Hi folks, it’s been awhile since I hosted a cafe and I am happy to be doing it again.
Lets start with some brunch, I have a spread all laid out and you are welcome to come as you are.
I had forgotten how difficult it is to be witty, charming or funny early in the morning
As I was preparing the cafe this morning, I found this old welcome wagon stuck in a corner, so I dragged in out, cleaned it off, and now it’s nice and shiny for the cafe. You know what the wagon means, right, if your new, tell us about you.
Have a great day everyone, have a great brunch and then later on we will have a nice afternoon dress up party.
Hello and welcome, sorry the cafe is late opening for all you East Coasters and I hope you have dug out from the storm yesterday.
Officials in southern Germany have issued a state of emergency as heavy snowfall was forecast before the weekend. Meteorologists said they have seen the heaviest snowfall in a decade and that there was more to come. In Austria, heavy snowfall up to 6½ feet caused lots of difficulties.
Firefighters, army personnel and volunteers are working frantically around the clock, because in the whole of Bavaria several tons of snow has to be removed from roofs.
People are trying to free roofs of snow to prevent them from collapsing
This week the roof of a supermarket caved in east of Munich. Several employees and a shopper were injured. One firefighter died on Wednesday while clearing a roof and several others got injured during the painstaking work.
But hundreds of school children in the small town of Kopfing were lucky. They got a warning shortly before the roof of their school collapsed. The town’s mayor, Otto Strassl, said he is glad that everyone reacted quickly.
“One neighbor saw how the roof caved in under the snow,” he said. “She called the teachers and the school got evacuated immediately.”
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The youngest asklet and I left home at 6.30 this morning for hockey. About 8-10 inches. We just got back in, it is at least another 4-6 inches and it keeps coming.
And the weirdest thing – thunder and lightning most of the night and morning in 24 deg temperature while snow flakes the size of long, white underwear kept falling.
We had the thunder and lightning last night too. So hard it shook the windows.
Oops, am I late to the party? I was doing my hair. I decided that pajamas just wouldn’t do it this morning. So you got clean clothes, clean hair and even a light dusting of makeup Diane!
Wow you look lovely. Not so easy to get in the party mood at 7 for me, so I am still in robe, slippers and bed hair, sorry..I decided to ease into this day and just start with a nice, midmorning (for some) brunch.
It’s chilly here, so after I get a little warmer I will spruce up mightily and start working on the afternoon party cafe.
Hope Shirl wakes up soon enough to help with the decorations…lol.
Oh did I tell you, all the secret web cams in everyone’s house will be fired up and you will be viewable to the entire cafe…
I thought the dress-up part was later…I’m showered and clean, but decided bed-blogging in pjs was still okay, since it’s not noon yet…
We have an official 17 inches of snow now.
You can stay in your pj.s You’ve been sick.
Actually I have to leave in a little while for a family thing so I really did need to get dressed. But while I was getting dressed I turned on one of the local public radio stations and I take it as a sign of something that this is what they were playing (an a cappella version by “the Bobs”):
Good Morning Diane. So good to see you out and about this morning. Have missed seeing you around here. HOpe all is well for you and yours.
Just about to hop in the shower and then have breakfast before dressing…have to leave here relatively early to get up to the in-laws and pick up mom-in-law for church.
Fell asleep on the couch, woke up in time to see the announcement that Michelle Kwan had to withdraw from the Olympics 🙁 …and found a Brush With Fame! The president of US Figure Skating, Ron Hershberger, is a resident of our area, his family used to attend our church regularly…and he’s my in-laws’ attorney! (We’re supposed to get in touch with his office if/when anything disasterous happens to the folks.) A quite interesting occurance, if you ask me…what, no one asked? Oh well…
Okay, off to the shower…back later today…
Big hugs to you … So good to see you here again. I hope that you can get shirl to pop in so we can give her some love too! 🙂
I can’t believe how many BTers were up early this morning, and so talkative too.
I’m off to yoga, so I’ll leave these flowers for everyone. (The great thing about virtual flowers is that they never fade away.)
Mum, taken 10.15.2005 (view large)
Mum, taken 10.15.2005 (view large)
Yoga class…I’m envious, cause mine was cancelled. Maybe tomorrow.
Cancelled yoga is not a good thing. Hopefully you get your ‘ohmmmms’ tomorrow. :^)
Originally uploaded by Flickrist Newell the Jewell.
I was supposed to do a reflexology workshop yesterday too, but luckily for me it got cancelled before the storm (since I was sick anyway), so now it will be rescheduled.
I’m hoping for tomorrow too. Nice pic.
WOW those are beautiful pictures olivia.
Thank you! Just for you,
Chrysanthemum up close, taken 11.13.2005 (view large)
Thank you olivia. You always post such beautiful pictures.
Nice to see Olivia’s pretty flowers again too.
Nice to see you again too! For you,
Cosmos and dew, taken 7.17.2005 (view large)
I missed this Olivia…
you remembered!
