it is still weak and hurts mightily if I move it a certain way. I’ve been avoiding the advised physical therapy and trying to rehabilitate it myself at the gym but I may have to rethink it if I ever want my old ankle back.
One thing you may have to get used to is that you aren’t going to get that old ankle back. I broke my leg (hairline fracture in the fibula, spiral fracture in the tibia) a few years back and the ankle still swells up on occasion and I get twinges if I put pressure on it in certain ways. But for the most part, it is just fine; I do everything I’ve always done — I’ve just learned to be more mindful about how I’m doing what I’m doing.
Oh, Second Nature — that’s horrible. I wish you would rethink the physical therapy. I know my mom always follows her therapy treatments (knee surgery) and doctors rave about her progress. I think it can really make a difference.
My doctor didn’t suggest therapy. Should I go back?
They aren’t likely to suggest therapy until after you heal because they won’t be able to tell if you need it and what kind of therapy you would need until that point.
After four weeks, my doctor gave me a set of exercises to do and said if those helped me return to full mobility, I wouldn’t need physical therapy. They did and I didn’t.
Why avoid the physical therapy? It’s like getting a personal trainer.
If it’s in a room with a speaker phone, they could conference you in.
No, I’m supposed to train someone on a software program. And I’m just not mentally up to it either. I’m going to work on the little baby projects today.
Make baby the word for today (and the next few days) and let everybody baby you without feeling the least bit guilty about it.
I think you don’t realize that librarians (if I can make a gross generalization) aren’t the motherly sort. Once I’m home for the weekend, everything will be great, but today I’m on my own.
Maybe I missed the important question somewhere, but did you get some really good pain pills?
They offered something. But I’m not in horrible pain. Or if I am my brain is releasing whatever I need to overcome it (and I think that’s the answer because I’ve felt a little stoned since it happened).
I’m so sorry this happened to you — and I was “there” in the virtual sense. And its not like you were doing anything dangerous at the time. (Although if you want to tell people you did it skydiving, I’ll keep your secret)
It’s hell getting older. One day I hurt my knee getting out of bed. That’s all I did, was get out of bed.
One of my sisters hyperextended her knee during, um…an intimate moment and told everyone she did it while washing the floor. We knew it was a lie because she never ever washes her floor. Getting older sucks.
HA! Very funny! I love sisters!
Yeah, but the alternative ain’t so hot either – as the old timer are wont to say around here on their birthdays.
at what age does one stop buying green bananas?
So you don’t think I need to see a neurologist?
Ah, I love talking about myself. Here’s more for those of you who love it as much as me:
My shoes have gotten almost too big in the last few months as I lost weight.
But today? I think the shoe is coming off as soon as I get to work. It is almost too tight to wear. And if it wasn’t winter & 21 degrees outside I wouldn’t.
I thought only the ankle was swollen, but it’s the whole thing.