Afternoon Nap Time

You are getting verrry sleeepy
Sweet dreams of winning elections.
Fresh biscuits & butter!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from
earlier or the cow will kick your ass!) |
That 4 looks good on you
Oh, I wish!
Since Andi isn’t here to mother hen you — I will. Don’t do to much today, go home early if you have to, keep that foot elevated.
wow, that was difficult for me. I must have librarian blood.
You did just fine! My foot’s been up almost all day (except when I have to “freshen up” (as Ductape would say). I wish I could go home early. But, I can’t.
“freshen up” yes, or “I need to powder my nose”.
OK — but follow the rules! Or I’ll get Andi to cluck at you. (That was easier — kind of like “wait until your father gets home …”)
Actually, ’round these here parts, we say, “Got to go see a man about a horse.”
Or as a bluesman I know says…gotta go shake hands with shorty
The official MH is here. How’s the swelling?
Here, I might as well get this out of the way while you’re already in a not so great mood and before you get home to comforting mister ministrations — I had my own very bad day at work and only spent about 15 minutes trying to find how to get wordpress to re-read the config file. No luck. Sorry.
Bad days are just going around for everybody. Did somebody break a mirror in the cafe?
I think I am going to officially write off this day very soon. (Although I did get things done this afternoon. )
I’m having a bad day too. Killer migraine, nausea, and my court report deadline got moved up. Although since my genitals are still intact I feel I can’t really complain.
How can you bear to look at your computer screen with a migraine? I can’t even imagine.
I haven’t most of the day. But squinting helps.
wonder how sunglasses would work.
I hope you feel better.
Why Andi, I’m shocked, shocked!
Is your ankle elevated? Are you getting your full due of mister ministrations?
No, not yet. I just finished dinner (which was ready when I got home). And I’m about to stretch out. We have a laptop over there. So, I hope to visit off and on. Assuming I don’t just fall immediately to sleep for the night.
I don’t want to miss Survivor!
I think my ankle is all better.
Your ankle is all better — right. So let me guess, you are a lousy at being a patient (me, too).
See, this is why you are a better MH than me, I would have thought: A MIRACLE! She’s healed. You, however, understand the reindeer games that patients play.
I love this exchange. I vote for Mary. I think I’m all better. I think I am, I think I am. At least as long as I’m lying on the couch.
Yeah, you should go with Mary ’cause when you put full pressure on the ankle and it gives and you tear something, you can sue her for practicing miracles without a sainthood. π
(Wow, that didn’t sound like a mother hen, did it? SN’s bossy older sister must have slipped in)
Here’s how I know I’m mostly better. I just followed the instructions for backing up the database in myPHPadmin. That’s gotta be a good sign, don’t you think?
You might be better but your ankle is gonna take longer.
Did you decide to do a re-install over at the test site?
… reminded both KMc and me of this (Quicktime required).
Been a while since I’ve heard that one. But I used to know people who had extensive collections of LPs of that stuff.
That is one of the all-time best riffs, if not the best.
HERE’S a copy-cat version I found in Aug.
I love that routine. I just listened to it and it still makes me laugh.
My conversation wasn’ nearly so funny.
I’ll bet the people at the NSA who were listening in were laughing their asses off.
I did think I heard snickering in the background. I wish they would have just cut into the call and yelled “YOU IDIOT, just print it out AGAIN.”
Cuz I can’t do that to clients.
Some people should still be using rotary dial phones, Underwoods, index cards, and ledger books. Like the licenses that should be required prior to parenthood, licenses should also be required for computer usage. If a person buys a computer and doesn’t have a license, no one would be allowed to help them and would be encouraged to laugh at them but tell them that they are being laughed with not at.
What is that rock — granite? gneiss? basalt (nah, not in ND).
Neat picture
I’d guess granite, but that diagnosis is not in my area of expertise.
Woke up at 3:30 am with upset stomach and nausea. Got up and thought a gulp of cola would help. Nope. Threw up my guts. Been barfy all day. Ate some toast and drank a half liter of ginger ale. Now I’m running a fever. Hubby will be home soon and want me to help him till a bed or two before the sun goes down and it ain’t gonna happen. Is there a virus going around?
