An alert Chad Lupkes in Seattle sent this “expose” of the DLC to the Democracy For Washington mailing list this morning:
Did you know that the DLC receives some of its funding from the same source that fuels the Project for a New American Century? See Bradley Foundation, Wikipedia.
Look on the list of Grantees that receive ‘more than $100,000’, and you’ll find the Progressive Foundation … now the Third Way Foundation, which is an umbrella organization of New Democrats. The Progressive Policy Institute is their primary project.
The same Bradley Foundation has donated over $10 million to the Heritage Institute. Nuff said.
The same Bradley Foundation that I see also funded The American Spectator magazine. OPEN THREAD!
Anybody know the ASCII code to make an accented e for expose?
alt+0233 = é
Glad to see this being talked about more. I’ve been pissing people off for years by insisting that the DLC/Clinton success was but further proof of the Vicotry of the Reagan revolution in 1980.
From IMDb news:
at the start. Have to check my records.
Help! I can NOT get a link to post here. I had two different posts it won’t accept, keeps telling me I have the wrong html for the link, and I don’t. One is posted right now at HEP and is fine there.
Any ideas? Here is the link to the post with the link I can post there and not here.
And this one won’t let me use html…something changed here for posting?
Like this:
Remember When Howard Said
Right-click the page, and you can see the code I used, or you can e-mail me and i’ll send you the code.
So you’re saying that the DLC isn’t funded by these conservative groups any longer?
So you’re saying that the DLC isn’t funded by these conservative groups any longer?
I don’t know if the Heritage Foundation at one time funded the DLC but I do know that the Bradley Foundation gives sizable grants to both organizations.
The DLC is characteristically coy about it’s funding sources and those defending it get very upset when the subject comes up. Nevertheless here’s a list of the major funding sources for their umbrella organization, The Third Way Foundation (formerly the Progressive Foundation)
The Bradley Foundation [] (along with the Olin Foundation which also funds the TWF) is one of the major funding sources for right-wing groups (30 million a year) including The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy studies, The Independent Women’s Foundation (formerly Women for Clarence Thomas), The Heritage Foundation, American Conservative Union Foundation, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, and Washington states own Evergreen Freedom Foundation. To name just a few. They also funded Charles Murray (author of The Bell Curve), Dinesh D’Souza and Robert Bork.
I’ve been trying to increase public awareness of the DLC and it’s affiliates for about a decade now and so thank you for bring this to the attention the the readers here. At some point the ‘big tent’ people need to look at this organization, at what it does, at what it’s politicians do and recognise that they’re not irrelevant, they’re not going away and that they present a considerable problem to anyone desiring decent and responsible governance. One has to ask oneself why an organization that funds The Federalist Society and the Independent Women’s Forum would also be happy to be giving money to the cause of Bruce Reed and Al From.
Will see what I can find. They are not very open about it now, nor are they required to be. They apparently don’t have to disclose funding, since supposedly they don’t help candidates. Go figure, guess that is how it is.
Checking now. Sent you the mail.
Strange Bedfellows
I am going to look up more. The new Third Way website is a treasure trove of those involved, mostly members of Americans for Gun Safety….I mean strange bedfellows indeed. Not a topic I care about, but count the members from that group who formed the Third Way. The Clintons were the founders, basically, and Hillary and Lieberman are strongly with them, though not listed among the leadership. You can link from PPI/DLC and find the Third Way founding with the Clintons and Blair. They called themselves Blair Democrats.
I notice the cache link worked the way it to redo my posts or figure it out.
Articles on DLC funding:
This one:
How the DLC Does It
Bruce Dixon, Commondreams
The Bradley Foundation funding is a key link. The DLC education policy is, not surprisingly, closely aligned with the conservatives who are push charter schools and privatization. School choice. And the DLC people online are one of the most enthusiastic supporters of NCLB anywhere.
If you want education policy, the DLC has developed solutions of which we need to take a more critical stance. Not surprisingly, they work hand in hand with the big conservative people such as the Fordham people and with Rick Hess.
Time to keep a closer eye on the DLC. They don’t have our backs when it comes to real progressive education policy. Unfortunately, we don’t have a good grounding re: progressive education policy.