What’s Your Favorite
Winter Olympic Sport?
Winter Olympic Sport?

Just for Maryb
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Chips & Salsa on the tables. Beer & soda in the cooler.
Olympics TV schedules by the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The judges say you all deserve 4’s
Really, you gotta love curling. How many sports involve men sweeping?
How many any things involve men sweeping?
Sundays at my house.
You can’t go to bed yet Andi — the Norwegian speedskaters are here.
I’m still up. And I know who winds the gold.
by Woody Paige of ESPN: “a combination of bowling, shuffleboard and cleaning out the garage.” π
Wow, missed a busy day today…will have to go back and catch up later. Busy day here too…need to get the spouse up so we can have dinner and wash the blanket so we can have it ready for bed in a few hours.
Tomorrow is more erranding — grocery shopping (which means I actually have to come up with menus/list), and taking care of assorted stuff for the in-laws. Dad-in-law gets stitches out this week, but will probably be at least another week to 10 days after that before he’s allowed to drive. π
Okay, off to find out what I missed earlier today…
I don’t know why but “wash the blanket” just cracks me up.
but we put clean sheets on the bed today, so it would be nice if the blanket was clean too — we’ve had it almost 2 months and hadn’t washed it yet; it’s not really dirty but just sort of smells weird…(shrug)
How was your day today, Mary? π
Good. I washed my sheets too. And the clothes. And ran the dishwasher. And ran errands. And did work for work. And participated in Boobooks.
Now I’m “curling” up and watching the Olympics.
That allstate commercial was really funny.
Hey, I remember that one pair skated to Led Zeppelin π but I don’t remeber which one or what song π
the young chinese pair that Uncle Dick didn’t think did as well as they should but the judges put in first place.
I don’t remember which song though now.
Did you hear that the couple after Boris and Natasha were from Auschwitz Poland? Wouldn’t you think Auschwitz would have changed its name?
Never underestimate the value of a good tourist attraction.
I guess I should be happy that guy from Texas won — but it kind of blew it for me when I found out he was Laura Bush’s favorite.
Be careful — this political incorrectness could get you troll rated this week.
Ah but I’m Jewish so it’s allowed.
of course!
So who did you like best of the skaters?
OHHHHHH…I was tempted….just a “1”…or go for the “0”… but since I’m leaving I minded my manners…
Think you’ve got the mojo to spare tho…:{)
“I’m tempted” doesn’t work
it has to be
“I’m warning you”
“I’m really warning you”
“I’m really really warning you”
“Kashmir” — probably my favorite Led Zeppelin song. (I even have a version on my iTunes played on solo cello, if you can imagine that…)
Yes, THAT was it.
Did you eat and is the blanket clean? Sorry, it just tickles me. I think because when you put those activities I think picnic.
About to eat dinner (at 10:16 pm — aaack!), and the spouse just started the blanket which means we’ll probably be up till midnight…and I’ve got to get up early to get my workout in… π
My favorite Olympic Sport is:
And my drink of the evening is the SvenTriloquist:
1 part vodka
1 part Triple Sec
1 part Soda Water
Whisper of Agnostura Bitters
Lemon Twist
Actually I’ve never tried this one, was just missing Sven. But International Dialogue IS my favorite Olympic Sport. The UN is convening in Turin, Italy, and world peace through world sport and talking all night until somebody falls into a slumber/stupor IS going on all during the Olympics.
I miss Muhammed Ali, too.
Will invent a drink for him presently:
1 part blackberry juice
1 part passion fruit
juice of 1/2 lemon
crushed ice
(Devout Muslims do not drink alcohol. If they are drafted into a war like Vietnam, and they are real champions like Ali, they refuse to serve, even if they have to fight all the way to the Supreme Court…. putting their boxing career on hold all during the seven years it takes to win the battle. How the US Stole The Best Years of His Life….)
You should look up Brian Williams, he could dialogue you to death.
That sventriloquist looks good. But I had a little too much to drink last night so I’ll stick with the Ali/Frasier — so I can float like a butterfly/sting like a bee.
Muhammed Ali is my Hero. Everything I want to know about life is demonstrated in his life, now suffering from Parkinsons, who opened the Olympic ceremonies not so long ago…. was it Greece?
