What’s Your Favorite
Winter Olympic Sport?
Winter Olympic Sport?

Bode Miller
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Chips & Salsa on the tables. Beer & soda in the cooler.
Olympics TV schedules by the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The judges say you all deserve 4’s
Nifty sunset through snow-covered trees.
Feb. 11, 2006, 5:55 p.m. Photo by JimF
very nice JimF! I’ve never seen a glow like that in the sky behind frosted trees.
USA’s Alberto Tomba!!! Go Bode, you the man!!!
I already sent Bode an email with Best Wishes, and told him to kick Brian Williams in the butt next time he sees him.
Brian Williams is dumber than dirt.
I thought it was Moguls tonight not downhill.
correctamundo, I’m just a rabid Bode fan, now that Alberto has retired.
Listening to B W last night had me near to foaming at the mouth. Every 2nd or 3rd country he discussed, it was some war connection, ref to Munich via mentioning the director’s name, then yapping about Iranian President’s controversial comments, etc, etc.
Ya notice he didn’t have much to say after the singing of “Imagine”. I thought the Italians put on a great show. And found a great way to thumb their noses at BushCo and his policies, with Yoko’s appearance and then Imagine.
I have great respect for the Italians.
Headed off to some folk music at the local coffee shop.
I’m sorry I missed it. Well, not the Brian Williams part. I love the Italians too.
I was supposed to miss tonight too but I’ve decided I’d rather stay home tonight and watch skating. (and skiing and speed skating).
I recapped it (with some photos) over on Eurotrib if you’re interested. If you read it though, don’t go too far down the comments. There are a few skating spoilers at the bottom.
Thanks! I’ll read it later tonight. I saw the replay of those people climbing around and making the bird and it looked really cool.
I hope you enjoy it. I was… uh… less than enthused about the dove thing, as you’ll see when you read it. But, honestly, it was so long into the show! I’m only human! I’m sure under normal circumstances, like say, in a show that wasn’t over three and a half hours long, it would have been lovely.
Do you mean the Brian Williams who holds honarary doctorates from both Elmira and Providence colleges. The one who when any country was introduced last night at the opening ceremonies knew its chief export. “Bolivia’s chief export is tin, Bob.” The one who spent seven years at CBS’s owned-and-operated stations division as anchor and correspondent for WCBS-TV in New York, where he covered the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Is that the Brian (Wikipedia Trivia Master) Williams you mean?
Only Brian Williams would cover the fall of the Berlin Wall from New York.
Just a reminder everyone, I will be hosting the Froggy Bottom Cafe tomorrow, so everyone get out your Sunday Best for tomorrows party…
BYOB, BYOF, BYOF and RSVP…consider yourselves invited, one and all….
PSSSST: I am gonna see if I can drag out old Shirley for the party and especially decorations, she’s so good at that part.
Now remember, dress up…
On Sundays, isn’t it dress up if you get out of your pj’s?
I just put on my dressy pajamas so I won’t have to change tomorrow morning. Pink with bright yellow rubber duckies. They go well with my Energizer Bunny Slippers (complete with sunglasses).
I think you will look splendiferous and lucky I just added dressy pj’s optional….now I gotta go and dig out some finery to wear….oh dear…
Hey you just gave me an idea since I have been watching “the girls next door, about Hef’s girls, so why don’t we make it a lingerea optional dress, and I am pretty sure I spelled that wrong, shows you how hip I am in that dept.
Do I have to dig out the lacy stuff — the kind you don’t wear for more than 15 minutes? My bunny slippers might not go with it.
It’s nice to look forward to a Sunday.
What’s the second BYOF (I assume the first on is food?)
Bring your own fun!!!!
Drag out old Shirley?
Man tha sounds pitiful. Why not try asking her to come along willingly first?
LOL, you know I just had to say that, so she will get a laugh as she always does.
So what are you going to wear Super, a suit, I hope….I’d like to see you in a charcoal black suit….with a blue shirt…k…
Umm….yes maam?
I’m more of a Black on black on black kinda guy but I think I can rustle up a blue shirt for you Diane. Is it cool if my hair is braided though?
The Deluxe Black on Black ensemble …also available in White on White for the busy Summer Season…
The ladies will be thrilled. :{)
I’ll do my best to stop in Diane! And I’ll even dress up (which is highly unusual for me). Will this be good enough?

You’re going to look great while we’re in our lingerie/pajamas.
Was that a fraternity bro. wedding?
It certainly was (my best friend’s wedding, in fact)…I don’t get dressed up for much less than that.
I’ve spent the entire day today in my pj’s, so I guess I’ll (at least virtually) dress up for tomorrow.
It will make Diane very happy that you rank us as high as the fraternity bros.
If we give you enough Bloody Mary’s will you teach us the secret handshake?
I’m not a huge fan of bloody marys, but I don’t think that I’d give up the handshake for even a 5 gallon bucket of Jack & Coke. Promises and pledges to secrecy are things that I take pretty seriously.
Of course, in this day and age I’m sure that a simple google search would probably yield results from less principled members…
A man of honor. I’ve never given up my sorority secret handshake (although I’m not POSITIVE I remember it at this point since I’m not an active alum)
A woman of honor 🙂
What sorority were you in? I was in Pi Kappa Phi. Though I guess that the particular letters don’t really matter, since chapters at different schools are often comprised of very different types of people.
I was a Phi Mu
Ah. I don’t believe that there is a Phi Mu chapter here at the University of Michigan.
You’ve got a Founder’s Day coming up in less than a month! 🙂
It’s mostly southern. No chapter here in Mo (at least there wasn’t a few years ago, I haven’t checked) so no real alum chapter. I was in the American University chapter in DC when I was in college.