That happened to me about a month ago. I ran a fever of 101 for a day, had a killer headache and felt nauseous for about two days. Then it was gone. Hope yours goes away as fast.
Stop it right now.
I have enough trouble staying awake at work sometimes. Not that my work is boring — far from it — but I suffer from sleep apnea and sometimes have trouble staying awake. It’s one reason I don’t drive.
So please, do not encourage me to take a nap at work.
Well, OK, maybe just a little one. See you in about six hours.
Had a good social/business lunch, then spent most of the afternoon on the phone, which I don’t usually have to do these days (I used to, but I’m glad it doesn’t work out that way much any more). Wrote a bunch of stuff this morning, but now I could sure use that nap.
You missed nap time — everyone is now awake, refreshed and ready to go. And quit rubbing in how much work YOU got done today.
Who said anything about work?
I didn’t want to immediately jump to the conclusion that you were having phone sex — which if you read your sentence is an equally reasonable conclusion.
It was work.
That’s what they say.
(all my deadlines for tomorrow have already been met this evening)
It’s because I’m not enthralled by the chickens isn’t it?
Well, wanting them on your dinner plate certainly didn’t win you any points…
But .. now that I know that they produce pre-died easter eggs I can see that they should be kept alive and in good health. Please apologize for me to them (she rolls her eyes and thinks about how the political correctness demands of this place have reached a nadir if she’s expected to apologize to chickens but what the hell she’ll do it.)
Well, luckily for you, they didn’t see what you wrote…or you’d be learning the true meaning of ‘pecking order’…
Has anybody seen shermanesqe lately? I wanted to ask her something…
Nope. But maybe the chickens frightened her this morning.
Because I always fall for kansas’ passive-aggressive research projects and she hasn’t been around all day, I immediately went to search and see when the last time shermanesqe commented which was 02/08/2006 06:48:45 PM EST in the Iraq War Grief Daily Witness diary
was kansas supposed to be missing or should we be concerned?
Thursday is her regular day and if she isn’t going to be around she puts up a froggybottom cafe instead.
No wonder I kept forgetting it’s thursday!
the battery died just as I typed that. I’m sort of here. What a weird evening.
Email me, it’s the best way to get in touch with me… what do you need sweetie? I’m here…
Didn’t get anything done π and need to have a talk with the spouse that I’m not looking forward to having. But I decided on some mild retail therapy and downloaded the soundtrack to the upcoming Curious George movie — and it’s wonderful! Can’t help smiling listening to the songs… π
I haven’t bought that, but the songs I’ve heard from it so far are fun..Jack Johnson is cool.
from his first album on iTunes already (Flake and Bubble Toes) — I lost that album during the move, have to replace it and get his second album too. And iTunes has an exclusive video album of him performing his songs — may get myself that for the trip down to SoCal end of March…
Evening everyone. Reading through the comments, it seems that bad work days have been contagious. I just learned that our principal called his staff a bunch of “crackers” to an African-American who was being interviewed.
This just came up because …? How did you find out?
And what an odd derogatory term to use for people in a northern urban area. Not that I’m in favor of insulting your employees, but if you’re going to do it … at least pick an a derogatory term, I don’t know, “appropriate” to the situation?..
This new employee told our bldg. rep. Our principal is a real piece of work. Last November (2004) a teacher in our building completed an adoption that he had told no one about. I was still waiting for my paperwork to go to China. He caught me being weepy because I was so anxious and he suggested to someone that I was jealous. I grieved that and won.
What a jerk.
I will not regale you with stories about his total lack of professionalism, at least not tonight. I just want to relax this evening.
Tomorrow promises to be a long day. Student Council (of which I am the adviser) is putting on a pep rally. I just hope that there isn’t a fight in the stands.
A nap would be nice. Suppose everyone’s moving on to the next cafe….. hmmm…… very warm in California today. I did all my work and meetings and my legs broke down in front of the Bohemian — a restaurant/cafe/bar.
Had a lovely meal, the place to myself.
Kinda like now….. hmmm…..