What’s Your Favorite
Winter Olympic Sport?
Winter Olympic Sport?

The Great Bonnie Blair
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The judges say you all deserve 4’s
to spend hours to watch all those Olympic competitions. So stoke up.
Good Morning
I’d have to say bobsledding. After seeing Cool Runnings how could you not like it? But, just about any winter sport I like.
I’m getting ready to have my one-cup of coffee today. Tomorrow I start going without coffee all together.
(Mind sluggish – forgetting how to type) Cofffffeeeeeeeeeeee!
So tomorrow, if you can string together a complete sentence, we will be very impressed.
After speed skating, I’m torn between bobsled, luge, and giant slalom (hmmm, speed seems to be a theme).
Morning Andi
I’m always very impressed :).
I think out of your list the luge impresses me the most. I know just about all the sports are dangerous, but luge just seems to me a death wish kind of thing.
Yeah, luge goes into a category I call “second-timers” — like parachuting, it’s something I’d love to do the second time but I’d never be willing to do it the first time.
LOL – I feel the same way.
Just to show we do get some snow down here. The last time it snowed down here I drove around town and took pictures of snowmen/women. I thought this had to be the best.

That’s excellent — especially when you consider the lack of practice.
My thoughts exactly. If you look at the ground you can see they had to work fast.
good morning. If you give up coffee completely will you stop coming to the cafe in the morning? Or will you show up just to smell it?
American coverage doesn’t show nearly enough curling. They don’t show nearly enough of the curling.
Good Morning
No I don’t think I could give up the cafe. Even when I don’t comment, I usually read. As I told someone, I can watch a comedy movie or TV and just giggle, but on the cafe I’m falling on the floor laughing sometimes. Now how could anyone give that up?
psst, mary — the coffee here isn’t real and Family Man can’t drink it or smell it.
And there is no cafe either. Don’t worry, I’m not delusional.
What a disappointment. Normal is so — well, normal.
The cafe, however, is an actual state of mind.
Good morning all,
We’re under a blizzard warning here on Long island for this afternoon and tomorrow till 1pm. Winds gusting to 55mph which means our power will most likely be lost. Bummer. A Nor’easter is one thing but blizzards? Good thing we have a fireplace.
I was thinking about Second Natures husband getting out of LaGuardia this afternoon. I hope the storm holds off long enough for their sake.
….and my favotite sport is the Downhill. Just flat out speed. Love it.
Hello Super
We’re at a bone chilling 42 degrees right now.
All of our snow just seemed to be rain yesterday :).
Keep the fireplace going and stay warm.
Bone chilling 42 degrees? That’s almost beach weather around these parts this time of year ;o)
Bundle up dude.
Here’s hoping you get through unscathed (and SN’s hubby gets off okay because I’ve spent some very long hours at LaGuardia and don’t wish that on anyone).
I like downhill but as I said upthread I like giant slalom better. It’s because I find the curves slow it down just enough for me to really see what the athlete is doing.
I’ve gotten stuck at Midway in Chicago twice. Once because of two inches of snow. But I think I’ve told you that.
I haven’t hit the store here yet but I hear the slight rumble under my feet of a panicked herd ;o)
I hope it holds off long enough also or it will put a damper on my slacking plans for the coming week! I was wrong, he’s flying out of JFK, not that it makes a difference at about 7:30 PM.
NYC is two hours west of here so they’ll be hit before we do. 7:30? That’s not good. Does he have a backup plan? Seriously. Is there a hotel he can stay at. I’d go get him if I could but I’ve got an oil burner on the blink here this morning and have to get that in order.
He’ll be okay; he’s the kind of guy who can stand against a post and sleep for a couple of hours if he has to until the planes start flying again.
Actually it could. LaGuardia is much more affected by weather, especially winds. JFK is much more likely to be able to get a few runways open (once the worst is over).
He’s so relaxed about it. I’d be a bundle of nerves right about now between flying and the bad weather but he hasn’t even packed yet. A week overseas and he hasn’t even thought about what to pack.
I’m with him — it only takes me 20 minutes top to pack for a week away.
I’m just crazy about rebellious and reckless men, so downhill racing is my big Olympic thrill. Oh, and figure skating for the beauty of it – wish they’d give up the stupid jumping competition.
Hey, FamilyMan – that’s a fabulous Snow Being!
Thanks Alice
Down here they are pretty rare, so anytime I know people are making them I run out with my camera.
You just expressed what is really appealing to me too about the downhill. Rebellious…yes.
I’ve got to go and start breakfast. Too bad I can’t have the cafe breakfast.
Everyone have a good day and I’ll try to retain enough energy to jump in the cafe later.
BTW maryb – Adams is in Amsterdam now.
I’ve always thought that ratings thing was silly, but naturally always looked at my own. I never wanted to be passing judgement. It felt like holding up a number after somebody just did the best they could. But now in honor of the Olympic Cafe, and after being shamed into it by the ever generous Supersoling – I decided to learn how to do it, and have just skipped through the cafe kissing y’all in thanks to everybody.
