What’s Your Favorite
Winter Olympic Sport?
Winter Olympic Sport?

How about luge?
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The judges say you all deserve 4’s
A winter day for the Winter Olympics.
Feb. 11, 2006 at 2:19 p.m.
Beautiful photo!
I’ve been wondering where you were. I’ve missed you.
Thanks for the compliment. But I wish I could figure out how to keep the “close up” flakes from appearing as big white splotches.
I was at a 3 day statistics course w/ no internet access last week, so that accounts for some. It’s been busy at work lately too.
Ewww, three days of sadistics.
At least that was what we (We included the prof.) called the 8AM 5 day a week class my junior year in college. The prof. never removed his sunglasses until the end of class, and that was in a windowless basement classroom.
All I remember about college statistics was that we had to do computer stuff and it was in the day of punch card reader computers so if you made one mistake on one of your cards you were screwed.
you sure that wasn’t a story your auntie told you…
what auntie?
OK then, no auntie! So you really do go back that far…
that far . . .
I USED to like you.
yes I’m old(er)
well, if you missed Fortran, you’re still a youngster.
I’m one of the few I know, but I love stats! It was my favourite course in undergrad … apart from my history of scientific thought course — that one rocked. (Brag time here: I graduated summa cum laude). I even took 2 stats courses in my graduate program.
This particular workshop was not very helpful though. It was really quite disappointing; it was at Stats Canada so I thought we would be getting more than we did. Oh well. C’est la vie.
And I think that any class at 8am would be sadistic. Stats, calculus etc., are always early morning or late afternoon on a friday. They get such a bum rap. 🙂
(hangs head in shame)
I liked stats too.
A fellow stats geek! 🙂
Everybody has already said anything I could about a statistics course. So I’ll just boo-hoo that you didn’t have any internet access (I can deal with no internet access on vaction but any other time it feels like being adrift).
Yes … adrift is a great descriptor for how I felt Andi. No checking of email either.
Of course, it was probably a good thing, as most of us might have tuned out of the workshop (see my comment to Jim above). As it was, we were forced to play with sas for fun. And, really, it’s not that much fun when you’re forced. 🙂
Back in the bad old mainframe days, I wrote a spellchecker in sas.
Almost AA quality — but it doesn’t have the sharpness of the one with the lake. I think in that one its the reflection of the tree trunks in the lake that does it.
But this one is appreciated too.
Trust me, AA wouldn’t want anything to do with this one. If you were to see it bigger, those big white blobs that are snowflakes in front of the lens would look even worse.
AA would be thrilled that you were recording the majesty of nature.
But he’d know how to get a picture of the huge, fat flakes that are falling right now and I haven’t got a clue.
Think of it like sex. Practice and experimentation.
Oh, I was thinking sweaty and furtive. Then I remembered I’m not in high school anymore.
For h.s. I would have said cramped and quick but since we’re talking geriatric sex, the problem is no remembering what you experiments you’ve practiced.
Hubby left yet?
Hubby is not officially gone since his flight hasn’t left RDU yet. Hopefully he’ll beat the big snow and wind out of JFK. Looks like they’re supposed to get a foot of blowing snow.
It was awfully nice of you not to make fun of that unintelligible sentence I wrote.
I was about to say that “I hope he gets off okay” but in light of the earlier subject matter that seemed like a poor choice.
Whenever I’m faced with a seemingly unintelligible sentence from a person who is far more intelligent than I am, I just assume it’s gone way over my head.
And getting off would please Mr. Nature to no end, considering our recent track record.
Experimentation first, then practice.
that’s the wonderful thing about being male, we’re always still in high school, no matter how old we get, right?
I don’t think high school is like the high school any of us attended.
There’s certainly been a decline in civil rights and the high schoolers, and college age get the brunt of it.
About the only thing I agree with is the stronger enforcement of the drinking laws, but then not all of that either.
So IMO the current policies sure beat the days when the local sheriffs would say, “Well, which one of you is sober enough to drive home,” when none of the above were sober enough to drive home.
Back in the good old days it used to be the law could shine a flashlight into the auto, if they didn’t see anything, then that was it. ‘Course if you were foolish enough to throw it out into view as they drove up… you had a little problem. Possession in the late ’60s was $ 25. Now I think it’s about 10 times that.
Now-a-days, for those underage, you can be in “possession” if it’s in your belly, which the law determines by a breathalyzer test. And it seems I’ve heard you can also be charged with possession if you are on the premises, even though you’ve had no alcohol.
And then here in Fargo we have a “noise” ordinance. So if you have a party and either the law cruises by, or a neighbor calls, then presto, big bust of 50,60, 100… This endeavor raises thousands for the city treasury.
One young lady I know attends parties at local univ jocks’ apartments, and somehow the law enforcement is unable to detect any noise at these locations…
And “they” wonder why ND youngsters get an education and then bail. Actually, I encourage folks in the 20s bracket to get the hell out of here and see some of the country, other cultures, etc. “You don’t want to raise kids in the big city, then move back again.”
For all intents and purposes we are already in a police state, the question is how much worse will it get before the old pendulum starts a return swing.
ah hah! I knew it would come ’round to that soooner or later…
Beautiful picture Andi.
How are things in the café this afternoon?
Hi. I saw your message that John was in Amsterdam. I never realized he had ever gone to Amersterdam until I read J.A.
I never realized it myself.
I was reading recent comments and saw how the book club is going. I remember you saying earlier that to you the current book was hard reading.
I think with J.A. I’m finding so many parellels between now and then. Plus if you look at it, it is sort of a love story between him and Abigail.
It’s a good read, but just slow going for me.
Yes, I loved the letters that he and Abigail wrote each other. They were so honest (and yet they went through their hard times too). Later in life he has a wonderful correspondence with a doctor in Philadelphia (whose name eludes me).
