I don’t take pay in poems or sunsets or the satisfaction of doing good. I am a money-grubbing materialist and need bucks in order to retire. (Did I mention that I am a computer consultant and that my company won’t bill in any smaller increment that 4 hours?)
For a single project, yup. Customers who have a need for on-going hand-holding can provide p.o’s with a chunk of hours that can be billed against. But the consultants mostly work on big, long-term design and implementation project in support of our products so little crap is a nuisance and this policy is meant to be discouraging.
But it’s great for your ego when someone is willing to shell out so much for so little time. π
I used to work at a firm that billed in quarter hour segments which was a whole lot easier. But this one bills in 1/10s of an hour. So its hard to keep up with the little crap and at the end of a day in which you have been bombarded by phone calls and e-mails and people stopping by “just for a quick question” you wonder where all your time went.
That’s why I like my primary practice — it’s mostly big projects that take up large blocks of time so I don’t lose as much time.
I’m fine and hope you are too. Down here it’s 25 degrees outside. From what I’ve seen, we’re supposed to be in the high 30’s and 40’s over the weekend.
Yes it is. We do have our moments though. The 89 ice storm for one. I can remember hearing limbs popping off pine trees and crashing to the ground. Of course like idiots we were outside gawking at it ;).
Good morning Frogs and lurking wannanbe frogs too. Quit lurking and say hello ;o)
Finally after crazy up and down weather this winter we have a storm coming. My favorite kind too. A nice rip roaring nor’easter.
I know it’s usually real when that funny little dude Paul Kosin from the weather channel gets tied to his desk and makes dire predictions for catastrophic snowfall amounts that will cripple the eastern seaboard only to see a few dark clouds roll by all scrunched up to squeeze out a few flakes ;o)
Morning super. This might sound crazy, but one of my fond memories of living in New Hampshire was digging my car out to go to work and then digging a place back in to park it at home. No one ever understands a southerner’s fascination with snow.
Morning Family Man,
I understand the fascination. I love snow and I love driving in it so I’m usually quik to dig my car out. Not in a hurry to get to work mind you. Just to get out and look around.
When I lived in Maryland my driveway was about three hundred feet up the hill. To get back home at night I had to stop at the bottom and put chains on the rear wheels so we could make it up. One night, with the little kids in the back of the 1986 Chevy wagon I was at the bottom putting on the chains in a heavy snowstorm and these two local guys in a four wheel drive stop and ask me with the most sceptical mountain bred sarcasm if I plan on taking the car up that hill. Uh….yes sir I do I replied and backed the car up to the tree across the road and punch it. As the car is bouncing and skipping on up the hill in a cloud of flying snow with the kids little heads bouncing up and down and side to side I had a huge smile as I imagined those two fellas sitting at the bottom and shaking their heads saying Damned Crazy Yankee ;o)
It was always a good day when we could make the top without getting stuck. The kids almost always cheered, yay Daddy, we made it :o)
I’m actually hoping we really do get some snow…I love hanging out with the CabinBoys in a snow-covered cabin, and we haven’t had any snow days yet this winter.
Light snow this morning in south-east MI that’s falling on top of the remains of last Saturday’s 8″. Thanks, Cabin Girl, for a very nice wake-up this morning when I first pulled Boo’s up on screen. Any day that starts with a Garcia/Hunter song is a good day.
There’s a formula: the likelihood of the storm happening drops in an inverse ratio to the number of people who act in panic in response to the forecast.
Well that may be true but I judge it by the number of gallons of milk and loaves of bread left on the shelves in the store. Actually that’s a better way to guage the ignorance level of the sheeple than possible snowfall ;o)
Eight days without the mister. I actually really love being alone with the kids and having the whole bed to myself and being able to make weird things like rice pudding for dinner without feeling guilty.
One of my best friends is an only child and she married a man who was an only child. They both claim that the reason their marriage is strong is because he travels so much and they can spend lots of time apart. And enjoy it because they both need their alone time.
Actually, the number of inches of snow is inversely proportional to the amount of firewood I’ve trucked in beforehand, as is the likelihood of a power outage.
There are pictures of me knee deep in snow in the middle of the March 93 Blizzard chopping down a live tree for firewood, Duh. It was my first winter in that house and I hadn’t yet learned the meaning of planning ahead. I learned pretty quick after that storm though. We were stuck in the house without power for three days until a bulldozer came to dig us out. I did enjoy cooking on the wood stve though.
