Two Congressional committees have held hearings about Medicare D, and have received input from those who the program was supposed to serve. The complaints were that people were unable to get their rx’s and that the program was too confusing. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, questioned the way the program was being run and pushed for legislation that would allow the government to negotiate drug prices. That was not part of the initial legislation and has been seen as a boon to drug companies.
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R) and Ron Wyden (D) drafted legislation giving the government the ability to negotiate the prices of rx’s>
According to Snowe,
“I can’t imagine why we’d spend $700 billion on this benefit and not allow the secretary to maximize the taxpayers’ money.”
Fact of the matter is that the legislation did pass and was signed into law. It was also perceived as a cost-cutting measure.
contnued below
However, Mark McClellan claims
McClellan said that the plan needs no such intervention at the hands of government bureaucrats. It should…rely on competition and market forces to control costs.
…President Bush’s new budget allots $130 billion less for the benefit than originally expected…because so many insurers are involved in the program, competing for the business and keeping prices down.
However, McClellan blamed late enrollments for the errors in the implementation of Medicare D. He also claimed to have taken responsibility for the glitches the Medicare D and that it is getting better as more operators have been hired for the 800 number.
According to Sen. Kent Conrad, D-S.D., the senators who described problems with the new plan as
“growing pains” were “detached from reality.”
And, he said that the implementation of the benefit as
“fiasco, botched, bungled. There has been no greater government failure since Katrina.”
generic v. name brand rx’s
I’m not the only one!
xposted at dkos
Getting better my ass…about as better as the Gulf Coast states are getting better.
A good example of not getting better is my getting my meds this month. Last month I was lucky and got my card the day before my prescriptions were due for refill and my sister(who usually has to get my pills for me as I can’t stand in lines)had a fairly simple time getting them. This month when she went to get them they hand them over to her and then give her the total..which was full price for everything…and tried to tell her I wasn’t in the computer system. So she had to tell them that yes I was and they had my card number and no problem last month..she ended up waiting for an hour or more while they were busy checking etc etc and having problems with other people also..Finally got it figured out..well sort of as this month I was charged 8 dollars less than last month…which has to be mistake but at least I got my pills again for this month..
One woman has quit at the pharmacy because she said this whole thing is so screwed up and not only that but the computer system that Rite-aid has is just not set up for any kind of cross checking or anything on it’s a real mess in that respect also. The wait for getting your pills is at the least two days there and there is only one other pharmacy here in town(which is worse)…so if you come in with a prescription that you’re supposed to start immediately your out of luck here.
Big Pharmas have NO problem getting from the Republican Congress everything they want.
(via truthout)This news of today:
“Hastert, Frist Said to Rig Bill for Drug Firms”
Intended to protect big pharma from lawsuits, they kinda sneaked it into the Defense Bill when no one was looking.
can’t make this stuff up. Newsflash: Corruption is still rampant.
Having trouble finding specific article…help!!!
sorry about that. I tested the link before posting and it was good.
try this one:
It happens. Have done it myself. And you seem to have a way of finding out a lot that is related to Medicare D. Could you check this out (including comments) and let me know what you think/or if you happen to find anything related? (I can’t keep track of all of the blogs–there are just too many.)
Glad to help out. You’re to be applauded on keeping the community informed on the Medicare D topic.
Medicare D and Wal-mart? Well as you are aware Wal-mart, imo, is the worst corporate citizen, and a topic in and of itself. – “No unions please, we’re Wal-mart .” I have no kind words for this entity and I never shop Wal-mart, they’ve killed off small towns, mom and pop companies. The high cost of everyday low prices. I digress
Medicare D covers great depths and from the little I’ve read, it’s a big honey pot for big insurers like UnitedHealth, Humana and big pharma. Trillions over the next decade.
So many companies have hopped on the money hive. I surmise that Wal-mart, like others, using their pharmacy profit centers are on the Medicare D marketing/strategic alliance – with insurers like Humana paying “double-up” commissions to sign seniors into managed care.
With so many plans available, seniors are having a difficult time deciding what plan is best. So dig deeper and we may uncover a Humana/Walmart alliance.
Bingo! Don’t have to bet my penny pot, BW Businessweek confirms that Humana and Wal-mart do have a marketing deal. See the link you provided me to BW. And so Humana insurance is referring to Wal-mart pharmacist for answers?? Something lights up my bulb that’s not a pure arms length, no money exchange referral.
Looks like Wal-Mart is in on the lucrative agressive insurance commssions being offered by their partnering. But Humana has been caught a tad too aggressive.
“Humana has been caught in violation of federal rules by offering higher commissions for profitable policies.”
link here: “Humana’s Dubious Medicare Strategy”
link here “Medicare makes it’s Move”
Seniors should be cautious in choosing.
I believe that Michigan already has a law (I typed “low” first – a Sreudian Flip?) like that on the books. Michiganders were unable to join the class action Vioxx lawsuits because of it.
That doesn’t make any sense! Think I have the germ of an idea (thanks to BooMan for that phrase) after reading your post. Putting it on the back burner though.
Here are a couple other links. The law was passed in 1996.
Lansing State Journal
Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra Recall News
And this from WILX10 – a Lansing station:
Isn’t Engler in DC now?