I did have a hard time finishing the BooBook selection. Well, actually, I never finished it. So to all those LURKERS (you know who you are)who aren’t participating in that discussion … I’m keeping a list.
Frankly, its the kind of book discussion where you wouldn’t necessarily have to have read the book. It’s very topical.
I finished it, but I have the flu. Can I have a special dispensation for my transgression of feeling too lousy to comment, maryb? I’m probably on enough govenrment lists already, without getting on yours… 🙂
Honey you had an automatic dispensation. How are you feeling? And if its coming out both ends — spare us the details.
New Sport for the Olympics: “Gatoh Wressl’n”
Now I’ll dayumed sure gaurantee ya you won’t see no skeeny white folks in dat dare spain-dex partiss-a-pat’n ; )
Requirements for Entry:
1. One Tooth
2. Small Brain
3. Big Arms
4. Be Quick as a Greased Pig
5. And Most Important: Be 3/4 Plum dayumed NUTS
6. No Alcohol/Mariuana Testing prior to wressl’n
; 0
Peace All
Good to see you popping in!
hey there, just glad to have a lil’ time to do so…
thanks .. ; )
Now there ya’ll go talking about my relatives again. However, my cudin Bubba would be happy you mentioned him. BTW, I really do have a cudin Bubba.
The man
Peace my friend
apologies, but i came so late to the other thread. anyhoo, your dear cedwyn is desperate for a job. i mean desperate. if you are in the portland, oregon area or know people in this area who are looking for help, it’d be very very much appreciated.
or if you know of any telecommuting opportunities, please hook a faerie up?
I’m 3000 miles away and have no news about a job but if there’s any little thing that I could do that might help in the meantime please don’t hesitate to email me.
your friend,
wanna buy the house i’m currently renting?
: p
and did relatively well the last national downturn. I’d encourage you to google the job market here to see what might be available.
The local businesspeople prefer to hire people from out of state rather than recently graduated univ students. So experienced out of staters beat out no experienced graduates, almost no matter what the qualifications.
see this company here as an example of what’s moving to town, they’re schedule to add hundreds of jobs in the near future. Might not be who you want to work for, but an example of recent arrivals.
X Games Street Luge
Crazy shit: insanity optional.
I would not want to see what happens to the spandex when you slide off that thing at about 85mph… ; 0
peace man
Gives new meaning to the term Road Rash.
How ya been Bro?
Dayum good to see ur bad self!
Peace Bro
George is whinning so I’ve got to go dog walking. I’ll check back in later.
Take care
Sure, leave right when I finally finish my work and can play. (I don’t count the bookclub as play, but I am patting myself on the back for my multi-tasking today.)
OK I’m back and I think you did an excellent job of multi-tasking.
But I can see you don’t have an inside dog. The whining is just their way of saying if you don’t start listening to me; you’ll really regret it. George has me very well trained in that respect.
Admit it, that dog has you wrapped around his little paw.
Yep he certainly does, but he also knows who is boss of the house. He is. Once the whining starts, he’s like a little time watch. Let it go past time and you’ve lost the race.
I feeled compelled to go back to that bookclub since I read (most) of the damn book, but book discussion online is too much work with so few people participating. It really ought to be a moderated event. I hope froggybottom is hearing me whine LOUD AND CLEAR.
Good idea. See ya later.
Is that a reference to a song by The Police? “Wrapped around your little dew claw.” sounds familiar.
If it was it was inadvertant. I’m really bad at knowing song lyrics, I have to hear,no really listen,to a song for a long time before I start to hear what the words are. I’m much more a melody person. I think that’s why I don’t get into rap and hip hop — they’re all about the words and I’m not hearing the words.
Dick Button. Mr. Skating. Anybody watching?
I’ve had the olympics on all day. Did you watch the two hockey games?
I don’t have cable. This is the only time I regret that. But needing it once every four years isn’t a good enough reason for me to get it.
I bet they’re showing the curling on cable aren’t they? Damn. (I don’t know why I find it fascinating, but I do.)
Some of the women on the curling team are from Bemiji, MN, 2-3 hr drive from here.
The home of Paul Bunyan? And Babe his blue ox?
I’ve been there.
I don’t have cable but I have directv and living out in the country where the antenna reception is runs from sharp fuzz to fuzzy fuzz, it’s great.
The first curling event is Monday and is on CNBC at 5:00 p.m. so you can go visit with a buddy who has cable or directv.
was better than
[This last one compliments of a friend near Pekin, ND]
Beautiful pictures, especially of Today. I like seeing the blue sky and snow.
Now THAT is a good looking upper midwest barn.
I agree with maryb. But after watching so much HGTV I keep thinking what a great house that would make.
there are a few who have done that, I can think of one east of here on the way to the lakes in MN, but none in ND that I’m aware of.
Sell high in the city, and buy low in ND on retirement. 1960s 3bedroom ramblers with basements large lots, in smaller rural towns (pop 100 – 1500) going for around 20,000. Some have access to high speed fiber optic cable. So you can stay in touch with BTrs.
Sounds tempting, but I staying here for now.
The pricing sound like when I lived outside of San Antonio in the early 90’s. A 3 bedroom with 2 car garage, fenced backyard would selling for around 30,000. Of course, that was then and the housing market was very depressed.
Hi folks. I’m just getting a little paper grading before it’s Andrew’s bath time. It’s been lightly snowing here all day, perfect for the Winter Olympics. How is everyone.
This everyone is fine. We had 4″ of big, fat wet snowflakes so everything is looking very pretty here.
Does Andrew like the snow?
Got to go and fix dineer. Everybody have a good night.
It’s all downhill to the Olympic lounge.