Well, I can always find a dogsitter here, so don’t let the dog requirement hold you back. It would have been a nice lil perk, but by no means is it necessary! And thank you. π
Now if boran2 would just post a diary to help narrow down the dates (a not-so-subtle hint)…I have to make summer trip and camp decision this week. And I heard a rumor that Militarytracy is planning to come with her family too.
Good Morning to all…BURRRRRRR is all I have to say this morning! I am with FamilyMan this morning. We have been spoiled with all the good weather this year down south. It is about to hit and hit good I think.
I have to get ready for work here in a few minutes, but just had to srop by this end of the week to give you all my best for the w/e.
Stay well and warm. I am trying to catch a cold and I am not feeling very well over this one bit.
Thanks for the hot and good coffee,,,always a great welcome for the early morning.
NO sore throat yet…hopefully not at all…just the sneezing and runny nose. My eyes are watering. I hope that my orange juice will help. Need the vit C..:o) Thanks for reminding me tho. I do the salt water for sore throat, when I have one. Hugs.
..and no, can not stay home and rest. NO one to do my job…;o( not just yet anyhow,. HOpefully by this spring someone will be able to relieve me for at least a w/e off. I now have worked 4 w/e in a row. being called out in the middle of the night…I am getting tooooooooo old for this schedule….:o)
I meant to post this question last night but went to bed early without doing it.
As you all know, by blog – Eat4Today is down (due entirely to my own stupidity). And I’ve got to spend tomorrow getting it put back together in some form or other.
I can post a froggybottom cafe in the morning — but I won’t be around at all for the rest of the day & probably evening while I work on things over there.
So, I thought I’d ask if anyone wants to be the Saturday host/babysitter? I’m about to leave for work, but I’ll be back later today.
Up for a few minutes, but think I’ll go back to bed for a bit…maybe after the spouse gets his uniform shirts and the new sheets going (want to change the bed today while he’s at work)…then can get up and go work out in about an hour when it’s lighter out (and still beat the stay-at-home moms)…
My migraine disappeared sometime during the night and I completed and sent off my court report this morning. Now, as Cali Scribe says, I am due for some retail therapy. I think I’ll treat myself to a couple more cotton 3/4 length sleeve v-neck tees from Old Navy. Oh, and I fell in love with Cabin Girl’s harness clogs but wow, are they expensive!
It certainly cuts down on any compelling need. I always figure that even when I go onsite the customer isn’t going to remember that they’ve seen the blouse I’m wearing on ever trip for the last five years.
However, in my case, the no-shopping dislike has been life-long.
I almost never buy myself anything…especially not clothes. But I love picking out things for the kids and the house. Mostly I shop at Goodwill and other second hand shops.
Hospital thrift store = favorite home furnishings place. I’ve picked up some cool jewelry there too.
My bed (which is cool) was left in my barn at my old house by a friend who moved to CA a decade ago…a couple of months ago, I bought side rails for it for 8 bucks at Habitat for Humanity, and it looks great!
Of course, the internet makes it really easy to shop from home. And being disabled makes it really easy to depend on the internet to shop. Add that to my roommate being a bit of a shopaholic and then you understand why we give our UPS guy an annual winter tip that’s probably bigger than his Christmas bonus from the company. This year, he told us that he bought a unicycle with it, which delighted us to no end.
Speaking of shopping, my horoscope for tomorrow says this:
All those urges for comfort and luxury? Let ’em loose. Learn to appreciate the material world even as you know it’s not the be-all and end-all. The pleasure-loving stars are your main influence now.
Although you may feel like others have withdrawn their support from you, they are probably just a bit more restrained than you prefer. Of course, this is an interesting turn of the table, since it is more often you who so efficiently curbs your enthusiasm. Don’t take the discouragement of others personally.
Gee, I was planning on having a fun weekend but this horoscope just let the wind out of my sails.
That horoscope writer has obviously never met your Mother Hen-Bossy Older Sister. Or perhaps you are posting this as a ploy to convince me not to bug you — very subtle, clever, and devious but it will never work.
While I commonly use teasing as an aperitif, I always pay off by dessert so you can’t really hang any sort of Tease label on me. You, on the other hand, always promising to go topless…
Man was it windy last night and still is. People lost power and trees nearby. Kids were in bed with me and the whistling wind wasn’t their favorite sound.
I’m gonna be an internet bum today!
Hey the house already has two candidates! Wayne was working on the sink when the realtor brought a lady in and a couple from Marin are “very ineterested” in it and looking this weekend.
They had seen our house before while looking and pointed it out as the type they were seeking.
Yeah, cause I don’t know how much longer this paying rent AND a mortgage we can handle or the trips down to Calif.
We’re keeping the price moderate so we can sell quicker.
