Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Ms. Wilson, who was a National Security Council aide in the administration of President Bush’s father, is the first Republican on either the House’s Intelligence Committee or the Senate’s to call for a full Congressional investigation into the program, in which the N.S.A. has been eavesdropping without warrants on the international communications of people inside the United States believed to have links with terrorists.
I had a mind until about ten minutes ago, when I opened up a letter from Salazar. It explained how hard a time he had choosing to vote on Alito, but in the end found him wanting and voted against him. Apparantly this was a tough decision and he stands by his “No.”
My brain exploded and I called his D.C. office to tell them we all know this is a lie- and to get me off of every blinkiti-blank list they have me on.
On my mind is how Bush’s 2007 budget seeks to cut social programs across the board and increases for things military.
Having spoken recently to a wingnut coworker of mine, I was informed, once again, that 9/11 had changed everything. So the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center where only a mere 9 people died, that didn’t change everything. And the bombing of the Cole didn’t. And countless prior incidents didn’t.
Where exactly were all the wingnuts then? Why is it that 9/11 brought them out of the woodwork but earlier events did not? Is it only the numbers? Nine dead is okay, but more isn’t? Fuck you for attempting to use/abuse 9/11 to justify everything/anything!
Of course this same idiot (my coworker) has a bumpersticker “There are liberals and there are Americans”. Because if you disagree with der feuhrer, you are a clearly a traitor. (I can’t get away from the Star Wars quote, “You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor!”) George Lucas, visionary.
As I’ve shared before, I was just across a narrow river from the WTC on the morning of 9/11/2001; I saw & experienced many things that’ve been neglected in the narrative legend, none of them pleasant. I may very well have been physically damaged by its environmental effects — who knows?
For me personally & for many others who shared the day’s experiences in NYC, 9/11 changed absolutely nothing of essence.
I, too, am entirely sick & tired of the consistent & shameless flogging of this particular tragedy.
What these individuals rely on in order to whore, obviously, is the spectacular nature of the day’s events & the way that the spectacle was re-visited repeatedly throughout our mainstream media that day & in the time following, which burned those spectacular images into national consciousness in a manner unlike any other in recent history.
Therefore, it’s been entirely appropriate for this ‘changed consciousness’ to be reinforced indefinitely to inform the preferred wider narrative: the narrative of a violated nation still beseiged by nearly omipotent evil, against which we all must cower unto death behind our ‘leadership’ like feeble children.
Of course, it’s all pure, 100% crap.
I’ve recovered from that day’s experience & moved forward from it. Apparently, however, many would prefer I did not. For this most especially I take great offense.
watching the clintons at the funeral…wishing he could run again…she doesnt even come close to him.
not that im enamored of him….he fucked up quite enough thank you…but there is just something about him…id take him back in a minute.
wondering how long the eagles will hold onto mcnabb…wishing they would trade him now and start rebuilding….we will never even get to the super bowl again with mcnabb.
remembering a lecture i went to on genocide that pointed out that nobody moves to help the victims until pressure is put on borders…as a strategy i wish all the people made homeless by katrina marched to texas and put pressure on one specific community forcing the feds to do something…whether that something is house them or commit televised violence against them which might wake people up and galvanize a movement to get the people committing genocide in our own country out of power.
i am kind of admiring the violent protests re anti muslim cartoons….i hate violence but it feels better than the typical american protests which are nothing more than parades….we need someone to organize a night protest with torches….straight to the white house…..kind of like when the villagers stormed frankensteins castle.
i cant understand why we cant print our own money….its not backed up by gold anymore so why cant everyone just have more of it?
remembering when a springsteen ticket was $6.50 and only half the venue sold out….i miss those days.
NYT link
I had a mind until about ten minutes ago, when I opened up a letter from Salazar. It explained how hard a time he had choosing to vote on Alito, but in the end found him wanting and voted against him. Apparantly this was a tough decision and he stands by his “No.”
My brain exploded and I called his D.C. office to tell them we all know this is a lie- and to get me off of every blinkiti-blank list they have me on.
On my mind is how Bush’s 2007 budget seeks to cut social programs across the board and increases for things military.
Having spoken recently to a wingnut coworker of mine, I was informed, once again, that 9/11 had changed everything. So the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center where only a mere 9 people died, that didn’t change everything. And the bombing of the Cole didn’t. And countless prior incidents didn’t.
Where exactly were all the wingnuts then? Why is it that 9/11 brought them out of the woodwork but earlier events did not? Is it only the numbers? Nine dead is okay, but more isn’t? Fuck you for attempting to use/abuse 9/11 to justify everything/anything!
Of course this same idiot (my coworker) has a bumpersticker “There are liberals and there are Americans”. Because if you disagree with der feuhrer, you are a clearly a traitor. (I can’t get away from the Star Wars quote, “You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor!”) George Lucas, visionary.
Hear, hear!
As I’ve shared before, I was just across a narrow river from the WTC on the morning of 9/11/2001; I saw & experienced many things that’ve been neglected in the narrative legend, none of them pleasant. I may very well have been physically damaged by its environmental effects — who knows?
For me personally & for many others who shared the day’s experiences in NYC, 9/11 changed absolutely nothing of essence.
I, too, am entirely sick & tired of the consistent & shameless flogging of this particular tragedy.
What these individuals rely on in order to whore, obviously, is the spectacular nature of the day’s events & the way that the spectacle was re-visited repeatedly throughout our mainstream media that day & in the time following, which burned those spectacular images into national consciousness in a manner unlike any other in recent history.
Therefore, it’s been entirely appropriate for this ‘changed consciousness’ to be reinforced indefinitely to inform the preferred wider narrative: the narrative of a violated nation still beseiged by nearly omipotent evil, against which we all must cower unto death behind our ‘leadership’ like feeble children.
Of course, it’s all pure, 100% crap.
I’ve recovered from that day’s experience & moved forward from it. Apparently, however, many would prefer I did not. For this most especially I take great offense.
couple things;
watching the clintons at the funeral…wishing he could run again…she doesnt even come close to him.
not that im enamored of him….he fucked up quite enough thank you…but there is just something about him…id take him back in a minute.
wondering how long the eagles will hold onto mcnabb…wishing they would trade him now and start rebuilding….we will never even get to the super bowl again with mcnabb.
remembering a lecture i went to on genocide that pointed out that nobody moves to help the victims until pressure is put on borders…as a strategy i wish all the people made homeless by katrina marched to texas and put pressure on one specific community forcing the feds to do something…whether that something is house them or commit televised violence against them which might wake people up and galvanize a movement to get the people committing genocide in our own country out of power.
i am kind of admiring the violent protests re anti muslim cartoons….i hate violence but it feels better than the typical american protests which are nothing more than parades….we need someone to organize a night protest with torches….straight to the white house…..kind of like when the villagers stormed frankensteins castle.
i cant understand why we cant print our own money….its not backed up by gold anymore so why cant everyone just have more of it?
remembering when a springsteen ticket was $6.50 and only half the venue sold out….i miss those days.
one more thing is on my mind
why is everyone gushing over murtha?
so he wants us out of iraq…..big deal….does anyone know his stand on other issues? he is a freaking republican.
(via Josh Marshall)
did anyone catch this, last weeks NBC-WSJ poll: Dems leading Republicans 51-37% in Congressional preference?
Things are looking up. Indeedy.
Rebuilding Iraq: Stabilization, Reconstruction, and Financing Challenges, by Joseph A. Christoff, director, international affairs and trade, before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. GAO-06-428T, February 8.
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