This is probably a onetime event – I just did it for fun, and will not be starting a new habit, so don’t take it personal if I don’t give you a 4 after getting one from you.
Alice, I will treasure my 4’s from you forever. ๐ Now I need to do something rebellious so I deserve them.
I’m still feeling bad about earlier this week when I accidentally mega trolled Gooserock in the late night cafe. I fixed it, but I still feel bad. I was going to search for every post he made in the last week and give him a four. But after the power outage he hasn’t been around much.
I’m afraid that the recent unpleasantness has made several people decide to take breaks. I’m hoping most of them will back eventually.
I noticed he and Puget4 had vanished. Hopefully they’ll be back posting pics soon. Any word on when E4T will be back up?
katiebird and I are going to work on it today. At least, that’s the plan.
Have you talked to her? How is her ankle/foot; has the swelling gone down?
As of last night, it was hurting and she was tired but not feeling too bad and we were going to get started on trying to fix E4T this morning. But I haven’t heard from her yet so MH is worrying a bit.
I suspect that she probably hasn’t slept well since she did it. So maybe she’s sleeping in.
I know — I miss the pictures of water. I was really meant to live on the west coast and watch sunsets over Puget Sound. But I was living it vicariously through his pics. Not that I don’t LOVE the Ansel Adams snow pics Andi, but there’s just something about ocean water. Sigh.
I can give you all the ocean water pics you want, though it’s the sunrise rather than sunset, from my little hovel on the beach. They lack the artistic merit of Gooserock’s though.
nuh uh!
I think I could really use the chair picture today.
I can come back and look at it while I’m doing the work that I had to bring home with me for the weekend.
But if you do it, you’d better move left so we don’t bust the margins.
I did see that Puget4 had posted at Diane’s Village Blue this past week.
Funny, I thought I mega-trolled Gooserock in the Superbowl thread last week. Turned out I didn’t but felt crummy about it.
I miss the pictures too and I have the feeling that he and I could have some cool conversations about sailing.
after the power outage was my polite way to avoid saying exactly why he isn’t here these days.
But I like your phrase. The south used it for years as a euphamism for the civil war. Hopefully reconstruction will work this time.
the South&trade is legendary at using euphemisms…or sometimes they just out and out call it the ‘war of northern agression.’ It actually never ended down here as I quickly learned as a rude, fast-talking yankee.
Our recent unpleasantness has disappointed me. I thought much of it was calculated. Oh well, that’s just me.
Damn! I blew my chance to do the nifty trademark thingey. Need more coffee.
maybe you forgot the comma&trade,
no that’s not it
I also suspect that much of it was fabricated.
I forgot the semicolin, and it’s one of my favorite punctuation…um, things.
Can you tell I have a kid named Colin? Duh, and I hate when people call him Colon…like the large intestine.
so on days when he doesn’t act like himself, do you call him semi-colin?
No, but I might now!
No, I think you may be right. And I gave some serious thought to backing away, too but I decided not to because 1) I think that most of the people arguing either side were doing it in good faith and since I believe they have good hearts and minds, I’m hoping that the result is more thoughtfulness on all sides, 2) I can and will avoid the writings of those people I think didn’t approach this with good hears and minds, and 2) I think of the cafe as a totally separate entity from the rest of Bootrib and I’m not going to give it up.
Yeah, I think of the cafe as a little island of peaceful insanity and I probably shouldn’t have brought it up today. It’s nice to be able to get away here when things get controversial. I’m really glad you haven’t backed away. I’d have to follow you into your private world and make your life hell.
Hah! I’m already trying to plan kidnapping you and Indy when she gets to Ohio and you are making a home visit and making you both come play with me.
Don’t feel bad; it was the elephant in the room. Better to acknowledge it — then you don’t have to think you’re insane because you’re the only one seeing the elephant.
I suspect mother hens never leave their charges anyway.
All VERY good points.
And, as I said to someone else, growing up catholic has helped me learn to live within a big tent community with people that I love deeply and with other people I think are misguided or just downright obnoxious; and where I very often think that the person running the show made a decision I wouldn’t have made. Sometimes it is necessary to take a break from the whole thing. Sometimes I need to just maintain my relationship with one part of a community and ignore the rest. You do what you have to do if you value the idea of the community and would like to see it succeed.
“All good points” right back at ya.
Deserve them?! Andi I have covered you in virtual (or spiritual) 4s just for your magnificent photos. I am living in your home (with your dogs and husband) vicariously – so I owe you.
I owe everybody, but they’re still in bed and missed a glorious morning cafe. I don’t dare wake them just to say ‘I love you.’ Just 4 today I’m trying to learn control.
Thank you, Alice. That was very nice of you to say.
I’m a skating fan myself, though I’m torn as to whether I like the figure skaters or the ice dancers the most.
Only checking in briefly this morning. I’ve got to put on the kilt rig and go off to a wedding–one of my wife’s students. Last year she (the student) brought him by to meet her mentor. When did I get old enought to be married to a mentor? Oh, who am I kidding, I’m five years older than Laura and somehwere along the line I deveoped a bad case of mentees myself, one that occasionally breaks out in proteges. I’m 38 for the record.