It’s a 3 bdrm (actually a 2 bdrm w/extra room but no closet. Sitting on a fenced 1/3 acre with a creek. Enclosed back deck and 2 car garage. $300K North of Napa.
Vesta WAS the goddess of the hearth so she would be a good goddess to make offerings to.
However, the real pro in the home sales is St. Joseph. Bury a statue of St. Joseph in your yard and the house sells like a snap. And don’t worry, you don’t have to go to any of those religious stores, you can buy a kit over the internet!
Many links available but just to save you some time and trouble, here’s one
Now, the kit should tell you what to do, but you should know that there is some controversy:
Just as vague is how and where St. Joseph should be buried. Some say the statue should be placed in a hole in the backyard upside down, with his feet toward heaven, facing the home. Others say he should face the new home, be in a corner or in the front yard. Most condo owners simply stick him in a flowerpot.
Don’t laugh. St. Joseph has worked for many people I know. Even non-catholics (he is an equal opportunity saint).
And remember, once your house sells you must dig him up and put him in a spot of honor in your new house.
If, however, you make fun of the ritual it doesn’t work. St. Joseph has a lot of people asking for his real estate help — why should he waste time on a non-believer?
Hey, all — greetings from the chilly Catskills, ‘midst gentle snow-flurries. Yep, we’re waiting on a potentially significant ‘weather event’, timed so far for Saturday night. Who cares? It’s February, not December & there’s only about another month ’til the weather begins warming in earnest (meaning no more single digits!).
Hope everyone’s set for a good weekend. There’s something of a rumor hereabouts that I’ve got urgent chores to attend to. As always, my response is a hearty ‘fiddle dee dee!’ — until dusk draws near & I realize I’ve got some urgent chores to attend to ..
Lit the fire two hours ago (slept in) & I’m still seeing my breath in here. Jeez! π
Ironic, I love these tea lites from Lower Lake County Candle Factory made with Palm Oil … anyways.. their MARGARITA π
I thinking I’m rubbing off on my husband. He went to the store and got me belladonna for my earache. Math Geek Man not only went to the New Seasons Market…but he also went
His kind of openness is always great news, DJ. May it continue!
I’m guessing you’ve used belladonna before? I’ve had some very interesting experiences with her in healing — interesting visions regarding the energetic nature of the problem.
About earache: have you ever tried dropping a bit of warm echinacea in the ear canal? An herbalist mom I know has never used anything else for her daughter — & we know how brutal kids’ earaches can be.
No I haven’t. My ear canal is swollen and leaky and just plain sucks. I’m worried about it so will go see a doc when Wayne returns. (Don’t want to be in a waiting room and have the school call my cell that I have to rush to the school…)
here’s my email – azulism@yahoo.com I’d love to hear more. And I don’t know crap about belladonna π I’ve been reading about medicinal help regarding autism which has me totally pissed off with big pharm… ahem.
The ear in question had been opened up due to a cyst years back. It’s always been a nuisance since.
I hear you about the ear ick (see below). After I experienced my ear infection/deafness, I visited a nurse practitioner who checked it out & prescribed anitbiotics. Then my ears started leaking liquid pus (very messy), the ear canals opened & eventually all was well.
I’m about to get to the chores but I’ll see if I can’t write you later. I don’t deal with big pharma any more at all if there’s any possible way around it — which there always seems to be, at least as an initial step in healing.
I went for the antibiotics with the ear ache after about two months of solid deafness. Sometimes, too, enough is enough.
I love the fact that I live in an area where I can run out now, today – and get that stuff you spoke of π
Big Pharm can kiss my ass.
I’m reading about mmj and autism.
I many whose kids are walking zombies due to the narckcocktails they have them on… Word is finally getting out. Mother Nature is kinder and can help so many in so many wonderful ways.
I’m outtie to get the echnecea tincture – thanks!! XOXOXOX be back in a blink
For clarity: I’m talking about warm echinacea tincture — place the bottle in cool water, heat very gradually. It should be warm, not hot — test it on the wrist like a baby’s bottle. Lay on your side, infected ear up & drop it in — be still & let it soak in for a bit.
Above all, keep the ear warm & free of draft! (I’ve had the type of serious ear infection that causes deafness (torn eardrums), so I’m pretty careful about my ears.)
Yeah I looked like a fool today with my big coat on and hood. π But it’s the wind that does me in.
Whew… so you UNDERSTAND then. At 29 my ear got infected and the navy hospital did nothing till a cyst grew and I had to pay a civilian ENT to drill through my drum and take out the cyst. My hearing is all fubared.