I just looked it up, and the only Phi Mu chapter in Michigan is at CMU (Central Michigan University). You’re right, there isn’t one in MO at all.
I’m not particularly active in my chapter anymore either…we have a yearly formal with both actives and alumni that I go to almost every year, but that’s about it.
Hey Jim Edmonds is one of your brothers. We love him here in St. Louis.
Yup! So is Rich Eisen (of ESPN Sportcenter fame, now with the NFL network). Rich was actually in my chapter (but years before me)…I’ve met him once. They make him look much taller on TV.
He can’t be shorter than Bob Costas. Bob lives in St. Louis (to the extent he lives anywhere I guess) and he’s REALLY short.
Medals Table,Day 1:
No spoilers!
Or you can go to Olympic site any time and find out everything that happened.
Yes I can — but I DON’T.
I thought this was common knowledge, but I guess there is still stuff being played on tape-delay.
You just wanted us to see the Norway medal count didn’t you?
Every time they win a medal, I always figure it’s their just reward for the Lillehammer Olympics — probably the best winter olympics ever.
I agree.
We’re serious about winter sports, I guess…
And today was a disappointment on the skating rink, but a good one for the US.
It looks to me like humans have a distinct lead over the non human species of the planet.
Of course the IOC did not include the polar bear’s request for a lying in wait by a seal breathing hole, grabbing the seal by the nose, dragging it onto the ice, killing it, and devouring it. The IOC claimed it was not a telegenic event but would consider it for the 2022 games.
Actually they were considering it, but they knew that PETA would show up to protest.
Can’t get enough!
Yep. Hope they have good camera work tonight.
I hate the recent trend of zooming in too close! I don’t want to see their faces and armpits, I want to see what they’re doing!
Did you watch the opening ceremonies?
No I missed them — although I’ve seen them replayed in pieces today.
I agree — the whole closeup thing is really annoying.
A bunch of years ago the U.S. Championships were held in Indianapolis and I went to the women’s finals. What I hadn’t realized from all the years of watching figure skating on tv was how much the camera work disguises the speed. I was just amazed at how fast they are going. It gave me a whole new level of appreciate for their grace and skill.
I’ve only seen skating once in person — one of those Stars on Ice things — and you’re right. It was amazing. The other thing that really surprised me is that some of the skaters had that undefinable charismatic something that certain performers have. I finally understood why sometimes you’ll see a performance on tv and it doesn’t look like much, but the audience goes crazy.
The 2010 Olympics are going to be in Vancouver. I’m really going to try to get to one of the skating events.
They were in St. Louis last month but I was already scheduled to go to Chicago so I missed them.
In 1994 we hosted an Olympic Festival that had a lot of winter and summer events. I don’t think Olympic committee does them anymore. But it was really fun. I went to swimming, diving, gymnastics and ice skating. It was summer and so they had the air conditioning in the old ice arena set as low as it could go so the ice wouldn’t melt. Everyone ended up having to buy sweatshirt — It was in the 90’s outside.
Does anyone else think that all these women skiiers look alike?
Here we go — live blogging of the pairs skating.
Will they be able to land the triple whatever it is?
Triple throw axel.
and they made history.
And the whole program was really good.
Did they say what the music was, I was so mesmerized by the program that I wasn’t really listening to Uncle Dick.
Two seconds after any figure skating program is over, I’ve completely forgotten anything about the music in it.
I’m hoping the question will activate that research gene you have so I can keep slacking.
Now the Chinese pair.
Is it the pair with the guy who had the ruptured tendon?
oops, no. i was confused
Oh, well disregard all comments I made about “their” performance. (I watched most of the short program on the Canadian station earlier today. I thought I’d only missed one or two performances, but…)
I bet the Canadian station carries every second of curling.
You know what? They do. You know what else? Now I love curling. I’m so damned susceptible…
I became fascinated with it during the Salt Lake Olympics. But they seldom show them on TV here.
I thought that was a much more dramatic program and their throws are amazing! but they didn’t always seem together.
If it was the pair I’m thinking of, they were a bit off at the beginning, but got really good about half-way through.
she was wearing pants — does that help?
Now the chinese bad tendon pair.
Well, you already know what I think…
You were right — they got better as they went along. It’s a shame she fluffed it at the beginning.
And we take a break and go back to women’s moguls where I swear all the women are clones.
and the whole sport just does nothing for me.
For some reason womens’ doesn’t do a lot for me but I like mens. Well, I can guess the reasons.
Yeah because with the helmets and goggles and the bulky clothing, they’re really sexy. Personally, when it comes to drool-worthy bodies at the winter games, I’ll stick with the speed skaters.
It because when they take off the helmet and goggles, they usually have great smiles.
But I agree about the speed skaters. Aren’t we supposed to see some tonight?
Yes, the 5000m. Not my favorite but I love speed skating so I’m happy to have any of it on.
Sadly, I’m having problems with my cable…I can hear audio, but the video doesn’t show (though program info and guides show up fine). However, I can say that I’d probably enjoy the women’s event better 🙂
I can’t watch freestyle skiing with out thinking of this SNL skit.
Are those blue lines in the downhill real or are they like the yellow line in football?
Back to skating
First the young Americans — very nice. Too bad he fell.
Now the young chinese.
Uncle Dick and the judges were not on the same page with that performance. I like them. And their music selection.
Boris and Natasha
I’m going to go open a new cafe, if you want to save some of your live blogging for it.
okay squirrel
Hokey smokes.
Brush, brush yourself to the all night cafe.