The walls are starting to crumble folks. One by one, the CIA agents are tired of getting the blame for faulty intelligence and are speaking out.
In this Walter Pincus/WaPo article this morning we have Paul R. Pillar, a 28 year veteran of the CIA telling us that “Official intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs was flawed, but even with its flaws, it was not what led to the war,” Pillar wrote in the upcoming issue of the journal Foreign Affairs. Instead, he asserted, the administration “went to war without requesting — and evidently without being influenced by — any strategic-level intelligence assessments on any aspect of Iraq.”
Holy Shit Sherlock! The Whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork. No one would listen to Richard Clarke when he testified back during the 9/11 commission hearings. Will they listen now?
more on the flip
Of course the White House is spinning faster than a top on this and as usual, accuses the accusers of lying.
“Yesterday, the Senate Republican Policy Committee issued a statement to counter what it described as “the continuing Iraq pre-war intelligence myths,” including charges that Bush ” ‘misused’ intelligence to justify the war.” Writing that it was perfectly reasonable for the president to rely on the intelligence he was given, the paper concluded, “it is actually the critics who are misleading the American people.”
Please, go read the article. It is very damning. The Cabal of Fascists in the White House, as I have come to so lovingly refer to them, cannot possibly keep up with all the lies they have told. My hope is that even though it is taking longer than I would hope, they are falling, one day at a time.
Alohaleezy, I sure hope your detection is correct! I have felt this way for a while now since the Fitz frenzy started. I saw something happen when the Downing Stree Memo came out. It is almost every day now something new comes out. And look at all the investigations that have happened duing this administration! It is hard to keep up with them all…starting with day one, it seems. IE, the energy investigation that will never get resolved.
Anyhow, I do think you are right…hugs
We all keep holding our breath each time one of these stories breaks. I think it is our job to make sure the sleeping Americans wake up. How many outrages will it take? Not sure but think we are getting closer each day.
Unless it’s a super-horrific story, there may not be a single day the kool-aid drinkers wake up. Each may reach his or her own tipping point at which they come over to reality separately. That seems to be the case so far, unfortunately. I expected impeachment over Abu Ghraib. Silly me.
On the other hand, they may not be flipped back so easily if it’s a slow, continual erosion of the house of lies, with each day’s news now reinforcing their new perception.
Watergate was like that; it developed a slow ponderous inevitability like a glacier or lava flow destroying a town in its path. I’m beginning to get that feeling about how Bush will go down, and that’s comforting – it is building up enough momentum it will be inevitable, and congress may not even let him have his war with Iran.
But don’t go by me: I expected impeachment over Abu Ghraib…
Bush said in the SOTU something along the lines that HINDSIGHT was not a reason to stop a war…
I really hate these assholes.
And.. the hole “we foiled an attack”..
Bullshit. If they had done something they would have been smearing themselves with KY Jelly and rubbing our faces all over their warpig bellies THE DAY they foiled it.
And… wiretaps weren’t what led to that “alleged” Malaysian Attack.
The whole thing stinks.
Hugs right back at you DJ. It’s all wag the dog hon. I don’t believe a freaken word they say. Another day, another outrage. Can we get a list going?
You are absolutely correct DJ. That is exactly how it would have went down. Now that I can type again after laughing so hard.
she has such a way with words. I almost wet my pants when I read that from her. I could see it in my mind’s eye immediatley. The lying sacks of crap!
Yes I also received that disturbing image in my minds eye. Go get em DJ! The lying sacks of crap! 🙂
OH hush you two! You’ve got me gushing and blushing 🙂
● History Council on Foreign Relations – CFR
1011 averted :: what a bs from our Supreme Commander;
911 NOT averted :: the quadruple attack did happen on neocon watch and 3,000 Americans lost their lives! Remember the August 6 PDB from Condoleezza Rize, while George Bush was in Crawford.
Perhaps George finally started reading the Intelligence Reviews — Planes to Attack New York and Washington DC – source intelligence Malaysia/Philippines 1995.
Yesterday’s failure is today‘s news.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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