So it’s okay to put liquid in? I shall try it right tonight!!! I’ve rubbed it raw, too. So that doesn’t help.
Pre Echinecea or Echinecea oil??
the belladonna helped the other ear – it’s okay now. Can even sleep on that side of my head.
Btw, I’m guessing you only need 8 -10 drops of tincture in the ear. Once or twice should be enough to help significantly.
Also: I’ve taken to wearing a terrific Nepalese-style woven hat — fleece-lined, tightly woven wool, with big earflaps & tie-tassles. They’ve become pretty common here in the northeast this year — a friend in NYC picked it up for me; apparently they’re all over the street markets (about $10 retail). I’ve found it more helpful than anything else I can devise for keeping ears warm & free of draft.
I’d caution against getting the tassles anywhere near active kitties, though — my kitten likes to search out the hat, knock it onto the floor, pull it around a bit & then hide it.
Oh, another thing about the echinacea; it can also help if you take it orally — about a dropper at a time — while you’re battling the infection. Naturally, you can also do this if you feel uncertain about putting liquid directly in the ear.
I don’t see any reason not to put liquid in — just do it gently, a few drops at a time — no strong pressure on the tincture bulb. Since you’ve had good healing with the belladonna, I’d definitely use it again!
(Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician — just a woodsy weirdo.)
I love woodsy weirdos and it was the docs who told me I could never have kids. The docs also told me to give up my son to a residential home when he was THREE.
I’m not anti-doc… but I don’t exactly trust them when it comes to pills and prognoses.
My sense regarding conventional medicine is that it’s a way of treatment, not the way.
In any case, arming oneself with as much info as possible regarding any medical treatment is of premium importance. What this often means, naturally, is that we’re less able to give conventional medical practice the benefit of the doubt.
A close friend of mine, an acupuncturist trained in comprehensive TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), has successfully managed his HIV/AIDs for close to twenty years with ‘non-conventional’ treatments. He’s in excellent shape & his viral loads/T-cells remain generally stable.
I read the first one a while back. It still takes my breath away. I let Danni read it as well.
It’s about a girl trying to escape fundamentalism in her country. It helped me see some things I hadn’t thought of. I think so many in my country can’t differentiate betwen Muslim and Islam.
My favorite part was when the girls were told about how they had to wear the veil. It’s obligatory – and you’d better wear it. How they made girls quit school then.
kb, how are you doing this morning?
Guess she’s still asleep? Hopefully? Poor thing.
Good morning Mary (I wish I had your email)
Everybody suddenly wants my e-mail.
I just sent it to you and for you kb I will waive the hourly charges for a brief introductory period.
Wait till you get my bill for the Thursday Dog Blogging.
I tried to pay you with a dog poem but everybody had already gone to bed or something. not a surprise there.
I don’t take pay in poems or sunsets or the satisfaction of doing good. I am a money-grubbing materialist and need bucks in order to retire. (Did I mention that I am a computer consultant and that my company won’t bill in any smaller increment that 4 hours?)
So if you work for 1/2 an hour you get to bill 4? HEAVEN!
I live my life in 6 minute increments. Which is why I try (without success yesterday) to only lurk during the day.
For a single project, yup. Customers who have a need for on-going hand-holding can provide p.o’s with a chunk of hours that can be billed against. But the consultants mostly work on big, long-term design and implementation project in support of our products so little crap is a nuisance and this policy is meant to be discouraging.
But it’s great for your ego when someone is willing to shell out so much for so little time. π
I used to work at a firm that billed in quarter hour segments which was a whole lot easier. But this one bills in 1/10s of an hour. So its hard to keep up with the little crap and at the end of a day in which you have been bombarded by phone calls and e-mails and people stopping by “just for a quick question” you wonder where all your time went.
That’s why I like my primary practice — it’s mostly big projects that take up large blocks of time so I don’t lose as much time.
I’m fine — just catching up on some early morning email.
oops! And good morning, Andi — the coffee and cereal are terrific as usual. Thanks!
Good Morning. I hope everyone is fine.
KB – Sorry your site is still down and I hope your ankle is better today.
How are you this morning. Is it still cold down there?
I’m fine and hope you are too. Down here it’s 25 degrees outside. From what I’ve seen, we’re supposed to be in the high 30’s and 40’s over the weekend.
Temperatures like that must be the equivalent of getting single digits temps around here.
Yes it is. We do have our moments though. The 89 ice storm for one. I can remember hearing limbs popping off pine trees and crashing to the ground. Of course like idiots we were outside gawking at it ;).
