As an American and as a Democrat I have something to say to the Bush Administration and the Republican Party:
Unlike you, I am not afraid.
I am not afraid of your fear.
I am not afraid of terrorism.
I am not afraid of Osama.
I am not afraid of Saddam.
I am not afraid of Islam.
I am not afraid of negotiation.
I am not afraid of thought.
I am not afraid of consideration.
I am not afraid of accountability.
I am not afraid of respect.
I am not afraid of kindness.
I am not afraid of equality.
I am not afraid of women.
I am not afraid of race.
I am not afraid of homosexuality.
I am not afraid of charity.
I am not afraid of laughter.
I am not afraid of pain.
I am not afraid of sacrifice.
I am not afraid of education.
I am not afraid of science.
I am not afraid of the truth.
I am not afraid of the Constitution.
and I am certainly not afraid of you.
It’s 2006. There is an election coming. Bring it on.
Update [2006-2-10 0:58:28 by NYBri]: Check this out.
… and we cannot give in to their childish fear. This is America, the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
of the possible invasion of Iran
for people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa
of radical fundamentalist religions,
of the destruction of our air and water
for my grandchildren
But for you I say:
“Courage, mon brave!”
Those are challenges to be met and mitigated, and fear will not help us one bit in the process.
And certainly Republican generated false fear will win us nothing and only lose us more and more elections.
We are Democrats. We are strong. We can win. Fear not.
Ignore my post, I’m Canadian.
We are Democrats.
We are Americans.
And re: your posting of the news release about the Texas study. Yes, repeated, inescapable fear can cause permanent or at least very long lasting changes in the brain. However, the mouse model need not be true of all people. Ordinarily, you have a “fight or flight” response to agression, not a depressive response. In this situation, we have to fight. And the best defense against being overwhelmed by stronger, more powerful enemies is good social support – or fellow fighters, if you will.
So, I’m not afraid of being afraid. There is courage in tackling what we have to do with other like-minded people. And we have that.
Me neither! The worse thing about fear is it causes one to forget things we once knew, like our own personal power and common sense.
I am not afraid, either, of those mentioned above. However, I am afraid of this loooooonitic that has his finger on the nuclear button, so to speak. He and his cronies are dangerous. Their mouths are dangerous to be honest. They love to stir hate and crap such asd this. I can not handle things like this without getting angry..and fearful for the whole world. Hugs today and have a great unafraid day…
Thanks Bri – and the Democrats search desperately for a new meme to unite the people behind them. What a relief a sense of courage would be to those who are cowering in their safe rooms praying and demanding protection.
lyrics by Holly Near. The link dates this at 2000, but I’m sure it antedates that by a number of years.
I know Holly Near and love her music….
I need to download that song. I like the lyrics a lot.
of t-shirts
I too am unafraid of any of the above. What I fear most is apathy of the people.
I’ve been hammering this into every Republican I know. Chickenshits. When did the gun totin’, god fearin’ war mongers become such a bunch of scaredy cat bed-wetters? It’s demeaning to all of us for the world to see so many citizens hiding under the bed, hoping big Daddy would scare the mean old terrorists away.
. . .
I was giddy and sick, and out
Of my misery I felt rising
A terrible anger and out
Of the anger, an absolute vow.
Today the evil is clean
And prosperous, but it is
Everywhere, you don’t have to
Take a streetcar to find it,
And it is the same evil.
And the misery, and the
Anger, and the vow are the same.
–Kenneth Rexroth, end lines of “The Bad Old Days,” fr. In Defense of the Earth (1956), in The Collected Shorter Poems of Kenneth Rexroth (New Directions, 1966), pp. 258-9
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
I’m not afraid to do whatever may be necesarry to regain control of the govt. for Americans of all political stripes. Be it signing petitions and having my IP address visible to more… let’s say…revolutionary tactics.