I just watched a really “absurd junction of dysfunction” horror movie. “Hide and Seek.” Don’t rent it or watch it unless you’re without options. Why did Robert DeNiro do this movie? So, what’s the worst movie you’ve seen lately?
P.S. I’ve been rummaging around the NYT site, and found this:
A final absurd junction of dysfunction was reached on Wednesday, when Republican Party leaders awarded Tom DeLay with a seat on the Appropriations subcommittee overseeing the Justice Department, which is investigating Jack Abramoff, including his connections to Tom DeLay.
Perfect. – Maureen Dowd
These guys keep getting everything they want, don’t they. They’re like the biggest monsters in Doom: No matter how many times they get shot, they just keep comin’ at us, snatching up more power. even all-powerful Appropriations seats. Talk about “it keeps on tickin’.”
Please tell me that is another joke, susan!
Worst movie? That would be the one that this country is currently experiencing!
No. I read this two weeks ago. But I didn’t know which subcommittee he was going to get appointed to. Justice makes perfect sense. Doesn’t it.
They’ve been in the cookie jar so often, they stopped caring who sees them. Boehner and DeLay both have the same look – like they’d steal the pennies off a dead man’s eyes.
I thought I`d take a little time away from the mass destruction going on politically, but ending up watching the stupidest movie I`ve seen in a long time. If I watch TV it`s pretty much an educational program.
“HIDE & SUCK” is a terrible movie. Mr. “DINERO” should be ashamed.
Knucklehead, your tag line reminds me of another one I’m sure you guys have heard:
“What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenberg?”
“One’s a flaming Nazi gasbag. The other’s a blimp.”
Then there`s this.
What`s the difference between the “LION KING” & Condoleeza Rice?
One is an African lion, the other is a lying African.
Detroit News
Don’t recall seeing this one earlier. Let’s see, if the timeframe for everything re: Medicare D to blow up in gwb’s face is takes as long as it did for this to blow up…hmmm…should be well before the mid-terms. And how many lifes…I don’t even want to think about it…
We’re in the middle of noreaster snowstorm, and it’s been thundering and lightning for the last half hour. Scarier still, this is the second time this winter that I’ve seen the snow and lightning thing.
I’ve heard the term “thunder snow” used to describe that phenomenon. It happens occasionally in the midwest.
We just finally got a bit of a cold snap here in the OK panhandle – though by tomorrow afternoon, we’ll be back to warm afternoons. It’s a bit freaky to see trees starting to bud in the middle of winter.
I know this sounds crazy but I think that usually happens only during a GOP administration.
No story here folks…move along!
I’m pleased to see that one of the books y’all are advertising is Frantz Fanon’s excellent The Wretched of the Earth.
Susan, I try to avoid bad movies, but want to tell you about a really good one I just saw. It’s called “Modigliani” – starring Andy Garcia. He gives a beautiful performance of a rebellious and loveable man with the soul of an artist. It takes you to Paris in the early 1900s. Gertrude Stein, Utrillo, Rivera, Renoir, and Picasso are all there.
I loved it – kinda like a trip to Greenwich Village in the early sixties. But no politics, it will take you away from all that.
Susan, you and I must have been in the same predicament last night… too lazy to pick out a movie from the collection and saw that H&S was on HBO … so I thought we’d give it a try. About 30 min into the movie, I had this nagging thought that DeNiro was Charlie, though they tried their damndest to point the audience in multiple other directions. Reminds me of the Bush admin… “don’t look here! Look at the shiny stuff in the corner over there!” Except that all directions were essentially ridiculous, and why on earth we watched that POS to the end defies explanation. Needless to say I was right on my hunch (gee, me so smart, NOT) and we had to sit through another 40 minutes of “chase them around the house with bloody implements,” till it finally ended.
Afterward, we had a brief discussion about how bad this movie sucked, and I noted that the only way they could have possibly salvaged this crap was to end the movie right after DeNiro has his little moment of clarity (I resist calling it an epiphany because it was so trivial at that point). That might have almost saved it, and us from another 40 minutes of pointless knife wielding and extra gore. Sheesh. You nailed it Susan, and made me crack up when I saw this thread today.
Ya know what? After that POS, Independence Day came on, and we watched that (even though I hated it when it first came out) and were astounded at how tremendously entertaining it was, compared to H&S. That, I think, says it all!