Good morning Frogs and lurking wannanbe frogs too. Quit lurking and say hello ;o)
Finally after crazy up and down weather this winter we have a storm coming. My favorite kind too. A nice rip roaring nor’easter.
I know it’s usually real when that funny little dude Paul Kosin from the weather channel gets tied to his desk and makes dire predictions for catastrophic snowfall amounts that will cripple the eastern seaboard only to see a few dark clouds roll by all scrunched up to squeeze out a few flakes ;o)
Morning super. This might sound crazy, but one of my fond memories of living in New Hampshire was digging my car out to go to work and then digging a place back in to park it at home. No one ever understands a southerner’s fascination with snow.
Morning Family Man,
I understand the fascination. I love snow and I love driving in it so I’m usually quik to dig my car out. Not in a hurry to get to work mind you. Just to get out and look around.
When I lived in Maryland my driveway was about three hundred feet up the hill. To get back home at night I had to stop at the bottom and put chains on the rear wheels so we could make it up. One night, with the little kids in the back of the 1986 Chevy wagon I was at the bottom putting on the chains in a heavy snowstorm and these two local guys in a four wheel drive stop and ask me with the most sceptical mountain bred sarcasm if I plan on taking the car up that hill. Uh….yes sir I do I replied and backed the car up to the tree across the road and punch it. As the car is bouncing and skipping on up the hill in a cloud of flying snow with the kids little heads bouncing up and down and side to side I had a huge smile as I imagined those two fellas sitting at the bottom and shaking their heads saying Damned Crazy Yankee ;o)
It was always a good day when we could make the top without getting stuck. The kids almost always cheered, yay Daddy, we made it :o)
I have that exact memory too, from my one year in NH! That, and going on “snow walks” with my white cat at midnight when I got in from work sometimes.
It’s true – Southerners never quite get over snow, I think.
Glad to see you decided to come in from the cold.
I’m actually hoping we really do get some snow…I love hanging out with the CabinBoys in a snow-covered cabin, and we haven’t had any snow days yet this winter.
do you think its going to be all atrios all the time on the front page from now on?
Congrats on your promotion. Although dumping archaeology stories into the news bucket might be a little troubling today.
I didn’t even know about that until I read your comment and thought “what is she talking about?”…thanks. π
Light snow this morning in south-east MI that’s falling on top of the remains of last Saturday’s 8″. Thanks, Cabin Girl, for a very nice wake-up this morning when I first pulled Boo’s up on screen. Any day that starts with a Garcia/Hunter song is a good day.
There’s a formula: the likelihood of the storm happening drops in an inverse ratio to the number of people who act in panic in response to the forecast.
Well that may be true but I judge it by the number of gallons of milk and loaves of bread left on the shelves in the store. Actually that’s a better way to guage the ignorance level of the sheeple than possible snowfall ;o)
It’s basically the same formula since cleaning out the grocery store is one of the more visible indicators of storm panic.
What time is it supposed to hit on Saturday? Mr. Nature has a flight out of LaGuardia to France in the late afternoon.
First, how is your head.
Second, how long will you be misterless if he doesn’t get snowed in?
Eight days without the mister. I actually really love being alone with the kids and having the whole bed to myself and being able to make weird things like rice pudding for dinner without feeling guilty.
One of my best friends is an only child and she married a man who was an only child. They both claim that the reason their marriage is strong is because he travels so much and they can spend lots of time apart. And enjoy it because they both need their alone time.
Actually, the number of inches of snow is inversely proportional to the amount of firewood I’ve trucked in beforehand, as is the likelihood of a power outage.
There are pictures of me knee deep in snow in the middle of the March 93 Blizzard chopping down a live tree for firewood, Duh. It was my first winter in that house and I hadn’t yet learned the meaning of planning ahead. I learned pretty quick after that storm though. We were stuck in the house without power for three days until a bulldozer came to dig us out. I did enjoy cooking on the wood stve though.
Gotta go now.
You rang? π
Yep. Vacation planning, you know…the Full Moon doesn’t do dogs, but they suggested this.
Of course, another alternative is BlobFest here in PA in July… π
Well, I can always find a dogsitter here, so don’t let the dog requirement hold you back. It would have been a nice lil perk, but by no means is it necessary! And thank you. π
Now if boran2 would just post a diary to help narrow down the dates (a not-so-subtle hint)…I have to make summer trip and camp decision this week. And I heard a rumor that Militarytracy is planning to come with her family too.
I hear grumbling in the background about no breakfast, so I’ve got to go and make that. Everybody have a good day and I’ll try to drop in later.
Good Morning to all…BURRRRRRR is all I have to say this morning! I am with FamilyMan this morning. We have been spoiled with all the good weather this year down south. It is about to hit and hit good I think.