Got the cover picture for WebMage last night. It’s great and just as soon as it’s public knowledge I’ll share. I also got out two writing course proposals and finished half a chapter. I’m finally getting back up to speed after the vacation. Off to have tea and a shower now.
Enjoy your days everyone.
Does this make you want to get your work done or just slack off?
I think it’s inspiring me to go out into the cold and snow and take the dogs for a walk — just because it makes being outside seem so wonderful.
Perfect! It inspires me — because I know I can easily come look at it. I think I’m going to go run my errands (and stop by starbucks) and then come back and settle in to work for the afternoon. So I’ll be back in a couple of hours and I’m SURE I will need cafe breaks!
Morning everyone, I am up a bit early out here on W. coast.
I am so excited about doing the cafe again, Starting Sunday, so get ready everyone for a partie.
Today I am going to be baby sitting for grand kidlets so mom and dad can have their anniversary alone time at a swanky hotel for the night.
Diane, I am excited you are going to do the cafe because it was you and Shirl who welcomed me to the cafe, and then almost immediately life drew you away for a while. I look forward to getting to know you much better!
See you later.
Hi Maryb….sorry about the life drawing away thing, but now most things are sorted, folded and put away,…figuratively as well as literally.
So I will be hanging around the site a bit more and another good thing is my daughter has internet now, so I can be online even over there and that makes me more willing to do the babysitting thing.
I want to get to know you better too, have been readng the site often, just not writing so much.
I’m really looking forward to being that kind of grandmother. That is, when and if I allow my children to start having sex. With the oldest being 24 and 21 I’ll have to give them permission soon. ๐
I’m going to go for that walk now. If you are around, will you open a new cafe if it gets too full?
I have never yet given permission to my kids or grandkids either.lol My sister who is 17 mo. older than me just emailed me this morning she is going to be a great grandmother, as I could be myself with a 21 year old grandson. Fingers crossed that he waits and no I am not babysitting for him…lol.
Laura I have a son 25 and daughter 23, close in ages to your kids. I didn’t realize your kids were that old, I thought them teenagers. Cool for you, I love the 20’s with my kids, such a relief after the teens.
My youngest are still in their teens. I love teenagers –well mine anyway!
Yes, I am the kind to take pictures of my injured ankle, mostly because I was so fascinated by how huge and colorful it was!
Hope yours is feeling better, and I really miss E4T and look forward to it being fixed.
Ouch….I had one of those too, but didn’t take pics. darn…I was facinated with the color too on mine, which kept reappearing for months after if I stressed my foot at all….my injury was on top of foot and caused by making an angry karate type kick to a chair, didn’t expect to hurt myself, how unfair was that…lol.
Love the purple though.
My favorite color ;o)
Sorry SN
I thought it was sprained (last june)….then I went to have exrays. Hope I don’t gross out anyone. The cut did not hurt only the inside. Now it’s 8 months later and I am still having problems with joint damage. In june the hardware comes out. Kate make sure it’s not broke!
I’m back; some errands run. Or as many as I could stand. I have about 3 or 4 hours of document drafting to get done, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it in the cafe. Lots of documents; no creative thought involved (well, not much until I get toward the end).
Of course I just realized that today is BooBooks. Maybe I should go over and admit that I never finished?
Sending healing thoughts to all the assorted owwies out there today…and good thoughts to Sally Cat and her spouse who are painting their home office that they may avoid any disasters. ๐
A bit of a late start, but I did already get a workout in and now need to shower and get the bed made (I pulled off the old sheets to force me to put the new ones on!). Today is errand day…if I can ever get the spouse to move his rear into the shower. ๐
Gotta run…hope everyone has a great day…
is not getting evicted. if any of you bootrib lovelies are in PDX, or know people in PDX and can hook me up with a job, you’d be my hero.
or if anybody, PDX or no knows of any telecommuting jobs i could do, especially proofreading/editing, you’d be my hero too.
i just need a job desperately.
I’m sorry that I can offer no leads for you, but I don’t even know what PDX is?
pdx is the abbreviation for the Portland (OR) airport.
never occurred to me.
What’s your background?
administrative/tech support/waiting tables/sewing, etc.
i’m a copy editor at heart, though.
The reason I ask is because I’m a computer consultant for a software company whose products are used for high end content management and publishing. We have a mix of customers but most heavily in aerospace, finance, legal, and technology companies. If I hear anything I could pass it on to you but I know from experience that these folks are looking for people who have experience in their industries.
well, i have a degree in biology, whatever the hell that’s worth. i’ve also worked as an administrative assistant for engineers in an academic setting. even helped proofread/edit an engineering text.
but, basically, i’m smart enough to understand pretty much anything i’d have to edit, short of triple integral equations and such. i wouldn’t be able to correct those typos, but i could damn well make it understandable to the layperson. working in tech support taught me that – i have a knack for distilling complicated concepts and often find myself translating between two english-speaking people.
: p
thanks for the thoughts!
I’ve copied the info so I’ll have for reference if I come up with anything.
BTW, Have you tried Freightliner?
Make a luge run to the new cafe.