Atlanta I think.
This is Black History Month. Went to exhibit this evening in Sacramento at the 40 Acres & A Mule Gallery, and the Underground Bookshop. Coretta Scott King was nowhere to be found. But I found the artist Romaire Beardon, for whom I’ve been having strong cravings for the last 4 days. He invented an art form as original as jazz music.
Now, however, I’m craving Tony Bennett singing “The Good Life.”
Longings and cravings…… maybe I’m going to fall in love? Love Object, where are you?
It’s really called the 40 acres and a mule gallery?
And the woman who runs the bookshop is called “Mother Rose.”
It’s on 35th and Broadway.
Their website is http://www.fortyacresgallery.org
are you sure — that doesn’t take me to a site.
try this one:
Sacramento Magazine Online
25: 40 Acres Art Gallery-Saturday Night Sunday Morning, photography and art …
Open Tuesday-Friday 10 am-5 pm, Saturday noon-6 pm, 40 Acres Art Gallery and …
http://www.sacmag.com/calendar_pg4.shtm – 33k
he pops up at ET every now and then.
You missed Bode’s test run.
Saw him do a test run last night though. And a great interview, with some jackass… but at least it wasn’t BW.
[BTW I fixed that 3 you got from me in the past thread…, hope you still like me… do we start over in this one?]
I thought maybe you really were a brian williams fan — since it came on the comment where I said he was dumb as dirt
ouch! good that I fixed it then!
Final two pairs.
First the Russians. Tatiana style russians.
They are amazing.
Final pair. From germany.
Very postmodern
I think those vertical white stripes are a bad idea — you can see every wrong angle and have a point of comparison to criticize their synchronicity.
It took me a second to realize you were talking about their costumes. I agree.
I thought the Tatiana russian pair was beyond good.
The russians were outstanding but I do think the last couple had a a lot of verve.
Are you using toothpicks to keep your eyes open this late at night?
No, toothpicks aren’t strong enough — I sew them open. But even that isn’t it working and I’m off to bed.
Oh on your upthread question — the russians were by far the best but I did think that last couple was interesting.
I’m outta here. Time for a some live music…Henry Butler, formerly of NOLA, now residing in CO. is playing at the Milk Bar down in Denver…rumored to have a very nice set-up sound wise…better take the ear plugs-ya think?
Later yawl
Have fun.
Tonight’s folk singer was one of the few D reps to the state legislature. Great guy, great music; John Prine, Johnny Cash, Beatles (Norwegian Wood) [had to explain the significance of that to my compadres], Jim Croce, Doors, Simon and Garfunkel, Flaming Lips (Do You Realize), Sound Track of Our Lives (Ten Years Ahead). Never heard of the latter two, but a fun night.
And he sang a bunch of his own, some of which were political (one was about Paul Wellstone) CD coming out later.
Gotta go watch some O__
cute guy
married, with children…just thought you ought to know!
That’s nice. I like family men. Especially if they can sing and play.
guitar, or _
Musical instrument. Of course.
totally OT, but have you got an recs on diaries today.
what does that mean?
oh, recs. I read thar wrong
To tell you the truth, I haven’t read any but the news bucket, the boobooks, Benjamin’s and one of Suskinds.
I’d go with Suskind or Benjamin out of that list. But that’s not saying much.
recognizable quality on those two, (not that there ain’t a whole lot of others) so thanks.
I’m working on printing some of my photos to note cards on Avery Textured Note Cards, and check some diaries while the printer is running. That’s about all the multitasking this Norsky can handle.
Otherwise it’s a can’t-chew-gum-and-walk-at-the-same- time sort of deal here do to the genetic component.
Did you know we had a genre of jokes here specifically dealing with the dumb Norwegian? I tried telling some of those on a street corner in Arcata CA once, and my companions were looking over their shoulders… for the pc police, I guess. So new discovery, some joke genres are very regionally oriented.
Michelle Kwan HAS withdrawn from the Olympics. She either injured or reinjured herself during yesterday’s practice. Her doctor has confirmed she has severe groin strain. Emily Hughes will probably be flying in to replace her. I feel very bad for Michelle.
That is sad. She’s tried so hard for so many years.