I have to get ready for work here in a few minutes, but just had to srop by this end of the week to give you all my best for the w/e.
Stay well and warm. I am trying to catch a cold and I am not feeling very well over this one bit.
Thanks for the hot and good coffee,,,always a great welcome for the early morning.
Hugs to all and have a great day.
Brenda — Gargolling with salt water can really help if you’re at the sore-throat stage. Can you stay home and rest?
NO sore throat yet…hopefully not at all…just the sneezing and runny nose. My eyes are watering. I hope that my orange juice will help. Need the vit C..:o) Thanks for reminding me tho. I do the salt water for sore throat, when I have one. Hugs.
..and no, can not stay home and rest. NO one to do my job…;o( not just yet anyhow,. HOpefully by this spring someone will be able to relieve me for at least a w/e off. I now have worked 4 w/e in a row. being called out in the middle of the night…I am getting tooooooooo old for this schedule….:o)
I meant to post this question last night but went to bed early without doing it.
As you all know, by blog – Eat4Today is down (due entirely to my own stupidity). And I’ve got to spend tomorrow getting it put back together in some form or other.
I can post a froggybottom cafe in the morning — but I won’t be around at all for the rest of the day & probably evening while I work on things over there.
So, I thought I’d ask if anyone wants to be the Saturday host/babysitter? I’m about to leave for work, but I’ll be back later today.
Up for a few minutes, but think I’ll go back to bed for a bit…maybe after the spouse gets his uniform shirts and the new sheets going (want to change the bed today while he’s at work)…then can get up and go work out in about an hour when it’s lighter out (and still beat the stay-at-home moms)…
I’ll lurk at work and maybe sneak in a few comments work otherwise I’ll be offline until late Sunday.
We bought new desks and are painting the home office this weekend….so no computer connection and no place to hang out!
Have a great day everyone!
My migraine disappeared sometime during the night and I completed and sent off my court report this morning. Now, as Cali Scribe says, I am due for some retail therapy. I think I’ll treat myself to a couple more cotton 3/4 length sleeve v-neck tees from Old Navy. Oh, and I fell in love with Cabin Girl’s harness clogs but wow, are they expensive!
I’ll never tell. Well…never again.
I wonder if the fact that I hate to shop explains all my problems in life.
I’m actually not a big shopper, either. Which is why I indulge myself on occasion.
I think working at home really cuts down on the need or desire for lots of stuff.
It certainly cuts down on any compelling need. I always figure that even when I go onsite the customer isn’t going to remember that they’ve seen the blouse I’m wearing on ever trip for the last five years.
However, in my case, the no-shopping dislike has been life-long.
I almost never buy myself anything…especially not clothes. But I love picking out things for the kids and the house. Mostly I shop at Goodwill and other second hand shops.
Hospital thrift store = favorite home furnishings place. I’ve picked up some cool jewelry there too.
My bed (which is cool) was left in my barn at my old house by a friend who moved to CA a decade ago…a couple of months ago, I bought side rails for it for 8 bucks at Habitat for Humanity, and it looks great!
I do like bookstores of any flavor (except religious) and I like real hardware store, though they are getting very hard to find.
I concur.
Same here. And it seems to have rubbed off on my kids too; they’re always up for an afternoon at the bookstore.
Of course, the internet makes it really easy to shop from home. And being disabled makes it really easy to depend on the internet to shop. Add that to my roommate being a bit of a shopaholic and then you understand why we give our UPS guy an annual winter tip that’s probably bigger than his Christmas bonus from the company. This year, he told us that he bought a unicycle with it, which delighted us to no end.
Speaking of shopping, my horoscope for tomorrow says this:
Ahh, now we’re talkin’ ’bout a weekend.
Although you may feel like others have withdrawn their support from you, they are probably just a bit more restrained than you prefer. Of course, this is an interesting turn of the table, since it is more often you who so efficiently curbs your enthusiasm. Don’t take the discouragement of others personally.
Gee, I was planning on having a fun weekend but this horoscope just let the wind out of my sails.
That horoscope writer has obviously never met your Mother Hen-Bossy Older Sister. Or perhaps you are posting this as a ploy to convince me not to bug you — very subtle, clever, and devious but it will never work.
I thought I had curbed my enthusiasm to the point that you’d given up.
I may be a mother hen/bossy older sister but I don’t harass people with migraines.
Now that you have announced you are better: “The McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education”
Come on over, I’ve got comfort and luxury to spare.
So… does that make you a comf tease or a lux tease? π
Runs away enticingly –ooomph I just fell down and lost my sweater!