How sweet :o)
I’m a bee!! I’m a bee!! I’ve never been a bee before!!
Good Morning Diane
I’ve finally gotten George walked, shower taken, and breakfast cooked. I’m just waiting now for the next thing that can’t be done in the house by anyone except me. It’s great to be needed ;).
Gee Willikers, FM….come on over to my house, you will be needed and appreciated.
Hmmmm. Since I know that it DIDN’T snow 17 inches wher you live I’m going to assume that poor little George is OK. Especially since you showered him AND cooked him breakfast.
Are you kidding. I’ve been shaving ice cubes all morning just so George would know what snow is like. He doesn’t like it ;).
Glad that I didn’t step on any toes and post the cafe that I had prepared for today. I didn’t get the word that I wouldn’t be hosting. Out of the loop and all…
You aren’t going to write a GBCW letter and start your own cafe are you? Not that you wouldn’t be GREAT at it.
I think I am out of the loop too, what happened to me was the other day Manee was asking for hosters for Sunday…so I chimed in and said I would be happy to start doing a regular cafe on Sunday, and he and others said great so here I am..didn’t know anything about you so I am sorry about that.
I am sure that you can post yours tonight or even tomorrow, and since I am out of the loop as well, I guess we have to check with others to see what’s going on.
I plan on doing a party diary later today, but if you want to post yours when that gets full, that will be fine.
Anyway, hi and hugs to you.
Hi, to all who came to the brunch, I’ll answer your questions here,,,
Party will start later cabin girl and you look so cute, btw….
Shirl promised to come, but probably to the afternoon party, haven’t heard from her yet this morning.
Thanks for all your welcomes, it’s good to be back..
I was just watching the news and it looks like you easterners are having a bit of a storm, oh well, maybe more than a bit…Feel a little quilty complaining about the 50 deg. weather here this morning, but my hands are cold while typing this and shortly I will have to go and hop back in bed for a warm up.
Good morning again Miss Diane,
nice to see you here where you belong you know ;o)
They just upped our snowfall potential to 18 inches so I’ll be trying to get out before it piles up too high and get some pictures of the Sound and the Bay.
I agree with Super, it’s good to have you back here. Not that the road to the Village isn’t a familiar one, but it’s good to see you here talking with so many friends.
It’s STILL snowing here. I need to go shovel out the front door so I can leave the house. Even if it’s just to head over to the henhouse.
How much snow have you gotten so far?
Wow, a GBCW diary. Maybe we should go cheer them up?
Uh oh. don’t let Boran2 see this — it might give him ideas.
I was hoping it might give DHinMI some ideas…
Ya know….
I feel like a total ass now because i jumped on that diary thinking it was MT’s.
I guess you are feeling better aren’t you?
Should’ve known better cuz Tracy’s no jumper. I can see her not so gently nudging a few useless freaks off that tower though.
What are you talking about, super? I haven’t seen Tracy post anything today.
Confusion with two new names this morning –Crabbin Gril and Militaryurt. Odd.
They sure are bent out of shape about something, aren’t they? Must be something in the air.
I know, and I think it is Militantyurt, but it sure is odd…
You’re right. Now if we get a Diane102 or a DuctapeFatso we’ll know somethings up.
or a semisupersoling who falls for tricky names ;o)
LOLLOL you got me laughing over that….wooow lookout…if someone comes in with a Diane102 we will have to launch an investigation…who can we tap for that…
maybe the senate int. committee…lol
Odd indeed.
Consecutive UIDs also.
Well, well – must be fun.
I thought the GBCW diary was Tracy’s.
What are you talking about Crabbin…I mean Cabin?
Who you calling Crabbin, supersoulsister.
You’ve seen my pictures then?
yeah, at first the beard threw me, but deep inside we’re all sisters.
Give me a sec ok. As soon as I get myself up off the floor I might have something to say!
Calgon, take me away…
The beard is one thing but you might wonder why I shop at Black and Decker for my toiletries ;o)
You too? I thought I was the only one!
We just have to talk….sister ;o)
For the record, I am NEVER crabby.
I’m sorry.
Maybe I should’ve just jumped anyway. I’m so confused. Just like a sister. Maybe I just need a beer :o)
It must be your uresolved anger issues…have that beer.
Good thing I got a twelve pack then.
Da ta da ta dum ta da…..announcing the coming arrival of none other than the Great Shirlstars, soon to be seen coming down the red carpet….da ta da te dum……que trumpeteers, que drummers, que to lookout on top of the cafe roof….get ready…..and….que applause…lol..
Guess I must be warming up, who’s in charge of the fireplace in here, Super, or Family Man, job for you two.
Already stoked it Diane. Can’t you feel the heat? ;o)
You know I can imagine all the flashbulbs popping off as Shirl strolls down that carpet in her real way.
I wonder what she’ll make of that comment? Lol
meant to say in her regal way of course.
