If anyone one is interested, you can make a list of the ironies assaults on our intelligence in the following US Newswire piece:
Two Americans who played a major role in exposing Iran’s secret nuclear weapons plans have been nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
United Nations Ambassador
the MustacheJohn Bolton and longtime Iran investigator Kenneth R. Timmerman were nominated for their repeated warnings and documentation of Iran’s secret nuclear buildup and revealing Iran’s “repeated lying” and false reports to the International Atomic Energy Agency.Bolton was formerly U.S. Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security and was author of the Proliferation Security Initiative, an international effort to interdict shipments of weapons of mass destruction and related materials, which led to the eventual breakup of the secret nuclear network directed by Pakistan nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan. Bolton repeatedly warned of Iran’s nuclear plans.
Timmerman, an independent researcher, has written extensively on Iran’s nuclear activities for more than 20 years. His report for the Simon Wiesenthal Center in 1992 first detailed Iran’s ties to A.Q. Khan. His most recent book, “Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran,” was published last year.
Bolton and Timmerman were formally nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Sweden’s former deputy prime minister and Liberal party leader Per Ahlmark.
Ahlmark is meeting with journalists, opinion leaders and policymakers in Washington this week at the invitation of the Jewish Institute for National Security Afffairs (JINSA).
Bolton has about as much chance of winning the Nobel Peace Prize as I have of winning the Olympic Gold Medal in gymnastics. But this is good for a laugh.
Also, Bolton had virtually nothing to do with developing the Proliferation Security Initiative.
Oh Good Heavens, give me a break!!! John Bolton!!! Of all ppl!!!! where was he in this Proliferation Security Initiative when he was up for nomination to the UN when all the other ppl testified against him…he was AWOL on it. He was tooo busy brownnosing int he WH and with the other groups trying to get this war in Iraq and outing Val. Plame. What a farse!!
Stunned. Disbelief. Kept asking myself, is this for real? Just when you think it can’t possibly get any weirder, it does.
For some odd reason that makes me think of an old Jello Biafra line from the DKs … Hey Rocky, watch me pull a massacre outta my pants!
Whatta world, whatta world…
Wondered, is this a hoax?
Maybe they’re trying to relieve themselves for all the flak they got on Nobel Prize for Lit in 2004 and 2005?
There’s a huge number of people who can nominate for the peace price so there are always people who are nominated that have no chance of winning. That’s what probably happened here.
Here’s the process
I got worked up about somebody being nominated a couple of years ago (I can’t even remember who now) so I looked it up.
They come out with a short list by march.
Come on. He nominated himself.
Also, bolton has done more, singlehandedly, to undermine the nuclear non-proliferation efforts and treaty than anyone, and if JINSA is the host group for the former Swedish PM who nominated him, it’s fitting, since that group is about as pathologically rightwing crazy as they come.
It was a Swede or Norwegian (I forget which) right winger who nominated Bush and Blair for the prize in 2004. I find it kind of surprising that these nominations come from Scandinavian countries since I tend to think of them as ultra liberal.
Per Ahlmark is the biggest asshole you can find. He’s totally in the claws of the PNAC agenda. Of course, he’s a swede, but nowadays he doesn’t dare show himself in Sweden. I’ve seen him interviewed on Swedish TV once in the last 5 years. It was in conjunction with the American invasion of Iraq. He made a total ass of himself regurgitating PNAC propaganda and claimed WMD’s were already found.
As a Swede, allow me to agree.
Most people in Sweden would consider Ahlmark a joke at best.
No wonder my sig line is appropriate, after the brown-nosing mentioned
I mean c’mon Booman, what other explanation can there be for you leaving out the citation that this came from The Onion?
This did come from the Onion, right?
Please tell me this is not for real . . .
Better believe it. Nothing new really. Kissinger got a Nobel and now he’s afraid to travel in case he gets arrested for war crimes. Even Hitchens wants him arrested.
Well Henry Frog Voice Kissinger has actually WON one, and he’s a war criminal by anyone’s standards. His actions in greenlighting the genocide in East Timor alone deserve to have him tried and jailed.
John “316” Bolton is small fries in comparison, after all he just approved of death squads in Honduras.
Please don’t confuse BooMan’s bull behavior in the pond with the sound of Henry’s screech. His scratchy voice always reminds me of the sound, heard when Romania’s best known figure, steps out of his coffin.
The Count
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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I also note that Amnesty International has won a Nobel Peace Price specifically for their work to end TORTURE.
Of course that was 1976 and we’re beyond that now…
Death squads and torture are the cornerstones of any peace-loving democracy. 😉
LOL, the nerve and the ignorance of some people. What puzzles me though, is that it is a well known and presumed liberal Swedish politician that has done it. Maybe Per Ahlmark has got closer foreign policy connection to people in the US administration than is publicly known? Still it is an amusing piece of information.
See my comment above. Per Ahlmark is the nearest a Swedish neocon you can find.
Ah thanks, for the valuable information.
Also the word “liberal” in Swedish usage tends to mean right-of-centre, as in “not social democrat”.
Funny. Surely that article has a typo & should read “proliferation initiative,” for that is what their policies are doing.
These guys have long vengeful memories. Whoever nominated him knew whose ass to kiss:
Nobel Prize 1973 for making illegal war and calling it peace.
Awarded jointly to Le Duc To, North Vietnamese revolutionary and diplomat, who declined on the grounds that he could not accept a prize for a peace that did not exist.
The guy who helped cook the intelligence on Iraq’s weapons program to justify an invasion is up for a peace prize?
Yes, Virginia, irony is still dead.
Kenneth R. Timmerman The Iran Operation and Traitors
BooMan mentioned in his story, the nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize of John Bolton and Kenneth R. Timmerman. I thought, he must be as least as interesting as Boltin’ John: so here some links to information and his biography.
The book that will change the way Americans think about the Islamic Republic of Iran
Timmerman, an independent researcher, has written extensively on Iran’s nuclear activities for more than 20 years. His report for the Simon Wiesenthal Center in 1992 first detailed Iran’s ties to A.Q. Khan.
His most recent book, “Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran,” was published last year.
Journalist and writer, his timely publications —
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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