And before we decide what kind of tease you are, we’ll have to know what you were wearing under that sweater.
While I commonly use teasing as an aperitif, I always pay off by dessert so you can’t really hang any sort of Tease label on me. You, on the other hand, always promising to go topless…
I’d love to come over but, frankly, I find that my enthusiasm is underwhelming. π
I know, I know, I’m too young for you anyway, and wrongly plumbed at that. ::sigh:: Story of my life.
Hey, are you gonna make it to Random 10 later today? Do I need to put it up a little early?
You’re such a doll to ask. I have very little predictive capacity with it, so please do whatever’s convenient for you.
Hucklberry yogurt π
Supersoling, Indy and Second Nature OH MY π
Man was it windy last night and still is. People lost power and trees nearby. Kids were in bed with me and the whistling wind wasn’t their favorite sound.
I’m gonna be an internet bum today!
Hey the house already has two candidates! Wayne was working on the sink when the realtor brought a lady in and a couple from Marin are “very ineterested” in it and looking this weekend.
They had seen our house before while looking and pointed it out as the type they were seeking.
:::keeping fingers crossed that your house sells in record time:::
Thanks CabinGirl π
Yeah, cause I don’t know how much longer this paying rent AND a mortgage we can handle or the trips down to Calif.
We’re keeping the price moderate so we can sell quicker.
It’s a 3 bdrm (actually a 2 bdrm w/extra room but no closet. Sitting on a fenced 1/3 acre with a creek. Enclosed back deck and 2 car garage. $300K North of Napa.
the Greek goddess of the home (hearth)? Wonder if a few words in her ear would help the sale.
If/when the house sells, would that free you up for the trip down South in March? (Please please please…)
Cali!!! Hey there, I’m so glad your fatherinlaw is recovering. Hooray!!! I missed reading that in the feeder till this morning.
Yes it would help with that π
March is going to be very very busy protest wise. Intl Womens day is coming – The World Can’t Wait.
Keepin gmy fingers crossed
I MUST de-lurk to help you out here.
Vesta WAS the goddess of the hearth so she would be a good goddess to make offerings to.
However, the real pro in the home sales is St. Joseph. Bury a statue of St. Joseph in your yard and the house sells like a snap. And don’t worry, you don’t have to go to any of those religious stores, you can buy a kit over the internet!
Many links available but just to save you some time and trouble, here’s one
Now, the kit should tell you what to do, but you should know that there is some controversy:
Don’t laugh. St. Joseph has worked for many people I know. Even non-catholics (he is an equal opportunity saint).
And remember, once your house sells you must dig him up and put him in a spot of honor in your new house.
If, however, you make fun of the ritual it doesn’t work. St. Joseph has a lot of people asking for his real estate help — why should he waste time on a non-believer?
Hey, all — greetings from the chilly Catskills, ‘midst gentle snow-flurries. Yep, we’re waiting on a potentially significant ‘weather event’, timed so far for Saturday night. Who cares? It’s February, not December & there’s only about another month ’til the weather begins warming in earnest (meaning no more single digits!).
Hope everyone’s set for a good weekend. There’s something of a rumor hereabouts that I’ve got urgent chores to attend to. As always, my response is a hearty ‘fiddle dee dee!’ — until dusk draws near & I realize I’ve got some urgent chores to attend to ..
Lit the fire two hours ago (slept in) & I’m still seeing my breath in here. Jeez! π
when you can see your breath… you know that’s some funky chunky morning dragon breath π
Here… here’s some Amaretto Hot Chocolate to warm up your typing fingers.
Thank you, darlin’. It also helps me light a green candle for you — inviting material abundance.
Ironic, I love these tea lites from Lower Lake County Candle Factory made with Palm Oil … anyways.. their MARGARITA π
I thinking I’m rubbing off on my husband. He went to the store and got me belladonna for my earache. Math Geek Man not only went to the New Seasons Market…but he also went
I about fell over.
His kind of openness is always great news, DJ. May it continue!
I’m guessing you’ve used belladonna before? I’ve had some very interesting experiences with her in healing — interesting visions regarding the energetic nature of the problem.
About earache: have you ever tried dropping a bit of warm echinacea in the ear canal? An herbalist mom I know has never used anything else for her daughter — & we know how brutal kids’ earaches can be.
No I haven’t. My ear canal is swollen and leaky and just plain sucks. I’m worried about it so will go see a doc when Wayne returns. (Don’t want to be in a waiting room and have the school call my cell that I have to rush to the school…)
here’s my email – azulism@yahoo.com I’d love to hear more. And I don’t know crap about belladonna π I’ve been reading about medicinal help regarding autism which has me totally pissed off with big pharm… ahem.
