Just 4 today, I’m going to drink my 2 liters of water (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). And walk with my new friend at the parking garage for 1/2 hour.
It made a big difference to do that yesterday (up until the time I destroyed Eat4Today — at that point, nothing mattered).
I am not eating between meals and I’m not taking seconds. Just Today. And I’m going to try this for a year to see what happens.
And I want to assure myself and my good friends that Eat4Today will be up again as soon as possible.
It is very thoughtful of you to provide this, kb.
You have a walking friend? That’s great!
Just 4 Today I am not eating between meals.
(p.s. I’ve still got the diary I posted yesterday, so I can put it up again later.)
Katie, Good luck with your “program” and with getting the site up again!
Sorry about the site problems….
Just 4 Today I will eat a healthy lunch – no desserts or fried food.
Thanks for the diary KB
Hi Katie, noticed you were having site problems. I wrote in the cafe but in case you don’t see it I will put it here.
Do you have a control panel for your hosting, mine is cpanelx and on there you can click “SQL data base” and it will give you a way to correct problems and restore your site. Don’t know if all hosting sites are that way, but I thought I’d let you know, it’s happened to me a few times and can be very frustrating…but the sql fixes it in seconds, so hope that works for you.
Though my just 4 today issues are different doesn’t mean that I don’t need a just 4 today reminder. As I have said before, Tracy is pretty depressed since the Alito cloture vote. Just 4 today I will focus on my safety remembering my self reliance in the past and how many times goodness and truth triumphed over lies and abuse in my past. Just 4 today I will celebrate love and true friendship knowing that those living things only survive in a soil of truth and honesty watered frequently by love and tears and fertilized occasionally with challenges. I will engulf my soul in all my wonderful very safe friendships here. I thank God that I have you all during these trying, panic inducing feeling unsafe times. You guys are the biggest family of choice I have ever had and, living proof that the universe in infinite and choices clutter the sky. Blood is thicker than water and there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for anybody here if they needed it!
Hey now I like that idea!!!! Instead of it about food – it’s about how to care for our sanity during these hard times.
Just for today while I’m completely “alone” I will turn off the CNN ( I was enjoying hearing Carter and Lowry bitch slap Bush ) But the rest of the news really sucks and is pissing me off. More to the point the news they aren’t reporting.
So today I will … fuck around online. fold laundry and think of something to do for tonight with the kids.
Just for today I will know and accept that I am on edge and raw and therefor not flog myself for being that way.
Actually, the Just 4 Today thing has always been about more than food. Just ask kansas — she’s got a tale to tell!
Oh no – I didn’t mean anything wrong. I’m sorry 🙂
I know that the reasons I eat or such usually isn’t about hunger but about other issues.
I haven’t been to your site because … I’d get hooked on it I’m sure 🙂
I’m plotting out how to re-steer my physical shell back to it’s original shine.
I didn’t think you meant anything wrong, Janet — I’m sorry if it came out that way. I just think that kansas’ Just 4 Today story is interesting. And I’d tell you, but, well — it’s her story.
I’d love to read her story.
I weigh more now than when pregnant. I used to be very thing.
I stopped smoking for ME and then took up running… and then had to stop running and my metabolism hasnt been the same. Plus I hit some serious depression and insomnia potholes.
I had taken up Judo/Jujitsu and even got good enough to help out with Women’s self-defense clases. I love the arts. And I need to find a dojo here. I’m walking and have to walk three flights of stairs to my apt.
I’meating better – never really ate bad… but my food is organic as much as possible and .. basiclaly my dinner setting is nutritional AND political 🙂
I’ll be joining you all I’m sure. Right now my life is… chaotic bliss 🙂
Psst just found out some of my CodePink sisters have been reading my bloggy stuff. 🙂 WOW!
Hi katieb and everyone. Just 4 Today I will do my oatmeal for lunch thing..and I’ve just read that a half a tablespoon of cinnamon a day(according to one study)is supposed to reduce the LDL cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes nearly 30% and cut total cholesterol by 26%…that kinda sounds to good to be true doesn’t it?
But I’ll be adding the cinnamon to my oatmeal anyway. I’ve managed to eat it at least every other day for lunch and haven’t had even a half a candy bar at night for about 5 days now.
And Just 4 Today I want to mention because I don’t think I have katie that your idea for this site was really inspired and you’re right it isn’t just about food but more taking charge of your life in whatever area you want to work on …just for today and with the support of everyone there cheering you on. It really is a cool place to hang out..even though as I’ve mentioned I’ve been kinda MIA..
When I am trying to drop a pound or two, I often try to eat cereal for both Breakfast and Lunch. My LDL is a bit high, I’m going to try the cinnamon on the cereal tip. Thanks for the post Katiebird, and for the tip chocolate!