I think real way sounds just as accurate of ms. Shirl…
Thanks for the fire, now if I could just get my hands warm….oh I’ll pull up a little closer to the fire,…oh that’s better….maybe some hot chocolate, is the thermous empty.. Forgive any mispelling today…all the words look wrong but too early to care.
Super…what’s the snow level now.
Crabbin Girl, a newbie I see, welcome to the site…you seem to know the folks, care to tell us a bit about you…and Militantyurt as well. Hi to you both.
Welcome back as host, Diane.

It keeps coming here, the garbage cans outside are almost covered:
Nice and cozy inside – the windows covering up:
What oddly shaped vehicles! I miss the snow now that I live in warmer climes, but not digging the car out.
You’re in Manhattan aren’t you?
Hi super,
Hoboken, actually. But it looked the same in Manhattan when we went to Chelsea Piers this morning.
Coming back, the PATH train had given up. Barly could convince a cabbie to take us back out.
As much snow out in your neighborhood?
I’d say about 8 or so inches right now. They say it could be 18 by the end of the day so I’m enjoying this snowy Sunday talking with my sisters upthread and getting ready to have a Bass ;o)
That’s the attitude, and it is almost 1pm.
Brace yourself for more – we have 18-20″ now. But it is not coming down as densely, quite light now. It was worst 7-10am, visibility below 300′.
And it’s a 12-pack of Bass, even…:::sniff:::
If I was in snow, I think what I would be wanting right now is Glüwein.
In honor of you I’ll set one at the opposite side of the table and pretend you’re there but you really shouldn’t be having any beer today anyway if you have the flu and if the stoop needs shoveling you get one of those little men to do it you hear?
Hi Ask, it’s is really odd this morning, I’m sitting here in a cold house looking at these snow pics. and outside it is sunny and getting warm, probably up in 70’s today.. trying to decide which world I am really in.
OK, <hands on hip> where’s Shirl, she should be here by now….lookout, do you see any signs….Super you are the designated lookout…let us know so we can alert the photogs.
I think I saw her in the hair and makeup room, getting her Xena getup on.
I think you might be right, I feel her vibration emanating all over the place, I think she might be waiting in the wings….lol..
Well I wish she’d hurry it up cuz the anticipation is KILLIN me.
The cafe is busy today. I’m out for just a minute, come back, and then I have a multitude of 4’s to hand out.
Hey, all — hello everyone. Great to see you, as always. Hope my northeastern brothers & sisters are all faring well.
Here in the Catskills we received a whole inch of snow last night. Light snow continues to fall, but I doubt we’ll see anything much before the storm moves off.
Looks lovely in the city today, though.
Yet another ‘urgent chores’ day today — however, that probably won’t include any shoveling.
Cheers! Be well & warm.
Hi there WW,
getting pretty snotty here on the coast. Talk about one extreme to the other. No snow all year straight into a full fledged blizzard.
Btw, have you seen Shirl anywhere? We’re eagerly awaiting her arrival :o)
Indeed — it’s been an incredibly odd winter so far, even here in what’s usually Winter Wonderland. Before last night’s dusting there was almost nothing on the ground at all.
This doesn’t bode at all well for this summer, btw. Since we’ve had little snow we could see drought conditions for water use downstate.
I see that Shirl’s on the way. I’m sorry I can’t hang out much today.
An inch of snow is manageable… 🙂
Absolutely! Hardly worth donning one’s snowboots for 😉
Just got word, she’s (Shirl) stuck in the elevator (reply) and can’t load properly….oh dear, hope she makes it before I have to do a new diary..
Maybe we should send a search and rescue team….volunteers.
Well finally!!!!
A bit tricky getting here this morning. First of all I told the driver to whisk me off to the Froggy Bottom, and he replied, “I really have no comment on your physical appearance, Madam.” Then there was the delay because of the protesters. . .not sure what side they were on, but they were holding signs that said “Only drink American Coffee!” “Columbian Coffee is unpatriotic.” yadda, yadda, yadda. . .And then the counter protesters. . .for the ethical treatment of frogs. . .”Free the Frogs!”
Next I ran to the makeup room, and Miss Lotta Lashes, the head make up guy said something about being a miracle worker, but really, somethings are just not possible. . .something about a silk purse and a sow’s ear. . .and a lot of heavy sighing and hand on hip flouncing.
Then the damn elevator. . .!!!! stuck on Blog Ads. . .
But none the less, here I am and looking FABULOUS!!!!
and now @#%$!!@$# won’t let me post my pic,
Yay you’re here, but oh dear, I hope you are fully operational, cause I need your help for the party in the next cafe, just poised to go up at any moment.
I knew nothing could hold you back and I think you always look FABULOUS. Unfortunately I’m being called away again, so I’ll try and drop by later on.
Truly wonderful to see you, Shirl — & yes, you do look absolutely fabulous.
So sorry I must dash away at this exciting juncture. Hope you’ll set a spell & I’ll see you later.
Hi Shirl!