The ear in question had been opened up due to a cyst years back. It’s always been a nuisance since.
I hear you about the ear ick (see below). After I experienced my ear infection/deafness, I visited a nurse practitioner who checked it out & prescribed anitbiotics. Then my ears started leaking liquid pus (very messy), the ear canals opened & eventually all was well.
I’m about to get to the chores but I’ll see if I can’t write you later. I don’t deal with big pharma any more at all if there’s any possible way around it — which there always seems to be, at least as an initial step in healing.
I went for the antibiotics with the ear ache after about two months of solid deafness. Sometimes, too, enough is enough.
Later ..
I love the fact that I live in an area where I can run out now, today – and get that stuff you spoke of π
Big Pharm can kiss my ass.
I’m reading about mmj and autism.
I many whose kids are walking zombies due to the narckcocktails they have them on… Word is finally getting out. Mother Nature is kinder and can help so many in so many wonderful ways.
I’m outtie to get the echnecea tincture – thanks!! XOXOXOX be back in a blink
For clarity: I’m talking about warm echinacea tincture — place the bottle in cool water, heat very gradually. It should be warm, not hot — test it on the wrist like a baby’s bottle. Lay on your side, infected ear up & drop it in — be still & let it soak in for a bit.
Above all, keep the ear warm & free of draft! (I’ve had the type of serious ear infection that causes deafness (torn eardrums), so I’m pretty careful about my ears.)
Yeah I looked like a fool today with my big coat on and hood. π But it’s the wind that does me in.
Whew… so you UNDERSTAND then. At 29 my ear got infected and the navy hospital did nothing till a cyst grew and I had to pay a civilian ENT to drill through my drum and take out the cyst. My hearing is all fubared.
So it’s okay to put liquid in? I shall try it right tonight!!! I’ve rubbed it raw, too. So that doesn’t help.
Pre Echinecea or Echinecea oil??
the belladonna helped the other ear – it’s okay now. Can even sleep on that side of my head.
lost alot of hearing is what I meant.
Thank yo so much for the help.
Btw, I’m guessing you only need 8 -10 drops of tincture in the ear. Once or twice should be enough to help significantly.
Also: I’ve taken to wearing a terrific Nepalese-style woven hat — fleece-lined, tightly woven wool, with big earflaps & tie-tassles. They’ve become pretty common here in the northeast this year — a friend in NYC picked it up for me; apparently they’re all over the street markets (about $10 retail). I’ve found it more helpful than anything else I can devise for keeping ears warm & free of draft.
I’d caution against getting the tassles anywhere near active kitties, though — my kitten likes to search out the hat, knock it onto the floor, pull it around a bit & then hide it.
Oh, another thing about the echinacea; it can also help if you take it orally — about a dropper at a time — while you’re battling the infection. Naturally, you can also do this if you feel uncertain about putting liquid directly in the ear.
I don’t see any reason not to put liquid in — just do it gently, a few drops at a time — no strong pressure on the tincture bulb. Since you’ve had good healing with the belladonna, I’d definitely use it again!
(Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician — just a woodsy weirdo.)
I love woodsy weirdos and it was the docs who told me I could never have kids. The docs also told me to give up my son to a residential home when he was THREE.
I’m not anti-doc… but I don’t exactly trust them when it comes to pills and prognoses.
My sense regarding conventional medicine is that it’s a way of treatment, not the way.
In any case, arming oneself with as much info as possible regarding any medical treatment is of premium importance. What this often means, naturally, is that we’re less able to give conventional medical practice the benefit of the doubt.
A close friend of mine, an acupuncturist trained in comprehensive TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), has successfully managed his HIV/AIDs for close to twenty years with ‘non-conventional’ treatments. He’s in excellent shape & his viral loads/T-cells remain generally stable.
More than you probably want to know about Ears. This site is a great resource.
Get well!
Thanks very much for the link, dada.
Persepolis: A story of a childhood
I read the first one a while back. It still takes my breath away. I let Danni read it as well.
It’s about a girl trying to escape fundamentalism in her country. It helped me see some things I hadn’t thought of. I think so many in my country can’t differentiate betwen Muslim and Islam.
My favorite part was when the girls were told about how they had to wear the veil. It’s obligatory – and you’d better wear it. How they made girls quit school then.
I’ve started Persepolis2: a story of a return

and it made me think of Ductapefatwa. It made me think of RubDMC’s diaries.
We have to stop this war.
Please unrecommend this one on your way out!