Larry Johnson wrote a frontpaged diary on Tuesday called House Cleaning at CIA?, in which he pondered the possibility that the new Director of the CIA, Porter Goss, may actually be doing some good work over there.
Or…he may simply be politicizing that organization even further.
I have overall been quite impressed by Mr. Johnson’s posts here, but I think that possibly his position as an ex-intelligence agent has colored his views somewhat here.
Rooting for the old school and all.
In fact…can there even BE such a thing as an “ex”-intelligence agent if they are sworn to secrecy on any number of levels? Short of becoming a Philip Agee-like whistleblower and fugitive? Check out Mr. Johnson’s bio. No refugee he. WELL entrenched in the system.
Anyway…I posted a fairly far reaching comment on his diary, and then decided that I might as well turn it into a diary as well.
So here it is.
Read on…
Beware any and all BushCo appointees.
If as is evident from the results of the policies and actions of this administration over last six years…if it walks like a duck, etc… the true purpose of the BushCo regime is to either topple this country from its position of power in the world or (more likely) to try to maintain that position by turning the U.S. into a fascist system in the belief that the elite (the corporate elite, in this case…the “winners”) should rule the the people (the “losers”) by edict…
If either of these possibilities are true then any and all BushCo appointees (No matter how effective their short term actions may appear to be) are agents of a terrible change that is about to befall us here.
Short and sweet?
Resist them ALL.
On every level.
Winston Churchill: “…whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
There really is no other valid approach when one is resisting fascism, whether its forces use tanks or Diebold machines.
Goss is just another functionary in this system, and if in the course of conquering Europe Hitler’s troops might also have displaced or killed a few thieves or incompetent malingerers, that in NO WAY means that they should have been congratulated for their efforts.
Remember this.
BushCo is the enemy of individual freedom.
This has been proven a thousand times, beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever.
Are they sincere in their beliefs, in their approach, these people? Do they really believe that what they are doing is good for America and thus by extension good for the rest of the world?
I sincerely hope so, because any OTHER consideration of what they are about leads to real horror as far as I am concerned.
But…Hitler was sincere as well. (Unless you believe in the existence of pure evil. A VERY rare occurrence here on this good green earth, in my view, and even MORE rare at high public levels of effectiveness. Or so I pray.)
He was simply wrong.
WAY wrong. As events proved.
Well…these people are wrong too, and will undoubtedly fail in their efforts no matter WHAT the philosophical roots of those efforts may be. But if and when they ARE to fail, better early than late, because the longer this kind of mistake continues the more massively horrifying the results. And the only way to effectively combat this sort of movement is to fight its proponents indomitably, on every front.
Just as Mr. Churchill so eloquently suggested.
But…there ARE no “beaches” in this war. It is INFO war, being fought here in this brave new Information Age. And when we say…”Oh. Well, it looks like Goss may be cleaning up the CIA” or “Oh. Well, Alito isn’t THAT bad” or “Oh. Well, we DO have to stay in Iraq because we can’t afford to let it fall apart” we are essentially saying “Oh. Well, Czechoslovakia wasn’t really working that well anyway, and those Germans DO need their lebensraum.”
We are collaborating with the enemy.
We are Chamberlaining away a piece of our war; we are Vichying with these viciously wrong motherfuckers.
And it just does not work.
We are already at the point where they have taken over the Czechoslovakia and Poland of our freedom and culture, and the invasion of France is not that far in the future.
We must wake up and wake up NOW.
“…whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
Winston was right.
He was right then, and he is STILL right today.
We are at the point where no quarter can be given.
“Peace in our time”?
“…recent news suggests Goss is serious about clearing out risk averse bureaucrats who were acting more like sedate bankers than dashing case officers”? (Would that such a movement were taking place in the Democratic Party instead of the CIA…)
If the CIA’s “dashing case officers” are dashing around the world opposing the awakening of heretofore oppressed people just so that we can drive SUVs and get fat on bad food…give me the risk averse bureaucrats ANY time.
Goss works for BushCo.
BushCo is wrong wrong W-R-O-N-G!!!
Thus…Goss is wrong.
Undoubtedly Tenet was ALSO wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right, but they DO often make a right wing.
The CIA itself appears to largely have gone “wrong” (Or is that “right”?) way back in the ’60s or even earlier.
Understand this.
Secrecy is power.
Absolute secrecy is absolute power.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And here we jolly well are…
Once the absolutely secret and therefore inevitably corrupt CIA succeeded in corrupting its overseers…including the media…well, then, it was already game, set and match.
Do we “need” a secret service of this sort?
The world is what it is and what it always has been. A ball of vicious competition and strife.
Has this particular spy system gotten a little…out of hand?
Whadda you…kiddin’ me, or what?
He works for BushCo.
IT works for corporate interests the short-term, quarterly profit goals of which are best served by controlling the government.
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Benito Mussolini.
Need I say more?
I think not.
Resistance is NOT futile.
It is necessary to our very survival.
Or…Machine World 2010 is just around the corner.
Your choice.
Once again…the usual.
Recs and such.
And…let’s talk about this.
Resistance is NOT futile.
It is necessary.
I’m beginning to think there is no such thing as an ex-intelligence person.
It’s not the sort of thing one can leave.
Revealing secrets is prosecutable. That’s on the surface level.
There is the mental level. Even if you walk away from a past life, it is still there waiting for you.
You don’t have to be ops. It’s true even for analysts.
(BET on it.)